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08-19 投稿


eider 发音

英:['a?d?]  美:[?a?d?r]

英:  美:

eider 中文意思翻译



eider 网络释义

n. 绒鸭;绒鸭的绒毛n. (Eider)人名;(德)艾德;(丹)埃泽

eider 词性/词形变化,eider变形


eider 短语词组

1、eider fund ─── 艾德基金

2、eider duck ─── 绒鸭, 棉凫(生活在北方国家)

3、Eider (river) ─── 伊德尔(河流)

4、eider duck duvet ─── 鸭子 ─── 鸭子鸽子

5、eider white room ─── 艾德白色房间

6、eider crossword ─── 艾德纵横字谜

7、eider river ─── 业主河

8、eider white ─── 白羽绒

9、spectacled eider ─── 眼镜羽绒

eider 相似词语短语

1、hider ─── n.隐藏者

2、elder ─── adj.年龄较大的;(用于人名前或后,指同名者中)年龄较大的一个;资格老的;n.长辈,年长者;比……年长的人;(基督教会中的)长老;(部落等群体的)头人,族长;接骨木;n.(Elder)(美)埃德(人名)

3、aider ─── n.协助者;教唆者

4、ender ─── n.安德(游戏中的人物名);恩德(男子名)

5、cider ─── n.苹果酒;苹果汁

6、rider ─── n.骑手;附文;扶手;n.(Rider)人名;(英)赖德;(西)里德尔

7、sider ─── n.支持者,帮派成员

8、eiders ─── n.绒鸭;绒鸭的绒毛;n.(Eider)人名;(德)艾德;(丹)埃泽

9、bider ─── 联编的

eider 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Our on-board guide pointed out a family of four bears foraging for eider eggs on an island in the Woodfjorden. ─── 在伍德约旦岛,船上的导游指给我们看正在找野鸭蛋的一家四口北极熊。

2、And eider down has qualitative light, breathe freely, not fuggy advantage. ─── 由于化纤材质不太透气,使用久了容易变形结成块儿,缺乏弹性,枕头呈现高低不平的状态,尤其是一些小厂家生产的劣质化纤枕。

3、A quilt stuffed with the down of the eider duck. ─── 这条被子是用绒鸭毛做芯子的。

4、the eider liver disease ─── 老年肝病

5、Eider Lee didn't hear clearly, or Jack didn't speak clearly. ─── 不是李没听清楚,就是杰克没讲清楚。

6、With the development of science and technology, people have a eider choice of sending greetings to their friends and relatives. ─── 随着时代的发展, 人们彼此间的问候方式发生了很大变化。

7、any of various large diving ducks found along the seacoast: eider; ─── 在海岸活动的各种大型潜水鸭;绒鸭;

8、He had two sons, Edward and Richard, and the eider of these, Edward, became King on his father's death. ─── 他有两个儿子,爱德华和理查德。其长子爱德华在父亲过世后成为国王。

9、Eider down clothes of novel design have Been in short supply this winter. ─── 设计新颖的羽绒系列服装,成为今冬的紧俏货。

10、The rudiment of Galanz was a small town-sized eider factory. ─── 格兰仕前身是一家乡镇羽绒制品厂。

11、The following small make up teach teach you how to match brief paragraph eider down is taken, let it become you already can keep out is cold the optimal option that does not lose vogue again! ─── 以下小编就教教你如何搭配短款羽绒服,让它成为你既能御寒又不失时尚的最佳选择!

12、any of various large diving ducks found along the seacoast: eider; scoter; merganser. ─── 在海岸活动的各种大型潜水鸭;绒鸭;海番鸭;秋沙鸭。

13、eider yarn ─── 细软毛线

14、Analysis of the Proportion of Salivary Gland Tumors in 528 Eider Patients ─── 528例老年人涎腺肿瘤的构成比分析

15、Eider?down outerwear has long before taken the place of cotton padded jacket. ─── 羽绒衣早就代替了棉衣。

16、any of various large diving ducks found along the seacoast: eider; scoter; merganser ─── 在海岸活动的各种大型潜水鸭;绒鸭;海番鸭;秋沙鸭

17、Eider Lee didn't hear clearly, or Jack didn't speak clearly. ─── 李没听清楚,就是杰克没讲清楚。

18、Eider down is taken, sleeping bag, tent, dynamo is the old equipment when source of before a few old rivers is afloat. ─── 羽绒服、睡袋、帐篷、发电机等都是前几年长江源飘流时的旧装备。

19、A colony of Eider ducks has made its home between the husky kennels , about 100 pairs in all. ─── 北极绒鸭在雪橇犬的狗舍之间筑了巢,总共有100对上下。

20、The machine is used fro fine sorting of feathers which have been dedusted so as to get eider down of different downcontent. ─── 五箱分毛机:用于对经过除灰或水洗的羽绒进行精分,以得到几种不同含绒量规格的羽绒。

21、report names three seabirds in jeopardy - the Kittlitz's murrelet, spectacled eider and ivory gull; ─── 报告中也将三种海鸟列入危险名单,他们是小嘴斑海雀、白眶绒鸭以及象牙海鸥。

22、n. A quilt stuffed with the down of the eider duck. ─── 这条被子是用绒鸭毛做芯子的。

23、Its year productivity amounts to 3000 tons, sale network already pervaded two provinces city, have many yuan 1000 chicken duck and export of eider down garment every year. 2. ─── 其年生产能力达3000吨,销售网络已遍及二十几个省市,每年有1000多万元的鸡鸭和羽绒衣出口。

24、Eider down pillow is the pillow with superior qualitative material, defect is cannot bath. ─── 所以,建议你在选购枕头时,尽量选弹性较好的知名品牌,不要贪图便宜选那种易变形的劣质化纤枕。

25、Because of the big density and weaving difficulty for the cotton waterproof eider down clothing, the general sizing material can not meet its sizing requirement. ─── 纯棉防水羽绒布经纬密度高,织造难度大,普通浆料不能满足织造上浆要求。

26、Eider Manpawer Resources ─── 老年人力资源

27、This ceaseless in ceaseless innovation development expands flying enterprise, its every time innovation drove the new revolution of industry of Chinese eider down. ─── 这个在不断创新中不断发展壮大腾飞的企业,它的每一次创新都带动了中国羽绒行业的新革命。

28、Spectacled Eider ─── n. 眼眶绒鸭

29、eider patient ─── 老年人

30、Goose whole body is treasure, wing of neck of tongue of head of palm of eider down, fat liver, goose, goose, goose, goose, goose, bowel, muscle, stomach, blood is very costly salable production. ─── 鹅全身是宝,羽绒、肥肝、鹅掌、鹅头、鹅舌、鹅脖、鹅翅、肠、筋、胃、血等都是很值钱的畅销产品。

31、Softness of eider down pillow is durable, but catharsis is difficult and have partial person allergic to eider down; ─── 羽绒枕柔软耐用,但洗涤困难且有部分人对羽绒过敏;

32、Common Eider ─── n. 欧绒鸭

33、New fabrics, new design, new technology offers new point of growth ceaselessly to eider down industry.The quantity that contain cloth with soft nap also by. ─── 新面料、新款式、新工艺给羽绒工业不断提供新的增长点。

34、Do first only, redo is much, do also do relevant diversity Ge Lanshi to be engaged in eider down taking production formerly only more. ─── 先做专,再做多,做多也只做相关多元化格兰仕原从事羽绒服生产。

35、In the quilt familial in, eider down is the costliest, eider down by warmth retention property is beyond question, still have eider down by weight is the lightest. ─── 在被子的家族里,羽绒被算是最昂贵的了,羽绒被的保暖性毋庸置疑,还有羽绒被的重量最轻。

36、Eider down feather can absorb the of 20% moisture in humid air, there won't be humid feeling when falling asleep. ─── 羽绒羽毛能够吸收潮湿空气中20%的水分,入睡时不会有潮湿的感觉。

37、Miss temple, last year she afraid cold itself to jiuzhaigou tourism, peer tourists on, but she just wear eider down a thin coat, she is afraid is winter night, iciness, sleep. ─── 宁小姐本身不怕冷,去年她去九寨沟旅游时,同行的游客都穿上羽绒服,而她才穿一件薄外套,她怕的是冬天的夜晚,手脚冰冷,睡不好觉。

38、Eider Gudjohnsen and Hernan Crespo were introduced at the expense of Duff and Drogba. ─── 古德扬森和克雷斯波替下了达夫和德罗巴。

39、The down of the eider duck, used as stuffing for quilts and pillows. ─── 羽绒绒鸭毛,用作被子和枕头的芯子

40、Eider down takes the market to had entered autumn. ─── 羽绒服市场已经进入成熟期。

41、According to reporter understanding, the popular quilt on market has silk this year by, eider down by, cool silk by, silvan bath summer by, lavender summer product of series be waitinged for. ─── 据记者了解,今年市面上流行的被子有蚕丝被、羽绒被、凉丝被、森林浴夏被、熏衣草夏被等系列产品。

42、We manufacture a great range of garment as follows:Leather jackets,washed PU ,sweater, cotton,eider down cotton,shirt,chiffon etc. ─── 服装产品有皮衣、水洗皮革、毛衣、棉衣、羽绒棉、衬衫、雪纺等系列。

43、Eider college ─── 老年大学

44、Steller's Eider ─── n. 小绒鸭

45、Threatened and endangered species in area -- Steller sea lion, Aleutian sea otter, Steller eider. ─── 该地区的物种生存遭到威胁-------海狮,阿流申海獭,绒鸭等物种由于油料污染受到伤害。

46、Force Emperor give the princess of the crazy and widow to Tang Eider Tiger. ─── 唐伯虎用爱情医治愈公主的疯病,因它故把她休掉(离婚)。后来,娶妓女沈九娘。

47、Eider down feather can absorb the of 20% moisture in humid air, there won't be humid feeling when falling asleep. ─── 羽绒羽毛能够吸收潮湿空气中20%的水分,入睡时不会有潮湿的感觉。

48、Down-filled Quilts,Eider Down Pillow,. Business areas feather &down products , apparel &footwear , ─── 供应商-纺织,时尚,服装,鞋袜/时尚

49、King Eider ─── 王绒鸭, n. 王绒鸭(雁鸭科)

50、Thompson accepted the role of Eleanor, the eider of the two Dash-wood sisters (the younger is Marianne) whose stories occupy the main action of Sense and Sensibility. ─── 汤普森饰演达西伍德两姊妹中的姐姐艾林洛(妹妹叫玛丽安),《理智与情感》所讲述的主要是她俩的故事。

51、e.g. Eider Lee didn't hear clearly, or Jack didn't speak clearly. ─── 不是李没听清楚,就是杰克没讲清楚。

52、When the reporter arrived at higher education press no.15 street, a middle-aged woman of eider down wear gray is pushing a tattered clothes, the old man cried "hurriedly loss!" ─── 当记者赶到德外大街高等教育出版社门口发现,一个穿灰色羽绒服的中年妇女正在推搡一名衣著破烂的老人,嘴里喊著:“赶紧赔钱!”

53、Do first only, redo is much, do also do relevant diversity Ge Lanshi to be engaged in eider down taking production formerly only more. ─── 先做专,再做多,做多也只做相关多元化格兰仕原从事羽绒服生产。

54、My eider brother is two metres tall. ─── 信不信由你,我哥哥有2米高。

55、The machine is used fro fine sorting of feathers which have been dedusted so as to get eider down of different down content. ─── 用于对经过除灰或水洗的羽绒进行精分,以得到几种不同含绒量规格的羽绒。

56、Piece of aunt of 59 years old come from continous this world on a special trip, her specially wore a gules eider down to take, lipstick of draw eyebrow, picture, dish hair. ─── 59岁的张阿姨专程从绵阳赶来,她特地穿了一件红色羽绒服,描眉、画口红,盘头发。

57、eider population ─── 移居

58、eider duck ─── 绒鸭

59、Tang Eider Tiger alleges publicly" romantic dissolute gifted scholar of first in China river south". ─── 唐伯虎公开号称“江南第一风流才子”。

60、I enjoyed the beautiful picture in my brain when my eider described what the world was like in his childhood. ─── 每当父辈讲起他们小时侯的世界时我都会沉浸与沧海那美丽的景象之中。

61、A colony of Eider ducks has made its home between the husky kennels, about 100 pairs in all. ─── 北极绒鸭在雪橇犬的狗舍之间筑了巢,总共有100对上下。

62、a soft quilt usually filled with the down of the eider. ─── 一种通常填充有羽绒的棉被。

63、a soft quilt usually filled with the down of the eider ─── 一种通常填充有羽绒的棉被

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