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08-19 投稿


troche 发音

英:[[tr???]]  美:[['tro?k?]]

英:  美:

troche 中文意思翻译



troche 短语词组

1、troche medication ─── 片剂

2、troche 2mg ─── 略2mg

3、troche medical ─── 片剂

4、troche hcg ─── 一点绒毛膜促性腺激素

5、troche md ─── 一点医学博士

6、troche hrt ─── 干- ─── 干- ─── 干

troche 相似词语短语

1、trochee ─── n.长短格;扬抑格

2、broche ─── adj.织锦的;锦缎的;n.织锦;n.(Broche)(法、美、英、德、阿)布罗凯(人名)

3、trochite ─── n.茎板

4、troches ─── n.片剂;锭剂;[药]糖锭;药片;n.(Troche)人名;(德)特罗赫;(西)特罗切

5、trochees ─── n.长短格;扬抑格

6、trochi ─── 三

7、croche ─── n.(Croche)人名;(法)克罗什;(西)克罗切

8、trochlea ─── n.[解剖]滑车

9、brioche ─── n.奶油蛋卷;奶油糕点

troche 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Research by Wangqinhong show that it has significance between polymorphism of ER and bone desity of Troch during post-menopause in Shanghai. ─── 在国内,王钦红研究发现中国上海地区绝经后健康妇女ER基因多态性与股骨Troch部位的骨密度显著相关。

2、The antioxidative effects of the troche were studied. ─── 研究该片剂的抗氧化作用。

3、troch oidal mass pectrometer ─── 余摆式质谱计

4、troche of toad venom ─── 蟾酥锭

5、Yaling troche ─── 少精子症

6、Quantitative Determination of Catechin and Epicatechin in Wanying Troche ─── 高效液相色谱法测定万应锭中儿茶素和表儿茶素含量

7、Our products can be turned into capsules, troche, tablets, oral liquid and medical alcohol. ─── 我们所研制的各类原料药可制成胶囊、片剂、含片、口服液、药酒。

8、Keywords Wanying Troche(万应锭);Catechin;Epicatechin;HPLC; ─── 万应锭;儿茶素;表儿茶素;HPLC;

9、Objective To verify the effectiveness and reliability of Kechuanling Effervescent Troche in treating cough in children for attacking on the lung by wind and heat (acute bronchitis). ─── 目的验证小儿咳喘灵泡腾片治疗小儿咳嗽风热犯肺证(急性支气管炎)的有效性与安全性。

10、Characteristics of Infrared Extinction of Nanometer Alumina by Pressing Potassium Bromide Troche ─── 压片法测试纳米氧化铝的红外消光特性

11、It is suitable for packing of granule, troche, capsule, liquid, daily things and foodstuff. ─── 主要用于颗粒、片剂、胶囊、野兔、日常用品、食品等不同形态的物料包装。

12、Conclusions Compound danshen troche can increase cerebral blood stream,reduce cerebral blood vessel resistance and improve it s circulation. ─── 结论复方丹参片能增加脑血流,减少脑血管阻力,具有改善麻醉犬脑循环的作用。

13、antioxidative effects of the troche were studied. ─── 研究该片剂的抗氧化作用。

14、Only two people at most can pass the bridge each time.And remember the torch must be needed when they pass the bridge.So there should be someone who will move the troch between the two ends. ─── 一次同时最多可以有两人一起过桥,而过桥的时候必须持有手电筒,所以就得有人把手电筒带来带去,来回桥两端。

15、The results showed that the concentration of moistening agent,the quantities of several primary materials and drying terminal point had great effects on the quality of the troche. ─── 结果表明,润湿剂的浓度、几种主要原料的用量、干燥终点等对保健型话梅润喉片的质量有较大的影响。

16、Keywords Yaling troche;Oligospermia;Asthenospermia;IUI;Density gradient centrifugation; ─── 少精子症;弱精子症;宫腔内人工授精;中药;密度梯度离心;

17、huoxiang zhengqi troche ─── 厚朴酚

18、Objective To select the optimum condition of extraction processes of alcohol-extraction part of Futongan Troche. ─── 目的优选成药妇痛安片醇提部分的最佳工艺。

19、Conclusion: Yin huang li dan troche has good action on preventing and treatingcholecystitis. ─── 结论:茵黄利胆片对胆囊炎具有良好的预防和治疗作用。

20、Objective to probe into the inhibiting action of Compound Biejiarangan Troche on alcohol hepatic fibrosis in rats. ─── 目的探讨复方鳖甲软肝片对实验性大鼠酒精性肝纤维化的抑制作用及机制。

21、Objective To supply some bases for establishing a quality control method for Kang Wei Ling Troche. ─── 目的为建立康胃灵片的质量标准提供依据。

22、Keywords Kechuanling Effervescent Troche;cough in children;attacking on the lung by wind and heat;acute bronchitis;clinical study; ─── 小儿咳喘灵泡腾片;小儿咳嗽;风热犯肺证;急性支气管炎;临床研究;

23、The determination of baicalin and berberine in effervesce troche ─── 清消泡腾片中黄芩苷和盐酸小檗碱的含量

24、Keywords Femoral head;Osteonecrosis;Biomechanic;Bone marrow edema;Chinese traditional medicine/Shen Mai Chen Gu troche; ─── 股骨头坏死;生物力学;骨髓水肿;中药/生脉成骨片;

25、Rose Troche shot that. ─── 那场戏是RoseTroche执导的。

26、The antioxidative effects of the troche were studied. ─── 研究该片剂的抗氧化作用。

27、Our own brand “Shunfa Yangguang” DXD packing-machine has formed six serial products of granule, powder, liquid, troche, e-measure and mixture. ─── “顺发阳光”牌DXD系列包装机械已形成颗粒、粉剂、液体、片剂、电子称、混合物料六大系列产品。

28、Kechuanling Effervescent Troche ─── 小儿咳喘灵泡腾片

29、Conclusion This method is simple,re-usable and easy to supply some bases for the identification of Kang Wei Ling Troche. ─── 结论实验方法简便,重现性好,结果准确,可为建立康胃灵片的质量标准提供依据。

30、Keywords Futongan Troche;dl-trtrahydropalmatine;extraction technology;orthogonal design; ─── 妇痛安片;延胡索乙素;提取工艺;正交试验;

31、Control System of Twenty-four Channels Troche Botytling Maching by Computer ─── 二十四通道装瓶机计算机控制系统

32、The liquor ice troche is the Chinese herbal medicine which can alleviate cough and asthma. ─── 甘草片剂是广泛使用的一种中草药,它具有镇咳、平喘的作用。

33、Antibiotics glass bottle whole set of production line of ointment production line of troche and capsule full-automatic production line of medical aerosol ─── 抗生素玻璃瓶药膏成套生产线片剂胶囊生产线药用气雾剂全自动生产线

34、Keywords Nanometer Alumina;Infrared Spectrum;Pressing Potassium Bromide Troche;Transmission Rate;Extinction Coefficient.; ─── 纳米氧化铝;红外光谱;溴化钾压片;透过率;消光系数;

35、liquor ice troche ─── 甘草片剂

36、aureomycin hydrochloride crystalline troche ─── 金霉素口含药片

37、Clinical Study on Kechuanling Effervescent Troche in Treating Cough in Children for Attacking on the Lung by Wind and Heat (Acute Bronchitis) ─── 小儿咳喘灵泡腾片治疗小儿咳嗽风热犯肺证(急性支气管炎)临床研究

38、troch trochiscus ─── 锭剂, 糖锭(剂)

39、The company has the oral solid pharmaceutics workshops (capsule, troche and granule) and the Chinese Traditional Medicine abstraction workshops, and the GMP certifies all of them. ─── 公司拥有口服固体制剂车间(胶囊剂、片剂、颗粒剂)和中药提取车间,均已通过GMP认证。

40、Qianlieshutong troche ─── 前列舒通片

41、The preparation of “the raw material and capsule, troche of Astragaloside” is assured. ─── 现因各地引种,来源丰富,价格低廉。

42、liquor ice troche is the Chinese herbal medicine which can alleviate cough and asthma. ─── 片剂是广泛使用的一种中草药,它具有镇咳、平喘的作用。

43、Results Both Xindakang capsule and troche showed obvious ameliorating effects on hemodynamics of ischemic myocardial tissue. ─── 有保护心肌缺血组织的作用;

44、Super Troche ─── 苯佐卡因和西他氯铵锭

45、Objective To supply some bases for establishing a quality control method for Kang Wei Ling Troche. ─── 目的为建立康胃灵片的质量标准提供依据。

46、Application:It was widely used in health tonic,health pharmacy,hairdressing and cosmetic area,and mainly was applied in capsule,troche and oral liquids etc. ─── 运用领域:保健补品、保健制药、美容化妆品等领域广泛运用。主要运用在胶囊、含片、口服液等产品中。

47、Clinical observation of the effect of Xuesaitong troche on hyphema ─── 血塞通治疗前房积血疗效观察

48、Royal Jelly Troche ─── 蜂王浆

49、Methods TLC was used to identify the basis ingredients of Radix scutellariae,Fructus forsythiae and Fructus craraegi of Kang Wei Ling Troche. ─── 方法采用薄层色谱法对康胃灵片中的黄芩、连翘、山楂进行了定性分析鉴别。

50、Effervescent troche ─── 泡腾片剂

51、Conclusion Compound Biejiarangan Troche has effect of inhibiting and reversing alcohol hepatic fibrosis in rats. ─── 结论复方鳖甲软肝片能够有效阻止和逆转酒精性肝纤维化的进程。

52、Keywords Flame atomic absorption spectrometry;liquor ice troche;iron;zinc; ─── 原子吸收光谱法;甘草片剂;铁;锌;

53、Now in our country 50% medicine is blister packing troche and capsule preparation.Annual demand of plastics plate negative is 50,000 tons. ─── 目前我国采用泡罩包装的片剂、胶囊类制剂药品约占总产量的50%,每年需求塑料硬片5万吨。

54、Keywords microcapsule;microelement;vitamin E;troche;HPLC; ─── 微胶囊;微量元素;维生素E;片剂;眼保健制剂;高效液相;

55、Keywords Compound Danshen troche;Anesthetized dogs;Brain circulation; ─── 关键词复方丹参片;麻醉犬;脑循环;

56、Cure dysgenesia urging ovulation medicine, entrance Calomiris Renfa field orchid troche citric acid chlorine Miren is in here not bad purchase? ─── 您的位置:我也知道>医疗健康>治疗不孕促排卵药,进口克罗米芬法地兰片剂枸橼酸氯米芬在这里可以买到?

57、And it has an annual production as belows: 10000 tons sodium dichloro isocyanurate, 9000 tons isocyanurate, 8000 tons dichloro isocyanurate ,5000 tons powder and 1000 tons troche Mdw. ─── 公司占地12万平方米,建筑面积5万平方米,固定资产1.1亿元,是国内专业生产消毒剂的最大企业之一。

58、ft. troch. ─── (=fiant trochisci) (拉)制成锭剂

59、In this paper troche medicine of ligustrazine phosphate has been quantitative analysis. ─── 并用此方法对药品磷酸川芎嗪片剂进行了分析。

60、Conclusion This method is simple, re-usable and easy to supply some bases for the identification of Kang Wei Ling Troche. ─── 结论实验方法简便,重现性好,结果准确,可为建立康胃灵片的质量标准提供依据。

61、Study on the technology of alcohol-extraction part of futongan troche by orthogonal design ─── 正交试验法优选妇痛安片醇提部分的工艺研究

62、The enterprise has 96 kinds of products such as troche, hard capsule, granule preparation, solid preparation.Their knockout products are “Jinnuo Pilin” Brand Beinuozhi Pill, Dianxialv Capsule. ─── 企业产品有片剂、硬胶囊剂、颗粒剂、固体制剂等品种96个,拳头产品为“金诺匹林”牌贝诺脂片、“金诺匹林”牌颠匣铝胶囊。

63、Determination of Brufen in Brufen Troche by High Performance Ion Chromatography ─── 离子色谱法分析布洛芬片剂中的布洛芬含量

64、A small medicated or flavored tablet; a troche. ─── 片剂一小块药片或调味片;锭剂

65、Preparation of health preserved plum troche ─── 保健型话梅润喉片的研制

66、Objective To observe the effect of compound danshen troche on brain circulation in anesthetized dogs. ─── 目的观察复方丹参片对麻醉犬脑循环的影响。

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