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08-19 投稿


Epsom 发音

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Epsom 中文意思翻译



Epsom 短语词组

1、Epsom salts n. ─── 泻盐

2、epsom salt ─── [化] 泻利盐; 七水镁矾; 七水硫酸镁 ─── [医] 泻盐, 硫酸镁(Epsom是伦敦附近一城市,有矿泉)

3、epsom lq epsom lq

4、sal epsom ─── [化] 泻盐; 硫酸镁 ─── [医] 泻盐, 硫酸镁

5、epsom college ─── 爱普森学院

Epsom 相似词语短语

1、epsomite ─── n.[矿物]泻利盐

2、jetsom ─── 捷萨姆

3、eom ─── abbr.月末(EndofMonth);信息结束(EndOfMessage);电光调制器(Electro-OpticModulator)

4、Epsom ─── n.埃普索姆(英国萨里Surrey郡一市镇)

5、besom ─── n.扫帚,扫把;长柄细枝扫帚,长把帚,竹扫帚;v.(用扫帚)清扫,扫地

6、apsos ─── 阿普索斯

7、apso ─── apso公司

8、ephod ─── n.以弗得(古犹太教大祭司穿的圣衣)

9、bosom ─── n.胸;胸怀;中间;胸襟;内心;乳房;内部;vt.怀抱;把…藏在心中;adj.知心的;亲密的;n.(Bosom)人名;(西)博索姆

Epsom 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Tappenden is in Epsom Downs, while Walton is in Crewe, "and I wouldn't wish that on anybody. I find it really, really difficult. " ─── Tappenden现在在EpsomDowns,而Walton在Crewel,“我不希望这发生在任何人身上,这种情形非常非常困难。”

2、Next time you take a bath in Epsom salt, throw in a few tablespoons yellow mustard too. ─── 下次你在泻盐中洗澡时,记得扔几汤匙的黄色芥末进去。

3、June at Epsom Downs for the English Oaks and at Newport and Cork for the transatlantic yacht races; ─── 六月去埃普索姆高地观赏英格兰橡树,并观看了纽波特和科克之间横渡大西洋的帆船赛;

4、And add a cup of Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) to the bath to further ease pain and inflammation. ─── 在沐浴用的水中放一杯泻盐(硫酸镁)可以进一步减轻疼痛和炎症。

5、Epsom salt magnesium sulfate ─── 硫酸镁, 爱泼梭姆盐

6、Next time you take a bath in Epsom salt, throw in a few tablespoons yellow mustard too. ─── 下次你在泻盐中洗澡时,记得扔几汤匙的黄色芥末进去。

7、I had a sports injury a while back I found Epsom salts really helped. Good tip, Rae! ─── 我不久之前发生运动伤害,发现泻盐真的很有效。真是好点子,瑞伊!

8、Clinical Analysis to Use Epsom Salts Treated Acute Myocardial Infarction ─── 镁盐治疗急性心肌梗塞临床分析

9、Curative Effect of Expectant Therapy with Epsom Salt for Placenta Previa ─── 硫酸镁用于前置胎盘期待疗法观察

10、The old man soaked a sprained ankle in Epsom salt water to lesson the swelling ─── 老人把扭伤的脚踝浸于硫酸镁溶液中以消肿。

11、Concept Labels has also gained corporate social responsibility accreditation, which has led to a contract with Seiko Epsom Corporation. ─── 概念标签也获得了企业的社会责任认证,从而导致合同精工埃普瑟姆公司。

12、the Epsom race meeting was an important social event. ─── 观看赛马会的人很多。

13、The expectant therapy with Epsom salt for placentaprevia has a better resultand is more efficient. ─── 硫酸镁用于前置胎盘期待疗法效果好,有效率高。

14、A group assignment produced by students at Epsom Campus, University of Auckland. ─── 这个新西兰奥克兰大学塞马分校的学生所完成的一项作业。

15、ATP (adenosine triphosphate) the energy packets made in the cells. Experts recommend soaking with Epsom Salt at least three times a week to look better feel better and have more energy. ─── 研究人员已经发现,镁还可以通过促进ATP三磷酸腺苷的产生而提高精力和毅力。

16、smoothes rough patches. Mixed with your favorite deep conditioner, Epsom Salt helps to add body to hair. ─── 并且使皮肤变光滑。混合你喜爱的添加物,泻盐能帮助你的身体和头发。

17、Book online the cheapest hotels in Epsom - low prices and high discounts. ─── 网上预定在 Epsom 最便宜的酒店 - 价格优惠折扣多多。

18、A group for all those who were born at Epsom hospital! ─── 本团体是开放的。任何人都可以加入或者邀请他人加入。

19、Epsom salts; salts ─── 泻盐

20、a dose of (Epsom) salts ─── 一剂泻盐

21、Methods 320 cases of patients were divided randomly intotwo groups: 160 cases are treated with Epsom salt as the treating group,Another160 cases are treatedwith Haemonstatic as the contrasting group. ─── 方法将320例患者随机分为治疗组和对照组。

22、Observation of Effect of Epsom Salt in Treatment of Infantile Severe Pneumonia ─── 硫酸镁治疗小儿重症肺炎的疗效观察

23、At the end of June 1944, General Montgomery was out-fought by the Waffen-SS in the course of his Operation Epsom. ─── 在1944年底,蒙哥马利将军的“爱普生”计划被武装党卫队击退。

24、Born in Epsom, Surrey.UK, in 1952, Parr's interest in photography began as a boy. ─── 帕尔1952年出生于英国萨里郡的埃普瑟姆镇,自小就对摄影感兴趣。

25、Dried Epsom Salts ─── 干燥硫酸镁

26、The curative effect of the herbal group was obviously better than that of the 25% Epsom salt group (p

27、Soak your feet in chamomile tea, Epsom salt and lavender for about ten minutes in order to reduce any swelling. ─── 把脚浸泡在甘菊、泻盐和薰衣草泡的水里大概十分钟就能缓解肿胀。

28、smoothes rough patches. Mixed with your favorite deep conditioner, Epsom Salt helps to add body to hair. ─── 并且使皮肤变光滑。混合你喜爱的添加物,泻盐能帮助你的身体和头发。

29、1. A bilious philosopher's opinion of the world can only be accepted with a pinch of salt, of epsom salt by preference. ─── 胆汁质(暴躁)的哲学家的世界观,要加上一小撮盐方能接受,惟以泻盐为较佳。

30、The mustard will enhance the soothing effects of the Epsom salt and also help to relax stiff, sore muscles. ─── 芥末有助于提高泻盐的缓和作用,同时,还能帮助放松僵硬的疼痛的肌肉。

31、Dissolved in a bath Epsom Salt is absorbed through the skin to replenish the body's levels of magnesium. ─── 溶解在水中,泻盐可以直接通过皮肤提高你身体中镁的水平。

32、Dissolved in a bath, Epsom Salt is absorbed through the skin to replenish the body's levels of magnesium. ─── 溶解在水中,泻盐可以直接通过皮肤提高你身体中镁的水平。

33、Call me an old granny, but I love Epsom salt baths and their surprising health benefits. ─── 叫我老奶奶,但我喜欢泻盐浴和它们令人惊喜的健康福利。

34、sal epsom ─── [化] 泻盐; 硫酸镁[医] 泻盐, 硫酸镁

35、A bilious philosopher 's opinion of the world can only be accepted with a pinch of salt, of Epsom salt by preference. ─── 胆汁质(暴躁)的哲学家的世界观,要加上一小撮盐方能接受,惟以泻盐为较佳。

36、I went racing at Epsom last week and lost my shirt on the first race! ─── 上周我去埃普索姆赛马,结果输得精光!

37、The observation results showed that Epsom salts had good effects ot acute stage hemodynamic and arrhythmia of myocardial infarction ─── 观察结果证实镁盐对于心肌梗塞急性期血液动力学及心律失常具有良好的效应。

38、Epsom and Ewell ─── 埃普瑟姆-尤厄尔

39、Bennet had been to Epsom and Clapham before his arrival, but without gaining any satisfactory information; ─── 每个人都开始发觉自己一向就不信任他那伪善的面貌。

40、Holiday Inn Express Epsom Downs : Book Direct. Click Here. ─── 现在就可以拿到绝佳的价钱!

41、Try taking nice hot bath with Epsom salts to help relieve some of your back pain. ─── 试试用泻盐好好洗个热水澡,对减轻背痛很有效的哦。

42、the Epsom Derby ─── 埃普瑟姆马赛

43、This network model can automatically produce fuzzy logic rules and adjust membership function through the EPSOM algorithm. ─── 该模型通过BPSOM算法训练样本,能自动生成模糊逻辑规则,调节输入、输出变量的隶属函数;

44、that Mr.Bennet had been to Epsom and Clapham before his arrival, but without gaining any satisfactory information;and that he was now determined to enquire at all the principal hotels in town, as Mr. ─── 又说,他没有到达伦敦以前,班纳特先生曾到艾普桑和克拉普汗去过,可惜没有打听到一点儿满意的消息;

45、Mrs.Howlin, who also served in Iraq in 2004 at a field hospital, is now working at Epsom General Hospital in Surrey. ─── 伊莲目前在萨里郡埃普索姆地方总医院工作,2004年她曾随部队出征伊拉克,这次她将在战地医院为伤兵提供医疗服务。

46、The treating group,first,put20ml of25% Epsom salt in-to 500ml of 10% G. S,I. V.T,and finishing it in an hour. ─── 治疗组首先用25%硫酸镁20m l加入10%葡萄糖液500m l,静脉点滴,1h滴完,然后,用25%硫酸镁16m l加入10%葡萄糖液500m l,静脉点滴,维持5h,每日1次;

47、"He meant, I believe," replied Jane, "to go to Epsom, the place where they last changed horses, see the postilions, and try if any thing could be made out from them. ─── “可是为什么要这样秘密?为什么怕给人家发觉?为什么结婚要偷偷摸摸?哦,不,不,你这种想法不切合实际。

48、Epsom Primary School - State primary school. Programs, facilities news and weather station. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。

49、Montgomery's plan for Operation Epsom had to be put back until the last week of June. ─── 蒙哥马利计划展开“爱普生”作战,在6月最后一周前进行撤退。

50、Further arrests were made in Epsom and Berkshire as police targeted those accused of running the brothels. ─── 在艾普森和博克郡,警方也以经营妓院的指控逮捕了数人。

51、Epsom salt ─── n. 泻盐

52、Also, epsom salts baths have helped. ─── 另,消化酵素对正常的分解吸收有帮助。

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