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08-19 投稿


pinches 发音

英:[?p?nt??z]  美:[?p?nt??z]

英:  美:

pinches 中文意思翻译




pinches 词性/词形变化,pinches变形

动词过去分词: pinched |动词过去式: pinched |动词现在分词: pinching |动词第三人称单数: pinches |

pinches 短语词组

1、pinches crossword ─── 捏字谜

2、pinches cabrones ─── 王八蛋

3、pinches crossword clue ─── 捏字谜线索

4、pinches and pounds ─── 挤压和重击

5、where the shoe pinches ─── 关键所在, 困难所在

6、know where the shoe pinches ─── 知道症结所在

7、pinches tacos houston ─── 平什玉米卷休斯顿

8、shoe pinches ─── 鞋夹

pinches 相似词语短语

1、finches ─── n.雀科鸣鸟;雀类;n.(Finch)人名;(英、俄、西)芬奇

2、pitches ─── pitch的变形

3、inches ─── n.英寸(inch的复数);n.(Inches)人名;(英)英奇斯;(意)因凯斯

4、pilches ─── n.尿布垫

5、pinchers ─── n.钳子;鞋子(pincher的复数)

6、cinches ─── n.(非正式)极其容易做的事情;必定的事;马鞍肚带;五个王牌排最大的纸牌游戏;v.用带子系(衣服);用肚带系紧(马鞍);给(马)系上肚带;(非正式)确保

7、linches ─── n.(Linch)人名;(英)林奇

8、pincher ─── n.夹锭钳,折叠;条钢折叠,条钢折叠缺陷;n.(Pincher)人名;(英)平彻

9、pinched ─── adj.(因疾病、寒冷、愁苦等)苍白清瘦的,清瘦的;为缺钱而苦恼的;压紧的,收缩的;v.捏;使苦恼(pinch的过去式和过去分词)

pinches 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、She had to pinch herself to make sure she was not dreaming. ─── 她不得不掐一下自己,弄清楚自己不是在做梦。

2、Don't buy the shoes if they pinch. ─── 如果鞋子夹痛脚,就不要买了。

3、He kicks the prince and pinches him, and shoves him from the breast. ─── 他对王子又踢又捏,还把他从乳房旁推开。

4、If you wish to catch that robin, try putting a pinch of salt on its tail. ─── 你要是想抓住那只知更鸟,设法撒一点盐在鸟尾巴上,这样就能逮住它。

5、You may be more happy than pinches, if you will be more virtuous. ─── 如果你能多做善事,你会比王子还要幸福。

6、The monkey pinches his fingers together and holds them by his mouth. ─── 猴子把几根手指头聚在一起,凑到嘴边。

7、He will never forget the days when he was feeling the pinch of poverty. ─── 他忘不了自己没钱受穷的日子。

8、Considered individually, all the players are excellent, but they do not seem to team up so well. That's where the shoe pinches. ─── 每一球员都是顶呱呱的,但他们配合得不理想,这是症结所在。

9、Laura and she might pinch when he was gone. ─── 他走后,露拉和她可以尽量节

10、She took a pinch of gourmet powder and put it into the soup. ─── 她撮了一点儿味精,放进汤里。

11、We can't do anything about it before we first find out where the shoe pinches. ─── 在发现困难所在之前,我们无法加以处理。

12、He suffered from the pinch of his tight shoes. ─── 他受鞋紧挤痛之苦。

13、I can lend you money in a pinch. ─── 在紧要关头我可以借钱给你。

14、He put a pinch of salt on his food. ─── 他在自己的食物上撒了一撮盐。

15、When he makes a pinch, it sticks. ─── 他若被捕,一定有罪。

16、She would pinch on food in order to spend on clothing. ─── 她过去常把伙食费省下来买衣服。

17、Chinese developers have been feeling the pinch. ─── 中国的开发商早已感受到压力。

18、Let's make a deal. You give me money and I'll tell you where the shoe pinches. ─── 咱们做笔交易。你出钱,我告诉你问题出在哪里。

19、That a coat hanger, in a pinch, makes a good rack for an intravenous bag. ─── 例如,必要时一个挂衣架就能当静脉输液支架用;

20、A pinch of salt is enough for most foods. ─── 大部分的食物都只要加一点点盐就够了。

21、I will have to pinch if I am going to get through school . ─── 如果我想读到毕业,便非节俭不可。

22、I'll have to pinch if I am going to get through school. ─── 如果我想读到毕业,便非节俭不可。

23、EVEN the wealthy burghers of Monaco are feeling the pinch. ─── 即使是摩纳哥的富人也开始感受到经济危机代来的冲击。

24、A poke, prod, or pinch between or on the buttocks. ─── 刺戳用手刺、戳、捅或插入屁股之间或在屁股上的动作

25、By pinch and scraping for the last five year, she have enough money to pay for her son's tuition. ─── 在过去的五年里,她省吃俭用,终於积足了钱可支付她儿子的学费。

26、But Geeta's question began to pinch my conscience. ─── 可是吉塔的问题开始刺痛我的良心了。

27、She doen't let people help at all, and that's where the shoe pinches. ─── 她不让她的朋友帮忙她,这就是症结所在。

28、Try strokes, caresses, nips, pinches and gentle scratches. ─── 你可以试试敲打,轻抚,掐,捏,或是轻轻抓挠。

29、The high rate of unemployment makes many families feel the pinch. ─── 失业率很高,许多家庭感到日子不好过了。

30、When it came to the pinch, he couldn't quite do it. ─── 到了节骨眼上,他又下不了手。

31、The cook pinches salt into the soup. ─── 厨师在汤里放了一些盐。

32、If you regularly pinch back the dead flower heads ,new ones will grow . ─── 如果你经常将枯死的花冠掐掉,新花就会长出来。

33、He decide to pinch back the bud on the plant. ─── 他决定将植物上的芽掐掉。

34、The high rate of unemployment is make many families feel the pinch. ─── 失业率很高, 许多家庭感到日子不好过了。

35、Pinch off the side shoots of the maize. ─── 你把玉米杈子掐掉。

36、I have to pinch on food to buy that book. ─── 为了买那本书,我不得不在吃的方面省俭。

37、Nonethe wearer knows where the shoe pinches. ─── 只有那个穿鞋人,才知哪里鞋轧脚。

38、He gave her a spiteful pinch. ─── 他恶意地拧她一下。

39、He is sad. Do you know where the shoe pinches? ─── 他很惆怅。你知道他在苦恼什么吗?

40、She gave him a pinch (on the arm ) to wake him up. ─── 她掐了他(胳膊)一下,把他叫醒.

41、The billiard table must be pinch pass rolling. ─── 台球桌必须十分平整。

42、I fear once said exports, which is no longer love me. And I always maintain, love is only one thing, where the shoe pinches. ─── 我害怕一旦说出口,这爱就不再是我一个人的事。而我始终认定,爱情只是一个人的事情,冷暖自知。

43、That a coat hanger,in a pinch,makes a good rack for an intravenous bag. ─── 例如,必要时一个挂衣架就能当静脉输液支架用。

44、He tried to pinch money out of me. ─── 他试图勒索我的钱。

45、Put a pinch of sugar in the soup. ─── 在汤里加一小撮糖。

46、You shall take what he say with a pinch of salt. ─── 你不应完全相信他的话。

47、He gave her a pinch on the face. ─── 他在她脸上拧了一下。

48、She gave him a pinch on the arm to wake him up. ─── 她拧一下他的胳膊把他唤醒。

49、These shoes must be too small because they pinch . ─── 因为这双鞋夹脚,所以他们一定是太小。

50、If you regularly pinch back the dead flower heads,new ones will grow. ─── 如果你经常将枯死的花冠掐掉,新花就会长出来。

51、He gave the boy a pinch on the cheek for joke. ─── 他开玩笑地在男孩的脸颊上拧了一把。

52、He is a penny pinch because he grew up in a poor family. ─── 他在穷人家长大,所以非常节省。

53、She won't let him spend any time with his own friends, and that's where the shoe pinches. ─── 她不让他和自己的朋友待在一起,这就是症结所在。

54、I had to pinch on food to buy that book. ─── 为了买那本书,我不得不在吃的方面省俭。

55、My friends came at the pinch and helped me out of the trouble. ─── 危难之际,我的朋友来帮我摆脱了困境。

56、Any working housewife with a family to feed knows where the shoe pinches without studying cost of living indexes. ─── 任何一个操持家庭的主妇,不研究生活费指数也都知道生活的难处。

57、Eleanor is always a penny pinch ever since she has been young. ─── 埃莉诺从年轻时候起就一直是个非常吝啬的人。

58、They seem to be a bit too tight.They pinch. ─── 好像太紧了点,夹脚。

59、Add pinch of pepper when serving. ─── 吃时可加入胡椒粉调味。

60、In a pinch, you could get home on foot. ─── 在万不得已时, 你可以步行回家。

61、He condescended to pinch his ear again. ─── 他又揪了揪他的耳朵以示赏赐。

62、They were ready to pinch themselves for years. ─── 他们准备使自己过几年拮据的生活。

63、To poke, prod, or pinch(a person)between or on the buttocks. ─── 刺戳用手刺、戳、捅或插入(人的)屁股之间或在屁股上

64、He even pinches on necessities. ─── 他甚至必需品也要俭省。

65、She gave him a pinch (on the arm) to wake him up. ─── 她掐了他(胳膊)一下, 把他叫醒.

66、Do you have any oregano? I need a pinch. ─── 你有牛至叶粉吗?我想一点。

67、None but the wearer knows where the shoe pinches. ─── 只有穿鞋的人才知道鞋子夹脚。

68、Any working housewife with a family to feed knows where the shoe pinches without studying cost of living indexes. ─── 任何一个操持家庭的主妇,不研究生活费指数也都知道生活的难处。

69、Has the unique calf to rub pinches and the full bottom rolls the extrusion massage. ─── 具独特的小腿揉捏及足底滚动挤压按摩。

70、To poke, prod, or pinch (a person) between or on the buttocks. ─── 刺戳:用手刺、戳、捅或插入(人的)屁股之间或在屁股上。

71、When it comes to annual birthday presents for his kids, he never pinches pennies. ─── 对于孩子每年的生日礼物,他从不孤寒。

72、These shoes must be too small because they pinch. ─── 因为这双鞋夹脚,所以他们一定是太

73、He says he used to be in the SAS, but I take that with a pinch of salt. ─── 他说他曾经在斯堪的纳维亚航空公司工作过,但我对此表示怀疑。

74、She usually feel the pinch at the end of a month. ─── 她通常在月底感到手头很紧。

75、Do you know where the shoe pinches? ─── 你知道他在苦恼什么吗?

76、She gave him a pinch(on the arm) to wake him up. ─── 她掐了他(胳膊)一下,把他叫醒.

77、You didn't experience that, so you don't know where the shoe pinches. ─── 你没有亲身经历过,所以你不知道困难在什么地方。

78、He very carefully didn't pinch himself in case he was dreaming. ─── 他小心翼翼,没去捏自己一把,以防是在做梦。

79、Trying to save for a holiday is where the shoes pinches. ─── 为了想积攒些钱去度假,往往就会出现经济上的困难。

80、Arcane Material Component: A lodestone and a pinch of dust. ─── 奥术材料成分 :一块天然磁石和一小撮灰尘。

81、She discovered that the stories he told her about his childhood were all lies, so now she takes everything he says with a pinch of salt. ─── 她发现他对她讲述的有关自己童年的经历统统是谎话,所以,他现在无论说什么,她都不全信。

82、Earwig's feelers can pinch you. ─── 地蜈蚣的尾钳能夹疼你。

83、She gave him a pinch to wake him up. ─── 她掐了他一下以弄醒他。

84、No one but the wearer knows the shoe pinches. ─── 各人的苦处各人知道。

85、Never trust a friend who deserts you at a pinch. ─── 千万不要相信在危急时刻离你而去的朋友。

86、Female Gouldian pinches that fail to land their ideal mate seem to have higher levels of stress than their luckier counterparts. ─── 雌性七彩文鸟的伴侣如果不是理想中的,就比他们幸运的伙伴要承受更多的压力。

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