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08-19 投稿


effusing 发音

英:[??fju?z??]  美:[??fjuz??]

英:  美:

effusing 中文意思翻译





effusing 词性/词形变化,effusing变形

动词现在分词: effusing |动词过去式: effused |动词过去分词: effused |动词第三人称单数: effuses |

effusing 相似词语短语

1、-fusing ─── n.熔断,熔化;引爆;烧断保险丝;v.熔化;熔合;(保险丝)烧断;装引信于(fuse的现在分词)

2、effusions ─── n.渗出;泻出;渗漏物

3、perfusing ─── v.灌注;洒遍;散布(perfuse的现在分词)

4、defusing ─── v.化解;解除;缓和(defuse的ing形式);n.拆除;消除;减压

5、effing ─── adj.(用于加强语气,具有冒犯性)该死的;adv.(用于加强语气,具有冒犯性)该死地;v.诅咒,咒骂(eff的现在分词);n.(Effing)(德、美、荷)埃芬(人名)

6、suffusing ─── v.(颜色、光线或感情)充满,弥漫(suffuse的现在分词)

7、diffusing ─── v.(消息)散布,传播;缓解;(光线)漫射;扩散(diffuse的现在分词)

8、effulging ─── vt.照耀;使闪闪发亮;vi.闪闪发亮

9、effacing ─── v.消除,抹去;使不受人注意(efface的现在分词)

effusing 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Keywords gas abnormal effusing area;causes;countermeasures;technique measures; ─── 瓦斯涌出异常区;成因;治理对策;技术措施;

2、Study to delimit and express gas ranks of mine with gas effusing equivalent velocity ─── 用瓦斯涌出当量速度划分矿井瓦斯等级的研究

3、The problem of methane effusing from the adjacent stratum during normal mining stage could be resolved only by the suction pressure of the high-position alley. ─── 正常回采期,只要高抽巷的抽放负压足够大,邻近层瓦斯涌入工作面的问题就能解决;

4、Study on the problems of water effusing and jamming of ground floor of dwelling houses ─── 底层住宅下水道反水及堵塞问题的研究

5、At the same time, methane effusing from the coal seam being worked increases, and the emphases of methane control could be put on the methane effusing from coal seam being worked. ─── 而大采长综放工作面本煤层瓦斯涌出量增大,则需要增加通风量或者采用新的通风方式。

6、9.Introduce the gas outburst prediction technique by using gas abnormal effusing when gas outburst is gestating. ─── 摘要介绍了瓦斯突出孕育过程中瓦斯涌出异常特征,结合计算机软件进行瓦斯突出预报。

7、The act or an instance of effusing. ─── 流出流出的动作或状况

8、gas abnormal effusing ─── 瓦斯涌出异常

9、Duster clearing fog used in effusing by cupola furnace ─── 冲天炉激水式消烟除尘器

10、Also among the signers is Edolphus Towns, currently effusing on a regular basis about pay for nonperformance on Wall Street. ─── 在签字反对的人当中,还有EdolphusTowns,他对时下华尔街无绩效却有工资的惯常模式大有微词。

11、Study on the problems of water effusing and jamming of ground floor of dwelling houses ─── 底层住宅下水道反水及堵塞问题的研究

12、Keywords air reversing;rule of gas effusing;gas consistency; ─── 反风;瓦斯涌出规律;瓦斯浓度;

13、and brushing bundles are symmetrically distributed on both sides of a paint effusing opening on the paint applicator. ─── 所述漆料涂敷器上的漆料涌出口两侧对称分布有刷毛束。

14、effusing quantity of mine influences of two factors: one is exploitation space of mine, the other is replenishment condition such as precipitation, which is a stochastic factor. ─── 矿井涌水量大小受两种因素的影响,一种是随着矿井开采空间的扩大而引起的涌水量数量的稳定增加;一种是受降水等补给条件的影响,是涌水量变化的随机因素。

15、Introduce the gas outburst prediction technique by using gas abnormal effusing when gas outburst is gestating . ─── 介绍了瓦斯突出孕育过程中瓦斯涌出异常特征,结合计算机软件进行瓦斯突出预报。

16、Study to delimit and express gas ranks of mine with gas effusing equivalent velocity ─── 用瓦斯涌出当量速度划分矿井瓦斯等级的研究

17、In this paper, according to the actual circumstance of Zaozhuang mining area, the causes of formation of gas abnormal effusing area was analyzed, and the countermeasures were discussed in datail. ─── 本文根据枣庄矿区低瓦斯矿井的瓦斯涌出异常区的实际情况,从低瓦斯矿井的瓦斯涌出异常区的成因着手分析,详细地探讨了低瓦斯矿井的瓦斯涌出异常区的治理对策。

18、domestic and international statistic data, the occurrence probability of gas explosion is not very high, but it occasionally occurs in gas abnormal effusing area of low gas mines. ─── 国内外统计资料表明,高瓦斯矿井发生瓦斯爆炸事故的机率并不是很高,低瓦斯矿井的瓦斯涌出异常区却时有瓦斯爆炸事故发生。

19、A available method to forecast water-effusing accident in coal mine ─── 煤矿水患预测的有效手段

20、Oral Sore Treated by Effusing Fire ─── 泻火治口疮

21、Countermeasure research on gas abnormal effusing area of Zaozhuang mining area ─── 枣庄矿区瓦斯涌出异常区的治理对策

22、Keywords effusing quantity;forecasting means; ─── 预测方法;瓦斯;地质构造;

23、Keywords gas abnormal effusing;coal gas outburst;prediction software; ─── 瓦斯涌出异常;煤与瓦斯突出;预报软件;

24、volcano erupting and effusing of the lava from the deep stratum in West Pacific, which provided plentiful sources for the crusts coming into being. ─── 西太平洋由于大规模火山活动存在,深层熔岩上涌,为结壳的形成提供了丰富的物质来源。

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