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08-19 投稿


geology 发音

英:[d??'?l?d??]  美:[d??'ɑl?d?i]

英:  美:

geology 中文意思翻译



geology 短语词组

1、computational geology ─── 计算地质学

2、hydrological geology ─── 水文地质

3、Degradation (geology) ─── 退化(地质学)

4、isotope geology ─── [化] 同位素地质学

5、astronomic geology ─── 天文学地质学

6、geotectonic geology ─── 大地构造地质学, ─── 大地构造学

7、aerophotography of geology ─── 地质专业航空摄影

8、Hogback (geology) ─── 霍格巴克(地质学)

9、Palimpsest (geology) ─── 变馀结构

10、coal geology ─── [建] 煤之地质学

11、petroleum geology ─── [经] 石油地质学

12、economic geology ─── 经济地质(学)

13、applied geology ─── 应用地质学

14、isotopic geology ─── [化] 同位素地质学

15、geomorphic geology ─── 地貌学

16、mining geology ─── 采矿地质学

17、hydro-geology ─── [经] 水文地质学

18、Conglomerate (geology) ─── 砾岩(地质)

19、marine geology ─── [经] 海洋地质

geology 词性/词形变化,geology变形

副词: geologically |名词复数: geologies |形容词: geologic |名词: geologist |

geology 相似词语短语

1、neology ─── n.新词;旧词新义(等于neologism)

2、fetology ─── n.胎儿学

3、aerology ─── n.高空气象学

4、gemology ─── n.宝石学

5、gemmology ─── n.[宝]宝石学

6、cetology ─── n.鲸类学

7、demology ─── n.人口学;人口统计(等于demography)

8、areology ─── n.高空气象学;火星科学研究

9、agrology ─── n.[土壤]农业土壤学

geology 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Questions about Geology or Geophysics? ─── 关于地质学或地球物理学,有什么问题吗?

2、Class B: remote sensing geology exploration. ─── 乙级:遥感地质勘查。

3、In his lecture on geology, he touched on the subject of climate. ─── 他在关于地质学的报告中,也涉及到气候问题。

4、We not only should exploit mineral resources well, but also should prevent calamity destroying environmental geology. ─── 以便在合理开发矿产资源的同时,更好地防止对环境的灾害性破坏。

5、Job of geology of opposite commonweal sex puts forward commerciality geology works. ─── 商业性地质工作是相对公益性地质工作提出来的。

6、His contribution in the field of geology was unparalleled. ─── 他在地质学方面的贡献是无与伦比的。

7、Geology To cause (molten lava) to pour forth from a volcanic vent. ─── 使(岩浆等)喷出:使(熔岩)流出火山口

8、He attained to great heights in the field of geology. ─── 他在地质科学方面取得了很大成就。

9、Accordingly although He lustre city is located in Campagna, having favorable geology to develop a scene however. ─── 因此菏泽市虽地处平原,却有着良好的地质开发情景。

10、Geology here passes over the continuation of the history of man to Archeology. ─── 地质学在此把人类历史的延续移交给考古学。

11、Geology and exploration work is a comprehensive system engineering. ─── 地勘工作是一项综合性的系统工程。

12、Characteristic of Petroleum Geology and Prospecting Targets in Liupanshan Basin. ─── 六盘山盆地石油地质特征与勘探方向。

13、Geology: The scientific study of the origin, history, and structure of the earth. ─── 地质学对地球起源、历史和结构的科学研究。

14、Geology Instrument Factory Electronic Instrument Trading Co. ─── 地质仪器厂电子仪器贸易公司。

15、At the same time, mineralogy is also one of the most basic subject of geology. ─── 同时,矿物学又是地质学最基础的学科之一。

16、Questions about oceanography or marine geology? ─── 关于海洋学或海洋地质学有什么问题吗?

17、Surveying and Mapping of Geology and Mineral Resources. ─── 主办:云南省地质矿。

18、Class B: hydrogeology survey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey. ─── 乙级:水文地质调查;工程地质调查;环境地质调查。

19、Enjoyable fairyland, poetic sentiment bonsai, Chinese scenery name card, world geology park. ─── 写意仙境,诗意盆景,中国山水名片,世界地质公园。

20、The application of chemistry to the study of rocks (geochemistry) has many uses in petroleum geology. ─── 化学应用到石油地质的岩石研究(地球化学)中有许多作用。

21、Class B: areal geology survey; gas mineral exploration. ─── 乙级:区域地质调查;气体矿产勘查。

22、The remaining minerals are of lesser significance in engeneerng geology. ─── 其余的矿物在工程地质中意义不大。

23、Class B: areal geology survey; geophysical exploration; rock ore appraisal and testing. ─── 乙级:区域地质调查;地球物理勘查;岩矿鉴定与岩矿测试。

24、Jiangxi college of Applied Technology is one of the several vocational colleges all over the country, which consist of geology section. ─── 江西应用技术职业学院是全国仅有的几所举办地学类专业的高等职业院校之一。

25、If it gets there in one piece, it will examine the climate and geology of Mars and look for any signs of life that might have arisen. ─── 如果“好奇号”能完好无损的抵达火星,它将研究火星的气候和地质以及寻找任何可能产生的生命迹象。

26、In his lecture on geology,he touched on the subject of climate. ─── 他在关于地质学的报告中,也涉及到气侯问题。

27、Class B: areal geology survey; hydrogeology survey; liquid mineral exploration. ─── 乙级:区域地质调查;水工环地质调查;液体矿产勘查。

28、TGP damsite has an excellent engineering geology condition. ─── 三峡坝址工程地质条件优越。

29、A. C. Waltham, Foundations of engineering geology. ─── 参考书目:徐铁良,地质与工程,中国工程师学会。

30、Geology The primary unit of lithostratigraphy, consisting of a succession of strata useful for mapping or description. ─── 地层,岩组:岩石地层的基本单位,构成用于制图或描绘的一系列层次

31、Palaeobiology is a discipline between geology and biology.It studies prehistoric life. ─── 古生物学是地质学与生物学之间的一门边缘学科,它是研究地质时期生命的科学。

32、However,the exploration activity is rare because of the complex geology in the foreland basins. ─── 中国石油勘探开发研究院廊坊分院;

33、The geology eco-environment quality in Heihe basin is evaluated by synthesis evaluation models provided by HSIS. ─── 利用HSIS提供的综合评价模型评价了黑河流域地质生态环境质量。

34、Paleomagnetic data is a key data for quantitative investigating block motion in tectonic geology. ─── 古地磁数据是构造地质学定量探讨地块运动的重要数据。

35、He was visiting professor of geology at the University of Georgia. ─── 他曾是佐治亚大学的地质学客座教授。

36、Lu, C.-Y.(1994) Neotectonics in the foreland thrust belt of Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 29, 1-26. ─── 卢佳遇(1994)台湾岛前陆冲撞带的新构造运动。台湾石油地质,第29号,第1-26页。

37、The next day he and Darwin set off to Northern Wales where Sedgwick gave him a crash course in field geology. ─── 次日,他与达尔文出发去威尔士北部,在那里塞奇威克给他进行地质学野外作业速成训练。

38、In his lecture on geology, he got in touch with the subject of climate. ─── 他在关于地质学的报告中,接触到了气候问题。

39、His son specializes in geology. ─── 他的儿子攻读地质学。

40、They also agreed to cooperate in seismology, geology and Antarctic sciences. ─── 双方还同意开展在地震、地质和南极等领域的科研合作。

41、In this and the next chapter we will investigate the significance of water in geology to humans. ─── 在这一章和下一章,我们将探讨水在地质学方面对人类的重要意义。

42、Class A: hydrogeology survey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey. ─── 6444794甲级:水文地质调查;工程地质调查;环境地质调查。

43、Today biology, chemistry, geology, physics, and astronomy all use the same conceptual organization of matter. ─── 今天,生物学、化学、地质学、物理学和天文学都使用着同一个关于物质的概念结构。

44、Later,he studied medicine at Cambridge. However,he was very interested in plants,animals and geology. ─── 后来,他在剑桥学医。然而,他对植物,动物和地质却很感兴趣。

45、One of them noticed a leaf-like impression in the rock and called to me to come down and take a look because I was interested in geology. ─── 其中一个人注意到一块石头上有叶子形状的印记,就让我下来看看,因为我对地质学感兴趣。

46、Engaged in paleontology, geology, glaciology, and the mechanics of research and teaching. ─── 从事古生物学、冰川学和地质力学的研究和教学工作。

47、The early precambrian geology of Wu Taishan II. ─── 五台山早前寒武纪地质2。

48、More and more TBM tunneling makes it necessary for us to study TBM construction geology. ─── TBM越来越多地用于隧洞开挖,有必要对TBM施工地质进行研究。

49、Geology Info System Tech Ltd. ─── 地理信息系统技术有限公司。

50、Any one of the sciences, such as geology or geochemistry, that deals with the earth. ─── 地球科学研究地球的诸学科中的一个,如地理学或地球化学

51、Brooks J,Shaw G.Geochemistry of sporopollenin[J].Chemical Geology,1972,10(1):1 - 11. ─── 万传彪,乔秀云,赵传本,等.中国各时代油气形成母源体探讨[J].世界地质,20

52、Class B: areal geology survey; solid mineral exploration. ─── 3855229乙级:区域地质调查;固体矿产勘查。

53、Petroleum Geology of China II. ─── 中国石油地质志2。

54、We went on a geology field trip. ─── 我们去进行地质野外考察。

55、Class B: areal geology survey; remote sensing geology exploration. ─── 2901524乙级:区域地质调查;遥感地质勘查。

56、Petroleum geology and exploration in turpan-hami basin II. ─── 吐哈盆地油气地质与勘探实践2。

57、Bar chart Geology To shift so as to produce a fault. ─── 变动从而产生断层。

58、TIAN Kai-ming.Leakage degree tensor [J].Geohydrology and Engineering Geology Article Series,1986, (2) : 27 - 43. ─── [3]田开铭.渗透度张量[J].水文地质工程地质论丛,1986,(2):27-43.

59、The geology survey of Hegang coal field are introduced and some obvious characters of workable seam are compared. ─── 介绍了鹤岗煤田的地质概况,并对主要可采煤层的一些比较明显的特征进行了对比。

60、Title: Beyond Plate Tectonics: What Do We Do in Structural Geology? ─── 关键词:板块构造;超越板块构造;大陆构造;流变学;构造地质学;人才建设.

61、Stratigraphy is one of the basic subjects of most significance in geology. ─── 地层学是地质学的一门重要的基础学科。

62、Institute of Geology,SSB.1990.The Haiyuan active fault zone[M].Seismological Press,Beijing (in Chinese). ─── 国家地震局地质研究所.1990.海原活动断裂带[M].北京:地震出版社.

63、A giant underground ocean could exist as well, and clues to its presence could be inferred by the geology or chemistry of Pluto's surface. ─── 从冥王星地表地质及化学分析可以推测其地底可能存在大片海洋。

64、Class C: hydrogeology servey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey. ─── 丙级:水文地质调查;工程地质调查;环境地质调查。

65、At first he studied architecture, but later he switched to geology. ─── 他原是学建筑的,中途改行搞地质了。

66、Palaeontology, historical geology and stratigraphy are different subjects of geology. ─── 古生物学和地史学及地层学是地质学的不同分支学科。

67、Class C: hydrogeology survey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey; geophysical exploration. ─── 丙级:水文地质调查;工程地质调查;环境地质调查;地球物理勘查。

68、The branch of geology that studies minerals: their structure and properties and the ways of distinguishing them. ─── 地质学中研究矿物结构性质和如何分辨的分支。

69、Class B: areal geology survey; hydrogeology survey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey. ─── 乙级:区域地质调查;水文地质调查;工程地质调查;环境地质调查。

70、Earth sciences Geophysics Geology Mineralogy Geology-Organizations, etc. ─── 地球科学地球物理学地质学组织。

71、The newly discovered karst problem of marlite in Three Gorges region is an important problem in engineering geology. ─── 三峡地区泥灰质岩石的岩溶问题是新近发现的重大工程地质问题。

72、This paper introduces geography, geology and ore character of Jianchaling gold mine,and analysis the experiment result. ─── 介绍了煎茶岭金矿的地理、地质概况,矿石特征,分析了已有的试验研究情况。

73、"It has too many false positives to be useful," says Rundle, a professor of physics, geology and engineering at U. ─── “氡气预测系统有太多虚假的确实性,这导致它已经没有用处了。”

74、Class C: hydrogeology survey; engineering geology survey; environment geology survey; liquid mineral exploration. ─── 丙级:水文地质调查;工程地质调查;环境地质调查;液体矿产勘查。

75、Class B: areal geology survey. ─── 乙级:区域地质调查。

76、Borehole magnetic technique has been widely used in geology and CCSD. ─── 井中磁测技术在地质、大陆钻探等方面都有广泛的应用。

77、Class A: areal geology survey; solid mineral exploration. ─── 8261219甲级:区域地质调查;固体矿产勘查。

78、They used geology to determine likely sites for new oil wells. ─── 他们运用地质学来测定新油井的可能位置。

79、He is studying geology in his room. ─── 他正在他屋子里学习地理。

80、Class A: areal geology survey;solid mineral exploration. ─── 5032801甲级:区域地质调查;固体矿产勘查。

81、Later, he studied medicine at Cambridge. However, he was very interested in plants, animals and geology. ─── 后来在剑桥学医。然而,他对植物,动物和地质却很感兴趣。

82、But you have obviously never been exposed to fourth-level geology; you're still quite a stranger to loess. ─── 但是你显然根本没有摸过第四纪地质学,你对黄土还很陌生。

83、Hence, the protection of petroleum geology archives must be strengthened. ─── 因此,必须加强对石油地质档案的保护。

84、Chou, J.-T.(1988) Eocene formations in Taiwan. Petroleum Geology of Taiwan, 24, 51-59. ─── 周瑞炖(1988)台湾之始新世地层。台湾石油地质,第24号,第51-59页。

85、for several weeks like I said we'll be addressing geology from a wider perspective. ─── 正如我说过的,接下来的几周,我们将以更广泛的视角来研究地质学。

86、He was very interested in plants, animals and geology. ─── 他对植物、动物和地质学十分感兴趣。

87、The concept of coal system is based on coal geology and the theory of system. ─── 从煤地质学和系统论结合的基础上提出含煤系统的概念。

88、Have he ever studied geology ? ─── 他学过地质学吗?

89、The environmental geology resources for tourism is a part of geographical environment, and with its own attributes. ─── 旅游地质资源环境是地理环境的一部分,但是它又有其自身的特点。

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