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08-19 投稿


commentary 发音

英:['k?m?nt(?)r?]  美:['kɑm?nt?ri]

英:  美:

commentary 中文意思翻译



commentary 词性/词形变化,commentary变形

名词复数: commentaries |形容词: commentarial |

commentary 短语词组

a running commentary

1. 连续的评论

He kept up a running commentary on my attempt to get the machine going.


1、football commentary ─── 足球评论

2、medical commentary ─── [医] 病案附注

3、funny commentary on the game ─── 有趣的游戏解说

4、intended as commentary ─── 用作注释

5、commentary on the film ─── 电影评论

6、sports commentary ─── 体育评论

7、running commentary n. ─── 当场连续评述

8、sample speech with commentary ─── 带评论的示例演讲

9、short commentary ─── 短评

10、directors commentary ─── 董事评论

11、commentary channel ─── [电] 旁示道

12、a running commentary ─── 当场连续的评述

13、commentary on the movie ─── 电影评论

14、funny game commentary ─── 有趣的游戏评论

15、digitally recorded commentary ─── 数字录制的评论

16、radio commentary ─── 广播评论

17、da vinci code commentary ─── 达芬奇密码注释

18、commodity market commentary ─── 商品市场评论

19、tour commentary ─── 导游词

commentary 相似词语短语

1、commenter ─── n.批评家;评论家

2、commentor ─── 评论

3、commentors ─── 评论者

4、complimentary ─── adj.赠送的;称赞的;问候的

5、commentate ─── vt.评论;解说;注释;vi.评论时事;实况报道

6、momentary ─── adj.瞬间的;短暂的;随时会发生的

7、commendatory ─── adj.推荐的;赞赏的

8、cometary ─── adj.彗星的;彗星似的

9、complementary ─── adj.补足的;(基因序列等)互补的;补充医学的;辅助性的;互补色的;余角的

commentary 习惯用语

1、a running commentary ─── (书)逐句[逐段]的评注; (时事等的)系统评述; (运动等的)现场实况广播

commentary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、From the moment Yao stepped on court, there really is no bigger fan in the sports commentary world than him. ─── 从姚明踏入赛场的那一刻起,在体育评论这个领域里面,没有比他更支持姚明的了。

2、From the passenger seat, he keep up a running commentary on her driving. ─── 他坐在乘客座位上评论她的驾驶技术。

3、At home he grunted "Eh?" across the newspaper to his commentary wife. ─── 在家里,他妻子发表议论时,他没有放下手中的报纸,只是敷衍说:“呃?”

4、Why, asked one widely circulated commentary, did it take the prime minister to point out such an error? ─── 一份广泛流传的评论质疑:为什么需要总理亲自指出这样的错误呢?

5、It was not a pleasant commentary on his own character and degree of moral stamina, to say the least. ─── 至少,这也是在他自己的性格与道德程度上不愉快的解释。

6、The Ma Wang Dui Silk Scroll version of the Five Elements contains the text and commentary on the sixth section. ─── 唯郭店简本有经无说,帛本除经文之外,自第六节经文以下并有说。

7、But it is also a commentary on the lurid appeal of shopping malls, which were then multiplying quickly. ─── 但它也是对购物商城可怕的吸引力的实况报道,此后购物商城迅速在各地涌现。

8、The children were screaming now above the sound of the racy athletics commentary. ─── 孩子们的尖叫声湮没了激情的田径解说。

9、Moreover, hope to clear up some criticism and commentary that is the periphery beside this noval. ─── 又,在此论述主线中旁涉相关问题之考证及评论,也尽可能合并解决。

10、The petty quarrels were a sad commentary on the state of the government. ─── 这些鸡毛蒜皮的争吵说明了政府的状况很糟糕。

11、From the passenger seat,he kept up a running commentary on her driving. ─── 他坐在乘客座位上评论她的驾驶技术.

12、Candace: Well since the evacuation possibility is mentioned and I got email today with questions, let me make some commentary. ─── 因为已经提及了疏散的可能性,我今天收到咨询的邮件,现在我做下解说。

13、Other stories are simplified: 30 to 60 seconds of commentary does not allow for much depth. ─── 其他事件也被简化了: 30-60秒的评论不可能多有深度。

14、Let's listen to the radio commentary on the football match. ─── 咱们听听收音机有关足球赛的解说吧。

15、This commentary is not the author of mortals: Mourinho. ─── 只是这篇评论的作者绝非凡人:穆里尼奥。

16、His spirited commentary makes a match very interesting even on the radio. ─── 他对比赛作的实况报导十分生动,即使从收音机收听也很有趣。

17、As a result, a full transcript of Nils Olaf’s statement is not yet available as this commentary goes to press. ─── 因此,一个完整的誊本尼尔斯奥拉夫的声明是尚未备妥,因为这评注接着新闻界。

18、To judge from the volume of commentary that has followed his article, Carr has touched a nerve. ─── 从他的文章发表后出现的大量评论判断,卡尔触及伤心敏感的问题。

19、Ting Wai Kit has developed a distinct style of soccer commentary through the years with ESPN. ─── 多年来参与ESPN的足球节目评述工作,令丁伟杰发展出一种独特的风格。

20、They kept a running commentary on the speech. ─── 他们对那次讲话作了连续的评论。

21、The first 40 years of life give us the text, the next 30 the commentary. ─── 人生的前40 年给我们课文,后30 年是评论。

22、But somewhat regrettably, sound and rational economic arguments have been clouded by politically motivated commentary. ─── 但可惜的是,理性的经济论据往往被出于政治考虑的评论所掩盖。

23、It is actually the earliest extant commentary edition of Chinese traditional opera. ─── 它实际上是现存最早的中国戏曲评点本。

24、I detect a hint of I-told-you-so smugness about some of the gloomy advance commentary on Copenhagen. ─── 在一些有关哥本哈根会议的悲观先期评论中,我嗅到了一丝“我早就说过了”的自命不凡感。

25、He paused to see the effect of this sardonic bit of commentary. ─── 他顿了一下,想看看这句尖刻的话效力如何。

26、Commentary Phraseology is one of the most distinct phraseologies in Chinese language vocabulary. ─── 品评用语是汉语言词汇中最具特色的用语之一。

27、You can hear commentary on the game at halftime. ─── 你可在中场休息时听到对比赛的评论。

28、The result is a shared culture of fandom, commentary, and camaraderie. ─── 它所带来的结果就是由崇拜者、评论和志同道合者所组成的分享文化。

29、If these real-life examples sound familiar, you may have a caustic commentary running in your head, too. ─── 如果这些真实生活的例子听上去这么耳熟,你可能在你的大脑里也有一个刻意的注释。

30、The original commentary is about typical technologies for oil shale retorting. ─── 介绍了当今世界典型的油页岩干馏技术。

31、On this latter point, market commentary points to a delicate situation that needs careful balancing of pros and cons. ─── 对于这一点,市场评论反映一个微妙的情况,需要有关当局仔细平衡各方面的利弊。

32、My small son kept up a running commentary for the whole trip. ─── 一路上,我的小儿子不断地对所见所闻发表议论。

33、Gadi Evron at Securiteam has written a commentary on just how sophisticated spam bloggers are getting these days. ─── 在丽江呆了一年多,四季衣服都蚂蚁搬家一样渐渐搬了过去,昆明竟然没有几件衣服。

34、It also applies to commentary and, for instance, arts criticism. ─── 但同时也适用于评论、例如艺术批评。

35、Study materials in CP on "Data Commentary," pp. 202-216. Prepare Tasks 1, 2, 4, 5, 6 &11 to discuss in class. ─── 学习课程袋第202~216页关于“资料评论”的材料。准备1、2、4、5、6和11,以便在课内讨论。

36、You said the speech deep reduction person, you knew my commentary aims at you, why also has to offend somebody? ─── 你说的话深深的裁减人,你知道我的评论不是针对你的,为什么还要伤人?

37、He kept up a running commentary on everyone who came in or went out. ─── 他不断地对上下场的每一位队员进行解说。

38、He is giving the commentary on the basketball game. ─── 他正在对篮球赛作评论。

39、The running commentary will start. Time is running out for our rehearsal. ─── 实况转播的时间要到了,没空彩排了。

40、You piss off locals with running commentary on the local news. ─── 你会因为评论本地新闻而激怒本地人。

41、If you study the Bible, you will find a commentary useful. ─── 如果你研究圣经,你将会发现注解很有用。

42、A running commentary is an account of a sports event given by a broadcaster while it is actually happening. ─── 实况转播是播音员在比赛现场所作的报道。

43、Selected Papers 1945-1980 with Commentary, Chen Ning Yang, W. H. Freeman and Company, San Francisco, 1983. ─── 《杨振宁传》,江才健著,台北天下远见出版公司与远哲科学教育基金会共同出版,2002年。

44、D.D.Garland, "Habakkuk," The Broadman Bible Commentary, vol. ─── 7, 246, 只是归纳以前学者猜测的见解。

45、Yet some Nuggets shrugged off their frustration fouls and all the off-color commentary. ─── 但是有些掘金球员还是对他们的犯规和那些垃圾话不以为然。

46、Others saw the film as a terrifying commentary on the American tendency to Purchase success with obscene amounts of money. ─── 另一些人把这部电影看做是美国人喜欢花费大量金钱以获取成功的惊人写照。

47、His spirited commentary made the match very interesting even on the radio. ─── 他对比赛作的实况报导十分生动,即使从收音机收听也很有趣。

48、His political and social commentary catered to the bawdy tastes of the time. ─── 他对政治和社会评判迎合了时代的需求。

49、At the end of the Vietnam War, there was a thriving commentary around the world on the idea of America's economic decline. ─── 在越战结束时,全世界有关美国经济衰退的言论流行一时。

50、He kept up a running commentary on everyone who came in or went out. ─── 他不断地对上下场的每一名队员进行解说。

51、Likewise, the commentary has been altered to offer a fresher, more concise overview of the game. ─── 同样,解说也会对比赛有着更清晰和更准确的阐述。

52、The People's Daily commentary differentiates Russia's interests in Afghanistan. ─── 人民日报的评论区分俄罗斯在阿富汗的利益.

53、In a series of online opinionsurveys and in voluminous press commentary, debate has been surprisingly intense. ─── 一系列的在线调查和大量的新闻报道显示,争议惊人地剧烈。

54、A remote-controlled camera in a commentary position. ─── 位于评论席上或前的专用摄像机。

55、A commentary carried by KCNA recently blasted critics for opposing its plans. ─── KCNA的社评最近抨击了那些反对这项计划的批评声音。

56、That commentary was just so much puff . ─── 他一口气吹灭了三根蜡烛。

57、Huw Edwards is making me laugh a little with his commentary though. ─── Huw Edwards(BBC记者)的评论让我觉得有些搞笑啊。

58、Viorst’s commentary on the great documents of Western civilization has been set down with authority and perception. ─── 同时,作者凭借其独特的观察力,对这些史料进行了权威、可信的分析评价。

59、The North Korean commentary warned Sunday if it attacks, "everything will turn into ashes, not just a sea of flames. ─── 北韩星期天发表的评论警告说,如果北韩发动攻击,“一切都将化为灰烬,而不仅仅是一片火海”。

60、His running commentary on the football match was excellent. ─── 他对这次足球赛所作的实况报道十分精彩。

61、No, it's a commentary on psychology and soul. ─── 不,是评论,和心理和心灵有关。

62、If you read or skimmed the MIT Guide to Dealing with Harassment consider writing a paragraph of critique or commentary. ─── 如果你已读完或浏览过了麻省理工侵扰处理手册,请试著针对这个手册写一段评论或看法。

63、AW: What kind of social commentary did you want to make with this film? ─── 你想在这部电影中说明什么样的社会问题?

64、He superimposed on English commentary on the original soundtrack. ─── 他把英语的评论加录在原声带上。

65、Yet the medics continue to provide a running commentary on the slaughter. ─── 但医疗人员继续提供他们对此次屠杀的实况报导。

66、Additional findings from the Global Surveyor, along with a commentary by Zuber, appear in the Nature. ─── ”由全球监测机构提供的其它发现连同尤伯的评论一起发表在《自然》杂志上。

67、His landmark commentary on the Talmud is a classic introduction to biblical and postbiblical Judaism. ─── 他对犹太法典划时代的注释成为圣经式和后圣经式犹太教义的经典介绍。

68、Her afterword is both earnest and lighthearted, an author's reflections and a politician's commentary. ─── 她的编后记写的即真挚又轻松,既有作为作者的思考也有作为一名政治家的评论。

69、They were expect your commentary on this matter. ─── 他们正在等你对此事的评论。

70、The battle to treat cancer has become, as a commentary in a leading journal put it, a "grinding war of the trenches. " ─── 正如一本著名杂志所说,治疗癌症的战斗已经成为“一场苦战”。

71、Coding must be robust, quick loading time and easy to understand with clear commentary. ─── 编码必须是强健的,快速的载入时间和容易理解清楚的解说。

72、International Herald Tribune - News, commentary and analysis. ─── 国际传令官论坛-新闻,评论和分析。

73、Lawrence's artistic tendency is mainly realism, which combines dramatic scenes with an authoritative commentary. ─── 劳伦斯继承了现实主义创作手法,将戏剧化情节与权威性的评说结合起来。

74、I should perhaps point out that Crazy Racer is not social commentary, in itself. ─── 也许我应该指出疯狂的赛车这部电影并非是社会的实况报道。

75、Commentary: The Inner Voice speaks not in words but in the wordless language of the heart. ─── 内在的声音不是用语言表达的,而是用内心的无言来表达。

76、One who explains or makes a commentary. ─── 发言人或解析者

77、Has Liu Chenweng Meant to Make Commentary on ci? ─── 刘辰翁有意评点过词吗?

78、Bookable associated or non-associated facility such as a commentary position, observer seat, camera position, etc. ─── 可以预订的相关或非相关设施,例如评论员位置、观察员座位以及摄像机位置等。

79、Colbert King of the Washington Post won the Pulitzer Prize for commentary. ─── 《华盛顿邮报》的克伯特?金获得了普利策评论奖。

80、Brezhnev could not forgo extended commentary to several old acquaintances. ─── 勃列日涅夫不愿停止同几位熟人没完没了的交谈。

81、You can also listen to our live audio commentary service online. ─── 你也能在网站上收听现场的直播解说音频。

82、The only problem with all this commentary is that Ms Winfrey is not quitting. ─── 关于这所有评论的唯一一个问题是,温芙蕾女士并不是退役。

83、Ibid, Manfred Nowak, U. N. Covenant on Civil and Political Rights CCPR Commentary, p. 501. ─── 关于少数人权利的消极特征,参见本文第一部分“少数人权利的内容”。

84、Feature Commentary with the director, producer, technical advisor, editor and book author. ─── 导演,制片,技术顾问,编辑和小说家评论特辑。

85、And yet what continues to drive much of the criticism of Greenspan is not so much his record at the Fed but his recent political commentary. ─── 但使格林斯潘持续遭致如此大批评的原因,与其说是他之前在美联储任职的所作所为倒不如说是他近来所做的政治评论。

86、He keeps up a running commentary on my attempt to get the machine go. ─── 他对我试图把那辆机器开动不断地发表意见。

87、The tour guide gave a running commentary from the front of the coach. ─── 导游在旅游车的前部向游客作连续的现场解说。

88、Form the Set: Photograph Montage with Director and Producer Commentary. ─── 导演和制片人对影片中的精彩片段进行的评论,这是个专门的短片。

89、Lawrence’s artistic tendency is mainly realism, which combines dramatic scenes with an authoritative commentary. ─── 劳伦斯继承了现实主义创作手法,将戏剧化情节与权威性的评说结合起来。

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