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08-19 投稿


flopped 发音

英:[fl?pt]  美:[flɑ?pt]

英:  美:

flopped 中文意思翻译





flopped 常用词组

fosbury flop ─── 背越式跳高;福斯贝利式跳高

flopped 短语词组

1、flopped as it should ─── 像它应该的那样失败了

2、flopped onto his belly ─── 扑倒在他的肚子上

3、flopped onto ─── 扑通一声

4、flopped into ─── 扑通一声跳进;猛然坐下

5、flip flopped ─── 触发电路;双稳态多谐振荡器 ─── 触发电路

6、flopped hand ─── 扑通一声的手

7、flopped down ─── 趴倒重重地坐下或躺下

8、flopped movies ─── 失败的电影

9、flopped back ─── 向后翻腾

10、flopped down into ─── 扑通一声坠入

11、flopped down on ─── 突然打开

12、flopped onto her back ─── 扑通一声倒在她背上

13、flopped out ─── 失败了

14、flopped means ─── 失败的手段

15、belly-flopped v. ─── 胸腹先着水的跳水( belly-flop的过去式和过去分词 )

16、flopped cake ─── 松软的蛋糕

17、flopped over ─── 改变态度;忽然翻转

18、flip-flopped v. ─── 后滚翻, 噼啪(声)( flip-flop的过去式和过去分词 ); 连续啪啪作声地

19、flopped down over ─── 摔倒在地

flopped 词性/词形变化,flopped变形

动词第三人称单数: flops |动词过去分词: flopped |动词过去式: flopped |名词: flopper |动词现在分词: flopping |

flopped 相似词语短语

1、flopper ─── n.拍翅学飞的幼禽;变节者;伪造事故骗钱的人

2、plopped ─── n.(物体落入水的)扑通声;掉下的声音;v.扑通落下;扑通一声把……放入(尤指液体);重重地坐下,躺下;adv.扑通一声地;n.(Plop)(罗马尼亚、摩尔多瓦、俄)普洛普(人名)

3、flapped ─── v.(鸟)振翅;飘动;挥臂;(用手)向某人示意;轻击;朝着……挥舞;发轻拍音;(非正式)激动(flap的过去式及过去分词)

4、flipped ─── 快速翻动;入迷(flip的过去式和过去分词)

5、-flopped ─── v.沉重下坠,笨拙移动;扑通坐下;(非正式)(在指定地点)休息,睡觉;彻底失败,演砸;n.彻底失败,不成功;沉重、松散又笨拙的动作;扑通声;(非正式)廉价旅馆;adv.正好地,恰巧地

6、-clopped ─── n.马蹄声;vi.发出得得声

7、clopped ─── n.马蹄声;vi.发出得得声

8、slopped ─── 脏的

9、lopped ─── vt.砍伐;剪去树枝;vi.砍,删;闲荡;下垂;n.剪下的树枝;adj.垂下的;n.(Lop)人名;(西)洛普

flopped 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Yao schooling manu. Flop I'll take Lucas starting over Rafer anyday. ─── 姚明在教训吉诺比利了,我在任何时候都接受卢卡斯的首发。

2、She goes from the princess of pop to the ultimate fashion flop. ─── 她是流行乐界的公主,时尚界的大败笔。

3、He flopped down into a chair. ─── 他猛地坐在椅子上。

4、Her hair flopped over her shoulders. ─── 她的头发垂落在肩膀上。

5、She didn't say anything more, but glared at me as she switched to flipflops, flipped me a gesture of disrespect, and then flopped, loudly, down the stairs. ─── 她什么都没有说,但在换上她的人字形拖鞋时蹬了我一眼,一幅不屑一顾的样子,然后咚咚地下楼去了。

6、It took several minutes to explain the concept to Mr Chang, who ultimately concluded that an odourless durian would flop in his country. ─── 向常先生解释“无臭榴莲”的概念得花上几分钟,最终他指出无臭榴莲在他的国家没有销路。

7、A man who smelled like a distillery flopped on a subway seat next to a priest. ─── 免责声明:本站所有文章和图片全部收集自网络,如侵犯到您的权利,请来信告之,我们会立即删除的!

8、His oldest son killed a man, his daughter, Cheyenne, committed suicide, and his last few movies flopped - but Brando is still a legend. ─── 他的大儿子杀了人,他的女儿,夏安,自杀了,他最后的几部电影很失败-但是,马龙。白兰度仍然是一个传奇人物。

9、The EU's savings directive, designed to squash tax evasion by individuals within Europe, took effect in2005 after a decade of wrangling, but has proved something of a flop. ─── 在历时十年的口角之后,欧盟出台的储蓄指令初始生效,其设计初衷是为了在欧洲范围内打击个人逃税行为,然后,事后被证明。

10、Why would I want to bet that flop? ─── 为什么我会倾向于在翻牌圈下注?

11、But this new study shows that wings with a little flop can actually get more air-pushing lift from each flap. ─── 但这项新的研究表明,有点向下弯曲的翅膀确实能从每次拍打中获得更多的空气挤压升力。

12、While her new line flopped in Europe, it was a smash in America, where women appreciated sportier styles. ─── 她的新系列在欧洲失败,在美国则大为成功,那儿的女性欣赏较为休闲的款式。

13、He took a nasty flop on that slippery sidewalk. ─── 他在那打滑的人行道上跌得很惨。

14、Without a break I will flop. ─── 不休息一下我会倒地不起。

15、She flopped into an armchair. ─── 她猛然坐到扶手椅上。

16、Her hair flopped over her eyes. ─── 她的头发耷拉下来遮住了眼睛。

17、He flopped into a chair opposite me, and began to talk quite openly. ─── 他大大咧咧地坐到我对面的椅子上,开始畅谈起来。

18、The young man flopped back, unconscious. ─── 那年轻人仰面倒下,不省人事。

19、Stocks took a flop last week. ─── 上周股票猛跌。

20、First she put down the gun, as she had been taught by Bill, then with a grunt flopped on the grass. ─── 像比尔教她的那样,她先是放下枪,然后咕哝了一声,趴倒在草地上。

21、It was a surprise to us when his play flopped. ─── 他那出戏一败涂地, 出乎我们的预料。

22、When I got home and tried to duplicate the recipe, it was a flop. ─── 回 家 后 我 按 食 谱 如 法 炮 制 , 结 果 竟 弄 得 一 塌 糊 涂 。

23、They believe the Chinese government is bound to price the deals so share values rise afterwards, in as much as a flop would undermine future privatisations. ─── 他们相信中国政府将会对这些交易定价,所以股价将会随后上涨,好像这些失败会破坏未来私有化进程一样。

24、She flopped into the chair with a sign of relief. ─── 她一下子坐在椅子上,舒了一口气。

25、They flopped down the heavy parcel. ─── 他们噗地一声放下那件沉重的包裹。

26、Yet the party flopped in London (a failure Mr Griffin attributes to Labour activists “ferrying Africans who can't even speak English” to polling stations). ─── 但是该党在伦敦栽了跟头(党魁格里芬认为投票站里支持工党的积极分子是些“偷渡来的非洲佬,英语都不会说”)。

27、And after a strenuous workout, dog and human get to flop out. ─── 在进行完一整套动作后,狗狗和主人开始练习瑜伽的休息术。

28、It was all your fault that the outing became such a flop. ─── 好好的一次郊游搞成这样子,都是你!

29、Years went by and the second tre found himself daily sailing the waters of an ordinary lake.Net loads of fish flipped and flopped on his deck. ─── 又过了一些年,第二棵树每天只不过是在一条普通的小河里航行,在它的甲板上堆满了翻来覆去垂死挣扎的鱼。

30、He can't swim; he just flopped about in the water. ─── 他不会游泳,只是在水中扑腾。

31、A register consisting of a flip flop which stores binary data. ─── 一种由保存二进制数据的触发器所组成的寄存器。

32、Raul is convinced Real Madrid can overcome Liverpool at Anfield next week - and has praised Spurs flop Juande Ramos for turning the club around. ─── 劳尔相信下个星期皇马能在安菲尔德置利物浦于死,同时盛赞前热刺主教练拉莫斯能俱乐部起死回生。

33、Exhausted, he flopped down into a chair. ─── 他筋疲力尽,一屁股坐到椅子上。

34、They heard the click of the mail slot and flop of letters on the doormat. ─── 他们听到邮箱喀嗒一声响,接着就是信件落到门垫子上的声音。

35、The art had to be flopped right-to-left so that it would read properly for the English-speaking audience. ─── 作品必须反复权衡,使之适合英语国家的观众。

36、Wow, I never knew that a belly flop hurts! ─── 哎唷,我还不知道跳水时腹部先入水会有这么痛!

37、If you have JThearts and the flop comes 2 7 9 hearts dont let the Q, K, A hearts get a card for cheap. ─── 如果你有红桃JT,翻牌是红桃2 7 9,那么不要让拿着红桃Q K A的家伙便宜地再得到一张牌。

38、But Koizumi's successor Shinzo Abe was a flop, selling only about 600 masks. Abe quit after one year in office after an election rout. ─── 但小泉的继任者安倍晋三的面具销量却很蹩脚,仅售出约600个。安倍任职一年后便在一次选举失利后辞职。

39、But in the world's second-largest economy, English-language education has been a flop. ─── 但是在世界第二大经济国,英语教育则是猛落。

40、Her hair flopped over her eyes. ─── 她的头发耷拉下来遮住了眼睛。

41、From EP I will play them as I would low pair (see the flop cheap, if you didnt hit a set or a low flop when you have overpair fold to agression). ─── 在前位,我拿着这种牌就当作低对玩(便宜地看翻牌,如果没有击中三条或小翻牌,在遭遇激进打法时就弃牌)。

42、No matter how beautiful, how rich, how filial, no man will marry feet that flop like pike. ─── 不管你多漂亮,多有钱,多孝顺,没有男人愿意娶一个走起路来象黄梭鱼那样啪嗒啪嗒响的姑娘。

43、She flopped as a stage actress. ─── 作为一名舞台演员她失败了。

44、Her first flop was Shanghai Surprise. ─── 她的首部惨败之作是《上海惊情》。

45、How could a leader so widely credited with being a masterly communicator and strategist at the same time be such a dangerous public flop? ─── 一位被普遍称赞为既是传播能手又是战略家的领导人怎么能在公共关系中处于这样危险的惨败境地呢?

46、Large cap, small cap, growth, value, "blend" -- all styles flopped. ─── 大型股,小型股,成长,价值, “混合型” -所有款式1974 。

47、One of them, Benito Mussolini, thinking conquest was easy, proved the year's greatest flop. ─── 他们当中的墨索里尼把征服看成了易事,最后成了这一年最大的输家。

48、I mean it wasn't terrible, it was sort of a precursor to what people are trying to do It flopped miserably, but I'm glad we did it. ─── 其实也没那么糟糕,它就是个先兆,预示了现今人们,很悲惨它失败了,不过我很高兴我们做过。

49、Ivey bets the flop, a standard feeler-bet, to see if Jackson has something. ─── Ivey下注,一个典型的试探性下注,看看是否Jackson有些什么。

50、He flopped down on his knees and begged for mercy . ─── 他扑通一下跪下来求饶。

51、He flopped down on the sand, looking first at the dead fox and her wailing cub and then at the gun in his listless hand. ─── 他颓然坐倒在沙地上。 望了望那只死狐和它的不断哀鸣的小崽,又望了望手中往下垂落的猎枪。

52、Yet we know that life came out of the sea, as the first peculiar living forms flopped out, and gasped in air, on such a beach as this. ─── 但我们知道,生命最初始于海洋,从第一个奇特的生命体从海洋中冒出来,在空气中呼吸,在类似这里的海滨上呼吸。

53、Edna: A flop is something that does not succeed. Kinda like your English study Colin! ─── 埃德娜:就是没能取得成功。就跟你的英语学习似的。柯林!

54、He stretched his hand toward the flower bed, then let it flop to his side. ─── 他边说边把手指向那个花畦。说完,他的手就无力地垂落下来,

55、Because the location is the key flop far, for anything fundamental side, a physical Kaikai only stoop wriggle inside wood underneath plastic. ─── 因为钥匙掉落的位置比较远,伸手根本够不到,凯凯只能弯腰蜷着身体钻到木板底下去捡。

56、Exhausted, he flopped (down) into the nearest chair. ─── 他累得一下子坐到离他最近的小沙发上。

57、He sighed and tossed the envelopes to the far side of the bed, then flopped back on his pillow and stared at the ceiling. ─── 他叹了口气,将信封扔到离床边很远的角落,然后躺在枕头上,盯着天花板发呆。

58、Most famously, industry leaders expected people to embrace videotelephony, which flopped, but failed to anticipate the success of text-messaging. ─── 大多数一线厂商希望消费者拥护视频手机,遗憾的是它并没有像短讯那样成功赢得市场。

59、He was so tired that he flopped down upon the nice soft sand on the floor of the rabbit-hole and shut his eyes. ─── 他疲累不堪得倒在兔子洞地板上舒服柔软的沙堆并闭上眼睛。

60、He fell with a flop into the water. ─── 他扑通一声掉进水里。

61、She flopped on the muddy road and began to weep. ─── 她一下子跌倒在泥泞的路上,哭了起来。

62、He flopped down on to a seat. ─── 他啪一声坐到座位上。

63、He flopped to the sandy roadbed and twisted like an injured snake. ─── 他扑倒在沙土路上像一条受了伤的蛇一般蜷缩成一团。

64、They tend to expect to complete their flush again if they flop another draw. ─── 他们在打另一副牌的时候就会期待再次抓到同花的五张牌。

65、Based on SEU,SET mitigation techniques,an improved D flip flop which can be used for SEE mitigation was proposed. ─── 在对抗单粒子效应技术研究的基础上,构造了一种改进型的抗单粒子翻转和单粒子瞬变的主从型边沿D触发器。

66、His first business venture flopped completely . ─── 他的第一次商业投机完全失败了。

67、The EU's savings directive, designed to squash tax evasion by individuals within Europe, took effect in 2005 after a decade of wrangling, but has proved something of a flop. ─── 在历时十年的口角之后,欧盟出台的储蓄指令初始生效,其设计初衷是为了在欧洲范围内打击个人逃税行为,然后,事后被证明。。。

68、Exhausted, he flopped down into a chair. ─── 他筋疲力尽,一屁股坐到椅子上。

69、He flopped over to the other point of view. ─── 他突然转持另一种观点。

70、At home in his bedroom, he was flopped on the bed. ─── 在他家中的睡房里,躺在床上。

71、Youfu as well.Very soon, the two entangle and flop onto the ground. ─── 两个人很快嘻嘻哈哈地纠扯在一起,扑通一声倒在了地上。

72、Started in 1996 as a spoof for the summer Olympics held in Atlanta, the games feature bobbing for pigs feet, hub cap hurling and the mud pit belly flop contest for trophies. ─── 在1996年开始作为一个恶搞的夏季奥运会在亚特兰大举行,游戏功能捉摸不定的猪英尺,集线器第投掷和泥浆坑肚皮翻竞赛奖杯。

73、The first of DARPA's Grand Challenges, in 2004, was a flop. ─── 2004年DARPA举办第一届国际挑战赛彻底失败。

74、Despite all the publicity, her latest novel is a completed flop. ─── 她的最新小说尽管广为宣传,结果还是彻底失败。

75、Exhausted, he flopped into the nearest chair. ─── 他累得蓦地坐到离他最近的小沙发椅中。

76、For example, large companies created ex nihilo, as in joint ventures, have a remarkable tendency to flop. ─── 例如,合资企业中一些大而不当的公司,其垮掉的可能性是非常高的;

77、If the schedule was flip-flopped and the Lakers played 12 of these at home you could be looking at a very strong month. ─── 如果赛程能够调整,这12场比赛转为主场比赛,湖人将展现给大家一个非常震撼的结果。

78、In these arguments, evolution is treated as an abstract subject that deals with the age of the earth or how fish first flopped onto land. ─── 在些争议性话题中,进化论被当作一门抽象学科,它处理着地球的年代学或者讲述鱼最先是怎么样跳上陆地的。

79、When I got home and tried to duplicate the recipe,it was a flop. ─── 回家后我按食谱如法炮制,结果竟弄得一塌糊涂。

80、A young girl came and flopped into her chair. ─── 一个小姑娘走了进来,扑通一声坐在椅子上。

81、Even is a death, he also embraced to bleed of she, stare at, self-effacing fall flop. ─── 即使是死亡,他也抱住了流血的她,凝视着,颓然倒下。

82、Forbid it as we shouldn't all flop (if it was anyways convenient) to get 'em out o' this here dismal risk! ─── 别应验,我们都应当跪下来(若是方便的话)祈祷他们逃出这种可怕的危险。

83、He flopped down a sack of corn . ─── 他把一口袋玉米笨拙地抛在地上。

84、By 1980, 13 of the 16 Olympic finalists were using the Fosbury flop. ─── 到了1980年,奥运会跳高比赛历史中16个最好成绩有13个是由福斯贝里背越式跳高创造的。

85、Flop: To turn over the film so that a mirror-image is produced. ─── 反转:把菲林反转以获得左右对调的影象

86、He flopped down a heavy bag . ─── 他笨拙地抛下一个沉重的袋子。

87、Fiorentina sporting director Pantaleo Corvino has confirmed that the deal to sign Milan flop Alberto Gilardino is all but completed. ─── 佛罗伦萨体育部经理科尔维诺宣称,签下米兰前锋吉拉迪诺的转会基本结束只差最后的完成。

88、But the fact remains that today's activists' meeting was a flop right from the start! ─── 可是今天的活动分子大会根本就不健全!

89、The cabman went up to the soldier, flopped down on his knees, and gave a smacking kiss on his hand. ─── 马车夫走到军士跟前,双膝跪倒,吧的一声吻一下军士的手。

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