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sire 发音

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sire 中文意思翻译




sire 网络释义

n. 陛下;大人;男性祖先;雄性亲畜vt. 做…的父亲;生产n. (Sire)人名;(芬、挪)西雷;(法)西尔

sire 短语词组

1、sire model ─── 陛下模型

2、direct sire circuit ─── 直接sire电路

3、sire of merit ─── 功绩陛下

4、sire line ─── [医]父系

5、sire guidance ─── 父系导航

6、sire jackson instagram pictures ─── 杰克逊陛下instagram图片

7、sire evaluation ─── 父系评估

8、sire index ─── 父畜指数

9、sire bass ─── 公鲈鱼

10、sire vs sir ─── 陛下对长官

11、sire basses usa ─── 美国低音爵士

12、terminal sire ─── 终端父系

13、sire bass guitars ─── 贝司吉他

14、sire keeping ─── 种公畜饲养

15、Sire Ma ─── [人名]马赛

16、Sire Summary ─── 陛下摘要

17、sire breed ─── 陛下品种

18、firing line sire ─── 火线公羊

19、sire size ─── 陛下的尺寸

sire 词性/词形变化,sire变形

动词过去式: sired |动词过去分词: sired |动词现在分词: siring |动词第三人称单数: sires |

sire 相似词语短语

1、sires ─── n.(Sires)人名;(西)西雷斯

2、sired ─── v.做……的父亲;生产(sire的过去式和过去分词);n.(Sired)(英、加)赛雷德(人名)

3、dire ─── adj.可怕的;悲惨的;极端的

4、Aire ─── n.亚耳河(英国约克郡西部河流)

5、siren ─── n.汽笛;迷人的女人;歌声动人的女歌手;adj.迷人的;vi.响着警报器行驶;vt.引诱

6、fire ─── n.火;火灾;炮火;炉火;热情;激情;磨难;vt.点燃;解雇;开除;使发光;烧制;激动;放枪;vi.着火;射击;开枪;激动;烧火

7、Eire ─── n.爱尔兰

8、cire ─── adj.涂蜡的;n.蜡光织物;n.(Cire)(美、法、墨)西尔(人名)

9、siree ─── n.先生(等于sirree)

sire 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、"It is probable, sire," replied Villefort ─── “这是可能的,陛下,”维尔福回答。

2、"Then, sire, may I present him?" ─── “那,陛下,人可以带他进来吗?”

3、The dam of the sire is “Reflection” a direct daughter from Myrtle Lofts famous breeding pair “Jester” &“Carrie”. ─── “乔彼特”的母亲是“印象”,米尔特鸽舍著名育种搭档“加斯特”&“加丽”的直女。

4、AKC is a registry body.A registration certificate identifies the dog as the offspring of a known sire and dam, born on a known date. ─── AKC是一个注册团体,一个注册证书表示犬只属于一个已知的父母,出生于一个已知的日期。

5、uncompassionate sire ─── 冷漠的陛下

6、"Oh, sire, what a dreadful misfortune! I am, indeed, to be pitied. I can never forgive myself!" ─── “噢,陛下,灾难降临了,我真该死,我永远也不能饶恕我自己

7、"Sire, your majesty will, I trust, be amply satisfied on this point at least." ─── “陛下,我相信陛下对此已经满意了。”

8、Yes, sire, I have come. ─── 是的,陛下,我来了。

9、In with Drusilla is Nigel, the 30-year-old, bald-kneed sire of many of the sifakas at the center. ─── 与珠席拉同住的是奈吉尔,一只30岁、膝盖秃毛的雄性狐猴,牠是中心里诸多跳狐猴中的一只。

10、Or bastards, sire? "Your own Hand is a smuggler." ─── 以及杂种,大王?“您的首相就是个走私犯。”

11、"That I am exceedingly disquieted, sire." ─── “我感到非常不安,陛下。”

12、"Sire," said M. Myriel, "you are looking at a good man, and I at a great man. ─── “陛下,”米里哀先生说,“您瞧一个汉子,我瞧一个天子。

13、"Oh, sire," replied the minister, "we have no occasion to invent any; ─── “噢,陛下,”部长回答,“我们根本无需来捏造报告。

14、--"Sire," said the Minister of the Interior to Napoleon, "yesterday I saw the most intrepid man in your Empire. ─── “陛下,”拿破仑的内政大臣说,“昨天我见到了一个您的帝国中最勇敢的人。”

15、"You speak the truth, sire, " replied the young man, "for it never fails to bring me a most bountiful harvest. " ─── “您所言极是,陛下,”年轻人说,“因为它总是让我收获颇丰。”

16、The sire of your feet determines the sire of your shoes. ─── 你的脚的大小决定了你的鞋的大

17、“Sire,” he said, with a respectful playfulness of expression, “they fear only that your majesty through goodness of heart may let yourself be persuaded to make peace. ─── “陛下,”他带着恭敬而快活的神态说,“他们只怕陛下凭一片善心与敌方缔结和约呢。”

18、sire model ─── 公畜模型

19、“As for him, sire,” Paulucci persisted desperately, as though unable to restrain himself, “I see no alternative but the madhouse or the gallows. ─── “陛下,至于那个建设构筑德里萨阵地的人,”保罗西仿佛按捺不住,不顾一切地继续说道,“我看他只有两个去处:一是疯人院,一是绞刑架。”

20、"Sire, it was impossible to learn; the despatch simply stated the fact of the landing and the route taken by the usurper." ─── “陛下,这是没法知道的,快报上只提到了登陆和逆贼所走的路线。”

21、Offspring of a donkey sire and zebra mare, called a zebra hinny, do exist but are rare. ─── 种驴和雌性斑马的后代——叫做斑骡——也存在,但数量极其稀少。

22、"Sire, I greatly love to. " beams of delight flowing out in her eyes. ─── “殿下,我非常愿意。”狐狸的眼眸里流露出欢喜。

23、"Say this to him: 'Sire, you are deceived as to the feeling in France, as to the opinions of the towns, and the prejudices of the army; ─── “对他这样说:‘陛下,关于法国的形势,市民的舆论,军队的士气,您受骗了。

24、Sire, we have all been blind, and the minister of police has shared the general blindness, that is all . ─── 陛下,我们都瞎了眼,警务大臣也同大家一样仅此而已。

25、"Sire, the kindness your majesty deigns to evince towards me is a recompense which so far surpasses my utmost ambition that I have nothing more to ask for." ─── “陛下,陛下对我的仁慈已超过了我所希望的最高报偿,我已别无所求了。”

26、"I say, sire, that the minister of police is greatly deceived or I am; and as it is impossible it can be the minister of police as he has the guardianship of the safety and honor of your majesty, it is probable that I am in error. ─── “我说,陛下,如果不是警务大臣部下被人骗了,就是我受骗了,但警务大臣是不可能受骗的,因为他是陛下安全和荣誉的保障,所以大概出错的是我。

27、"I think not, sire." ─── “我不想去见他,陛下。”

28、"In France, sire,--at a small port, near Antibes, in the Gulf of Juan." ─── “在法国,陛下,昂蒂布附近一个小巷口的琪恩湾那儿。”

29、"Sire, I am sorry to tell your majesty a cruel fact; but the feeling in dauphin is quite the reverse of that in Provence or Languedoc ─── “陛下,我很抱歉不得不禀告陛下一个严酷的事实,陀菲内的民情远不如普罗旺斯或朗格多克。

30、"Sire," replied Villefort, bowing, "in an hour I shall have quitted Paris." ─── “陛下,”维尔福一面鞠躬,一面回答,“我在一个钟头之内就要离开巴黎了。”

31、"Sire, they are the results of an examination which I have made of a man of Marseilles, whom I have watched for some time, and arrested on the day of my departure. ─── “陛下,我是在审问一个马赛人时知道的,我对他已经注意到了好长时间,他是在我离开的那一天被抓起来的。

32、And when a non-union worker is found dead in Queens, Aiden Burn learns the hazards of construction work extend far beyond the actual sire. ─── 但几经辛苦验证,却证实死者画廊的画全属真品,那死者得罪的究竟又是谁人?此外,爱汀奉召来到建筑地盘调查一具发出阵阵恶臭的男尸。

33、"Shall I convey your regrets, sire?" asked Darned. ─── “我可以转达您的歉意吗,陛下?”达恩德问到。

34、"Sire," said Villefort, "the usurper is detested in the south; and it seems to me that if he ventured into the south, it would be easy to raise Languedoc and Provence against him." ─── “陛下,”维尔福说:“逆贼在南方是遭人憎恨的,假如他想在那儿冒险,我们就很容易发动郎格多克和普罗旺斯两省的民众起来反对他。”

35、Estimate not calculated due to negative sire variance components. ─── 1因负的父方变方成份故未估计。

36、"Sire," said Villefort, "your majesty mistakes; this is an officer's cross." ─── “陛下,”维尔福说,“陛下搞错了,这种勋章是军人佩戴的。”

37、'The light is indeed dim, sire, I must get my glasses. ' ─── “陛下,这儿光线的确太暗了,我得去眼镜拿来。”

38、"No, sire, but I am hourly expecting one; it may have arrived since I left my office." ─── “还没有,陛下,但我时刻都在等待着,说不定今天早晨我离开办公室的这段时间里,新的报告又到了。”

39、"Sire, it was really impossible to learn secrets which that man concealed from all the world." ─── “陛下,那个人一手遮盖住了天下人的耳目,谁也无法事先知道这个计划。”

40、"I realise that, Sire," said Rashin, "but there must be something we can do besides sit and wait to be destroyed!" ─── “我知道,陛下”拉申说,“但我们必须做点什么,才不至于坐以待毙。”

41、"Say this to him: 'Sire, you are deceived as to the feeling in France, as to the opinions of the towns, and the prejudices of the army ─── “对他这样说:‘陛下,关于法国的形势,市民的舆论,军队的士气,您受骗了。

42、"Well, sire, the usurper left Elba on the 26th February, and landed on the 1st of March." ─── “陛下,逆贼已在二月十八日离开了厄尔巴岛,三月一日登陆了。”

43、"It would be pleasant to hear, certainly, but what would it accomplish, Sire? ─── “确实,听起来很舒服。但是它将完成些什么呢,陛下?”

44、"Sire," said Villefort, "I will render a faithful report to your majesty, but I must entreat your forgiveness if my anxiety leads to some obscurity in my language." ─── “陛下,”维尔福说,“我向您保证献上一份可靠的情报,假如由于我很焦急而出现有些地方语无伦次,请陛下恕罪。”

45、You ask much of them, Sire. ─── 你要求他们太多了,陛下。

46、"We hae called you here to remind you that it cannot continue, Sire," said Arid of Andrath. ─── “我们请您来这里是想提醒您战争不能继续下去了,陛下。”

47、“Sire, I ask your permission to give the Legion of Honour to the bravest of your soldiers,” said a harsh, precise voice, fully articulating every letter. ─── “国王,请让我把荣誉团勋章发给您的最勇敢的士兵。”一个具有刺耳的尖细嗓音的人开腔了,把个个字母全都说出来了。

48、TIGELLINUS: Sire I heard nothing concerning the matter. ─── 陛下,此事我未曾耳闻。

49、It even suggested there might be a compensation for the intolerable ennui of surviving his genial sire ─── 他甚至觉得,随着慈祥的父亲的辞世而到来的无法容忍的厌倦,现在可以得到补救了。


51、'Our inventory is not yet complete for this season, sire, but I would calculate a minimum of another three million talents.” ─── “我们这一季的存货还没有清点完,老爷,不过我想至少也有三百万塔兰特吧。”

52、"As you say, sire," the man replied to the king, but having roamed all over Toranavatthu he did not see the sort of brahman or contemplative the king might visit. ─── “唯然,唯然,大王!”彼臣应诺波斯匿拘萨罗王,虽察遍多罗那越睹,亦未发现彼波斯匿拘萨罗王以表敬意[趋访]之沙门或婆罗门。

53、prepotent sire ─── 优势畜种

54、"Sire, the duke is right, and I believe your majesty will think it equally important." ─── “陛下,公爵说得不错,我相信陛下一定会意识到它的重要性的。”

55、What do he de sire? ─── 他有什么愿望?

56、A man who cannot 7)sire a son, and then a 8)cuckold? ─── 一个无男嗣,然后又戴绿帽的男人?

57、We do not know, sire. But with his own hand he slew himself. ─── 我们不知道原因。但是知道他确实是自杀的。

58、to sire a novel ─── 写小说

59、"Sire, I fear it is more than a plot; I fear it is a conspiracy." ─── “陛下,我担心这不仅是一次谋反的阴谋,而是一次真正的谋反。”

60、"Sire, I listen," said De Blacas, biting his nails with impatience ─── “陛下,我知道了。”勃拉卡斯公爵说,不耐烦地咬着他的指甲。

61、"By the Minister of Science, Sire? ─── “是科学大臣说的吗,陛下?”

62、Maximizing the Response of Selection with Control of Inbreeding and Different Number of Age Class between Sire and Dam ─── 公母畜间有不同的年龄组数目条件下控制近交最大化选择反应

63、sire index ─── 公畜指数

64、You can breed a mare to a brother or a sire to a daughter and get good results if you know your blood strains, but in people it just doesn't work. ─── 你可以让一起母马跟它的兄弟配,乃至一起公马跟它的女儿配,结果还是很好,如果你懂得血统的话,可是人就不行了。

65、"Sire, I have every reason to believe that a storm is brewing in the south." ─── “那么,您还有什么可以担心的,我亲爱的勃拉卡斯?”

66、The physician addressed bowed low, and replied, "It jumpeth with my own conviction, sire, that thou hast divined aright." ─── 医生深深低低地鞠了一躬,回答道:“陛下,我坚信您猜得不错。”

67、"I have things to discuss with you, sire," he said, taking a menacing step forward. ─── “我有事与你商讨,殿下,”他一边说,一边威胁地上前一步。

68、The son of a politician was schooled by his crafty sire before the down was off his cheeks. ─── 一个政客的儿子,乳臭未干,就被他老奸巨猾的爸爸训练就绪。

69、With wonderful presence of mind, Don Pedro, the cruel sire, rushed in, dragged out his daughter, with a hasty aside. . . ─── 那位冷酷的父亲唐·佩德罗头脑极为冷静,他冲进去拖出自己的女儿,一把拉向身边。

70、"Sire, it is fatality!" ─── “陛下这是劫数

71、"Sire, I believe it to be most urgent, but I hope, by the speed I have used, that it is not irreparable." ─── “陛下,这个事情的确很严重,我希望由于我来的正是时候,事情不至于无法挽救。”

72、"I do not know, sire," answered the minister of police ─── “我不知道。陛下。警务大臣说。

73、"Sire," said M. Myriel, "you are looking at a good man, and I at a great man. Each of us can profit by it. ─── “陛下,”米里哀先生说,“您瞧一个汉子,我瞧一个天子。彼此都还上算。

74、7. The gaoler replied: 'the light is indeed dim, sire, i must get my glasses.' ─── 于是便说:“陛下,这儿光线的确太暗了,我得去眼镜拿来。”

75、"fortunately, sire," said M. de Blacas, "we can rely on the army ─── “幸亏,陛下,”勃拉卡斯说,“我们可以信赖陆军,陛下知道。

76、Specialized sire line ─── 专门化父系

77、"I will but go and return, sire ─── “我只要来去的时间就够了,陛下。

78、“Sire!” he said, “your majesty is signing at this moment the glory of the nation and the salvation of Europe!”With a motion of his head the Tsar dismissed Michaud. ─── “陛下,”他说,“陛下,此刻标志着全国人民的荣耀和欧洲的拯救!”皇上御头一偏,让米绍走了。

79、then he continued, "Your pardon, sire," he said, bowing, "my zeal carried me away. ─── “请您原谅,陛下,”他一面说一面欠了一下身子,我的忠诚已使我无法自制了。

80、a good sire ─── 一头好种畜

81、"Everything points to the conclusion, sire," said the minister of police, "that death was not the result of suicide, as we first believed, but of assassination. ─── “陛下,”警务大臣说,“事实上,一切证据都说明这他的死,并不象我们以前所相信的那样是自杀,而是一次谋杀。

82、"Admirable, sire; but my messenger is like the stag you refer to, for he has posted two hundred and twenty leagues in scarcely three days." ─── “妙极了,陛下,不过我那个信使正象您所说的那只牡鹿一样,因为他只花三天多一点的时间,就跑了六百六十哩路来到这里。”

83、litter sire ─── 一窝产仔数

84、"No, sire, for that would only betoken for us seven years of plenty and seven years of scarcity ─── 书中讲埃及法老梦见七头肥牛和七头瘦牛在河边吃青草。约瑟解释说,这是预示着七个半年后时有七个荒年。

85、The sire of your feet determines the sire of your shoes . ─── 你的脚的大小决定了你的鞋的大小。

86、"Sire, I thought his name was unknown to your majesty." ─── “您为什么不早提起他的名字呢?”

87、"And I, sire," said M. de Blacas, "will go and find my messenger." ─── “我呢,陛下,”勃拉卡斯公爵说,“我去找一下我的信使。”

88、"Sire, I went straight to the Duc de Blacas." ─── “陛下,我刚到就去找勃拉卡斯公爵先生了。”

89、His Sire is “Nistleroy” bred &raced by Nigel Langstaff to take 1st Section, 30th Open NFC National from Guernsey in 2002 from 7,190 birds. ─── 他的父辈是“尼所罗伊”,由奈杰尔朗斯塔培育并参赛的,获得了从格恩西起飞的2002年区赛冠军,国家公开NFC赛第三十名,7190羽。


我玩Koei三国志第一件事就是修正武力,毕竟日本人对三国的研究多限于《三国演义》和《三国志》本身,不识中国民间的传说、评书、评价,再加上翻译误差,造成游戏中贬低赵云 曹彰 文鸯 关平 颜良 文丑,拔高张飞 甘宁 许褚 。


98赵云 马超

97关羽 张飞 典韦

96颜良 文鸯

95文丑 许褚 黄忠

94庞德 曹彰

93孙策 太史慈 张任 张绣

92甘宁 徐晃 夏侯惇 张辽 诸葛尚 华雄

91 张郃 魏延 文聘 夏侯渊 姜维 周泰 兀突骨 王双 孙坚

90关平 高顺 高览 周仓 曹仁 邓艾 张苞













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