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08-19 投稿


backset 发音

英:[?b?k?set]  美:[?b?k?set]

英:  美:

backset 中文意思翻译



backset 网络释义

n. 涡流;逆流;倒退;挫折

backset 短语词组

1、backset current ─── 倒退电流

backset 相似词语短语

1、backswept ─── adj.(头发)向后梳的;(机翼)向后倾斜的(同sweptback)

2、backbeat ─── n.基调强节奏

3、backseys ─── 背景

4、back seat ─── 后座

5、backet ─── 浅木箱

6、backsey ─── 后座

7、backsets ─── n.涡流;逆流;倒退;挫折

8、backrest ─── n.座位靠背

9、backseat ─── n.后座;次要位置

backset 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、air-jet backset spinning ─── 喷气涡流纺

2、Finish the studies of most backset conditions and monitoring ways of anti-magnetic-drive and put forward the computation formula of backset wasting of metal materials; ─── 完成了遏制磁驱动最大涡流条件和检测方法的研究,提出了金属材料涡流损耗计算公式;

3、low-pressure area distributing along the axes, the lowest pressure area lies in the area nearby the bottom of the exhaust duct, there also has some small backset. ─── 在压力场方面,旋风筒的低压区沿其中心轴线分布,整个压力场的梯度中心位于内筒下端面附近,内筒的局部小涡流区也位于此处。

4、backset loss of cast iron hardwares ─── 铸铁金具涡流损耗

5、Backset Current Area of Multi-channel Swirling Burner with Numerical Simulation in Three-dimensional Condition ─── 窑用多通道燃烧器回流区的三维数值模拟

6、Backset Current Area of Multi-channel Swirling Burner with Numerical Simulation in Three-dimensional Condition ─── 窑用多通道燃烧器回流区的三维数值模拟

7、The backset current of the transferred agricultural labor force, and the phenomena of the “pleasant worker neglect” all proved this fact. ─── 转移农村劳动力的回流、“民工荒”现象都佐证了这个事实。

8、the article to, that will make, economic big backset! ─── 品来,那就会搞到,经济大倒退!

9、Introduction is done to the status of the spinning system including rotor spinning, air-jet spinning and backset spinning with analysis of the the advantages and disadvantages. ─── 摘要介绍了转杯纺、喷气纺、涡流纺三种新型纺纱体系的发展现状,并对其应用中存在的优缺点进行了分析比较。

10、英文摘要 : The effects of the backset ratio of thin stillage and the use of protease on the fermentation of uncooked materials to produce ethanol were investigated. ─── 摘要 : 研究了在生料发酵生产酒精时,清液回配比例和蛋白酶使用对发酵的影响。

11、the first introduction relating to its significance and backset; ─── 第二部分为文献综述和研究目的、内容和方法;

12、Draw the concentrating machine in hot backset current of trends ─── 动态热回流提取浓缩机

13、backset n. ─── 挫折,倒退;

14、This mesh belt without magnetic , general in hardness,apply to thefood industry extensively , the mechanical backset welding, electronic circuit board, purging equipement etc. ─── 该网带无磁性,硬度一致,广泛用于食品工业,机械回流焊、电子线路板、清洗设备等。

15、Resisting the balance backset current boiling point , the ones that reduce and brake oil volatilize effectively. ─── 基于风机噪声理论的分析确定了影响风机噪声源的主要因素是旋转噪声和涡流噪声。

16、backset system ─── 回槽法

17、Resisting the balance backset current boiling point the ones that reduce and brake oil volatilize effectively. ─── 搞平衡回流沸点,有效减少刹车油的挥发。

18、backset bedding ─── 后积层理

19、backset bed ─── 涡流层

20、(1)Adjust backset and calf: press [adjust angle] on manual manipulator to adjust the angle of backset and calf. ─── 椅部小腿调节,按手控器上"坐姿调整"键,以调整椅部的倾斜角及小腿垫角度.

21、Hydrodynamic retarder and electric backset retarder ─── 液力缓速器和电涡流缓速器

22、Draw the concentrating machine in hot backset current of trends ─── 动态热回流提取浓缩机

23、Backset spinning process will have a bright future if the limitation of spinning is breaken. ─── 涡流纺纱克服其仅能纷长绒棉一定号数的局限性,提高其制成率后,将会有很大的发展前景。

24、Resisting the balance backset current boiling point, the ones that reduce and brake oil volatilize effectively. ─── 搞平衡回流沸点,有效减少刹车油的挥发。

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