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08-19 投稿


dysuric 发音

英:[[di:'s??r?k]]  美:[[di:'s??r?k]]

英:  美:

dysuric 中文意思翻译



dysuric 短语词组

1、dysuric symptoms ─── 排尿困难症状

2、dysuric definition ─── 排尿困难定义

dysuric 相似词语短语

1、caesuric ─── 钙尿

2、dysgenic ─── adj.非优生学的;对人类有不良影响的

3、dysphoric ─── adj.烦躁不安的;焦虑的

4、dyscratic ─── adj.体液不调的;恶液质的

5、dyspraxic ─── adj.患有运用障碍的;n.运用障碍患者

6、cyanuric ─── 三聚氰(化学术语)

7、dyscrasic ─── 不成熟的

8、daturic ─── 日期

9、dysuria ─── n.排尿困难

dysuric 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Signs and symptoms include a purulent malodorous thin discharge (70%) with associated burning pruritus dysuria and dyspareunia. ─── 症状体征:70%患者有稀薄脓性分泌物,有臭味,外阴瘙痒,烧灼感,排尿困难及性交困难。

2、urogenital:flank pain(-)hematuria(-);urinary frequency(-);urgency(-);dysuria(-);nocturia(-);polyura(-);oligura(- ─── 泌尿生殖系统:侧体痛(-)血尿(-)小便频率(-)尿急促感(-)排尿困难(-)夜尿(-)多尿(-)少尿(-

3、Eosinophilic cystitis is a rare bladder lesion which usually presents with nonspecific symptoms including recurrent hematuria, dysuria and frequency. ─── 摘要嗜伊红性膀胱炎为一罕见膀胱疾病,常见之表现为反覆性血尿、频尿及排尿困难,并无特定症状。

4、for edema, painful and difficult urination (dysuria), diarrhea , leucorrhagia, caused by damp heat in the lower burner (xia jiao) (urinary tract infection). ─── 下焦湿热以致水肿、小便不利、泄泻(泌尿系统或消化系统感染)、淋浊带下及痰饮等。

5、 双语使用场景

6、Keywords pelvic plexus;ramus;location;sexual dysfunction;dysuria; ─── 盆丛;分支;定位;性功能障碍;排尿障碍;

7、Colovesical fistula is considered a relatively uncommon one.We report the case of a 52-year-old male patient with a one-and-a-half year history of recurrent UTI with dysuria. ─── 本病例是一位52岁男性病患,最近一年半以来因为反覆性泌尿导感染及排尿困难,多次就医后症状并未完全改善而至本科门诊求治。

8、Acute bacterial cystitis usually presents with dysuria, urinary frequency and urgency, sometimes with suprapubic pain or pressure, and rarely with hematuria or fever. ─── 急性细菌膀胱炎通常存在尿痛、尿频和尿急,有时与耻骨弓上压痛或压力不适感,和很少伴有血尿或发热。

9、Methods Twenty-eight cases of patients with dysuria after operation underwent sonourethrography. ─── 方法全尿道超声显像技术检测28个病例。

10、dysuria and constipation ─── 前后不通, 不得前后

11、She had tested negatie for human immunodeficiency irus approximately 3 months earlier, and she had no feer, itching, or dysuria. ─── 大概3个月前,她的人类免疫缺陷病毒检查阴性,同时她没有发烧、皮肤瘙痒和排尿困难。

12、Of course, the male of this age most subject defect is decreasing at human body sarcous, easy cause dysuria. ─── 当然,这个年龄的男性最易患的毛病在于人体肌肉的减少,易引起排尿困难。

13、dysuria with ulcer ─── 疮疡小便不利

14、dysuria with diarrhea ─── 偏渗小便不利

15、Objective To study the causes and therapeutic methods of dysuria after transurethral prostatic(TURP). ─── 目的探讨经尿道前列腺电切术后排尿困难的原因和防治方法。

16、Methods Urodynamic study was carried out in 38 cases with dysuria after operation for be-nigon prostate hypertrophy. ─── 方法对38例前列腺增生术后仍有排尿障碍的患者,进行全套尿动力学检查。

17、Methods: Fifteen patients complained of postoperative dysuria after operation for treatment of BPH. ─── 方法:回顾性分析15例耻骨上前列腺切除术后出现排尿困难的临床资料。

18、Objective: To study the reason of dysuria after operation for benign prostate hypertrophy. ─── 目的探讨前列腺增生术后排尿困难的原因。

19、diseasea characterized by dysuria, urgency and frequency ─── 淋证

20、spastic dysuria ─── 痉挛性排尿困难

21、Methods 21 cases of patients with haematuria,urinate pain,dysuria and penis scleroma were undergone sonourethrography. ─── 方法对21例有血尿、尿痛、排尿困难的患者行尿道超声检查。

22、Methods 19 cases of clinical data of dysuria after suprapubic prostatectomy were analysed retrospective-ly. ─── 方法回顾性分析19例耻骨上前列腺切除术后排尿困难患者的临床资料。

23、Signs include blood in the urine (hematuria), difficulty urinating (dysuria), and frequent urination (polyuria). ─── 临床表现包括:血尿、排尿困难和尿频。

24、The primary presenting symptoms were dysuria and intermittent pus discharge from the urethral meatus. ─── 其初期症状显示排尿困难及间歇性尿道口脓液排出。

25、To Explore the Thought of Treating Frequent Vomiting and Dysuria Diseases by YU Jia-yan ─── 喻嘉言治疗关格病思想探析

26、No dysuria, frequency,urgency, arthralgia, myalgia was mention. ─── 无排尿困难、频尿、急尿,关节痛,但有提及肌肉痛。

27、Objective To investigate the urethral pathological morphology at urethral anastomotic site in patients with dysuria occurred not longer after urethral operation. ─── 目的研究引起尿道狭窄术后不久出现排尿困难的尿道形态学改变,为临床及时采取对策提供依据。

28、dysuria with internal injury ─── 内伤小便不利

29、constipation and dysuria ─── 固泻

30、The original symptom of vulva cancer is Sao urticant, blaze, local ulcer and ache, can accompany haemorrhage, dysuria, vagina to discharge fluid and vulva bag piece. ─── 外阴癌的最初症状是瘙痒、白斑、局部溃疡和疼痛,可伴出血、排尿困难、阴道排液及外阴包块。

31、Objective: To study the causes of postoperative dysuria in patients with benign prostatic hypertrophy(BPH). ─── 目的:分析前列腺增生术后排尿困难的原因,为预防和治疗提供依据。

32、leprous dysuria ─── 疠风小便不利

33、puerperal dysuria ─── 产后小便不利

34、dysuresia dysuria ─── 排尿困难

35、exercise for dysuria and constipation ─── 大小便闭治法

36、dysuria caused by disorder of vital energy ─── 气癃

37、She had three attacks of frequency of urination, dysuria and fever on Oct 1, 1995, Nov 22, 1995 and Jan 28, 1996 ─── 于l995年10月1日,l995年11月22日及1996年1月28日曾三次患尿频、排尿困难和发热

38、Heguoteng is one of popular uygur medicine,its rhizoma and stem can expell phlegm,wetness-evil and bile,and often be used to treat edema,hemorrhoids,arthritis,sciatica,dysuria,et al. ─── 盒果藤是维吾尔医常用药材之一。根茎和茎的性质为二级干热,具有祛痰、除湿、驱胆液功效,用于水肿、痔疮、关节炎、坐骨神经痛、小便不利等疾病。

39、Objective To observe the clinical effects of neostigmine on postoperative dysuria. ─── 目的观察新斯的明用于术后尿潴留的效果及其副作用。

40、qi-stagnant dysuria ─── 气闭

41、All patients showed dysuria after operation.Main clinical manifestation included dysuria and acraturesis. ─── 均表现为尿道下裂矫正术后排尿困难、尿线无力;

42、dysuria and constipation with incessant vomiting ─── 关格

43、dysuria and dyschezia ─── 不得前后

44、Keywords Sonourethrography Urethral stricture Traumatogenic Dysuria Urethral anastomotic site and Morphology.; ─── 尿道超声成像;尿道狭窄;创伤性;排尿困难;尿道吻合口形态;

45、They may be associated with pruritus dysuria vaginal discharge and tender regional adenopathy. ─── 可伴有瘙痒,排尿困难,阴道分泌物,

46、(1) micturition make water is painful in the begining apparent, or amalgamative dysuria person, pathological changes is in more urethral, common at acute urethritis. ─── (1)排尿开始时尿痛明显,或合并排尿困难者,病变多在尿道,常见于急性尿道炎。

47、Objectives To investigate how to prevent the dysuria after suprapubic prostatectomy. ─── 目的研究如何预防耻骨上前列腺摘除术后排尿困难的发生。

48、If the pregnancy continues, children and adolescents often suffer penile swelling and dysuria. ─── 如果继续妊娠,儿童期和青少年期经常会出现**肿胀和排尿困难。

49、Methods:The clinic information of 26 cases in the dysuria for benign prostate hypertrophy was analyzed. ─── 方法回顾性分析26例前列腺增生切除术后排尿困难的临床资料。

50、Causes and Treatment of Dysuria After Operation for Benign Prostate Hyperplasia ─── 前列腺增生症术后排尿困难原因分析与治疗

51、METHODS 16 cases of dysuria after suprapubic prostatectomy were analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法对16例耻骨上前列腺切除术后排尿困难的临床资料进行分析。

52、Because of the advanced age of the patient and the lack of symptoms such as fever, urethral discharge, and dysuria, malignancy of the left epididymal mass was suspected. ─── 由于临床上,病人已届高龄且并无发烧及不正常尿道分泌物,亦无解尿疼痛等发炎感染症状。于是怀疑此肿块有恶性的可能。

53、exogenous dysuria ─── 外感小便不利

54、A disorder characterized by decreased force of urination and dysuria, usually resulting from enlargement of the prostate gland. ─── 前列腺增大一种以排尿无力和排尿痛为特征的身体失调,通常由前列腺增大导致

55、in the control group, there were 5 insomnia, 4 with dry mouth, 4 with nauseated, 2 with dysuria, 2 with decreased food appetite and 2 with constipation. ─── 抗抑郁剂对照组出现失眠5例,口干、恶心各4例,排尿困难2例,食欲减退、便秘2例。

56、pyroretention dysuria ─── 热结小便不利

57、Causes and treatment of dysuria after prostatectomy in benign prostatic hyperplasia patients ─── 前列腺增生术后排尿困难原因及治疗

58、Herein, we report a 24-yr-old female who was admitted with the chief complaints of painless gross total hematuria and dysuria. ─── 我们报告一位24岁女性患者,入院主诉为无痛性、眼观性的全程血尿及排尿困难。

59、daoyin for dysuria and dyschezia ─── 大小便难候导引法

60、Objective To explore the urodynamic roles for BPH patients with dysuria after prostatectomy. ─── 目的探讨尿动力学检查对良性前列腺增生(BPH)术后排尿困难患者的诊断价值。

61、Causes and prevention of dysuria after hyperplasia of prostate operation ─── 前列腺增生症术后排尿困难的原因及预防

62、Postoperative dysuria ─── 术后排尿困难

63、Happen in the inflammation of urethral mouth, urethral mouth can be caused after heal narrow, cause dysuria. ─── 发生在尿道口的炎症,愈合后可引起尿道口狭小,造成排尿困难。

64、Dysuria,epilepsy and vomit happened only in group IR,while drug-removing reaction occurred only in group XR. ─── 两组治疗6周后无效的患者进行交叉用药,50.0%及53.3%的患者取得疗效。

65、Objective To investigate the effects of planning of nursing based on differential diagnosis of TCM on postoperative dysuria patients. ─── 目的探讨解除术后癃闭病人的有效护理方法。

66、Prostate hyperplasia isThe maleThe common cause of disease of uric road block, premature ejaculation still can appear outside dividing occurrence dysuria. ─── 前列腺增生是男性尿路梗阻的常见病因,除出现排尿困难外还可以出现早泄。

67、Methods Clinical data of postoperative dysuria in 9 cases after suprapubic prostatectomy were analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法回顾性分析9例耻骨上前列腺摘除术后发生排尿困难病例的临床资料。

68、We present a case of a22- year-old female who had suffered from painless gross hematuria and intermittent dysuria since she was10 years old. ─── 摘要良性血管肿瘤可以在身体任何地方发生,但生长在膀胱却甚为罕见,回顾所有文献报告,其病例报告不超过100例。

69、To remove heat, quench fire, relieve dysuria and to relax bowels. ─── 清热泻火,利尿通便。

70、AIM The cause of dysuria after suprapubic prostatectomy was analysed so as to provide evidence for prevention. ─── 目的探讨耻骨上前列腺切除术后排尿困难的原因,为预防提供依据。

71、Keywords Benign prostate hyperplasia;Dysuria;Urodynamic; ─── 关键词前列腺增生;排尿困难;尿动力学;

72、pregnant dysuria and constipation ─── 妊娠大小便不通

73、5.Additional, trichomonad can cause prostatitis and seminal vesicle phlogistic, the patient can have the pudenda and feeling of anal deep feeling of grief, low heat, show such as dysuria. ─── 另外,滴虫会造成前列腺炎及精囊炎,病人会有阴部及直肠的沉痛感、低热、排尿困难等表现。

74、Objective To investigate the causes and treatment of dysuria after suprapubic prostatecto-my. ─── 目的探讨耻骨上前列腺摘除术后排尿困难的原因和治疗方法。

75、dysuria with asthenia qi ─── 气虚小便不利

76、The cause of dysuria after operation in patients with benign prostatic hyperplasia ─── 前列腺增生症术后排尿困难的原因分析

78、Nursing Progress on Postoperative Patients With Dysuria ─── 术后排尿困难的护理进展

79、dysuric stranguria ─── 淋闭, 淋秘

80、The clinical effects of neostigmine on postoperative dysuria ─── 新斯的明对于术后尿潴留的疗效观察

81、Methods To analyze the urodynamic data of thirty-two BPH patients with dysuria after prostatectomy and explore the treatment. ─── 方法对32例BPH术后排尿困难患者行尿动力学检查,分析结果并探讨治疗方法。

82、Methods:Clinical data of postoperative dysuria in 14 cases of BPH were analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾性分析14例前列腺增生术后出现排尿困难病例的临床资料。

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