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08-19 投稿


fetishist 发音

英:[?fet???st]  美:[?fet???st]

英:  美:

fetishist 中文意思翻译



fetishist 词性/词形变化,fetishist变形

副词: fetishistically |形容词: fetishistic |名词: fetishist |

fetishist 相似词语短语

1、fetishised ─── 迷恋

2、fetishes ─── 盲目崇拜(fetish的复数)

3、fetishistic ─── adj.迷信的;崇拜物神的

4、fetishists ─── 拜物教徒

5、fetishises ─── 恋物癖

6、fetishise ─── vt.恋物;物化

7、fetichist ─── n.拜物教徒;盲目崇拜者(等于fetishist)

8、fetishism ─── n.拜物教;盲目崇拜;[医]恋物癖

9、fetichism ─── n.物神崇拜(等于fetishism);物恋

fetishist 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、For the older people, the fetish of Leifeng was a virtue, a kind of exellence. ─── 对于上了年纪的人来说,对于雷锋的狂热似乎是一种品德,一种完美的追求。

2、The fetishist connects objects like this as foot, shoes, stuffed toys and even balloons, those HAs a visual association with childhood sexual experiences, to sexual gratification. ─── 恋物癖者会把童年时期在视觉上和性亲身经历关联的物体与性满足连接起来,诸如脚、鞋子、布玩具甚至气球等。

3、His company's stock price promptly dropped from 20 to 5, so it's a good thing we didn't take the offer, but it's hard to pin that on the King David fetish. ─── 他的公司的股价迅速地从20跌到5元,所以我们不接受那个提议是一件好事,不过这并不能归咎于对大卫王的盲目崇拜。

4、Some women make a fetish of clothes. ─── 有些妇女过于注重衣着。

5、Research on the Fetish of Money in Our Socialism Market Economy ─── 我国社会主义市场经济条件下的货币拜物教及其扬弃

6、Some great decorum, some fetish of a government, some ephemeral trade, or war, or man, is cried up by half mankind and cried down by the other half, as if all depended on this particular up or down. ─── 某个了不起的礼仪,某个政府的崇拜物,某个短暂的交易,某场战争或某人,会得到一半人的大力支持,同时遭到另一半人的激烈反对,似乎那件事或那个人的成败决定人类的命运。

7、Shindo's work has previously revolved around the theme of Japanese rope bondage and fetish fashion. ─── 真道彩的创作主旨围绕着日本式束缚情色文化及恋物癖,画中系缚的意念在与现世界的爱情观呼应纠缠下,展示出一种对自由和快乐的解放渴求。

8、Marxists who make a fetish of formulas are simply playing the fool with Marxism and the Chinese revolution, and there is no room for them in the ranks of the Chinese revolution. ─── 公式的马克思主义者,只是对于马克思主义和中国革命开玩笑,在中国革命队伍中是没有他们的位置的。

9、Women's underclothes are a common fetish. ─── 女人的内衣裤是常见的能引起性快感的恋物。

10、He makes a fetish of his work. ─── 他迷上了他的工作。

11、To support your shoe fetish ─── 来支付那些昂贵的鞋子

12、An object used as a fetish,a charm,or an amulet in West Africa. ─── 护符,物神,符咒西非的一种用作物神、符咒、或护身符的物件。

13、His fetish for style is unbelievable. ─── 他迷恋时尚简直到了叫人不敢相信的地步。

14、Consider the compensations Mr Cameron offered for thwarting the referendum fetish. ─── 想想因为阻挠公投狂热卡梅伦提出的补偿措施吧。

15、30 years witnessed the development of Chinese society.Although, the mania of revolution has no longer existed, yet, it has been replaced by another fetish called materialism. ─── 30年见证了中国的发展,虽然这样革命的狂热消退了,但是,却被换成了另外一种对于物质主义迷恋。

16、” The point is that making a master teacher into a sacred fetish misses the essence of his teaching. ─── 其要旨让我们将大师个人神圣化了,以致遗失了大师教诲的本意。

17、I think I've become a wrist fetishist. ─── 我想,我成了一个恋手腕癖。

18、worship sb. or sth.; make a fetish of sth. ─── 奉若神明

19、Fetish of the Sand Reaver ─── 沙漠掠夺者塑像

20、to make a fetish of sports ─── 盲目崇拜体育

21、Mary makes a fetish of her home; she's always cleaning it. ─── 玛丽太看重她的房子了,她老是不停地打扫。

22、The fetishist connects objects such as feet, shoes, stuffed toys and even balloons, that have a visual association with childhood *ual experiences, to *ual gratification. ─── 恋物癖者会把童年时期在视觉上和性经验关联的物体与性满足连接起来,诸如脚、鞋子、布玩具甚至气球等。

23、Women's underclothes are a common fetish . ─── 女人的内衣裤是常见的能引起性快感的恋物.

24、just be one, razor blades in apples, a boy named Mr. Kitty with a breast fetish, a dead dog, a missi ─── 原子及分子的量子世界导论:解题...582.10元[瞧瞧卓越图书有没有

25、Fetish Recall - Fact or Fiction? ─── 事实还是虚构?

26、The displacement of sexual arousal or gratification to a fetish. ─── 恋物癖把性唤起或性满足转移到物体上

27、No forbidden love, no strange fetish. ─── 没有禁忌之爱,也没有奇怪的迷恋。

28、a leather fetishist ─── 有恋皮革癖者

29、He was the god of sin and misery and had a fetish for the obsidian knife. ─── 他是罪恶和悲惨厄运之神并且为黑曜石刀增添了一个崇拜物。

30、It’s just like how Americans have a fetish with steroid body builders and breast implants. ─── 它很正直像美国人如何有一个物神由于类固醇身体建立者而且胸部深植。

31、1. Mary makes a fetish of her home; she's always cleaning it. ─── 玛丽太看重她的房子了,她老是不停地打扫。

32、Maybe it was more like a fetish room or something kinky like that,except it didn't feel that way. ─── 或许它更接近敬拜室或是和那差不多的古怪场所吧,除了氛围不像。

33、They’re into fetish play, submissive training and that whole scene.This either has something to do with time jading them or anger at an ex husband.Who knows. ─── 根据意大利的签证政策,留学生应将全部学费和生活费事先存入意大利的银行,学费直接转往学校,生活费则从银行提取。

34、fetish bean oil ─── 神豆油

35、fetish of the sandreaver nerfed from 70% to 50%. ─── 沙漠掠夺者徽章减少仇恨的效果从70%改为50%。

36、Some young people like to make a fetish of style ─── 有些年轻人喜欢盲目地赶时髦。

37、1. He makes a fetish of his new car. ─── 他把自己的新汽车奉若神明.

38、A 23-year-old with a foot fetish has admitted he tried to kiss, fondle and lick the legs and toes of more than 70 women on the New York subway over the last three years, prosecutors said yesterday. ─── 一名有恋足癖的23岁男子坦承,过去3年间他在纽约地铁内,曾试图亲吻、爱抚及舌舔70多名妇女的小腿与脚指,检察官昨天表示。

39、Is there fetish of money in our socialism market economy? ─── 我国目前的社会主义市场经济中是否也存在货币拜物教?

40、For instance, if a person has a fetish and he or she is fine with it (and it's not causing other trouble in the person's life), then it's not considered a disorder. ─── 比如,假如一个人有恋物癖,但在生活中并没有引起什么麻烦的话就不能称之为性病。

41、An African charm, fetish, or amulet. ─── 一种非洲咒语、物神或护身符

42、Of man liberated from the clutches of an alienating social machinery, from a mythical hierarchy of values, formalized freedoms, from the dictatorship of property, the fetish and the might of money? ─── 什么是人从一种异化的社会机器的控制中解放出来,从虚构的价值等级,形式上的自由,从财产的专制及对金钱拜物教和强权中解放出来呢?

43、We are not here to judge one’s eating habits. However, we can not figure why one would want to broadcast to the world such a peculiar fetish. ─── 一般来说我们都不会注意别人要吃什么,但是很无奈有人竟然会这样大声的宣布这样一个奇特的食物习惯。 9.译者赠送一条:bigsb.com

44、But the real problem is what if the panty fetishist comes back. ─── 可问题是万一那个内衣癖狂再来怎么办?

45、She has a fetish about cleanliness. ─── 她有洁癖。

46、Fetish: something, such as a material object or a nonsexual part of the body, thatAROUSES sexual desire and may become necessary for sexual gratification. ─── 呵呵,中文解释为“恋物情结”,好像简单了点。好了,大家来讨论讨论吧。呵呵。

47、In a way, this is a funny question for a necrophile to pose himself.A pedophile cannot become a child, a shoe fetishist cannot become a shoe, but a necrophile can and does flip over to the other side. ─── 对于恋尸癖来说,把自己设身处地于这样的问题,以某种方式来看是有趣的:一个恋童癖不能变成儿童,一个恋鞋癖不能变成鞋子,可恋尸癖能而且真正地成为另一端的东西。

48、7.Just because I realize that Asian women are smarter, more attractive, and have about themselves a generally superior level of class does not mean I have a fetish. ─── 7. 不能仅仅因为我认识到亚洲妇女更聪明,更有魅力,对她们自己保有一个一般来说高水准的格调,就说我有恋物癖。

49、I'm a shoe fetishist! ─── 我是一个鞋盲目崇拜者!

50、foot fetishist ─── 恋脚癖者

51、I have a foot fetish,@ says Enrique, who hates his own. ─── “我有恋足癖,”他说,同时他恨自己的双脚。

52、The phoenix worship of China is fetish worship not totem adoration. ─── 中国凤崇拜是灵物崇拜而非图腾崇拜。

53、An object used as a fetish, a charm, or an amulet in West Africa. ─── 护符,物神,符咒西非的一种用作物神、符咒、或护身符的物件

54、break with fetish ─── 破除盲目崇拜

55、From fringing to laces to buckles and straps;exotic to fetish to architectural;these are the elements that define the trends. ─── 从流苏到蕾丝、从铆钉到系带,从异国情调到充满结构感,没错,这些元素都将是绝对潮流之选。

56、You always did have something of a danger fetish. ─── 你总是过于求险冒进。

57、I have a fetish for flowers. ─── 我非常喜欢花儿。

58、What I undertand is that being ready to help others is only a superficial part of the spirit, whose main proportion is the fetish of revolution. ─── 我所认为的帮助他人其实只是雷锋精神表面的一部分,而真正的主要思想事实上是对于革命的狂热。

59、(Klaive) : A fetish dagger or sword, usually of great spiritual potency and nearly always made of silver. ─── 圣刀:带有传奇色彩的匕首或者宝剑。通常为银制而且被注入精神力量。

60、If there’s one fetish mankind can agree on, it’s the fetish for our feathered friends. ─── 如果有一个恋物癖人类能够同意的,它的这个恋物癖我们有羽毛的朋友。

61、PART 4 (FOOT FETISH )-舔脚,闻袜,舔鞋,foot,worship,dirty,s... 2008-9-15 3570 ─── 提问:你补袜子的时候有没有闻一闻袜子?-[易索论坛]2008-9-152517次

62、Rapid reading, or “speed reading”, as some people call it, has become almost a fetish. ─── 快速阅读,或一些人所称的“速读”,几乎已成为人们热衷于追求的技能。

63、He has this fetish and he is constantly eating my homework. ─── 他有怪癖而且他经常吃我的作业。

64、She had a fetish for red hair. ─── 她对红发爱得入迷。

65、"Beef is one of the great unifying symbols of our culture," the Guardian lamented in an editorial. "The Roast Beef of Old England is a fetish, a household god, which has suddenly been revealed as a Trojan horse for our destruction." ─── “牛肉可是我们伟大文化统一的一个象征

66、leather fetish ─── 皮制性刺激物

67、“In very subtle instances both the disavowal and the affirmation of the castration have found their way into the construction of the fetish itself.” (SE, XXI, 156 ─── 主体对于恋物对象带有对立的矛盾态度,既是私密地爱恋,又有敌意,要藉此物件执行阉割的动作。他同时否认阉割,否认分离,却同时又肯定阉割,要求此分离。

68、Businesses should not make a fetish of size, particularly if this means diversifying into a lot of unrelated areas. ─── 商业不应盲目崇尚规模,尤其是不能光图规模而将业务拓展到许多不相关的领域。

69、A charm, fetish, spell, or curse holding magic power for adherents of voodoo ─── 伏都崇拜物一种为伏都教徒保持魔力的符咒、物神、魔法或咒语

70、stocking .html SEXY FISHNET STOCKING ...http://xoomer.alice.it/chatgirlstripnylon/ stocking-fetish -free-pic.html STOCKING FETISH ... ─── 丝袜美腿视频丝袜视频-美腿视频-高跟鞋视频-恋物视频-竹下视频-电影

71、In imperial China, no foot fetishist would ever been considered abnormal, because his entire social environment took his erotic interest for granted and catered to it. ─── 在皇权文化的中国,未曾把恋足癖者当作异常来看待,因为整个社会环境接纳了恋足癖的性兴趣,而且迎合这种性兴趣。

72、When human body accepts electromagnetism radiate, fuel factor can pose the functional obstacle of central nervous and system of establish fetish classics, main show is dazed, insomnia, forgetful etc. ─── 当人体接受电磁辐射时,热效应会引起中枢神经和植物神经系统的功能障碍,主要表现为头昏、失眠、健忘等。

73、a fetish of luxury goods ─── 对奢侈品盲目崇拜

74、They also gave him other short crush clips for free and introduced some foreign crush fetishist websites as an extra service. ─── 他们还免费给了他其他碾压的小段,并介绍了一些国外碾压恋物癖网站作为额外服务。

75、Stargazers cannot take Fetish or Resources. ─── 不能有偶像或者资源。

76、Director Stephan Elliott, best known for The Adventures of Priscilla-- Queen of the Desert, seems to have a fetish[4] for snow globes, as he zooms in and out[5] of the globes that The Eye collects from each city he visits. ─── 导演史戴芬·艾略特最著名的作品是《风尘三绝》,他似乎特别迷恋于雪景玻璃球,他的镜头总是摇移于《守护者》在各个城市收集得来的雪景玻璃球中,不断地推进、拉远。

77、make a fetish of somebody or something ─── 奉若(如)神明

78、The fetishist connects objects like the as foot, shoes, stuffed toys and even balloons, those HAs a visual association with childhood sexual experiences, to sexual gratification. ─── 恋物癖者会把童年时期在视觉上和性亲身历练关联的物体与性满足连接起来,诸如脚、鞋子、布玩具甚至气球等。

79、The beloved is the ultimate fetish. ─── 我爱的人是我最后的偶像。

80、to have a leather fetish ─── 有恋皮革的癖

81、make a perfect fetish of ─── 盲目崇拜过分注意

82、a charm,fetish,spell,or curse holding magic power for adherents of voodoo ─── 伏都崇拜物;一种为伏都教徒保持魔力的符咒、物神、魔法或咒语

83、"Fetish,also fetich:an object that is believed to have magical or spiritual powers, especially such an object associated with animistic or shamanistic religious practices." ─── 物神:尤指与万物有灵或萨满教的宗教习俗有联系的被相信有魔力或神力的物品.

84、People might think you have a hideous bowel disease or perhaps a fiber fetish. ─── 人们可能会认为你有一个可怕的肠道疾病或者纤维恋物癖。

85、The Tooth Fairy is a burglarizing fetishist specializing in black-market ivory trade, and she must be stopped. ─── 牙齿仙女是一个入室盗窃的迷恋者,而且还是黑市象牙交易的专家。 我们必须制止她的行为。

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