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09-06 投稿


incapacitates 发音

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incapacitates 中文意思翻译



incapacitates 短语词组

1、incapacitates tree ─── 失能树

2、incapacitates + define ─── 丧失能力+定义

3、incapacitates crossword ─── 无法填字游戏

4、incapacitates her ─── 使她丧失能力

incapacitates 词性/词形变化,incapacitates变形

名词: incapacitation |动词第三人称单数: incapacitates |动词过去式: incapacitated |动词过去分词: incapacitated |动词现在分词: incapacitating |

incapacitates 相似词语短语

1、incapacitate ─── vt.使无能力;使不能;使不适于

2、incapacitation ─── n.无能力;使无能力;使无资格

3、incapacitating ─── v.(使)丧失能力;剥夺……的合法资格(incapacitate的现在分词)

4、incapacitated ─── v.使丧失能力,使不能正常活动;剥夺……的法定资格(incapacitate的过去式和过去分词)

5、incapacities ─── n.无能力,无能

6、discapacitated ─── 残疾人

7、incapacitants ─── n.失能毒剂;晕昏剂(麻醉剂之一)

8、capacitates ─── v.(使)在法律上有资格的;使(精子)获能

9、discapacitates ─── 残疾

incapacitates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、And for others, depression happens "out of the blue, " unrelated to any particular situation, and totally incapacitates the victims. ─── 和别人,抑郁症的发生“出于蓝,”无关的任何特别的情况下,完全不适于受害者。

2、And for others, depression happens "out of the blue," unrelated to any particular situation, and totally incapacitates the victims. ─── 和别人,抑郁症的发生“出于蓝, ”无关的任何特别的情况下,完全不适于受害者。

3、that cripples or disables or incapacitates. ─── 导致残废或者丧失机能。

4、Chastise causes Holy damage and incapacitates the target for 2 seconds. ─── 造成神圣伤害及瘫痪目标两秒?

5、now available to Dwarf and Draenei priests at level 20. Chastise causes Holy damage and incapacitates the target for 2 seconds. ─── 现在矮人和德莱尼牧师可以在20级时学到。惩罚可以对目标造成神圣伤害并使其瘫痪2秒。

6、Chastise (NEW) is now available to Dwarf and Draenei priests at level 20. Chastise causes Holy damage and incapacitates the target for 2 seconds. ─── 惩罚(新):现在矮人和德莱尼牧师可以在20级时学到.惩罚可以对目标造成神圣伤害并使其瘫痪2秒.

7、Withering cold incapacitates an enemy more completely than deep wounds. But winter does not last forever. ─── 使感冒凋谢比深伤口更完全的始一个敌人无能力。但冬天不会永远持续。

8、In some states the appointment of a guardian incapacitates the ward from carrying on his business or from marriage. ─── 有些州,监护人一经任命,受他监护的人就失去经商或结婚的资格了。

9、Withering cold incapacitates an enemy more completely than deep wounds. But winter does not last forever. ─── 寒冰比重创更为致命,然而记住冬日终会过去。

10、Something that hinders or incapacitates. ─── 伤残妨碍或使残废的事

11、Sap (Rank 4): Incapacitates the target for up to $d. ─── 闷棍(等级4):将目标打晕最多$d。

12、When he's attacked in the gym by one of Largo's henchmen, Bond incapacitates him by throwing a caustic liquid in his face. ─── 当他在健身房遭受一名拉尔戈追随者的袭击,邦德招架不住,就把一种腐蚀性液体往他脸上泼。

13、Ignites a frozen target with singing flames that deals 490 to 546 fire damage and incapacitates the target for three seconds. ─── 引燃一个冰冻的目标,造成490到546伤害并使目标昏迷3秒。

14、The drug incapacitates the person and causes memory loss. ─── 这种药物使人浑身无力并且导致记忆损失。

15、Helen's poor sight incapacitates her for working as a taxi driver. ─── 海伦视力不行,这使她不能胜任出租车司机的工作。

16、The drug incapacitates the person and causes memory loss. ─── 这种药物使人浑身无力并且导致记忆损失。

17、The drug incapacitates the person and causes memory lo . ─── 这种药物使人浑身无力并且导致记忆丧失。

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