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08-18 投稿


epiphyllous 发音


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epiphyllous 短语词组

1、epiphyllous definition ─── 附生定义

2、epiphyllous condition ─── 附生状态

3、epiphyllous stamen ─── 叶生雄蕊

4、epiphyllous fungi ─── 叶生真菌

5、epiphyllous means ─── 附生指

epiphyllous 相似词语短语

1、-phyllous ─── 叶状的。

2、epiphyllum ─── n.[园艺]昙花

3、leptophyllous ─── adj.有细长叶子的

4、mesophyllous ─── adj.中型叶的

5、triphyllous ─── adj.三叶的

6、eriophyllous ─── adj.叶上有绒毛的

7、endophyllous ─── adj.生于叶内的

8、diphyllous ─── adj.有两叶的

9、hypophyllous ─── adj.叶下着生的

epiphyllous 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The research results showed that there exists the normal microsporangia and epiphyUous microsporangia on epiphyllous microsporangia Ginkgo tree. ─── 叶生小孢子囊雄株有正常小孢子囊和叶生小孢子囊两种类型。

2、epiphyllous ovule ─── 叶生胚珠

3、epiphyllous liverworts ─── 叶附生苔类

4、Comparative Morphology and Its Systematic Implication on Epiphyllous Microsporangia from Ginkgo biloba L . ─── 银杏叶生小孢子囊比较形态学及系统意义。

5、Normal pollen is slippery-grained type, but epiphyllous potten is rougn-grained type. ─── 正常花粉为光滑型,而叶生小孢子囊花粉为粗糙型。

6、Epiphyllous microsporangia ─── 叶生小孢子囊

7、Guizhou species richness and the complex and diverse fauna, making Guizhou has a unique sub-tropical vegetation in the nature, which accounts rich occurrence of epiphyllous liverworts in this region. ─── 贵州物种的丰富性和区系的复杂多样,使得贵州植被具有独特的亚热带性质,并在这样的气候条件下孕育了丰富的叶附生苔种类。

8、Comparative Morphology and Its Systematic Implication on Epiphyllous Microsporangia from Ginkgo biloba L. ─── 银杏叶生小孢子囊比较形态学及系统意义。

9、epiphyllous liverwort ─── 叶附生苔

10、A Preliminary Report on the Epiphyllous Liverworts Speciesfrom Jiangxi Province, China ─── 江西叶附生苔类植物初报

11、The paper also presents the detailed catalogue of the epiphyllous liverworts in the reserve. ─── 并整理出了保护区内叶附生苔类植物的详细名录。

12、Epiphyllous liverworts of Daiwu Shan, Jiulong (Kowloon). ─── 九龙大雾山的叶附生苔类植物.

13、The pollens in epiphyllous microsporangia have capability to germinate. ─── 叶生小孢子囊花粉具有萌发能力。

14、The pollens in epiphyllous microsporangia have capability to germinate. ─── 叶生小孢子囊花粉具有萌发能力。

15、The ontogeny of epiphyllous microsporangia Ginkgo indicated that the microsporophyll in Ginkgo is of phyllome origin.Possibly, the epiphyllous microsporangia is a peculiar chimera. ─── 叶生小孢子囊银杏的个体发生,表明银杏的小孢子叶有叶性来源的性质,叶生小孢子囊银杏可能是一种奇特的嵌合体。

16、Epiphyllous Liverworts in the Daweishan Nature Reserve of Yunnan Province ─── 云南大围山自然保护区的叶附生苔类植物

17、Phylogeny on epiphyllous microsporangia Ginkgo was discussed in the article. ─── 对叶生小孢子囊银杏的系统发生进行了探讨。

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