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08-19 投稿


canthus 发音

英:[?k?nθ?s]  美:[?k?nθ?s]

英:  美:

canthus 中文意思翻译



canthus 词性/词形变化,canthus变形


canthus 短语词组

1、canthus smile ─── 眼角微笑

2、canthus ou ─── 眼角

3、nasal canthus ─── [医]内眦

4、canthus os ─── 眼角

5、temporal canthus ─── [网络] 时间can us

6、canthus definition eye ─── 眼角清晰度

7、canthus plural ─── 眼角复数

8、canthus define ─── 眼角界定

9、outer canthus ─── [医] 外眦

10、medial canthus ─── [医]内眦

11、canthus tears ─── 眼角泪

12、canthus to bridge of nose ─── 眼角至鼻梁

13、canthus anatomy ─── 眼角解剖学

14、inner canthus ─── [医] 内眦

15、canthus of eye ─── 眼角

canthus 相似词语短语

1、acanthas ─── n.[生物]刺;脊椎

2、cantus ─── n.旋律;圣歌曲调

3、calathus ─── n.花瓶式果篮;(古希腊象征丰产的)水果篮

4、clianthus ─── n.耀花豆属植物

5、cantharus ─── n.甲虫螺属;双耳大杯

6、acanthous ─── 棘的

7、Xanthus ─── n.克桑托斯(土耳其古城)

8、ceanothus ─── n.鼠李(一种植物)

9、acanthus ─── n.爵床属;莨苕叶形的装饰;叶形装饰

canthus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Skin of lateral canthus ─── 外眦皮肤

2、Promote cells regeneration, instantly lift and firm eye skin, remove fine line in canthus; ─── 激发肌肤内部细胞再生能力,快速有效地提拉眼周线条,从而抚平眼角细纹;

3、Methods The 22 patients of Komoto syndrome were operated with lateral canthus plasty and correction of ptosis simultaneously. ─── 方法对睑裂狭小综合征设计并临床应用内外眦成形术、上睑下垂矫正术一次完成的治疗方法,施行手术22例。

4、Pap in. canthus ─── (=papilloma, inner canthus) 眼内眦乳头状瘤

5、How should be the spot that canthus leaves outside eliminated? Facial skin still is previously for nothing, become now " yellow face mother-in-law " , how should do? ─── 外眼角下的斑该如何消除啊?以前脸的皮肤还是白白的,现在都变成“黄脸婆”了,该怎么办呢?

6、Seeking the Fragrance of Calyx Canthus in Winter ─── 寒冬寻芳腊梅花

7、Anna's eyebrow slightly and slightly and upward on lifting, seem to peep out a bit of white of the eye in canthus, but don't reply. ─── 安娜的眉毛略略向上一抬,眼角里好像露出一小块眼白,却并不答复。

8、Clear lake water, hover I clear eyes pupil, tip of the brow of canthus, only leave some mark of point which loves you, miss and extend on my mind, turn the wisps of smile of corner of the mouth, there is your world, I have paradise. ─── 清清的湖水,萦绕我清清的眼眸,眼角眉梢,只留有爱你的点点痕迹,思念在我的心头延展,化为嘴角缕缕的笑意,有了你的世界,我拥有了天堂。

9、Results All 4 cases demonstrated dilation of nasolacrimal duct, a cyst in the medial canthus, and a submucosal cyst within the nasal cavity. ─── 结果典型CT表现为单侧或双侧不同程度的鼻泪管扩张以及与之相延续的内眦区囊肿和鼻腔内黏膜下囊肿。

10、The eye shadow that skill is champagne is certain from eyelid mid backward the place of canthus is dizzy catch, jin Zong color or it is coffee put in palpebral forehead to rely on orbital place. ─── 技巧是香槟色的眼影一定从眼睑中部向后眼角的地方晕染开,把金棕色或是咖啡色放在眼睑前部靠眼窝的地方。

11、Go up the canthus of inside and outside of look line slightly wide, eye end prep aboveEyeOutline, EyeMid look line wants fine and straight, reduce radian as far as possible. ─── 上眼线的内外眼角略宽,眼尾高于眼睛轮廓,眼睛中部的眼线要细而直,尽量减少弧度。

12、The branch arises from the retroauricular region and enters the ear, comes out at the front of ear, crosses the previous branch at the cheek and reaches the outer canthus. ─── 其支者:从耳后入耳中,出走耳前,过客主人,前交颊,至目锐眦。

13、Principal Symptoms:Conjunctivitis from the inner canthus, insomnia, eversion of foot. ─── 主要病候:目痛从内眦始,不眠,足外翻等证。

14、Repair of skin defect on inner canthus and back of nose ─── 内眦部及鼻背部皮肤缺损的修复

15、Draw me in your arms, touch to, my canthus which becomes boiling hot? ─── 拉我在你的怀抱,触没有触摸到,我发烫的眼角?

16、Usage: Apply proper amount onto eye skin along the canthus, upper eyelid and down eyelid within middle finger. ─── 使用方法:取适量眼霜,用中指指腹将眼霜顺著内眼角、上眼皮、眼尾下眼皮做环形轻柔抹匀。

17、Objective For achieving the ideal appearance of the canthus and double upper eyelid,and to perform upper eyelid blepharoplasty and rectify the epicanthus simultaneouly. ─── 目的在完成重睑成形术的同时矫正内眦赘皮,获得较理想的重睑和内眦形态。方法采用内眦横切口形成新内眦角,内眦韧带悬吊于鼻侧腱膜上。

18、Keywords Medial wall of orbital fracture;Medial canthus;Immobilization; ─── 关键词眶内侧壁骨折;内眦韧带;固定;

19、Methods Y slicing combined with V suturing method was adapted to reconstruct both of upper-eyelids and inner canthus. ─── 方法采用Y型切口V型缝合术鼻侧腱膜固定联合下睑去皮缝合矫治内眦赘皮及下睑内翻倒睫并联合重睑术。

20、Outside canthus prolapse is very apparent, what operation can you still do to improve besides facial promotion? ─── 外眼角下垂非常明显,除了面部提升还可以做什么手术来改善?

21、Headachy happening and transmission accord with arterial trend, radiate to mandible namely, terminus is inside canthus, and face artery has apparent tenderness. ─── 头痛的发生与传播符合面动脉的走向,即向下颌放射,终点为内眼角,且面动脉有明显的压痛。

22、If forehead, canthus or corners of the mouth have microgroove, on these place should keep away from as far as possible when powdery bottom. ─── 假如额头、眼角或嘴角有细纹,上粉底时则应尽量避开这些部位。

23、Life is flowing placidly across the forehead of men and canthus of women. ─── 生活如水般波澜不惊,平平淡淡,缓缓地流过男人的额头和女人的眼角。

24、Ligament of outer canthus ─── 外眦韧带

25、Keywords Inner canthus;Epicanthal fold;Double eyelid;Oper ation ABSTRACT; ─── 关键词内眦解剖学;内眦赘皮;重睑术;

26、Objective:To perform the rhytidectomy of the lateral canthus in combination with blepharoplasty for youth and middle-aged persons. ─── 目的:对中青年眼睑整形受术者提供同期外眦鱼尾纹除皱手术方式。

27、Fold the thoughts and wiping open touch in canthus under that bit of tears. ─── 收起思绪,拭开沾在眼角下的那点泪花。

28、The branch arises from the rectroauricular region and enters into the ear. It comes out and passes the preauricular region to the posterior aspect of the outer canthus. ─── 其支者:从耳后入耳中,出走耳前,至目锐眦后。

29、BCC, as the commonest malignant tumor, chiefly occurs in peple over 50 years old and usually in the inner canthus of inferior eyelids. ─── 基底细胞癌是眼睑恶性肿瘤最多见的一种,主要发生于50岁以上的老人,好发于下睑内眦部;

30、Clinical usage and study on the operation technique of the inner canthus nest reconstruction ─── 内眦窝成形器的研制与临床应用


32、great canthus ─── 大眦

33、Place a whole eyelash with good-sized eyelash clip first, the eyelash of reoccupy trumpet places the eyelash clip that places canthus not easily to become warped. ─── 先用大号的睫毛夹夹卷整个睫毛,再用小号的睫毛夹将眼角不易夹到的睫毛夹翘。

34、C. Inspect lacrimal apparatus and note edema or inflammation. Palpate to detect tenderness. (NOTE: Apply gloves if drainage present.) Inspect for excess tearing or edema of inner canthus. ─── 检查泪器,注意水肿或炎症。触碰检查有无触痛。(注意:如有渗液就带手套)检查有无泪水过多或内眦水肿。

35、C. Inspect lacrimal apparatus and note edema or inflammation. Palpate to detect tenderness. (NOTE: Apply gloves if drainage present.) Inspect for excess tearing or edema of inner canthus. ─── 检查泪器,注意水肿或炎症。触碰检查有无触痛。(注意:如有渗液就带手套)检查有无泪水过多或内眦水肿。

36、Occasionally eye itself has the conjunctiva of canthus, corneal loss possibly, the bacterium that after be being kneaded with the hand, gets hurt can be affected. ─── 有时候眼睛本身就可能有眼角的结膜、角膜损伤,用手揉后受伤的细菌就会感染。

37、Objective To study the methods of epicanthoplasty to redure the scar of inner canthus. ─── 目的:探讨减轻内眦瘢痕的赘皮矫正术。

38、external canthus ─── 外眼角, 外眦

39、C. Inspect lacrimal apparatus and note edema or inflammation. Palpate to detect tenderness.( NOTE: Apply gloves if drainage present.) Inspect for excess tearing or edema of inner canthus . ─── 检查泪器,注意水肿或炎症。触碰检查有无触痛。(意:如有渗液就带手套)查有无泪水过多或内眦水肿。

40、The Forth Day: the Lake --- A Drop of Tear of Fairy Canthus ─── 仙女眼角的一滴泪

41、Want to laugh not dare, bearing by force then, however the smile still is written in canthus the sort of! ─── 想笑又不敢,于是强忍着,然而笑意还是写在了眼角那种!

42、Upper-eyelid in other 3 patients of nether-eyelid malignant tumour were carved,rebuilding the nether-eyelid by conjunctival flap and free flap of cutis from inside and outside canthus. ─── ?卵垌?裥灾琢龌颊咝猩享?蚁咔锌

43、After line of the look below 2. uses fluid of blue look line to had been drawn carefully, with brush nature divide evenly leaves, canthus gives Gao Guang with argent picture before. ─── 2.下眼线用蓝色眼线液仔细地画好后用刷子自然匀开,前眼角用银色画出高光。

44、Life is flowing placidly across the forehead of men and canthus of women. ─── 生活如水般波澜不惊,平平淡淡,缓缓地流过男人的额头和女人的眼角。

45、Periocular basal cell carcinoma is most commonly found on the lower eyelid and medial canthus. ─── 摘要基底细胞癌好发于下眼睑及内眼眦。

46、Umbriferous the colour at this one season makeup, canthus of tip of the brow is same the awaken of spring tender, brilliant profusion. ─── 春日的紫不再是烟熏迷离,而是这样淡若轻烟的,在双眸褶皱处和眼尾轻轻扫过,衬托的是从眼角向上晕开的绿色。

47、It starts with brightening eye, then to ear, nose and other organs.They become very acute, owing to canthus massage. ─── 从明目开始进而耳朵,嗅觉等五官七窍都会因”眦搣”而变得异常敏锐。

48、Her canthus, soaked with tears all the year around, had gone festered. ─── 一对眼睛,终年老被眼泪沤着,眼边都烂了,看人都看不太清爽。

49、Should be canthus washed with towel when washing a face? ─── 洗脸时应该用毛巾洗眼角吗?

50、The procedure is usually performed to correct the ptosis of the eyebrow and lateral canthus,to eliminate the temporal and glabellar wrinkles as well etc. ─── 在掌握指征的前提下,内窥镜骨膜下除皱能达到满意的效果。

51、Subcutaneous tissue of medial canthus ─── 内眦皮下组织

52、Skin of medial canthus ─── 内眦皮肤

53、calyx canthus ─── n. [植]腊梅

54、How is two canthus itch to return a responsibility? How to treat? ─── 两眼眼角痒是怎么回事?如何治疗?

55、3. rises from, canthus, forehead or corners of the mouth had appeared faint microgroove. ─── 3.从二十岁那年起,眼角、额头或嘴角就已经出现隐约的细纹。

56、Eyes slowly begin to shut, the canthus slides elapse a drop of radiant tears. ─── 眼睛慢慢的闭起,眼角滑过一滴晶莹的泪。

57、The skin deeply fatigue, can be in horn of canthus, lip, nose nest shines fearsome minor lines. ─── 皮肤不胜疲劳,就会在眼角、唇角、鼻窝亮出吓人的小皱纹。

58、The eye shadow of bright white creams suit to make fundamental impression most, even Tu Man is whole eye socket, spread inside canthus, make the eyes rises brightly. ─── 亮白色的眼影膏最适合做基础底色,均匀涂满整个眼窝,蔓延到内眼角,使眼神明亮起来。

59、The patient has the best point such as a few chronic conjunctivitis or relevant canthus disease a few eyedrop that fight phlogistic, antiphlogistic action. ─── 病人有一些慢性结膜炎或相关的眼角疾病等最好要点一些抗炎、消炎作用的眼药水。

60、Methods To resect flabby eyelid andsurplus eyebrow,overhang the canthus muscle to the frontal bone periosteum meanwhile sever corrugator and procerus. ─── 方法:保留适当宽度的自然眉,切除松弛的上睑及多余的眉,悬吊眉峰及外眦角处的眼轮匝肌于骨膜上,同时切断皱眉肌及降眉肌。

61、With one hand, wipe gently from the inner canthus outward. ─── 用一只手轻柔地从眼的内眦向外擦拭。

62、fistula in the lateral canthus ─── 小眦漏

63、lateral canthus ─── 外眦

64、inner canthus ─── 内眦

65、The extracts of calyx canthus and wolfberry were added to yoghurt for the effects of medical therapy and healthcare. ─── 将雪里花、枸杞浸提液添加到酸奶中,以起到药疗和保健作用。

66、Hesitating, it was already my turn.I run forward with my head lowly, glancing at the Dr. with my canthus. ─── 正犹豫着,已经轮到我了,我低着头跑上前,悄悄地用眼角瞄了博士一眼,谁想,被他发现了。

67、What is a canthus operation? ─── 什么是开眼角手术?

68、fold of inner canthus ─── 内眦褶

69、The effect of cutting off the inner canthus ligamenta or not on dacryocystostomy ─── 内眦韧带是否切断对泪囊鼻腔吻合术疗效影响

70、Female teacher is wiping the tear of canthus, you come even, be? ─── 女老师抹著眼角的泪水,你还要来一次,不是吗?

71、Methods Canthoplasties were performed by cutting canthus in a crosscut and fix the medial cantho-ligament to the nasal dorsal fascia. ─── 方法:采用横切口,将内眦韧带固定于鼻背筋膜,切除上下方多余皮肤后缝合。

72、Inner canthus ligament almost projected on the middle of the sac. ─── 内眦韧带几乎横压于泪囊中部。

73、The tumor presented as an asymtomatic , elastic, dermal nodule with a central opening at the nasal bridge near the left inner canthus. ─── 此肿瘤位于鼻梁靠近左侧内眼眦处,为一无症状具弹性的真皮小结节,中心在表皮有一小开口。

74、Report on Calyx Canthus Poisoning for Goats ─── 山羊腊梅中毒病例报告

75、Objective To research the method of rejuvenation of aging lower eyelid through the combined incisions of lateral canthus and conjunctiva. ─── 目的:探索利用经外眦及结膜联合入路下睑年轻化美容整形术的方法。

76、Methods Twenty-six patients desiring a cosmetic enhancement underwent injection of Botox A directed corragator, procerus, the lower lateral part frontalis and the orbicularis oculi at lateral canthus. ─── 方法采用A型肉毒毒素注射治疗眉外侧段和上睑外侧皮肤松垂的面部老化求美者,对皱眉肌,降眉肌,眉中、外1/3交界垂线内侧的额肌,外眦部眼轮匝肌行计量定点注射。

77、Methods The conventional double eyelid plasty incision were made with conterminous single Z formation on the medial canthus as well as abscising a deltoid skin flap. ─── 方法:采用常规重睑成形术切口,在内眦赘皮处设计新的与重睑成形术切口相连接的上睑内侧单"Z"成形+去除一个三角瓣的新术式。

78、The aptitudes, such as prediction of destination and heaven eye, starts with canthus massage, and then enters more profound level. ─── 所谓宿命通,天眼通等这些能力都是由“眦搣”开始,继而进入更深奥的层次境地。

79、Feel how canthus pouch goes very greatly recently pouch ah. . Still have the microgroove of forehead and canthus? ─── 最近觉得眼角眼袋很深怎么去眼袋啊。。还有额头和眼角的细纹?

80、canthus rostralis ─── 吻棱

81、Revision of lateral canthus ─── 外眦修改术

82、4. C. Inspect lacrimal apparatus and note edema or inflammation. Palpate to detect tenderness. (NOTE: Apply gloves if drainage present.) Inspect for excess tearing or edema of inner canthus. ─── 检查泪器,注意水肿或炎症。触碰检查有无触痛。(注意:如有渗液就带手套)检查有无泪水过多或内眦水肿。收藏指正

83、Reconstruction of lateral canthus ─── 外眦重建术

84、5. it’s unhealthy for the dog with too much white in eye, blanched or grimed eyeball, or with too much secretion at canthus. ─── 5.眼白过多,眼球发白或污浊,眼角分泌多者都是不健康的。

85、The tumor presented as an asymptomatic , elastic, dermal nodule with a central opening at the nasal bridge near the left inner canthus. ─── 此肿瘤位于鼻梁靠近左侧内眼眦处,为一无症状具弹性的真皮小结节,中心在表皮有一小开口。

86、inner canthus preesing esercise ─── 捏目四眦法

87、In dusk, a woman likes the lotus of a joy, disorderly mood, among the canthus tip of the brow, there are sentiment, justices and love. ─── 黄昏里,一个喜悦如莲的女子,心情散淡,眼角眉梢间,有情、有义、有爱。

88、the colour of profusion Ming Yan, "Makeup " the canthus tip of the brow that nods you, the demon unreal variety that makes this summer provide allure most makeup! ─── 将缤纷明艳的色彩,“妆”点到你的眼角眉梢,打造这个夏日最具诱惑力的魔幻彩妆!

89、canthus polyp ─── 内泛

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