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08-18 投稿


substantively 发音

英:[['s?bst?nt?vl?]]  美:[['s?bst?nt?vl?]]

英:  美:

substantively 中文意思翻译



substantively 短语词组

1、substantively test ─── 实质性检验

2、substantively limited ─── 实质性限制

3、substantively tested ─── 实质性测试

4、substantively fair ─── 实质公平

5、substantively means ─── 实质性手段

6、substantively legal ─── 实质上合法的

7、substantively def ─── 实质性定义

substantively 相似词语短语

1、substantival ─── adj.名词的;实词的

2、substitutively ─── adv.代替地

3、substantially ─── adv.实质上;大体上;充分地

4、substantivity ─── n.直接性;直染性;亲和力

5、substantivally ─── 实质上

6、substantive ─── adj.有实质的;大量的;真实的;独立存在的;n.名词性实词;独立存在的实体

7、dubitatively ─── adv.半信半疑地,怀疑地

8、substantives ─── adj.有实质的;大量的;真实的;独立存在的;n.名词性实词;独立存在的实体

9、substantial ─── adj.大量的;实质的;内容充实的;n.本质;重要材料

substantively 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Our mission now questions how much the Saudis can now substantively influence the crude markets over the long term. ─── 现在,我们的任务在质疑究竟沙特在原油市场上能产生多少实质性的长期影响。

2、Distribution of substantively modified versions of this document is prohibited without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. ─── 未经版权所有者明确授权,禁止发布本文档及其独立存在地修改版本。

3、Furthermore, the defect of research method not only limits the prosperity of research in the ancient civil law formally, but also affects our understanding hereof substantively. ─── 更进一步看,研究方法的缺失不仅限制了中国古代民法研究在形式上的繁荣,而且限制了对中国古代民法在实体上的切实把握。

4、Feeding Effects of Apple Pulp Silage as a Acidulation Substant on Weaned Piglets ─── 青贮苹果渣作酸化物饲喂断奶仔猪试验

5、These typifications are substantively empty projections, almost completely devoid of individualized content, whereas the typifications of predecessors gave at least some such content, albeit of a highly mythical sort. ─── 实际上,这些类型化是空泛的投射,几乎完全没有个体化的内涵。而先人的类型化至少还有一些个体化的内涵,尽管是高度虚构的。

6、Since the inchoation of the modern literature starting at the Wusi Era, the modern Chinese literature history substantively is a flexuose history of literature modernization. ─── 五四时代开始的现代文学史实质上是中国文学现代化的曲折历史。

7、But far more perilous times lie ahead.For both substantively and politically, the tasks over the next four years may be harder than handling the crisis itself. ─── 但是前路漫漫时间紧迫,在实质性和政治性的双重压力下,接下来的四年或许比处理经济危机更为艰难。

8、The bidding documents shall substantively respond to the requirements and conditions proposed by the bid-invitation documents. ─── 投标文件应对招标文件提出的要求和条件作出实质性响应。

9、The Copenhagen talks will not move matters on substantively, and much will continue to be left to markets. ─── 哥本哈根谈判不会推动事态取得实质性进展,大部分工作仍将留给市场完成。

10、Distribution of substantively modified versions of this document is prohibited without the explicit permission of the copyright holder. ─── 未经版权所有者明确授权,禁止发布本文档及其独立存在地修改版本。

11、was George Osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, who bore the burden of substantively rejecting the case for fiscal loosening. ─── 财政大臣乔治-奥斯伯恩在反对财政宽松这件事上是承担实际责任的人。

12、Being intensive cultivation in region market substantively, terminal marketing can be rooted in China and develop quickly because of the character of itself and according with economics of China. ─── 终端营销实质上是对区域市场的精耕细作,它能够在中国扎根并迅速发展有其自身的因素,同时也符合了中国经济的特点。

13、More substantively it means the proper tie knot, tied correctly. ─── 更实质性它意味着适当的领带结,并列正确的。

14、WTO-consistency had to be secured substantively as well. ─── 与WTO的一致性还必须获得实质性的保证。

15、But how can one ensure that all the speakers talk substantively and constructively,and who is to judge whether they do? ─── 但是我们怎么确保人人言之有物?这应该由谁判断?

16、Should you wish to reapply,I would suggest that you do so only if your situation has changed substantively or you have significant new information to submit. ─── 如果您希望重新,我建议你这样做,只有当您的情况发生了变化实质上或您有重要的新资料提交。

17、Whether Obama, when he does eventually engage, can successfully elucidate an Israel-Palestine policy that is substantively different from that of Bush-Cheney is wholly uncertain at present. ─── 当他最终参与(加沙危机),无论奥巴马是否成功阐明以色列-巴勒斯坦政治观点,都和布什-切尼政府当前完全不确定的立场有着实质上的不同。

18、Taxation rates enacted or substantively enacted by the balance sheet date are used to determine deferred taxation. ─── 递延税项按结算日当日制定或实质制定的税率计算。

19、Picture is becoming the main consume way day after day in this era for its dissemination of entertainment, universality, substantively, and no need for transformation in thought. ─── 图像以其传播的娱乐性、广泛性、直接性与毋须思维转换等特性,日益成为这个时代的主要消费方式。

20、1)Sheet cleaner can substantively remove contaminations on the board printings, ensuring high printing quality. ─── 1)、装有吸屑除尘机,可大量消除纸板印刷面上的杂质,提高印刷品质。

21、I don't have exact number to prove "substantively" or "quantitatively" that Yao brings economic benefit for Les or Rockets team, so No. 2 is not valid. ─── 我找不到任何能从“质”或“量”上来证明姚明为鸭梨或火箭队带来了经济利益的确切数字,所以说第2点关于经济效应的说法也是不成立的。

22、So technology is a kind of meaningful form of existence.Generation and death of a technology tradition is in substantively a kind of appearing and disappearing of a culture life. ─── 所以,技术是有意义的生存形式,技术传统的产生和死亡实质上是文化生命的产生和消失。

23、For both substantively and politically, the tasks over the next four years may be harder than handling the crisis itself. ─── 无论从实质上来讲还是从政治上来讲,接下来四年的任务会比处理危机本身更为艰巨。

24、Substantively, this research provides insight into the way that those who measure, credential, or certify key field actors and activities can achieve pervasive influence over the fields they evaluate. ─── 实质上,本研究对那些衡量、证明或证明是关键成员和关键活动能够对他们所评价的领域有普遍深入的影响的方式提供一些启示。

25、Substantively, the younger Dr. Paul wasbreaking from his father by proclaiming support for a foreign war. ─── 实质上,小保罗声称支持一场对外战争的做法就与他的父亲之间有了分歧。

26、As a result, market structure is substantively affected.On the one hand, market concentration is enhanced and duality market structure is formed. ─── 一方面,提高了我国市场集中度,促使我国形成二元市场结构,竞争主体相对变化。

27、Substantively, I think I have worked on very different things in my evolution from graduate school to now, but formally, I have done the same thing over and over and over again. ─── 实质上,我认为自研究生阶段来到现在我已经研究过不同的事情,但是形式上,我却一次又一次地再做同一件事。

28、More substantively, this analysis wrongly assumes government to be the end-all on innovation and that just is not the case. ─── 更实质性的说,这一分析错误在于假设了政府最终获得了创新,只是事实并非如此。

29、Substantively they've changed nothing, but technically they have come into compliance with Chinese law. ─── 实质上他们什麽也未改变,但技术上,他们已遵照中国法律。

30、However, such censorship is ineffectual and fails to substantively restrict access to even the most "threatening" ideas. ─── 但是,这样的审查收效甚微,而且实际上对于那些最为“危险”思想的访问也未能严格限制住。

31、For both substantively and politically, the tasks over the next four years may be harder than handling the crisis itself. ─── 不管是实质上还是政治环境上,接下来四年的任务或许比应对经济危机更为棘手。

32、While achieving quantitative growth, we have also improved substantively the quality of foreign trade. ─── 在数量增长的同时,我国对外贸易质量也有了质的飞跃。

33、It substantively refers to the first cause, an uncaused cause, of the universe ”。 ─── 我给你个定义吧,见了老外就告诉他们“ Taiji literally means the supreme ultimate.

34、Substantively, the USP is a kind of innovation network, it consists of social network, commercial network and professional network. ─── 但实质上,大学科技园是一种创新网络,是由社会网络、商业网络和专业网络相互叠加所构成的网络组织环境。

35、The surface oxygenic functional groups of proper amount could make the denitrifying bacterium more substantively and firmly adsorbed on CF carrier. ─── 适量的表面含氧官能团能使较多的反硝化菌较牢固地吸附在炭纤维载体上。

36、That makes Form Clause conform to Freedom of Contract superficially, but violate the requirements of Justice of Contract substantively. ─── 这使得以格式条款缔结的合同表面上符合契约自由原则,但实质上却违背了契约正义的要求。

37、Substantively, the speech was almost two different speeches. ─── 从实质上来说,这次演讲几乎可以看作是两个不同的演讲。

38、Confucian education is moral education substantively. ─── 儒家教育实质是德教。

39、a trend has not been substantively reversed during the five interest rate hikes this year. ─── 是,国内贷款的实际比例最后大于统计数据。 今年经过五次加息也没有实质性地改变这一趋势。

40、Rules about how to package a modified version are acceptable, if they don't substantively block your freedom to release modified versions, or your freedom to make and use modified versions privately. ─── 如果没有实质的阻碍你发布改进版本或个人制作和使用改进版本,那么关于如何打包一个修订版本的规定是可以接受的。

41、Among the analysis, we substantively introduce the corporate culture construction, service procedure renovation and sales channels incorporation. ─── 其中着重介绍了企业文化的建设、服务流程再造、整合营销传播。

42、But how can one ensure that all the speakers talk substantively and constructively, and who is to judge whether they do? ─── 但是,这样的定位,在实际的管理上困难重重。例如,我们怎么确保人人言之有物?这应该由谁判断?

43、During the course of the production,change of virtual property in network games,corresponding legal relationship of virtual property substantively has formed. ─── 在网络游戏虚拟财产产生、变更的过程中,实质性地形成了相应的虚拟财产法律关系。

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