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08-19 投稿


delegating 发音

英:[?del?ɡe?t??]  美:[?del?ɡe?t??]

英:  美:

delegating 中文意思翻译





delegating 词性/词形变化,delegating变形

动词过去式: delegated |名词: delegator |动词现在分词: delegating |动词第三人称单数: delegates |动词过去分词: delegated |

delegating 常用词组

chief delegate ─── 首席代表

delegating 短语词组

1、delegating rn ─── 授权注册护士

2、delegating tasks ─── 委派任务

3、delegating leading styles ─── 授权领导风格

4、delegating as a weakness ─── 授权是一个弱点

5、delegating greater authority ─── 授予更大的权力

6、delegating all your work ─── 把你所有的工作都委派出去

7、delegating goal ─── 授权目标

delegating 相似词语短语

1、delectating ─── vt.使愉快,使高兴

2、deleting ─── v.删除,删去,划掉(delete的现在分词)

3、deleaving ─── 删除

4、delegation ─── n.代表团;授权;委托

5、delibating ─── 脱硼

6、relegating ─── vt.贬职,把降低到,把……置于次要地位;使(球队)降级

7、deleading ─── vi.去铅

8、delegations ─── 委托;代表团

9、delating ─── vt.告发,控告

delegating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Any proxy making an application shall present the letter of authorization signed personally by the person delegating the authorization. ─── 由代理人申请登记时,应提出本人签名之授权书。

2、One thing we have learned from our experience in economic reform over the last few years is that the first step is to release the peasants'initiative by delegating to them powers of decision in production. ─── 这些年来搞改革的一条经验,就是首先调动农民的积极性,把生产经营的自主权力下放给农民。

3、asynchronous delegating ─── 异步委托

4、The delegating office organizes a group to carry out on-the-spot investigations to the item side. ─── 二、代表处组织考察组对项目方进行实地考察;

5、Focusing on outcomes rather than internal procedures would help, as would delegating responsibility to service providers. ─── 重视成果胜于内部程序是一个办法,因为这样可以把责任委托给服务的提供者。

6、A stable exchange rate creates economic and trading efficiencies, while a formal dollar link means a country can reduce political uncertainty by delegating its own monetary policies to the Fed. ─── 一个稳定的汇率产生经济和交易效率,一个正式的美元关联则意味着一个国家将它自己的货币政策委托给美联储从而减少政治不确定性。

7、The delegating office organizes a group to carry out on-the-spot investigations to the item side. ─── 代表处组织考察组对项目方进行实地考察;

8、Managers are constantly being told to spend more time planning and delegating. ─── 管理者经常被告知应在计划工作和授权方面多花些时间。

9、These should include clear arrangements for delegating authority and responsibility; ─── 内部控制措施应该包括:清楚的权力和职责授予机制;

10、The key to delegating is recognizing that your ability to do things perfectly isn't as highly valued as you think it is. ─── 在委派中关键要承认自己把事情做到完美的能力在别人眼里看来没有自认为那么重要。

11、In view of Hong Kong s small size,delegating specific executive functions to the 18 DBs would run the risk of fragmenting responsibilities and diminishing efficiency. ─── 但香港面积细小,若把某些行政职能下放予十八个区议会,恐怕会使职权过于分散,有损效率。

12、The full-scale supervision system for delegated legislation consists of the supervision of delegating organs’ delegating behavior and the supervision of delegated organs’ delegated legislation. ─── 全面的授权立法监督制度包括对授权机关授权行为的监督和对被授权机关授权立法行为的监督。

13、If you aren't delegating responsibility (teaching and training) you are abdicating it, and with abdication follows a loss of control by managers. ─── 如果你不把责任下放,跟随而来的将是对管理失去控制。

14、The author thinks that the court possesses fatal part when properly performs in the delegating and limiting power of pacification enforcing, also the effectiveness, content and modality. ─── 在效力上,笔者把执行和解协议分为经法院确认效力的与未经法院确认效力的两种类型。

15、Remember - before delegating the job, you decided that this was not your area of expertise. ─── 请记住:对某项工作进行授权前,是你决定这不是你的专业领域。

16、By delegating authority and trust, managers are able to make the best possible use of their staff's capabilities, thus stimulating creativity and encouraging responsibility at the same time. ─── 经理通过向下属授以权利和信任,可以让员工能力得到最大限度的发挥,因此会在激发员工创造性的同时,树立起员工的责任感。

17、A participative style is currently quite popular: an open-door method of managing in which you get things done by motivating people and delegating responsibility. ─── 你要回答,总的来说你对你目前为止的职业生涯是很高兴很满意的。列举一些生活中普通的琐事,你觉得你完成的很好,没有怨言。

18、The nurse exercises informed judgement and uses individual competence and qualifications as criteria in seeking consultation, accepting responsibilities, and delegating nursing activities to others. ─── 护士在邀请会诊、接受任务或代表出席护理活动时,要出具证明并使用个人的职称。

19、Many times, managers dump their work onto someone else, but there is a big difference between delegating and dumping.When you delegate something to a subordinate it should serve two purposes. ─── 很多时候,经理只是将自己的工作交给别人去做,但是授权和将工作分配给下属去做是有很大区别的。

20、The best of all is, that he does it all himself personally, not delegating the task of love, but condescending himself to rescue and preserve his most unworthy servant. ─── 在爱的工作上祂并不要派代表,反而亲自降世来拯救保全祂最不配的仆人。

21、Using a filter to manage your session data lets your Web pages focus on displaying content and delegating processing, without worrying about the details of session management. ─── 使用过滤器来管理会话可以让Web页面集中精力考虑内容显示和委托处理,而不必担心会话管理的细节。

22、Job Profile:-Highly leveraged consulting professional (through delegating, training, building business with curr...... ... ─── 公司名称:翰威特咨询(上海)有限公司工作地点:四川省成都市发布时间:2008-10-16

23、Methods, the new approach implies delegating the core of the parser logic and replacing it with a regexp library. ─── 方法的多行代码,它意味着将解析器逻辑的核心委托出去,并替换为regexp库。

24、The nurse uses judgement in relation to individual competence when accepting and delegating responsibilities. ─── 护士在接受或代行一项任务时,必须对自己的资格作出判断。

25、Delegating to lower levels the power to manage enterprises and separating the functions of the government from those of enterprises are components of the reform not only of the economic structure but also of the political structure. ─── 企业下放,政企分开,是经济体制改革,也是政治体制改革。

26、Figure 5 shows the advantage of delegating the widget logic to the browser side. ─── 图5显示了将小部件逻辑委派到浏览器端的好处。

27、Im normally a strong leader who has good vision and enjoys delegating, but I expect my orders to be carried out promptly. ─── 答:通常我是那种很有远见而且喜欢授权给下属的领导,但是我希望我下达的命令能立刻执行。

28、On Delegating Remand Authority to WTO Appellate Body ─── 论授予WTO上诉机构发回重审权

29、Delegating, motivating, coaching, mentoring, and other subjects related to dealing with individuals. ─── 委派、激励、培训、指导和其它针对个人的主题。

30、delegating power ─── 放权

31、Practice delegating every day until it becomes second nature. ─── 每天练习着去分配任务,直到它成为你的第二天性。

32、If you’ve been burned before by delegating, make a conscientious effort in figuring out what approach works best for you. ─── 你也许已经喜欢上一些形式的授权,所以关键是积极地实用授权,把它当成是一种战略,并且持之有效地贯彻授权这种方式。

33、Once you understand this, delegating most things will be easier. They're nonessential to your career, so it's OK if you don't leave your particular mark on them. ─── 一旦懂得了这点,那么你要委派大部分事就更容易。它们对你的事业并非必不可少,你对它们没有实质影响也无妨。

34、We also bring you additional Earthly help, and assist you in delegating work. ─── 我们也带给你额外的物质帮助,并且协助你的被授予的工作.

35、Organizing involves dividing the work responsibilities and assigning them to employees (delegating). ─── 组织还包括划分工作和职责,并且将其分派给员工(授权)。

36、delegating the management of ... (to ... ) ─── 下放权力给

37、I am busy.I know my penchant for delegating is part of the problem, but I thought this would be one last hurrah. ─── 虽然我不知道这个帮助的结果是不是对他们都是最好的,但我这次的角色,让我回头看的时候觉得欣慰。

38、This should make delegating come easier. ─── 这样委派对你会更容易。

39、Delegating mechanism resolution in distributed computing ─── 分布计算中代理机制辨析

40、Notice on Requirements for Pilot Programs for Delegating Approval Authority of Tax Refunds (Exemptions) for Exports of Goods ─── 关于下放出口货物退(免)税审批权限试点工作要求的通知

41、S/he takes full responsibilities of each and every aspect of the product/ portfolio through nurturing, delegating, motivating, and controlling. ─── 根据区域的实际情况,制定不同的销售策略,开发相应销售市场,培养一批忠诚的销售代理商;

42、If you do not assume the lead role for the task, then the person you are delegating the task to will report actuals directly to the project manager. ─── 如果您不担任该任务的领导角色,则受托人将直接把实际值报告给项目经理。

43、For more information about what rights are required to create group objects, see Best Practices for Delegating Active Directory Administration. ─── 有关创建组对象所需权限的详细信息,请参阅Best Practices for Delegating Active Directory Administration。

44、The status of the delegating organ acting as the reconsidering organ in the administrative delegation relationship should be stipulated explicitly in the administrative reconsideration law. ─── 应当在行政复议法中明确授权机关在行政授权法律关系中的的复议机关地位;

45、Delegating (S4) Leaders are still involved in decisions and problem-solving, but control is with the follower. The follower decides when and how the leader will be involved. ─── 指派(S4)领导仍然参与决定及解决问题,但决定权在跟随者。跟随者决定领导何时和怎样参与。

46、This directory would bind a user's name and network resource access profile to policies for granting or restricting that access, and delegating bandwidth priorities and privileges. ─── 此目录把用户的名字和网络资源访问简表与允许或限制访问的政策和安排带宽优先级别及特权挂起钩来。

47、However, once you start separating your code into different packages, defining interfaces, and delegating work to others, your projects can become more complex to manage. ─── 不过,一旦开始将代码分入不同的包、定义接口并将工作委托给其他人,项目管理会变得更复杂。

48、" That response "will be used against you" because you appear incapable of delegating, warns Joshua Ehrlich, dean of a master"s program in executive coaching sponsored by BeamPines Inc. ─── 对此埃里奇(JoshuaEhrlich)提醒说,这个回答会对你求职不利,因为它显得你好像没有能力授权给他人。埃里奇是一个由纽约职业培训机构BeamPinesInc。

49、Excessive delegating can lead to disaster. ─── 过度授权会导致灾难性后果。

50、1. In view of Hong Kong s small size, delegating specific executive functions to the 18 DBs would run the risk of fragmenting responsibilities and diminishing efficiency. ─── 但香港面积细小,若把某些行政职能下放予十八个区议会,恐怕会使职权过于分散,有损效率。收藏指正

51、Topic Two: Skills of leader First: Get power and authorities Second: Separating power and delegating authority Third: Motivating employees Forth: Adjusting inter-personal relations and controlling conflicts ─── 获取权力法定权力:职务权是关键奖惩权是核心人格权力:影响力和魅力专家权力:专业知识和信息拥有分权与授权

52、The Supreme Court will allow Congress to share its legislative power with the executive branch by delegating aspects of that power to executive agencies. ─── 最高法院允许国会通过授权行政机构将立法权分配给行政部门。

53、Circular of the State Administration of Taxation on Delegating the Power to Approve Enterprises of Category A for Enjoying Export Tax Refund to Lower Le ─── 上一篇文章:国家税务总局关于下放出口退税A类企业审批权的通知

54、The Preliminary Analyses of the System of Delegating Accountants to the State-run Enterprises ─── 国有企业会计人员委派制初探

55、So why do so many managers have such a hard time delegating? ─── 那么为什么这么多管理者下放权力会如此艰难呢?

56、Recently, as the result of a manager leaving the firm, I have also taken on some of the managerial responsibilities for the group including prioritizing and delegating assignments. ─── 最近,由于公司一个领导的离开,我已经担任起一些团队的管理工作,包括整理优先顺序和摊派工作等。

57、delegating system for accourtants ─── 会计委派制

58、You're delegating to others; plus you're doing lots yourself. ─── 你会把事情交给别人做,另外你自己也会做很多事情。

59、The act of delegating. ─── 代表的委派,代表的选举

60、The theorical basis and practical value of "three delegating" ─── 简论"三个代表"的理论依据与实践价值

61、In every part of your life, you have a choice of either doing it yourself or delegating it to others. ─── 在生活中的每个方面,你都面临着自己做或者委托别人做的选择。

62、-Develop important skills like negotiating and delegating, and ‘saying no’ at times. ─── -学会谈判和授权技巧并在适当的时候如何“说不”。

63、He refused to let the job kill him either, delegating where he could and, in the long pauses of his working days, writing boyish love-letters to his wife. ─── 里根同样不让工作影响到他的生活,尽可能将工作授权于别人,在工作的间隙给妻子写着充满男孩子气的情书。

64、So when you think about delegating, recognize that, done right, it can mean the difference between enduring the rough patches and making yourself crazy for no good reason. ─── 因此,当你考虑、认可,进行委派,那么的也许是忍受“一般“和让自己无缘无故的心情发狂之间的区分了。

65、In a Windows application, for example, delegating the long-running operation to a background thread allows the user interface thread to remain responsive while the operation is executing. ─── 例如,在Windows应用程序中,通过将长时间运行的操作委托给后台线程,可允许用户界面线程在操作执行时保持响应状态。

66、You miss out on leveraging your time by not delegating people to carry out your basic and routine tasks. read more . ─── 你错过了利用您的时间,不委托人民进行的基本和例行任务。阅读更多。。

67、They are more likely to be unhappy with their work because delegating is nearly impossible if you are a perfectionist. ─── 他们也会因为工作而不愉快,因为即便你是个完美主义者都代替不了。

68、If you're really having trouble delegating, go on vacation for a couple of weeks.When you get back, find who did which parts of your job while you were gone. ─── 如果委派让你真的感到了困难,去度假数周的假期,等你回来后,发现在你在上班时,有人做了你的部分工作。

69、Delegating the Christmas party and company picnic to someone else should be your first priority. ─── 委托别人准备圣诞晚会和公司野餐应该是你的首要任务。

70、Setting up systems for household activities would make delegating those chores go smoothly. ─── 我很惊讶有很多人没有日程安排表。

71、For more information about what rights are required to create contact objects, see Best Practices for Delegating Active Directory Administration. ─── 有关创建联系人对象所需权限的详细信息,请参阅Best Practices for Delegating Active Directory Administration。

72、delegating system ─── 代建制

73、In view of Hong Kong s small size, delegating specific executive functions to the 18 DBs would run the risk of fragmenting responsibilities and diminishing efficiency. ─── 但香港面积细小,若把某些行政职能下放予十八个区议会,恐怕会使职权过於分散,有损效率。

74、Class MurkierBunch: In Python 2.2, we can get the same effect by inheriting from the dict built-in type and delegating the other way around ─── 在Python 2.2,我们能通过继承从字典内建类型得到相同的效果并且委托周围的其他方法

75、You will perform this task by delegating the behavior of the system definition to one of its members. ─── 此任务可以通过将系统定义的行为委托给它的某个成员来执行。

76、On top of that, China has recently taken measures to speed up deal approval, delegating the trade finalizing rights to local governments from the central government. ─── 此外,中国近期已经采取一些举措加快交易批准步伐,给地方政府而非中央政府最终的交易拍板权。

77、Organizing, planning, supervising, coaching, codinating delegating skills ability to apply motivational techniques methods. ─── 具备组织、计划、监督、培训、协调和授权的能力,能够应用激发员工动力的技巧和方法;

78、organizing the process of delegating and coordinating task and resources to achieve objectives. ─── 组织的过程中放权和协调的任务和资源,以达成目标。

79、This generally involves delegating the execution of the incoming message to one or more services, referred to as back-end services. ─── 这通常涉及到将传入消息的执行委托给一个或多个服务(称为后端服务)。

80、Active Directory Management involves the delegating, securing, configuring, managing and auditing of changes to Microsoft’s implementation of LDAP directory services for use in Windows environments. ─── 本地工具仅通过提供指定目标任务的解决方案进行动态目录管理。

81、If so, letting go of this belief may be one of the biggest difficulties for you to overcome in delegating tasks to your employees. ─── 如果是的话,让你摈弃这个念头,放手授权则是最大的困难之一。

82、When delegating a task, the delegating team member can assume the lead role, keeping full responsibility for reporting assignment status to the project manager. ─── 委派任务时,委派方工作组成员可以承担领导角色,并完全负责将工作分配状态报告给项目经理。

83、"Check with me, " said the billionaire, who sometimes has trouble delegating. "I'll get right back to you. " And he always has. ─── “和我商量一下,”有时会遇到困难的亿万富翁说道,“我会立即回到你身边的”。

84、That is, it procedurally handled all the logic of "navigating" the relationships between the four entities involved instead of delegating to the entity. ─── 也就是说,它流程化的处理所有的逻辑,而不是委托给实体来处理,这些逻辑可以对涉及的四个实体之间关系进行"定位"。

85、You will perform this task by delegating the behavior of the system definition to one of its members. ─── 此任务可以通过将系统定义的行为委托给它的某个成员来执行。






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