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08-19 投稿


establisher 发音


英:  美:

establisher 中文意思翻译





establisher 短语词组

1、establisher durham ─── 钻石之王

establisher 同义词

build | prove | locate | find out | give | demonstrate | clinch | fix | impress | bed | determine | make | verify | conceive | show | plant | launch | bring about | settle | create | set | corroborate | ascertain | constitute | open | testify | ground | organize | institute | authenticate | define | lay down | begin | base | seat | erect | form |found | instal | install | specify | confirm | construct | certify | shew | set up | start

establisher 反义词

abolish |ruin | demolish | destroy

establisher 词性/词形变化,establisher变形

名词: establisher |动词过去分词: established |动词现在分词: establishing |动词过去式: established |动词第三人称单数: establishes |

establisher 相似词语短语

1、established ─── v.建立,设立;制定;(使)立足;得到认可;证实;定植;把……引入电影并得到认同;(使)花色所剩的牌都能赢(establish的过去式及过去分词);adj.已确立的,确定的;著名的;成为国教的;得到承认的;(植物)已生根的;长势良好的;早已投入使用的;资深的,老牌的

2、establishes ─── 建立

3、unestablished ─── adj.未确立的;未被确认的;尚无成就的

4、establish ─── v.建立,创立;确立;获得接受;查实,证实

5、stablished ─── v.设立,创立(机构、制度等);建立(正式关系);确立,使坚固;获得接受,得到认可;查实,确定;(植物)定植;(通过出大牌)使(某)花色所剩的牌都能赢(等于establish)

6、stablishes ─── v.设立,创立(机构、制度等);建立(正式关系);确立,使坚固;获得接受,得到认可;查实,确定;(植物)定植;(通过出大牌)使(某)花色所剩的牌都能赢(等于establish)

7、establishing ─── v.建立;确立(establish的ing形式)

8、destabiliser ─── 不稳定

9、establishment ─── n.确立,制定;公司;设施

establisher 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Establish horizontal economic relations with ... ─── 与..开展横向经济联系

2、They must finally abolish capitalism and establish socialism. ─── 他们一定要最终消灭资本主义,建立社会主义。

3、Should China Establish a Perfect Bureaucratic System? ─── 中国应该建立完善的官僚制吗?

4、He is planning to establish a home. ─── 他正计划建立家庭。

5、They are minded, also, to establish the idolatrous forms of English Episcopacy. ─── 他们还想在这里建立起英国圣公会偶像崇拜的仪式。

6、Difference in Fu Zhou, Beijing Establish filiale. ─── 1995分别于福洲、北京设立分公司。

7、You cannot establish sound security on borrowed money. ─── 你不能依赖借来的钱建立健全的安全措施。

8、How does a foreigner qualify to establish a retail trade business? ─── 何种外国人有资格在菲经营零售业?

9、He assisted us to establish a new company. ─── 他帮助我们成立了一家新公司。

10、Goal| Establish the fundamental background of linear algebra. ─── | 课程目标|绍基本线性代数的内容,强调各个主题的计算与几何观念。

11、She find it difficult to establish a new routine after retirement. ─── 她退休後觉得很难建立起新的生活秩序。

12、There he had set out to establish his own business. ─── 他在那儿着手创建自己的公司。

13、Some preparation is needed before we can establish schools. ─── 办学校需要有准备。

14、Singapore Flying Group, one partner of the cooperation, is the first establisher for Asian top-grade business space blue print. ─── 作为合作一方的新加坡腾飞集团是领先亚洲的商务空间方案的首创者。

15、To establish a mapping of(an element or a set). ─── 对应建立一个(一个元素或集合的)映射

16、As it be, we have establish trade relation with more than100 countries all over the world. ─── 就目前而言,我们已经和世界上100多个国家的商号建立了贸易关系。

17、No, I need to establish a dial-up connection. ─── 不,我需要建立拨号连接。

18、Establish the tone at the start of class. ─── 在开始上课时就要建立好风气。

19、They decided to establish a nuclear power station. ─── 他们决定修建一所核电站。

20、She will first have to establish her leadership credentials. ─── 她得首先证明她有担任领导的资格。

21、They will establish impregnable fortresses. ─── 他们将建造坚不可摧的城堡。

22、But the exact direction of causation is hard to establish. ─── 但是因果关系的具体程度是很难确定的。

23、He is arrested for burglary, but release after it have be establish that it be a case of mistake identity. ─── 他因盗窃被捕,但在认定是属于认错了人的情况后,他被释放。

24、He establish his reputation as a radical. ─── 他建立了作为激进分子的名声。

25、Establish the Quality Standards of ASMC. ─── 建立ASMC的质量标准。

26、To establish a responsibility system for check and acceptance of construction. ─── 六是建立工程验收责任制。

27、Their original characters are less easy to establish. ─── 它们原来的特征不太容易确立起来。

28、When did Peitou meatball establish its popularity ? ─── 北斗肉圆在何时就已经闯出名号?

29、How to establish security control mechanisms? ─── 如何设立保安监控机制?

30、He tried to establish his innocence. ─── 他试图确定自己无罪。

31、They want to establish a new state. ─── 他们想建立一个新的国家.

32、They started to establish the Literature Society three years ago. ─── 三年前他们草创文学社。

33、With whom should he establish good relationships? ─── 应当与哪些人建立良好关系?

34、If I were the president of a university I should establish a compulsory course in "How to Use Your Eyes". ─── 如果我是一所大学的校长,我就要开设一门强制的必修课“如何应用你的眼睛”。

35、Can foreign invested enterprises establish sales company? ─── 外商是否可以投资设立销售公司?

36、Yes. We work to establish work foundation. ─── 千:系呀。自己做野。工作基础啰。

37、Establish your long-range investment strategy. ─── 发展你的长期投资策略。

38、They want to establish trade relations with us. ─── 他们想和我国建立贸易关系。

39、Establish policies to promote objectivity. ─── 制定政策以增强客观性。

40、How did Brazil Establish Urban Green Traffic? ─── 巴西创建城市绿色交通的经验?

41、Establish the fine life together! ─── 共创美好人生!

42、Establish a strict Warehouse Requisition System. ─── 建立严格的仓库领料制度。

43、Their project to establish a new national park will be completed next year. ─── 他们建造一个新的国家公园的工程将于明年完工。

44、He failed to establish his charge. ─── 他的控告不成立。

45、To effect or establish a liaison. ─── 取得联系或建立联络关系

46、How long will it take to establish yourself? ─── 你需要多长时间来使自己步入正轨?

47、To establish the torque control plan and documents. ─── 制定扭矩控制计划和文件;

48、To establish a Chinese global positioning system. ─── 建立中国本身的全球定位系统。

49、How do you establish your credibility? ─── 你如何建立起自己的权威?

50、He is financially able to establish a home. ─── 他在经济上有能力成家。

51、Establish contacts with USAID/Embassy. ─── 与美国国际救援署/大使馆取得联系。

52、This house would establish a global language. ─── 应该确立一门全球化的语言。

53、With a view to develop our business, we decided to establish a branch office. ─── 为发展业务,我们决定开一家分公司。

54、It took several years to establish the business. ─── 创办这个公司花了好几年时间。

55、Students should establish the dictionary habit. ─── 学生应该养成查字典的习惯。

56、Can foreign invested enterprises establish branches out of China? ─── 外商投资企业能否到中国境外设立分支机构?

57、To establish a coinsurance group, the establisher needs to formulate the corresponding articles of association. ─── 成立共保集团需制订相应的章程。

58、We establish a spare-time study group last week. ─── 上星期我们成立了一个业余学习小组。

59、First, establish socialistic new rural areas. ─── 一是建设社会主义新农村。

60、He and his brother fled to the north to establish a new society. ─── 他和他弟弟流亡到北方开辟新家园。

61、How to establish a good factoring credit policy? ─── 如何建立好的保理的信贷政策?

62、Products in Russia to establish after-sales service system. ─── 在俄建立产品售后服务体系。

63、You cannot establish security on borrowed money. ─── 借贷的钱不能够使你建立安全感。

64、Most Indian live on reservation establish by the federal government. ─── 大部分印第安人生活在联邦政府建立的保留地上。

65、Establish the habit of living within a budget. ─── 四、养成按财政预算生活的习惯。

66、Do you think that US will establish a puppet government in Iraq? ─── 你们认为美国会在伊拉克建立傀儡政府吗?

67、Establish technical documents for CMS equipment. ─── 建立CMS设备的技术档案。

68、Bill Gates of Microsoft and Jerry Yang the establisher of Internet site yahoo are examples of Bobos. ─── 微软公司的比尔·盖茨和互联网站雅虎的创建者杨致远就是“波波”一族的典型代表。

69、Does Yuan dynasty establish the administering authority ran Islam? ─── 元代设有管理伊斯兰教的官署吗?

70、A court action to establish ownership of property. ─── 对所有权的诉讼。

71、Smile and establish eye contact? ─── 保持微笑并与您有目光接触?

72、She found it difficult to establish a new routine after retirement. ─── 她发觉退休后很难建立起新的生活规律。

73、Why Establish a Computer Network? ─── 为什么要建立计算机网络?

74、When they've quieted, establish eye contact. ─── 听众安静下来后,眼睛要看着他们。

75、Constant to establish the limits of that algorithm. ─── 常数来建立该算法的限制。

76、M: Yes. We work to establish work foundation. ─── 千?系呀。自己做野。工作基础??

77、In multiethnic countries, establish an appropriate language policy. ─── 在多民族的国家中制定正确的民族语言政策。

78、We establisher testing equipment for validating academic analysis, experiment results accord with academic analysis. ─── 建立了测试光路,对理论分析进行了验证,实验结果和理论分析相符合。

79、But then, they have establish their market while we have to start from the very begin. ─── 可是到那时,他们都有了巩固的市场,而我们得从头开始。

80、Hope to establish trade relations with you. ─── 希望能与你们建立贸易关系。

81、They can now establish outright dictatorship. ─── 他们现在可以建立起彻头彻尾的独裁制度了。

82、Establish standards for component testing. ─── 制定元器件测试标准。

83、The establisher of in vitro plaque model and its application in the evaluation the effect of dental caries prevention ─── 人工体外菌斑模型的建立及其在评价防龋制剂防龋效果中的应用

84、Singapore Flying Group, one partner of the cooperation, is the first establisher for Asian top-grade business space blue print. ─── 作为合作一方的新加坡腾飞集团是领先亚洲的商务空间方案的首创者。

85、The General Manager, who is the establisher, and other members are group of Doctors with background of overseas research study. ─── 公司的发起人及主要成员是一群由海外留学研发背景的博士群体。

86、There is every reason to establish a power station at once. ─── 完全有理由马上建设一个发电站。

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