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08-19 投稿


Erse 发音


英:  美:

Erse 中文意思翻译



Erse 网络释义

n. 苏格兰克尔特语;爱尔兰克尔特语adj. 苏格兰克尔特语的;爱尔兰克尔特语的(等于Gaelic)

Erse 短语词组

1、erse crossword answer ─── 填字游戏答案

2、erse language ─── 厄尔塞语

3、erse crossword erse ─── 纵横字谜

4、erse coils erse ─── 线圈

5、Re erse ─── 非常大

6、erse color ─── 灰色

Erse 相似词语短语

1、erase ─── vt.抹去;擦除;vi.被擦去,被抹掉

2、herse ─── n.(Herse)人名;(法)埃尔斯;(德)赫泽

3、Merse ─── n.洼地

4、verse ─── n.诗,诗篇;韵文;诗节;vi.作诗;vt.使熟练,使精通;

5、Erse ─── n.苏格兰克尔特语;爱尔兰克尔特语;adj.苏格兰克尔特语的;爱尔兰克尔特语的(等于Gaelic)

6、erose ─── adj.啮蚀状的;凹凸不平的;不规则形状的;参差不齐的

7、terse ─── adj.简洁的,精练的,扼要的

8、Perse ─── adj.深紫色的;深灰蓝色的;n.深灰蓝色;n.(Perse)(美、罗马尼亚、法)佩尔斯(人名)

9、arse ─── n.屁股;笨蛋;饭桶;vi.闲混;n.(Arse)人名;(塞)阿尔塞

Erse 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Several Problems in Circulating Programmable Electric Control System of AC Hoist ers ─── 交流提升机可编程电控系统运行中的几个问题

2、He turned to face his attack ers. ─── 他转过身来对付那些攻击者.

3、The fight ers squared up and began to trade blows. ─── 你们要是继续打架,我就要出来惩治你们了。

4、ERS Wind Scatterometer Data Processing and Observation of Ocean Wind Field Abnormal of El Nino ─── ERS散射计全球海面风场数据处理与ElNino海面风场异常观测

5、Some Technical Problems of Excitation Rectifier Transform ers of Hy droelectric Generator of Left Shore Power Station in Three Gorges Project ─── 三峡工程左岸电站水轮发电机励磁整流变压器的几个技术问题

6、The social security system dislocates in the peasant-work- ers of city edge because of the reason of institution , legislation, ideology and social direction of public opinion, etc. ─── 建构农民工养老保障制度是一个系统工程,应该同时从硬件和软件两个方面进行构建,不能顾此失彼。

7、Preliminary Research on the Application of ERS 1 SAR in Forest ─── ERS-1SAR影像森林应用研究初探

8、Regional Forest Mapping Using ERS SAR Interferometric Technology ─── 干涉测量技术用于区域尺度森林制图研究

9、GRP94 is a stress protein whose transcriptional level increases under several physiologial and pathological conditions. This is the unfolded protein response ( UPR) pathway which associates with the signal transferring from ERs to nucle-us. ─── GRP94作为应激蛋白,其转录水平在许多生理和病理条件下都可明显升高,与此相关的从内质网到细胞核的信号传导通路就是未折叠蛋白反应(the unfolded protein response,UPR)通路。

10、Their forelegs had turned into the fli ers that today's whales use for steering; ─── 它们的前腿变成鳍状肢,今天的鲸鱼便是用它来掌握方向的;

11、I was just about to call to tell you how I appreciate the flow- ers you sent me. ─── 我正要打电话告诉你,你送的花我真是太喜欢了。

12、Students should show honour to their teach- ers. ─── 学生应尊敬老师。

13、You can hire a [wiki]PR[/wiki]ofessional consultant to give you feedback and run virtual focus groups, or you can simply ask family, friends, and cus[wiki]Tom[/wiki]ers how they feel about your site. ─── 你可以雇佣一个专业的顾问,让他给你提供一些反馈意见,并且成立一个虚拟的专家小组;或者,就近原则,你可以问一下你的家人、朋友、或客户对整个网站的感觉。

14、A tabloid lonely hearts colum nist w ho answ ers questions from readers. ─── 小报上往往有求友、求婚的专栏,主持这个专栏并负责回答读者来信的人。

15、Endocytoplasmic reticulum stress (ERS) ─── 内质网应激

16、Well , I can speak English better than Span i sh, but when I have the chance to speak to other Span i sh speak ers, my Span i sh i mproves a lot. ─── 我的英语比我的西班语讲的好,但是在我有机会和其它西班牙人交流时,我的西班牙语提升许多。

17、I thought I w ould begin this book by speaking of my marital relations and then let other matt ers follow. ─── )译者为使 原 文涵义明朗化,直接解释说明了“关雎”与“三百篇”的关系及其内容,点出了作品的文化 渊源。

18、Annie: Yes. If the stars make fake advertisements, the consum- ers will be deceived. It will inevitably damage the image of the stars. ─── 安妮:是的,如果明星做了假广告,消费者受骗,必然要损害明星 的形象。

19、Preliminary Research of Expert System for Forest Type Classification of ERS -1 SAR Image ─── ERS-1SAR图像森林类型分类专家系统研制探讨

20、They said fish were the most ancient of the major vertebrate groups, giving them "ample time" to evolve complex, adaptable and 华夏学习网erse behaviour patterns that rivalled those of other vertebrates. ─── 他们说鱼是最古老的主要脊椎动物,他们有"足够多的时间"来进化出复杂多样并且有适应能力的行为模式,与其他脊椎动物相抗衡。

21、The purpo se of learning a language is no t to p roduce r igh t answ ers but to communicate w ith one ano ther . ─── 学习语言的目的不是给出答案,而是相互交流。

22、Very boring outfits GB"ers. ─── 咱们的衣服丑死啦。

23、29. She has an incisive manner of speaking, happily free from ums and ers, and, perhaps, a tribute to the elocution lessons she took while still a young girl. ─── 她说话锋利尖锐,好在没有哼哼哈哈的拖腔,或许这应归功于她少女时代所上的演讲课的训练。

24、The following example is only a small portion of a larger persona developed by the U. S. Department of Agriculture's( USDA) Economic Research Service( ERS). ─── 下面的例子是一个很大的角色中的一部分,由美国农业部(SDA)济调查服务(rs)立的。

25、The influence of age,sex,race,refractive error and optic disc paramet ers on the sensitivity and specificity of scanning laser polarimetry ─── 年龄、性别、种族、屈光不正和视盘参数对激光扫描偏振检查敏感性和特异性的影响

26、The unjust treatment of peasant labor ers has given rise to a series of social issues,which have hampered the process of urbanization of our country. ─── 农民工的不公平待遇已经引起了一系列社会问题,阻碍了我国的城市化进程。

27、Before getting the proposals accepted, the government had to run the gauntlet of hostility from its own support ers. ─── 拥护政府的人对政府进行了尖锐的抨击之后, 这些建议才得以接受.

28、The emuls ifying technology of s ea buckthorn juice an d the s election of emuls ifiers and s tabiliz ers and their ratio were inves ti gated. ─── 对沙棘果汁的乳化剂、稳定剂及其配比的选择和乳化工艺进行研究。

29、21 layersperiod and 17 lay- ers nonperiod Mo/Si mirrors are fabricated by DC MCS technique. ─── 21层周期和17层非周期Mo/Si结构反射镜。

30、" I only remember being convinced that saying fuck would send me straight to hell, where you can cuss to your heart's content as demons stick red-hot po k ers up your as s. ─── 为我提供了很好的发泄方式。比如说,你可以暂不去讨论那些糟糕的事情,“哎,该死的!”不必中断这样的说话方式。

31、Abstract In this paper,the Sequential Function Method(SFM) which is used to solve the inv erse heat conduction problem of surface heat flux identification was introduced at first. ─── 摘 要 本文给出了求解表面热流密度辨识这一热传导逆问题的顺序函数法。

32、This state of presumed globali zation has been celebra ted by some, and bemoaned by oth ers. ─── 全球化所假设的这种状态,有人欢欣鼓舞,也有人哀悼悲叹。

33、Good ma ers also dictate that you handle your mail promptly and courteously. ─── 得体的行为举止也体现在你能及时有礼貌地处理信件。

34、We'd like you to change shi ers for the next order. ─── 下次的货我们希望换一家运输公司。

35、Complete the information below with phrases from the ERS report. ─── 利用报告中出现的词组完成下列各句。

36、Or erse one deal will be the final. ─── 不然,即使一次成交,也只能是一锤子买卖。

37、Erse and the colonial policy ─── 爱尔兰盖耳语和殖民政策

38、Precise orbit parameters have an important effection in the geometrical using of radar satellite.Based on Konecny model, this paper discussed the correction of ERS satellite orbit parameters. ─── 摘要利用改进等效中心投影模型,对欧洲空间局资源卫星(ERS)轨道参数予以精改正。

39、The Chobe elephant are migratory, making seasonal movements of up to 200 kilometres from the Chobe and Linyanti rivers, where they concentrate in the dry season, to the pa in the southeast of the park, to which they di erse in the rai . ─── 丘比象是迁徙动物,季节性地从干燥季节他们聚集的地方丘比和林扬堤河行程200公里来到东南平地,而在这里它们却由于雨水而分散。

40、The c alculation and optimum design of heat transfer of the thermal pipe heat-exchang ers are put forward. ─── 对热管换热器作了传热设计计算,对给定工况进行了优化参数选定。

41、Meanwhile tens of thousands of Tea Party protest ers took to the streets of the nation's capital and protested what they say is too much government spending. ─── 同时成千上万的反对者来到华盛顿的街上反对他们所说的过多的政府花销。

42、He said the ultimate solution is for Mexico to keep these hardworking labor ers at home by providing them with good jobs there. ─── 他说最终有效的解决方法是墨西哥政府提供好的本国工作机会,让勤劳的劳动者们留下来。

43、Vernon say maximum late-night license seekers HAs be jet-lagged 旅行ers lugging suitcases and trying to avoid daytime lines, ratIT than spontaneous celebrants. ─── 弗农说,夜间领证的人大多是拖着很多行李箱、为了避开白天长队的西方旅行者,心血来潮的人较少。

44、As a welfare client I'm expected to bow before the caseworker. Deep down, casework ers know that they ─── 作为一名福利救济对象,我必须在社会工作者面前卑躬屈膝。社会工作者内心里知道许多救济对象在

45、The real difference between wi ers and losers is not so much native ability as it is discipline exercised in avoiding mistakes. ─── 成功者和失败者之间的真正区别,与其说是天生的能力,还不如说是在避免错误中表现的有素的训练。

46、ERS SAR images are used to test our detection algorithm. ─── ERS SAR图像用于验证本文算法。

47、Study on Land Surface Soil Moisture Retrieval Method with ERS Wind Scatterometer Over Tibetan Plateau ─── 基于ERS散射计数据的青藏高原土壤水分估算方法研究

48、They managed to sign up all the best per form ers. ─── 他们设法跟所有最佳演员签订了合同。

49、I hope this little writeup helps out some of my fellow (FW)ers out there.And one last thing. ─── 我希望这篇小文章能帮助一些这里的朋友。

50、Expect to be treated as you have treated oth ers. ─── 你怎样待别人,就指望怎样别人待你。

51、I accepted and made my first Erse piece in two years. ─── 我接受了我的第一个反向两件两年。

52、Analysis on Economic Operation Mode of Parallel Transform ers ─── 并列运行变压器经济运行模式分析

53、If a script has an entry in Zsetup01.txt it shouldn't also have an ERS file or you'll end up with two entries in the WoG Options screen instead of one. ─── 如果一个erm脚本在Zsetup01.txt中占有一席之地就不会再有相应的ers,或者这个脚本在WOG选项中占有2个位置而不是一个。

54、ERS; earth resources survey satellite programme; ─── 地球资源勘测卫星方案;

55、Keywords ERS scatterometer;soil moisture;AEEM;Tibetan Plateau; ─── ERS风散射计;土壤水分;积分方程模型;青藏高原;

56、Should astronauts wear sli ers? Should they be able to watch the evening news? ─── 宇航员能穿拖鞋吗?能看到晚间新闻吗?

57、He is a man of erse talent. ─── 他是一个有多种才能的人。

58、In desperation I pleaded with the attack ers. ─── 我不顾一切向攻击者哀求.

59、Some drivv ers behave oddi nd need workarounds to connect. ─── 参考翻译:一些驱动很奇怪,需要一些额外操作才能连接。

60、The president recently turned deaf ears on an S. O. S. plea from a group of G. O. P. ers. ─── 总统最近对一群共和党人求助的请求不予理睬。


62、emergency response system (ERS) ─── 应急联动系统

63、Abstract: The effect of the transv erse motion on the resolution power and measurement accuracy of the circular ma ss spectrometer is analyzed. ─── 摘要 :分析了粒子的横向运动对环形质谱仪的分辨本领及测量精度的影响,给出了计算这些影响的方法。

64、They offered us erse Suggestions at the meeting. ─── 他们在会上给我们提出了各种各样的建议。

65、Product of ATPase reaction was mainly found in plastid, ERs, matrix of cytopla sm, and intine of pollen wall. ─── 外层与内层之间有缝隙。ATP酶活性反应产物主要分布在细胞质基质、质体、内质网和花粉内壁中。

66、Hundreds of worshi ers at Jerusalem's al-Aqsa mosque threw stones at Israeli police amid continuing Muslim outrage over Israel's repair work near the holy site. ─── 在耶路撒冷的阿克萨清真寺,数百名穆斯林信徒向以色列警察投掷石块,继续抗议以色列在这个圣地附近的修建工作。

67、He has an incisive manner of speaking, happily free from umms and ers. ─── 他说话干脆利落,完全没有哼哼哈哈的腔调。

68、He has great wisdom, to say nothing of his engaging ma ers. ─── 他智慧过人,更不必说他的翩翩风度了。

69、Ditto for the Lakers 2001 NBA Finals opponent, the Philadelphia 76'ers who the team will play one night later (12/21). ─── 作为湖人在2001年NBA总决赛中的对手,费城76人队将在12月21号迎战仅仅休息了一个晚上的湖人。

70、I accepted and made my first Erse piece in two years. ─── 我接受了我的第一个反向两件两年。

71、Therapeutical observation of 206 cases of hemostasis by Erse Buxue of Chinese drugs ─── 二色补血草临床止血206例疗效观察

72、From the angle of the element of experimental research, the authorcasts light on the direction of promotion of ERSE, including: 1) thepromotion of research subject; 2) the promotion of research object; ─── 2)研究对象的深化:主体教育实验应进一步由小学、初中拓展到高中、大学等其它教育阶段,开展不同年段学生主体性的年龄特征、发展目标及相应教育对策的序列化研究;

73、A few 'ers' and 'uhs' will be forgiven as long as you have an useful message to share with the audience. ─── 几个‘呃’跟‘啊’是可以被理解的,只要你的演讲内容是对听众有好处的,他们也许就不会跟你计较了。

74、A tract: This paper introduces the characteristics, proce es, problems and solving methods for erection of the conde ers in Tianwan nuclear power station. ─── 介绍了凝汽器拼装的施工特点、施工过程、发生的问题及解决方案。

75、On the one hand, they help to disp erse traffic flow to a certain extent and cut down vehicular wandering; ─── 一方面,它在一定程度上分散了车辆的聚集,减少了车辆的巡游;

76、Harte fired Leeds ahead as the Gu ers were still lining up a defe ive wall. ─── 当阿仙奴后卫仍在排人墙之时,夏迪已把皮球送入网窝,为列斯取得领先。

77、In the past 13 years, at least 190 ERs have responded by shutting their doors. ─── 在过去的13年,至少有190个急诊室以关闭作为响应。

78、An ERS file is like a single line of a Zsetup01.txt and applies only to one WoG script. ─── 一个ers文件就像是只有1行的Zsetup01.txt文件,并且仅用于一个WOG脚本。

79、A troop of welcom ers ─── 一群欢迎者

80、Vernon say maximum late-night license seekers HAs be jet-lagged 旅行ers lugging suitcases and trying to avoid daytime lines, ratIT than spontaneous celebrants. Still, tITe were notable exceptions. ─── 弗农说,夜间领证的人大多是拖着很多行李箱、为了避开白天长队的西方旅行者,心血来潮的人较少。当然,也有个更多有联系人例外。

81、It indicated that K2O,-O-K+and -CO-2K+might be the active sites of radial ac tivation at moderate temperature and fused K+ O- and K+might be the active centers of transv erse activation at higher tem-perature. ─── 发现K2O、-O-K+以及-CO-2K+是径向活化为主的中温活化段的活化剂活性组分,而处于熔融状态的K+O-、K+则是横向活化为主的高温活化段的催化活性组分.

82、The diamet ers of lymphatic vessels dilated and frequency decreased compared with those bef ore injection in LPS group. ─── LPS组肠系膜淋巴管口径比正常扩大,运动频率降低,iNOS阳性细胞增多。

83、faking the names of oth ers ─── 伪托

84、And he said unto him that was over the vestry, Bring forth vestments for all the worshi ers of Baal. And he brought them forth vestments. ─── 22耶户吩咐掌管礼服的人说,拿出礼服来,给一切拜巴力的人穿。他就拿出礼服来给了他们。

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