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wheelbarrow 发音

英:['wi?lb?r??]  美:['wilb?ro]

英:  美:

wheelbarrow 中文意思翻译




wheelbarrow 网络释义

n. 独轮手推车vt. 用于推车运送

wheelbarrow 短语词组

1、wheelbarrow alternative ─── 手推车替代方案

2、wheelbarrow hanger ─── 手推车吊架

3、wheelbarrow race ─── 推小车比赛;手 ─── 推车比赛“手 ─── 推车”比赛

4、wheelbarrow tub ─── 手推车浴缸

5、dumping wheelbarrow ─── 翻斗车

6、wheelbarrow tires ─── 手推车轮胎

7、wheelbarrow definition ─── 独轮车定义

8、wheelbarrow parts ─── 手推车配件

9、wheelbarrow method ─── 手推车法

wheelbarrow 词性/词形变化,wheelbarrow变形

现在分词:wheelbarrowing 过去分词:wheelbarrowed 过去式:wheelbarrowed 第三人称单数:wheelbarrows 名词复数形式:wheelbarrows

wheelbarrow 相似词语短语

1、hurlbarrow ─── 手推车

2、to wheelbarrow ─── 到手推车

3、heelbar ─── 完成

4、wheelbarrowed ─── n.独轮手推车;vt.用于推车运送

5、wheelbarrowing ─── n.独轮手推车;vt.用于推车运送

6、wheelbarrow races ─── 推小车比赛;手推车比赛

7、wheelbarrows ─── n.独轮手推车;vt.用于推车运送

8、wheelbarrow race ─── 推小车比赛;手推车比赛

9、handbarrow ─── n.手推车;搬运工具

wheelbarrow 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、At quitting time, a man named Frank came up to the gate of the Naval Shipyard pushing a wheelbarrow with two large bags in it. ─── 下班时,一个名弗兰克的人推着一辆手推车来到海军造船厂的门口,手推车内装着两个大袋子。

2、Almost every household in Orchid Island has a wheelbarrow to move things. ─── 在兰屿,几乎每户人家都有手推车,用来搬东西。

3、axe, a spade, a wheelbarrow, etc. ─── 等;

4、She blocks the wheelbarrow, unties on vehicle's rice, looks said: “does the good rice, how trade? ─── 她拦住独轮车,解开车上的米袋子,看了看说:“好米呀,怎么换?”

5、I got a brush from the wheelbarrow. ─── 我被一辆手推车给擦了一下。

6、An ingenious Han inventor devised a seismograph that could point to an earthquake's center, and others invented the first magnetic compass and even the first wheelbarrow. ─── 第一次复汉其实就是皇室后裔刘秀(汉光武帝)推翻王莽、建立东汉的历程,这次复汉以成功告终。

7、With a heave he emptied a wheelbarrow of earth into the ditch. ─── 他猛一使劲儿就把一车土都倾倒到沟里了。

8、I pried it loose with a crowbar and hoisted it into the wheelbarrow. ─── 我用撬棍把它撬松,然后搬到手推车里。

9、wheelbarrow lantern dance ─── 车灯

10、"I doubt if Emerson could trundle a wheelbarrow through the streets" (Henry David Thoreau) ─── “我怀疑爱默生是否能把一辆独轮车推过街道”(亨利·戴维·梭罗)

11、trundling a wheelbarrow down the path ─── 推着手推车沿路走去.

12、"You know I am going to give you my wheelbarrow, and you must do something for me in return.""" ─── 你知道,我要把我的手推车送给你,你必须做些事情来报答我。”


14、On the way, some people travel with the donkey, it was simply pushing wheelbarrow hurry to get somewhere. ─── 在路上,有人用毛驴代步,有人干脆推着独轮手推车赶路。

15、He spots one worker at the end of the shift, that worker is always carrying a wheelbarrow covered with an opaque cloth. ─── 他注意到了最后下班的一名工人,他总是拖着一辆上面遮着布的独轮车。

16、Has as if heard before the millennium here peddler's yo-heave-ho, saw the wheelbarrow carries the rice to pass through from the side. ─── 彷佛听到了千年前的这里小贩的吆喝声,看到独轮车载着大米从身边走过。

17、Your man should grab on to your thighs, as if he were pushing a wheelbarrow, then enter you. ─── 你的男伴要抓紧你的大腿,然后按‘老汉推车’的做法来抽插。

18、wheelbarrow broadcast seeder ─── 手推车式撒播机

19、I want to use the wheelbarrow to carry sacks. ─── 我想用这个独轮车搬麻袋。

20、He trundled a wheelbarrow to the backyard. ─── 他把一辆手推车推到了后院。

21、The children had loadedon too much sand; the wheelbarrow was brimming over. ─── 孩子们装载了太多的沙;手推车边走边往外流。

22、The snake woman had a wheelbarrow full of pot plants outside her place. ─── 有蛇型纹身的女人,屋外面的手推车也种满了植物。

23、The dustman trundled a wheelbarrow along the path. ─── 垃圾工人在小径上推着一辆手推车。

24、The main products are: all kinds of water tankers, the atoll, a windmill, Lei, grind, mill, wheelbarrow, Banche, weaving machines, Fang Ju, and so on. ─── 主要产品有:各种水车、碓、风车、檑、碾、磨、独轮车、板车、织布机、纺车、等等。

25、One old man struggled along with a small barrel of flour on a wheelbarrow ─── 还有一个老头子,独自蹒跚地用一辆独轮车推着一小口袋面粉。

26、The children had loaded on too much sand; the wheelbarrow was brimming over. ─── 孩子们装载了太多的沙; 手推车边走边往外流。

27、Ferris wheels, carousels, and friendly competitions such as the wheelbarrow race, pie-eating contest, and greased pig race are some things you might find at a fair. ─── 您可以在展览会上发现摩天轮、旋转木马和种种友好竞赛,如手推车比赛、吃派竞赛及抓猪比赛。

28、4. The children had loaded on too much sand; the wheelbarrow was brimming over. ─── 孩子们装载了太多的沙;手推车边走边往外流。

29、The wheelbarrow emerged in first century BC. ─── 独轮车出现在公元前一世纪。

30、I braced myself for what was to be a long day, perhaps experienced by previous generations who had tried to dislodge the rock.I put on heavy shoes and rolled out my wheelbarrow. ─── 我为那有可能是漫长的一天作好准备,也许前几代试图搬开这块石头的人也如此这般过,我穿上笨重的鞋子,推出我的手推车。

31、They had loaded on too much sand; the wheelbarrow was brimming over ─── 他们把沙往手推车里装得太满,在往外流呢。

32、Britain's Prince Harry uses a wheelbarrow, as he helps out with the rebuilding of a school for disabled children in Maseru, Lesotho, July 8, 2008. ─── 7月8日,英国小王子哈里在非洲国家莱索托首都马塞卢附近一所残疾儿童学校的重建工地帮忙。哈里王子亲自推起工地运料车,干起重体力活来有模有样。

33、But I retained the landscape, and I have since annually carried off what it yielded without a wheelbarrow. ─── 然后,我任随它躺在那儿,或许让地休耕,衡量一个人是否富有,是看他可以舍弃多少物质。

34、One old man struggled along with a small barrel of flour on a wheelbarrow. ─── 还有一个老头子,独自蹒蹒跚跚地拿着一辆独轮车推着一小口袋面粉。

35、"Help, help," cried Susan, "I will get the wheelbarrow." ─── 苏姗喊道:“救命,救命!我去取小推车。”

36、(Upon that,he starts to push the wheelbarrow to deliever the letter. ─── 于是,他开始推着独轮车送信,只要发现中意的石头,就会装上独轮车。

37、It's rather like pushing a wheelbarrow up a steep hill-you can't turn round, so you have to keep on ─── 我们好比推车子上山去,只能进,不能退!

38、on his hands as if it were a child's game of " wheelbarrow , " drawing chuckles from the audience . ─── 金大成双手撑地站了起来,就像儿童玩的“独轮车”游戏一般,让有些观众忍俊不禁。

39、Next, mix your concrete using concrete mix and water from a garden hose in a wheelbarrow; a shovel stirs the concrete to mix it well. ─── 接下来,用混凝土结构混凝土结构、水贵从花园软管在单轮;铲子挑混凝土结构好。

40、Because disrelish,carry a load tired, invented wheelbarrow; ─── 因为嫌挑担累,发明了独轮车;

41、Peter got down very quietly off the wheelbarrow; and started running as fast as he could go, along a straight walk behind some black-currant bushes. ─── 彼得很安静地爬下独轮车,开始尽他所能,沿着红醋栗丛后一条直直的走道很快地跑去。


43、Luckily a butcher soon came by, driving a pig in a wheelbarrow. ─── 幸运的是,一个屠夫很快就来了,用手推车推着一头猪。

44、wheelbarrow seeder ─── 手推车式播种机

45、The gardener put the withered flowers in his wheelbarrow. ─── 园丁把枯了的花放在手推车里。

46、The old man reached out and grabbed the wheelbarrow by the handles. Then nodding to the young man, he said with a smile, "All right. Get in." ─── 老工人伸出手,抓过一辆手推车,然后对年轻人点点头,微笑着说:“好了,坐进来吧。”

47、Dynamics Parameter Design Method of Wheelbarrow type Pushing and Cutting Harvester ─── 手推车推剪收割机动力学参数设计方法

48、As a young woman, she started as a fruit trader in her Ugandan village, operating out of a single wheelbarrow. ─── 这个年轻女子本是乌干达乡下的一个水果摊贩,创业之初仅有一个独轮手推车。

49、Tomas remembered his dream of a wheelbarrow full of melons. ─── 他突然想起了他的梦,

50、"What kept you so long?" Brockway snapped from where he sat on a wheelbarrow . ─── “什么事情使你耽搁得这么久?”布罗克韦坐在一辆手推车上,怒气冲冲地问。

51、automatic wheelbarrow ─── 自动小车

52、and, to show that I was not above my business, I sometimes brought home the paper I purchased at the stores through the streets on a wheelbarrow. ─── 而且为表示我没有看不起我的职业,有时我把店中购办的纸张装在手推车上,直接穿过街道,推回家中。

53、Eli Martinez Jr. loads a wheelbarrow with wood that his family will burn in their two iron stoves which heat their house in Capulin. ─── 礼小马丁内斯与木材加载在他们的两个铁,他的家人将独轮车火炉燃烧热量他们在卡普林的房子。

54、I put on heavy shoes and rolled out my wheelbarrow. ─── 我穿上笨重的鞋,推出了我的手推车。

55、The gardener put the dead plants in his wheelbarrow. ─── 园丁把死掉的植物放到他的手推车上。

56、But presently, as nothing happened, he came out, and climbed upon a wheelbarrow and peeped over. ─── 但是不一会儿,因为没甚麽事发生,他(就)出来爬到独轮手推车上偷看。

57、On the day of his retirement the man came to the guard as usual but without the wheelbarrow. ─── 一直到了这个男人退休的那一天,他仍然和往常一下来到警卫处,只是这次没有推小推车。

58、4. The old man reached out and grabbed the wheelbarrow by the handles. Then nodding to the young man, he said with a smile, "All right. Get in." ─── 老工人伸出手,抓过一辆手推车,然后对年轻人点点头,微笑着说:“好了,坐进来吧。”收藏指正

59、She froze, she said, eventually watching as her mother's body was dumped in a wheelbarrow and her only parent vanished into the chaos. ─── 事后达芙妮说,她整个人僵在那里,最终看着妈妈的尸体被丢上手推车,自己唯一最亲的家人就在一片混乱中从这个世上消失。

60、The nearest that I came to actual possession was when I bought the Hollowell place, and had begun to sort my seeds, and collected materials with which to make a wheelbarrow to carry it on or off with; ─── 几乎已实际地占有田园那一次,是我购置霍乐威尔那个地方的时候,都已经开始选好种子,找出了木料来,打算造一架手推车,来推动这事,或载之而他往了;

61、I put on heavy shoes and rolled out my wheelbarrow. ─── 我穿上笨重的鞋,推出了我的手推车。

62、"""And now as I have given you my wheelbarrow, I am sure you will give me some flowers in return. Here is the basket. Fill it quite full.""" ─── “现在我把小推车送你了,我相信你会回赠给我一些花的。给你篮子,把它装得满满的。”

63、He loaded his salary into a wheelbarrow and started to run in the direction of a big produce store. ─── 他把他的工资放在他的手推车上,开始朝一家大的农产品商店的方向跑去。

64、For the rest of the day Jaimie and her mother pulled weeds and piled cut grass into the wheelbarrow. ─── 这一天剩下的时间,杰米和妈妈都在除杂草,他们还把割下的草堆进了手推车里。

65、Roger hid the stolen statue in a wheelbarrow and came back for it in the midnight. ─── 罗杰把偷来的雕像藏在手推车里,半夜来取。

66、I want to use the wheelbarrow as my counter. ─── 我想用这个手推车当柜台。

67、I doubt if Emerson could trundle a wheelbarrow through the streets(Henry David Thoreau) ─── 我怀疑爱默生是否能把一辆独轮车推过街道(亨利 戴维 索罗)

68、As you sift through the remains,you find a Dwarven Shield hidden and protected from the elements beneath a wheelbarrow. ─── 当你穿过那些遗体,你发现藏着的矮人圆盾和一些在手推车下躲着的元素生物。

69、Cleaning buckets, tools, the wheelbarrow etc seem to take a little more forcefulness. ─── 如果只是为了获得性知识,我们完全可以通过互联网了解。

70、He hadn't anything to leave but a wheelbarrow, and he left that to me. ─── 他什么都没撇下,只有一架小推车留给我了。

71、The wheelbarrow has one wheel. ─── 独轮手推车有一个轮子。

72、Forming a cordon, the officers help the builders roll an empty wheelbarrow directly in front of the protesters, who hurl abuse at them with the aid of a megaphone. ─── 在拿扩音器大骂的抗议者面前,警方帮助建筑工人推独轮小推车。

73、power wheelbarrow sprayer ─── 手推车式机动喷雾机

74、There was a man who had worked at a factory for twenty years.Every night when he left the plant, he would push a wheelbarrow full of straw to the guard at the gate. ─── 有个男人在工厂工作了20年,每个晚上当他离开工厂的时候,他都会推着一辆满是稻草的小推车来到大门口的警卫处。

75、Meet the Smurf that can sleep just about anywhere.In the shade of a mushroom, under a wheelbarrow or even on the building site of the dam. ─── 权责声明:本站所有音乐均网上搜集仅做宽带测试,任何涉及商业盈利目的均不得使用,否则后果自负!

76、On Writing Technique and Stylistic Features of The Red Wheelbarrow by William Carlos Williams ─── 评威廉·卡洛斯·威廉斯的《红色手推车》

77、1. He trundled a wheelbarrow down the path. ─── 他推着手推车沿路走过。

78、"What kept you so long?" Brockway snapped from a wheelbarrow where he sat. ─── “什么事情使你耽搁得这么久?”布罗克韦坐在一辆手推车上,怒气冲冲地问。

79、No wheelbarrow full of watermelons. ─── 不会有满车的西瓜,

80、"I have given you my wheelbarrow, so you should give me your plank.""" ─── 既然我把手推车送给你了,你该把这块木板给我才对。”

81、A total of skills competitions wheelbarrow race, basketball wheelbarrow, wheelbarrow race and wheelbarrow race, 10 km marathon, and other big 5, 92 lesser term. ─── 比赛共设独轮车技巧赛、独轮车篮球赛、独轮车竞速赛和独轮车10公里马拉松等5个大项,92个小项。

82、The old man lifted the wheelbarrow and trundled it away. ─── 老人抬起手推车,慢慢地推走了。

83、Then he saw the wheelbarrow full of pot plants outside the snake woman's place. ─── 这时,他看到纹身女人那辆装花盆的手推车。

84、wheelbarrow sprayer ─── 手推车式喷雾机

85、"""Yes, they are very lovely,"" said Hans. ""I am going to sell them at the market, and buy back my wheelbarrow with the money.""" ─── “是啊,长得很可爱,”汉斯说。“我要到集市上把这些花卖掉,然后再用钱买回我的手推车。”

86、Such as pigs, when they found a little less rice chaff, the men found on the wheelbarrow, bags of rice up to the temporary village of the mill in grinding. ─── 如喂猪的时候,又发现稻糠有点少了,男人就找来独轮车,推几袋稻谷到临村的磨房里磨了。

87、So remind me why we invented the wheelbarrow. ─── 整天扛着这么重的东西才知道我们的先人为什么要发明手推车。

88、"What kept you so long?" Brockway snapped from where he sat on a wheelbarrow. ─── “什么事情使你耽搁得这么久?”布罗克韦坐在一辆手推车上,怒气冲冲地问。

89、One lady brought in a biscuit on a wheelbarrow. ─── 一位女士用手推车运来一个饼干,



First Fig


Edna St. Vincent Millay


My candle burns at both ends;


It will not last the night;


But ah, my foes, and oh, my friends—


It gives a lovely light!


The Purple Cow


Gelett Burgess


I never saw a Purple Cow,


I never hope to see one,


But I can tell you, anyhow,


I'd rather see than be one!


My Life Has Been the Poem


Henry David Thoreau


My life has been the poem I would have writ


But I could not both live and utter it.


The Red Wheelbarrow


William Carlos Williams


so much depends




a red wheel




glazed with rain




beside the white





例如,老人抬起手推车,慢慢地推走了。The old man lifted the wheelbarrow and trundled it away.

他抬起头,拂开了脸上的头发。He lifted his head, flicking his hair off his face.


When he came to and raised his head, he saw Barney.

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