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08-19 投稿


gimbals 发音


英:  美:

gimbals 中文意思翻译



gimbals 短语词组

1、gimbals 2020 ─── 万向节2020

2、gimbals ring ─── 万向悬架环

3、gimbals scotties ─── 苏格兰万向节

4、gimbals scottie dogs ─── 苏格兰狗万向节

5、gimbals uas ─── 万向节

6、gimbals jelly beans ─── 万向节果冻豆

7、gimbals elf ─── 万向节精灵

8、gimbals nyc ─── 纽约万向节

gimbals 词性/词形变化,gimbals变形

名词复数形式:gimbals 原型:gimbals

gimbals 相似词语短语

1、cymbals ─── n.铙,钹,大镲;圆盘式张力装置

2、gimmals ─── n.双连环,互锁环

3、Kimball ─── n.金伯尔(男子名)

4、timbales ─── n.天巴鼓;蒂姆巴尔鼓(乐器名,timbale的复数)

5、timbals ─── n.铜鼓;鼓膜

6、gimbaled ─── 装有万向接头的;用万向架固定的

7、gimels ─── 希伯来语的第三个字母

8、gimbal ─── n.平衡环;常平架;n.(Gimbal)人名;(西)欣巴尔

9、gumballs ─── n.口香糖球;警车顶灯;vt.警车亮着顶灯行驶

gimbals 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、gimbal transmission ─── 万向传动

2、In 1945, James debuted the toy at a Gimbals in Philadelphia. ─── 1945年,詹姆斯首次在费城玩具城参加玩具推销会。

3、Then gimbals department store in Philadelphia gave Betty and Richard the use of a counter one evening to demonstrate the toy. ─── 后来,费城的吉恩贝尔思百货大楼给贝蒂和理查德提供了一个柜台,让他们使用一个晚上来展示该玩具。

4、gimbal mounted engine ─── 万向轲支承的发动机

5、Test on separating outer gimbal friction of pendulous integrating gyro accelerometer ─── 分离摆式积分陀螺加速度计外环摩擦试验研究

6、Gimbal Angle Runaway Detector ─── 万向角失控检验器

7、It works, as do all three arms on the gimbal. ─── 它确实有效,平衡环上的三只臂也没有问题了。

8、Single Gimbal Control Moment Gyroscope (SGCMG) ─── 单框架力矩陀螺

9、Gimbal Dish Antenna ─── 万向节碟形天线

10、It may not be the best configuration balance-wise (important with gimbals) but it has worked well so far. ─── 它可能不是最好的配置均衡,明智的(与万向支架很重要),但它一直很好,到目前为止。

11、Singularity avoidance in redundant single gimbal control moment gyroscope systems ─── 单框架控制力矩陀螺系统的运动奇异及回避

12、To rotate up and down or back and forth without being deflected by the pilot. Used of a control surface or a rocket motor in gimbals. ─── 上下前后摆动离开飞行员的偏转控制而上下或来回地转动。用于控制平台或火箭发动机的万向节。

13、Intermediate Gimbal Axis Rotor ─── 中万向架轴的旋转

14、gimbal servo motor ─── 万向伺服电动机

15、This turnable can be rotated in its own plane about its axis A. and is mounted on gimbals within a ring. ─── 此内转台可在其自身平面内绕其轴线a转动,并装在一个位于圆环里面的常平架上。

16、gimbal restraint ─── 万向支架限动器

17、Single gimbal control moment gyro ─── 单框架控制力矩陀螺

18、gimbal mounting ─── 万向悬挂架常平架框

19、Gimbal of platform ─── 平台框架

20、Outer Gimbal Axis ─── 外平衡环轴

21、gimbal hinged expansion joint ─── 万向铰接型膨胀节

22、single axis gimbal ─── 单轴框架

23、three-axis gimbals ─── 三轴直角结构

24、Based on the drawbacks of the traditional two-axis gimbals, a new improved four-axis gimbals is introduced. ─── 分析讨论了传统光电吊舱两框架结构的缺点,接着详细给出了改进的四框架控制系统。

25、Dynamic Steering Law Design for Redundant Single Gimbal Control Moment Gyroscopes ─── 单框架控制力矩陀螺动态操纵律设计

26、outer gimbal ─── 外万向支架外框外平衡环外平衡架

27、gimbal frame ─── 万向支架

28、Gimbal usage in installation of the main part of Heilongjiang television tower ─── 万向节在黑龙江电视塔主体安装定位中的应用

29、Inner Gimbal Angle ─── 内万向架角度

30、Study for Gimbal Magnetic Suspension Momentum Wheel ─── 万向磁悬浮动量轮研究

31、The control technique of reaction wheel in the two-axis gimbals mechanism on the satellite is researched. ─── 对星载二维转台中反作用轮的控制技术进行了研究。

32、Information sensing is provided by transducers which detect relative angular displacements between the gyro gimbal and the supporting case ─── 信号的敏感是由能探测陀螺框架和支撑结构间的相对角位移的传感器来提供的。

33、Gimbal Pickoff Loop ─── 常平架传感回路

34、The structure and operation principle of a PM spherical stepper motor and its gimbal guideway orientation detection system were discussed. ─── 介绍了一种永磁球形步进电动机的结构、工作原理及滑轨支架形式的位置检测系统。

35、gimbal bearing ─── 万向支架轴承

36、gimbal servo ─── 常平架伺服机构

37、gimbal control panel ─── 万向架控制盘

38、X-Y double-axis gimbal ─── X-Y双轴式跟踪架

39、gimbal freedom ─── 常平架自由度

40、gimbal suspension ─── 万向关节万向接头

41、gimbal system ─── 万向节系统

42、gimbal ring ─── 万向悬架环

43、Our company is mainly specialised in the production of series of crossing gimbal, filter and shift switch,etc. ─── 公司现主要生产各种十字轴万向节、滤清器、档灯开关等系列产品。

44、gimbals ring ─── 常平架环

45、Application of GAK- 1 gimbal surveyor's transit and double frequency RTK survey system in plane control net ─── GAK-1型陀螺经纬仪与双频RTK测量系统在平面控制网中的应用

46、Design and Application of Gimbal Mount ─── 常平座的设计与应用

47、inner gimbal ring ─── 内平衡环

48、gimbal torquer ─── 常平架转矩产生器

49、gimbal mount ─── 万向架常平架

50、gimbal pick up ─── 万向架位置传感器

51、gimbal bellows expansion joint ─── 万向扩展连接

52、Angle of the Middle Gimbals ─── 中平衡环角

53、The application of precise welding structure in the gimbals of large-size OE pointing andtracking instrument is described in this paper. ─── 介绍了精密焊接结构在大型光电跟踪瞄准设备中的应用。

54、gimbal assembly ─── 万向架组件

55、Configuration Analysis of Single Gimbal Control Moment Gyroscope Systems ─── 单框架控制力矩陀螺系统的构形分析

56、Gimbal lock is a phenomenon that easily affects Euler angle representations. ─── 万向节锁是一种容易影响到欧拉角表现的现象。

57、double gimbal control moment gyro(DGCMG) ─── 双框架控制力矩陀螺

58、Three-axis gimbal ─── 三轴跟踪架

59、Realization of Digital Speed Measurement Based on DSP for Gimbal Servo System ─── 基于DSP的数字化转台伺服系统数字测速的实现

60、inner gimbal ─── 内平衡环内平衡架

61、Thus, it is better to have the centre axis of gyroscope coincided with the gimbal ring and drive axis to reduce the influence to the dynamically tuned gyroscope. ─── 因此,在装配中应尽量做到陀螺、平衡环及驱动轴的轴线重合,以便减小对动力调谐陀螺的调谐条件的影响。

62、According to the analysis of the facts , the damaged or break-down parts are almost lo-cated on joint cross or cross heard of the gimbals . ─── 实际分析表明,零配件损失最严重的是后传动轴和驱动轴,而且损坏和断裂部位大多在万向节的十字轴和万向节叉处。

63、This turnable can be rotated in its own plane about its axis A. and is mounted on gimbals within a ring. ─── 此内转台可在其自身平面内绕其轴线A转动,并装在一个位于圆环里面的常平架上。

64、And we have advanced test devices , such as High and Low Gimbals Testing Machine, Endurance Testing Machine, Chemical Analyzer and so on. ─── 检测设备齐全,高低温箱试验机,拉力试验机。耐久性试验机,摆动试验仪,化学分析仪等。

65、gimbal pivot ─── 万向节支枢

66、gimbal joint ─── 万向节水平自由接头

67、A Simple Analysis on the Gimbal Modes in the Optoelectronic Tracking System ─── 光电经纬仪跟踪架结构模式浅析

68、It stood 10 feet tall and weighed 800 pounds, and was built on a set of gimbals to simulate walking. It required five operators to run it. ─── 它有10英尺高、800英镑重,制作人员将它放在了一组平衡环上来模拟行走。

69、James debuted the toy at a Gimbals in Philadelphia. ─── 詹姆斯首次在费城玩具城参加玩具推销会。

70、Gimbal Position Display ─── 常平架位置显示

71、Gimbal Angle Controller ─── 万向角控制器

72、Quaternions do not suffer from gimbal lock, because they do not express rotations relative to three separate axes. ─── 四元数就不会遭受万向节锁的痛苦,因为它不用三个分离的轴表示旋转。

73、sealed drum gimbal assembly ─── 密封筒式万向支架

74、Effect of deflection distance on tracking capability of photoelectric tracking system with ameliorated X-Y double-axis gimbal ─── 偏距对改进X-Y双轴式光电跟踪系统跟踪性能的影响

75、servo-controlled gimbal system ─── 伺服控制常平架系统

76、Gimbal Position Indicator ─── 常平架位置指示器

77、A method using simple pendulum to measure friction moment of gimbals pillow ─── 单摆法检测万向支架轴承摩擦力矩

78、Inner Gimbal Axis ─── 内万向架的轴

79、gimbal coordinate ─── 万向支架轴

80、gimbal unit ─── 万向架

81、To rotate up and down or back and forth without being deflected by the pilot.Used of a control surface or a rocket motor in gimbals. ─── 上下前后摆动离开飞行员的偏转控制而上下或来回地转动。

82、gimbal axis ─── 常平架轴框架轴

83、Gimbal Assembly Storage System ─── 万向架组件贮存系统

84、a gimbal mounting ─── 万向接头架

85、one-pivot gimbal ─── 单轴万向平衡环

86、gimbal lock ─── 常平架锁定框架自锁

87、double-pivot gimbals ─── 双轴万向平衡环

88、X-Y double-axis gimbal by X axis transferring D could track objects near zenith, has wider tracking region than regular X-Y double-axis gimbal. ─── 偏X-Y双轴式光电跟踪系统可以解决过顶跟踪问题,其跟踪范围与规则X-Y双轴式光电跟踪系统相比有很大提高。

89、Attitude Set and Gimbal Position Display ─── 姿态校准与平衡环位置显示器

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