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08-19 投稿


federate 发音

英:[?fed?re?t]  美:[?fed?re?t]

英:  美:

federate 中文意思翻译




federate 网络释义

adj. 同盟的;联邦制度下的;联合的vt. 使结成同盟;使结成联邦vi. 结成联邦

federate 词性/词形变化,federate变形


federate 短语词组

1、federate define ─── 联邦成员定义

2、federate papers ─── 联邦文件

3、federate f5 ─── 联邦成员f5

4、federate amazon ─── 亚马逊联盟

5、federate verb ─── 联邦成员动词

6、federate definition ─── 联邦成员定义

7、federate 365 ─── 联邦成员365

federate 相似词语短语

1、deaerate ─── v.使除去空气;从液体中除去气泡

2、federates ─── v.结成同盟,结成联邦;adj.同盟的;联邦制度下的;联合的

3、federated ─── adj.联邦的;联合的;结成同盟的;vi.结成同盟;按联邦制组织起来(federate的过去式过去分词)

4、federator ─── 联邦制

5、hederated ─── 享乐的

6、derate ─── vt.减免;减税,免税

7、cedrate ─── 割让

8、foederati ─── 中央

9、federative ─── adj.联合的;联邦性的

federate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Research and Implementation of Star Wizard Tool for HLA Federate Development ─── HLA盟员自动生成工具的研究和实现

2、Der Kolben der pneumatischen Feder steht auf dem Rumpfboden und ist hier nicht zu sehen. ─── 气动活塞的春天是在地面上和机身是不被看到。

3、Reduce rapid traverse and federate, and always be ready to shut down the machine immediately if necessary. ─── 检查加工程序,应使用较小的快速移动速度和进给速度,必要时,时刻准备立即关闭机床

4、In running environment, the method of environmental federate was adopted, and the abundant characteristic of environmental data was taken into account. ─── 在运行环境部分采用联邦成员的方式,兼顾了环境数据量庞大的特点。

5、“besides the psychasthenia patient, you sees an adult because to be stranded sheds tears”This was “south Feder” Liu Xiaohu had said a few words, this adult referred to is Li Xin you. ─── “除了精神衰弱患者之外,你见过一个成年人因为困而掉眼泪吗?”这是“费德南”刘晓虎说过的一句话,这个成年人指的就是李欣汝。

6、critical federate ─── 极限进给量

7、Dr. David Feder, Dr. Keith S. Champlin, Field &Laboratory Studies To Assess the State Of Health Of ─── 丁晓东,李中川,备用电源系统的蓄电池在线监测技术,电源世界,2000,5

8、Research of Federate Aided Development Tool for Satellite Military Application System ─── 卫星军用系统的联邦成员辅助开发工具研究

9、small federate vibration, ensuring high surface quality and avoiding excessive lash to the machine tool. ─── 速度波动小,既保证了加工件的表面质量,又避免对机床造成过量冲击。

10、A role mapping-based authorization method was presented to solve authorization problems across autonomous systems for the decentralized federate integration of networked manufacturing platforms. ─── 摘要为解决网络化制造平台联邦集成中的跨平台授权问题,提出了一种基于角色映射的跨平台授权方式。

11、Federate development tool ─── 联邦成员开发工具

12、HLA federate ─── HLA联邦成员

13、But south Feder as if does not believe this fact, instead in the complete property grasps, in oneself most trust Lin in Wu rival's time has been afraid, was afraid. ─── 但是费德南似乎并不相信这个事实,反而在全部资产都掌握在自己最信任的林无敌手中的时候心虚了,害怕了。

14、Proxy federate ─── 代理联邦

15、Adaptable federate ─── 自适应性成员

16、Regarding two leading characters, the audiences did many had suspected: Some people hoped that the forest is invincible and south Feder has the sentiment; ─── 对于两位主人公,观众们做了诸多猜想:有人希望林无敌和费德南发生感情;

17、Design and Implementation of HLA/RTI Management Federate Based on MOM ─── 基于mom的HLA/RTI管理盟员的设计与实现

18、However, the pattern of the development of a federation which centers on the FOM information constrains the reusability and interoperable ability of the federate in diverse federations to some extend. ─── 但是,这种以FOM信息为中心的联邦开发模式,使联邦成员在不同的联邦中实现重用性和互操作性能力受到限制。

19、The not Anacreontic Ceng Yi that management state is inferior to anticipate and did not develop spends federate investment to produce retreat meaning. ─── 经营状况不如预期和未来发展的不明朗曾一度使联合投资萌生退意。

20、10.Problem of crosscutting federate could be resolved effectively by using Aspect-Oriented programming technology. ─── 利用面向方面的编程技术,能够有效地解决邦员的横切问题。

21、Deploying Edge Servers also enables you to federate with partner or vendor organizations. ─── 部署边缘服务器,您还可以进行联合与合作伙伴或供应商组织。

22、It retains the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) as a central labour union but gives other trade unions the freedom to federate and form umbrella unions, and makes union membership voluntary. ─── 其中将奈及利亚劳工协会作为主要工会,也给其他工会自由同盟的权力,形成保护伞工会,使其成为自愿的会员关系。

23、Design and Implementation of a Reusable Scene Simulation Federate ─── 一种可重用的视景邦员设计与实现

24、"Now, that's a real problem," Feder said. ─── “现如今,那确实是个问题,”费德说道。

25、Is there are slick way to federate a node into a CELL without having to do manual configuration changes? ─── 有没有更加灵活的方式来将一个节点联合到CELL中去,而不用手动的更改配置?

26、Applying the Bridge Federate to Interconnect High Level Architecture Multiple Federations ─── 应用桥接成员实现高层体系结构多联邦互连

27、Portray Feder's south this section of psychology exquisitely, the tense release conference, the tense forest is invincible. ─── 把费德南的这段心理刻画得十分细腻,紧张发布会,紧张林无敌。

28、Times, October 6, 2005 Experts Give Scientists Roadmap on Nanotechnology Research By BARNABY FEDER...... ─── 毒物学家给纳米技术研究者提供了一个新的研究方向:纳米材料也可能对人体有害(编译新闻)[2005-10-0711:39:27

29、Every day, our customers ask CA for help implementing CMDBs that federate asset and configuration data from both CA and non-CA systems. ─── 每天我们都会接到来自客户的要求,让我们帮助他们建立CMDB数据库,而这些资产数据和配置数据却分别来自CA和非CA的系统。

30、The development of federate software based on HLA/RTI is a miscellaneous, bald and fallible process. ─── 基于HLA/RTI进行盟员软件的开发过程是一个繁琐、枯燥而且容易出错的过程。

31、thirdly, based on the previous analysis, from the angle of supply, use improved FEDER model to focus on the characteristics and influence extent of foreign trade"s promotion on economic growth; ─── 再次,在上分析的基础上,从供给的角度,利用适用性改进后的费德模型,重点分析对外贸易促进江苏省经济增长所表现出来的特征和影响程度的大小;

32、The script package includes the script to create, federate, and start the profile. ─── 这个脚本包包含创建、联合和启动概要文件的脚本。

33、Research on Architecture of HLA Multiple Federations Interconnected by Bridge Federate ─── 桥接多联邦系统体系结构研究与应用

34、Research on Federate Compliance Test Software ─── 联邦成员一致性测试软件研究

35、corporation federate ─── 企业联合

36、The most frequent need for this is to make the Deployment Manager hostname known to any custom nodes you wish to federate to the cell. ─── 最常见的数据交换需求是让希望与单元联合的所有定制节点知道部署管理器的主机名。

37、Monitor and control federate ─── 监控成员

38、When south new president Feder knew that the fiancee prepares in the side to place time an informer, enhanced vigilantly immediately. ─── 当新总裁费德南得知未婚妻准备在身边安插一个眼线时,马上提高了警惕。

39、Federate Generation Framework ─── 联邦成员生成框架

40、federate integration ─── 联邦集成

41、Design and Implementation of the Federate Integration Testing Tool ─── 盟员集成测试工具的设计和实现

42、Bridge Federate ─── 桥接成员

43、Some people hoped that south Feder close comrade Wu Yong scratches the flames of war invincibly with the invincible assistant forest; ─── 有人希望费德南的亲密战友吴庸跟无敌助理林无敌擦起战火;

44、Most loses face south a most attractive section of factor Feder and the Masha sha is chatting together the forest invincible Eight Diagrams. ─── 最出彩最好看的一段要数费德南和马莎莎在一起聊林无敌的八卦。

45、federate software framework ─── 联邦成员框架

46、This paper describes the implementation of ownership management services with a Bridge Federate and dicusses the ownership negotiation among multiple federations. ─── 实现多联邦互连有多种方法,桥接成员是其中一种。

47、The Design and Essential Technologies Research of HLA Federate Wizard Framework ─── HLA邦元范型框架设计及其关键技术研究

48、Hillary, Ira Magaziner, Judy Feder, and all those who helped them had crafted a plan that we could implement while reducing the deficit. ─── 希拉里、艾拉.马加齐纳、朱迪.费德和所有帮助他们的人精心制作了一个计划。我们可以在削减赤字的同时实施这个计划。

49、Feder advised Dropping net nose. ─── 滴药前应先擤净鼻涕。

50、federate migration ─── 联邦成员迁移

51、Federate the China Democratic League, the World Association of Chinese art, Abstractionist school painter ,"National Fundamental Software of China Ltd" artistic adviser. ─── 中国民主同盟盟员,世界华人艺术家协会理事,抽象派画家,中科方德软件有限公司艺术顾问。

52、In November, feder mal officials addedvnother seven weeks of benefits in all states. ─── 去年11月,联邦官员又增加7个星期的利益在所有国家。

53、CNC words begin with letter addresses (like F for federate, S for spindle speed, and X, Y, &Z for axis motion). ─── 数控字以字母地址开头(如F表示进给速度,S表示主轴转速,X,Y,Z表示轴运动)。

54、The ownership management in the multiple federations with a Bridge Federate ─── 由桥接成员构成的多联邦系统中的所有权管理

55、Federate all nodes in the application tier. ─── 联合应用程序层中的所有节点。

56、yarn strenght feder ─── 缆线强度保护机

57、Used by organizations that want to federate a set of moderately autonomous departments under the umbrella of a supervising department. ─── 供希望在一个监管部门的保护下联合有适度自治权的部门的组织使用。

58、federate planning ─── 成员规划

59、Research on Model's Reuse in HLA Federate ─── HLA联邦成员中模型的重用性研究

60、federate design radar EW ─── 效能评估

61、Gottfried Feder ─── 弗德尔(1883-1941),德国人,经济理论家。

62、Feder's model ─── 菲德尔(Feder)模型

63、He told me that mobile phones that interact with objects using NFC (Near Field Communication) will need to work out how to federate around the same ID for a user. ─── 他告诉我,通过NFC(近场通信技术)和物品互动的手机需要围绕同一个用户ID进行工作。

64、75. Perhaps he believed that he could not criticize American foreign policy without endangering the support for civil rights that he had won from the feder al government. ─── 也许他认为他批评美国的外支政策就会使他从联帮政府那里获得的对和的支持受到威胁。

65、Feder IX King approachable, affable, and the people of Denmark have a harmonious relationship, the love of the people. ─── 菲德九世国王平易近人、和蔼可亲,与丹麦人民有着融洽的关系,受老百姓的爱戴。

66、Research and Implementation of Automatically Generating Federate Software Framework from High Level Architecture Object Model ─── 基于高层体系结构对象模型的联邦成员软件框架自动生成研究与实现

67、75.Perhaps he believed that he could not criticize American foreign policy without endangering the support for civil rights that he had won from the feder al government. ─── 75、也许他认为他批评美国的外支政策就会使他从联帮政府那里获得的对人权和的支持受到威胁。

68、Applies mechanically south Feder to spend the total words: Essential is not the big result, but was the big result may not say half! ─── 套用一下费德南费总的话:关键的不是大结局,而是大结局不可以说一半!

69、Design and Implementation of Federate Modification Tool Based on Add-In ─── 基于Add-In的联邦成员修改工具的设计与实现

70、With the feder model and the collection of economic development data of Jiangsu Province (1992-2006), this paper analyzed educational investments' spillover effect on economic growth in jiangso. ─── 摘要文章借鉴菲德模型,在收集1992-2006年江苏省经济发展数据的基础上,对教育在江苏经济增长中的外溢作用进行了量化分析。

71、Eight hung the amateur to hold a meeting in wc ......The result was Su Lei said that must go to convince the husband to invest helps Feder male. ─── 八挂爱好者在wc中开会了......结果是苏蕾说要去说服老公出资帮助费德男。

72、Feder model ─── 菲德模型

73、Federate Ambassador Callback ─── 联邦大使回调

74、Federate application server profiles with the deployment manager. ─── 应用程序服务器概要与部署管理器联合。

75、Constructing the Extensible HLA Federate Architecture ─── 构建可扩展的HLA联邦成员架构

76、A Study of Automatically Generating Federate Framework Code ─── 联邦成员框架代码的自动生成技术研究

77、south 1 Feder's actor Liu Xiaohu the family background scholarly family, grows up in the intellectual atmosphere. ─── 1 费德南的扮演者刘晓虎出身书香门第,在知识分子氛围中长大。

78、In the paper the main characteristics of the proposed hardware and software architecture have been illustrated, focusing attention on the logic phases for implementation by the transport federate. ─── 此篇论文主要是著重在物流模组藉由运输的联合来实行。

79、To federate the node immediately, the deployment manager process has to be up and running. ─── 要立即联合节点,部署管理器进程必须启动并且正在运行。

80、Component-based Federate Generation Framework was proposed, and by using the FOM/SOM and user inputs, the C++ codes of the federate software framework can be automatically generated. ─── 将基于组件的开发方法实现一种联邦成员生成框架,能通过FOM/SOM和用户输入,生成联邦成员框架代码,实现典型成员的公共功能。

81、feder joint ─── 羽状节理

82、Staats JJ,Feder I,Okwumabua O,et al.Streptococcus suis:past and present[J].Veterinary Research Communications,1997,21:3811. ─── 王广和,杨瑞馥,华春涛,等.一种新的人兽共患病病原菌-血液链球菌[J].中国人兽共患病杂志,1999,15(5):204.

83、To federate a node means to add it to the network deployment configuration. ─── 联邦一个节点意味着将其添加到网络部署配置中。

84、the China Democratic League Federate 4. ─── 中国民主同盟盟员4人。

85、Then the real time interpolation federate is modified all the time according to the look ahead control information to realize high speed interpolation. ─── 然后依据此信息,在实时插补中对插补速度进行校验调整,实现高速曲线插补。

86、Federate software ─── 盟员软件

87、The result shows that the mainfactor to reduce the cutter abrasion is the federate. ─── 结果显示进给是低刀具磨耗的最主要因素、削速增大时会增进刀具磨耗,削深增大亦有此趋势,但影响较小。

88、Some people hoped that south Feder and the forest invincible have been the brother and sister + partners; ─── 有人希望费德南和林无敌一直都是兄妹+合作伙伴;

89、extensible hla federate architecture ─── 可扩展的HLA联邦成员架构

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