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08-18 投稿


blastophore 中文意思翻译



blastophore 短语词组

1、blastophore development ─── 胚泡发育

blastophore 相似词语短语

1、blastopores ─── n.[胚]胚孔

2、blastospores ─── n.芽生孢子

3、blastosphere ─── 囊胚泡;囊胚

4、blastospore ─── n.芽生孢子

5、galactophore ─── n.乳腺

6、blastopore ─── n.[胚]胚孔

7、blastochyle ─── n.胚液,囊胚腔液

8、blastomere ─── n.分裂球;胚叶细胞

9、blastospheres ─── 囊胚泡;囊胚

blastophore 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Body that none life be a the blastophore near to the dousing's flame; ─── 没有什生命的人就是一团接近熄灭的火焰;

2、Police reveals, this probably is blastophore commit an offence, currently, the police is pursuing and arresting other suspects. ─── 据警方透露,这有可能是团伙作案,目前,警方正在追捕其他嫌犯。

3、The training of technique:Provide for the deep technique prefession the talented person technical adviser blastophore thnder of the constitutine eniyme completely of the training of technique. ─── 技术培训:以资深技术专业人才组成的技术顾问团能提供全面的技术培训。

4、Police reveals, this probably is blastophore commit an offence, currently, the police is pursuing and arresting other suspects. ─── 警方透露,这有可能是团伙作案,目前,警方正在追捕其他嫌犯。

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