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08-19 投稿


forceps 发音

英:['f??seps; -s?ps]  美:['f?rs?ps]

英:  美:

forceps 中文意思翻译



forceps 反义词


forceps 词性/词形变化,forceps变形

名词复数: forceps |

forceps 同义词


forceps 短语词组

1、abortus forceps ─── [医] 流产钳

2、axis-traction forceps ─── [医] 轴牵引钳

3、bayonet-tooth-forceps ─── [医] 枪刺样牙钳

4、angular forceps ─── [医] 角钳

5、application of forceps ─── [医] 施钳术

6、bayonet forceps ─── [医] 枪刺样牙钳

7、advancement forceps ─── [医] 徙前术钳

8、capsule forceps ─── [医] 晶状体囊镊

9、bone-crushing forceps ─── [医] 碎骨钳

10、bone-cutting forceps ─── [医] 剪骨钳

11、bone-holding forceps ─── [医] 持骨钳

12、alveolar forceps ─── [医] 牙槽钳(切除牙槽突的钳)

13、alligator forceps ─── [医] 鳄牙钳

14、bulldog forceps ─── [医] 扣镊

15、bullet forceps ─── [医] 取弹钳

16、bone forceps ─── [医] 骨钳

17、aural forceps ─── [医] 耳镊

18、artery forceps ─── [医] 动脉钳

19、cannulated forceps ─── [医] 管钳

20、Barton forceps ─── [医] 巴尔通氏产钳

forceps 相似词语短语

1、force ─── n.力量;武力;军队;魄力;vt.促使,推动;强迫;强加;n.(Force)人名;(意)福尔切;(英、法)福斯

2、forces ─── n.势力;武装力量(force的复数形式);兵力

3、forcer ─── n.强迫的人;冲头;活塞;蜗杆压榨机

4、forcats ─── 军队

5、forcers ─── n.强迫的人;冲头;活塞;蜗杆压榨机

6、forcipes ─── n.钳子;医用镊子(forceps的变形)

7、forced ─── adj.被迫的;强迫的;用力的;不自然的;v.强迫(force的过去式)

8、force cups ─── (用于清除下水道堵塞物的)木柄橡皮碗

9、deforcers ─── 除雾器

forceps 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Hartmann's tonsil seizing forceps ─── 哈特曼(氏)扁桃体夹持钳

2、Then he handed Samuel the forceps and told him to pull up on the skin between the rear legs to separate it from the muscle. ─── 随后他递给塞缪尔手术钳,告诉他先把后腿之间的皮肤扯起来,使之与肌肉分离。

3、Fig 10.A scanning electron micrograph of a cross-section of a biopsy forceps after cleaning demonstrating residual organic soil. ─── 图10.一副清洗后活检钳横断面的扫描电子显微图显示了残留的有机污物。

4、There is the shrill squawk of children with pale faces and bony limbs, rickety little urchins marked with the forceps. ─── 他是一个智力不健全的人,在他的圣保罗旅馆大厅里转来转去,穿的是最脏最臭的破衣服,溃疡和害虫侵蚀着他的健康。

5、Temoin's gastro-enterostomy forceps ─── 坦默因(氏)胃肠切除钳

6、Hartmann's dressing clamp and grasping forceps ─── 哈特曼(氏)敷料夹抓钳

7、Once a kidney stone is located the urologist typically remoes the crystalline mass with forceps or a "basket" instrument. ─── 一旦发现肾结石的位置,泌尿科医生就使用镊子或一个网篮装置将结晶物取出。

8、The clip is of 6.5mm in length,2.65mm in width, 0.45mm in thickness, 0.14g in weight, and>200g in tencile strength. There is a 0.4mm groove in the clip forceps for fixing. ─── 夹单臂长6.5mm,宽2.65mm,厚0.45mm,重0.14g,抗拉力>200g。

9、Elliot's uterine dressing forceps ─── 埃利奥特(氏)子宫敷料钳

10、You can use a pair of forceps to Collect pollen, i. e. pick the anthers into the capsules, then mark the name of pollen parent. ─── 用镊子收集花粉,也就是直接用镊子把花粉囊收集到胶囊中,并注明品种。

11、Fig 8.Biopsy forceps (A) consist of a pair of sharpened cups controlled by a flexible cable. ─── 图8.活检钳(A)由一对受弹性索控制的锋利杯状物组成。

12、forceps with five beaks and one handle, tooth ─── 一柄五头拔牙钳

13、The major management of IOFB is to remove with pars plana vitrectomy and a forceps, and remove through pars plana with a magnet. ─── 处理这些眼内异物,主要是由扁平部玻璃体切除术,以摄子取出异物。次常用的方法为经扁平部以磁体吸出异物。

14、He recognized me and waved a forceps ─── 他倒还认得我,挥一挥钳子。

15、extracting and resecting forceps for lower teeth ─── 下颌牙拔出及切除钳

16、He can wield forceps with consummate skills ─── 他能非常熟练地使用医用钳子。

17、I would like to avoid forceps and ventouse to pull the baby out. ─── 如果必须要采用外力帮助,我希望不用产钳而是用胎头吸引术。

18、tattooing forceps for poultry and small animals ─── 家禽和小动物用点墨钳(兽医用)

19、Salin's placenta and ovum forceps ─── 塞林(氏)胎盘及卵钳

20、The meatotomy is completed using retrograde forceps. ─── 肉切开术使用逆行钳完成。

21、The utility model discloses a pair of double-pole operating forceps for a thoracoscope and an abdominoscope. ─── 本实用新型公开了一种胸腹腔镜双极手术钳。

22、traction handle for obstetric forceps ─── 产钳牵引柄

23、Stainless steel forceps soaking barrel etc. ─── 不锈钢泡镊筒等。

24、Emmet's forceps for introducing tampons ─── 埃梅特(氏)棉塞插入镊

25、Abraham's tonsil seizing forceps ─── 亚伯拉罕(氏)扁桃体夹持钳

26、In a little while she delivered the baby with forceps. ─── 一会儿她就用钳子把孩子接生出来了。

27、Hartmann-Noye ear polypus forceps ─── 哈-诺二氏耳息肉钳

28、Surgical laser clamps or forceps ─── 医疗激光钳或镊子

29、DNT is soft and conformable and can be packed loosely into the oozing prostatic bed (after removal of prostate gland) using long fine tipped forceps. ─── 在切除前列腺后用长柄尖头镊子夹DNT将其置于前列腺窝中,即柔软又合适。

30、Stainless steel eyes forceps etc. ─── 不锈钢眼用镊等。

31、Keywords Forceps midwifery Cesarean Section; ─── 产钳助产术;剖宫产;

32、clip applying and removing forceps ─── 创缘夹联合钳

33、General specifications for medical forceps ─── 医用镊通用技术条件

34、bifurcated ligature holding forceps ─── 分叉结扎把持钳

35、The transection was carried out by forceps and finger fracture with or without some kind of hep... ─── 全组无手术死亡,术中、术后均无严重病发症结论虽然解剖关系复杂,切除包括腔静脉旁部的肝尾叶安全可行。

36、To obtain a definite tissue diagnosis, we performed transluminal forceps biopsy through a percutaneous nephrostomy tract in nine patients with obstructive uropathy. ─── 为了获得正确的组织诊断,八个有阻塞性泌尿道疾病的病人,我们使用经由经皮肾造口术在内管以镊子取得活动切片。

37、Langenbeck's bone holding forceps ─── 兰根贝克(氏)持骨钳

38、I pointed the end of the blunt forceps at the intestines, starting at the end nearest the umbilicus to manipulate the loops inside. ─── 我以钝的镊子结束瞄准肠, 在最后最接近开始脐操纵里面的环。

39、The woman's husband rushed her to hospital where X-rays showed a pair of four-inches long surgical forceps in her abdomen. ─── 这名妇人的丈夫火速把她送医,X光照出妇人腹中有把四英寸长的手术钳。

40、Adhesion means peritoneum or mesentry sticking together after inflammation.This can cause pain, intestinal obstruction and difficulty in further operation.Body check-up does not involve using forcep. ─── 慢性前列腺发炎是比较难搞的,更何况已经有三四年的时间。

41、There may be some bruising or swelling on the baby's scalp from the forceps, but it will usually go away within a few days after birth. ─── 使用产钳可能会导致擦伤或者婴儿的头皮肿胀,但通常出生后过几天就会好的。

42、After groovy disinfection, with the needle power that forceps clips pushpin form or wheat bead needle provides, aim acupuncture point penetrate into, secure with adhesive plaster. ─── 常规消毒后,用镊子夹住图钉形或麦粒针具的针柄,对准穴位刺入,用胶布固定。

43、anterior chamber foreingn body forceps ─── 前房异物镊

44、Harvey's uterine dressing forceps ─── 哈维(氏)子宫敷料钳

45、compression intestinal tissue forceps ─── 压迫式肠道组织钳

46、pin for storing artery forceps, safety ─── 动脉止血钳放置安全针, 安全别针形钳夹

47、Lambotte's plate holding forceps ─── 兰博特(氏)持接骨板钳

48、Harrison's mandible holding forceps ─── 哈里逊(氏)下颌骨持骨钳

49、A forceps accident during his birth severed a facial nerve, leaving Stallone with parts of his lip, tongue, and chin paralyzed. ─── 出生时,由于动用了产钳,严重地损坏了他面部的神经,致使他的嘴唇,舌头和下颚部分麻痹。

50、They also used forceps for difficult births. ─── 他们还在难产的时候使用产钳。

51、Intraductal forceps biopsy was performed through the established percutaneous transhepatic tract 1 to 2 weeks later. ─── 待一至二周瘘管成熟后,在瘘管内进行肿瘤切片。在所有十五名病患均能取得足够且正确的标本以诊断为肝癌。

52、Lambotte's gouge forceps for pinch off phalanges ─── 兰博特(氏)指骨咬骨钳

53、After removing the worms with forceps under topical anesthesia, the symptoms later improved. ─── 在局部麻醉的情形下取出寄生虫后,病人症状获得舒缓。

54、Hartmann's nasal dressing forceps ─── 哈特曼(氏)鼻敷料钳

55、Hartmann's nasal cutting forceps ─── 哈特曼(氏)鼻咬骨钳

56、She had tufty brown hair on her head and on her crotch, and if you used your fingers like forceps and reached up that mound of brown fluff. ─── 她的头上和胯部有簇棕色的毛发,如果你使手指呈钳状,上伸到棕色绒毛下凸起中。

57、The doctor can see the tumor through the thoracoscope and can use special forceps to take a tissue biopsy. ─── 医生通过它可看到肿瘤组织并用特殊的镊子取组织活检。

58、The utility model relates to a pair of improved forceps, particularly a pair of forceps with the function of rotating a clamped object. ─── 本实用新型涉及一种改造后的镊子,特别是一种可以使所夹持物转动的镊子。

59、Hartmann-Citelli ear polypus forceps ─── 侧咬式耳息肉钳, 哈-契二氏息肉钳

60、Gussenbauer's intestinal forceps ─── 古森包厄(氏)肠钳

61、Hartmann-Dench ear polypus forceps ─── 哈-登二氏耳息肉钳

62、lithotomy forceps for children bladder ─── 儿童用膀胱取石钳

63、epiglottic cartilage cutting forceps ─── 会厌软骨切除钳

64、Hartmann-Weingartner nasal polypus forceps ─── 哈-温二氏鼻息肉钳

65、Comparing 2003 with 1994 and 1999, the caesarean birth rate, social factor causing caesarean birth rate and forceps birth rate were different significantly(P

66、biarticular bone cutting forceps ─── 双关节咬骨钳

67、Keywords Bipolar coagulation forceps;Tonsillectomy; ─── 双极电凝镊;扁桃体摘除术;

68、Emmet's uterine dressing forceps ─── 埃梅特(氏)子宫敷料钳

69、Hartmann's nasal polypus forceps ─── 哈特曼(氏)鼻息肉钳


71、After grasping the abutment with the forceps, apply a tapping force on the handle of the forceps away from and in the long axis of the implant. ─── 就是钳住了支台之后扣打钳子柄顺著植体直长线将支台扣离植体。

72、Harvey-Thomas uterine dressing forceps ─── 哈-托二氏子宫敷料钳

73、Disinfect rectify forceps with opening state. Suggest adopting the design of high pressure disinfection to make sure the signature far from dull. ─── 将钳子置于打开状态进行消毒,建议采用设计之高压消毒,不会使签字变钝。

74、Le Roy's scalp clips applying forceps ─── 勒鲁瓦(氏)头皮夹钳

75、Hartmann-Weingartner ear polypus forceps ─── 哈-温二氏耳息肉钳

76、foreign body forceps for endoscope ─── 内窥镜用异物钳

77、Harnauzeux's tonsil ligature forceps ─── 哈诺佐克思(氏)扁桃体结扎钳

78、Hartmann-Baginsky abscess forceps for pharynx ─── 哈-巴二氏咽部脓肿钳

79、Corneal Suturing Double Fixation Forceps ─── 带齿角膜缝线镊

80、suture clip applying and removing forceps ─── 创缘夹缝拆两用钳

81、Then using foreign body forceps we pressed the plug against the bladder wall and grasped it firmly. ─── 异物钳就能将塑胶套管压在膀胱壁上,稳稳地抓牢它。

82、Take nylon click and jowl as the pivot, easy to remove the band with long forcep beak. It can be also used to remove the bracket. ─── 以尼龙夹及牙颌面为支点,用长而窄的锲头长喙去除后牙区的带环。(也可用于去除直接粘于牙齿的托槽等附件)

83、After the doctor is checked, say to them, what get because of the bee is too deep, use forceps to cannot place it, need is in on marital JJ on besmear honey, stick the bee next come out. ─── 医生检查后对他们说,因为蜜蜂钻的太深了,用镊子无法将它夹出来,需要在丈夫JJ上涂上蜂蜜,然后把蜜蜂粘出来。

84、half-serrated hemostatic forceps ─── 半齿止血钳

85、Eye injury caused by obstetric forceps ─── 产钳术分娩所致眼外伤

86、Hartmann-Herzfeld ear polypus forceps ─── 哈-赫二氏耳息肉钳

87、Cervix mouth leaves complete, the embryo shows the person that be located in below ischiadic thorn first, feasible obstetric forceps is aided produce. ─── 子宫颈口开全,胎先露位于坐骨棘下者,可行产钳助产。

88、Stainless steel Edison forceps etc. ─── 不锈钢爱迪生镊等。

89、Haberer's gastro-intestinal forceps ─── 哈伯勒(氏)胃肠钳

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