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08-19 投稿


cavilling 发音

英:[?k?vl??]  美:[?k?vl??]

英:  美:

cavilling 中文意思翻译



cavilling 词性/词形变化,cavilling变形


cavilling 短语词组

1、cavilling meaning in urdu ─── 乌尔都语中的告诫意义

2、cavilling def ─── 空化定义

3、cavilling means ─── 空穴法

4、cavilling synonym ─── 空穴来风同义词

5、cavilling definition ─── 空洞定义

cavilling 相似词语短语

1、cavillingly ─── 气愤地

2、carolling ─── 欢乐地唱;唱圣诞颂歌(carol的现在分词)

3、calling ─── n.使命感;职业;(动物或人的)喊叫;强烈冲动;v.呼喊;大声说;(动物)叫;打电话给;短暂拜访(call的现在分词)

4、gavelling ─── 木槌

5、chilling ─── n.寒冷;冷却;adj.令人恐惧的;adv.令人恐惧地;vt.冷却;恐吓(chill的ing形式);vi.放松,休息(chill的ing形式)

6、caballing ─── n.阴谋(尤指政治上的);阴谋集团;vi.策划阴谋;n.(Cabal)人名;(西)卡瓦尔;(葡)卡巴尔

7、canalling ─── n.运河;[地理]水道;[建]管道;灌溉水渠;vt.在…开凿运河;n.(Canal)人名;(英、法、西、意、葡)卡纳尔;(土)贾纳尔

8、devilling ─── 刻槽

9、caviling ─── v.无端指责;对……吹毛求疵;n.吹毛求疵的意见;n.(Cavil)(美)凯维乐(人名)

cavilling 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No need to cavil about.As for any community, it's mixed up with good and evil, and that's the fun of a circle. why to "pure"? ─── 美在细节里体现,如果把别人的文化精粹豪不咀嚼,狼吞虎咽,就地强暴,实在是现代中国暴发文化的写照和悲哀!

2、3.To find fault or criticize for petty reasons; cavil. ─── 吹毛求疵的学究;过分苛求、吹毛求疵的导师。

3、Those who caviled at the words of Christ, found ever-increased cause for cavil, until they turned from the Truth and the Life. ─── 那些对基督的话吹毛求疵的人总可以找到更多辩驳的藉口,直到他们背离真理和生命为止。

4、to pick holes (in one's coat); to look a gift horst in the mouth; to carp and cavil ─── 求全责备

5、Rising above such cavilling and paying up would be a small step in itself. ─── 克服这些吹毛求疵继而付款只是一小步而已。

6、cavil each item of a proposed agenda ─── 对议程上的每一议条(提出不充分的理由或借口来)表示反对

7、Even he could find nothing to cavil about ─── 连他都挑不出什么毛病来。

8、09 Cavil will enter in at any hole, and if it finds none it will make one. ─── 苛责简直无孔不入,没孔也能挖个洞;欲加之罪,何患无词。

9、TRANIO. That's but a cavil; he is old, I young. ─── 特拉尼奥:那您可太多心了,他年纪已经老了,我还年轻得很哩。

10、Most practitioners reject the idea of a "new science" and cavil even at the word futurology ─── 大多数实践者反对“新科学”的这一想法,甚至对未来学这个词吹毛求疵。

11、The Compilation of IP Legislation and Cavil Law in Russia ─── 俄罗斯知识产权立法与民法典的编纂

12、cavil about ─── v. 挑剔, 吹毛求疵

13、A caper will cavil at anything. ─── 爱挑剔的人总是有话说。

14、How does Natalie make it clear to Cavil that she strenuously disapproves of his insistence on lobotomizing the Cylon Raiders? ─── 娜塔莉是如何向卡维尔挑明她强烈不同意他坚持将赛昂突袭机变得笨头笨脑的决定的?

15、10.A carper will cavil at anything. ─── 爱挑剔的人总会有话说。

16、When we are brought to see our own utter ruin and ill desert, and the justice of the divine verdict against sin, we no longer cavil at the truth that the Lord is not bound to save us; ─── 祂若眷顾我们,那是祂对不配得仁慈的人所采取的自愿行动,为此我们要永远称颂祂的名。蒙救赎的人如何能完全地崇拜上帝的恩典呢?

17、to cavil at somebody's choice of words; to quibble ─── 挑字眼

18、1.to pick (or find) fault;to cavil at (or about);to be choosy; ─── 无可挑剔:就是在一件东西或事情里面找不到一个暇疵,非常完美。

19、Even she could find nothing to cavil at ─── 连她都挑不出什么毛病来。

20、Although his composition was flawless, the teacher was always cavilling at his handwriting. ─── 虽然他的作文写得完美无瑕,但老师对他的书法总是百般挑剔。

21、To find fault or criticize for petty reasons; cavil. ─── 吹毛求疵找碴子或为了琐屑的原因而批评;吹毛求疵

22、Cavil will enter in at any hole, and if it finds none if will make one. ─── 苛责简直无孔不入,没孔也能挖个洞;欲加之罪,何患无辞。

23、Other leaders can hardly cavil - as Gordon Brown noted yesterday: “A fiscal stimulus in one country can benefit from fiscal stimuluses that are taking place in other countries. ─── 领导人对保持增长的兴趣并不仅仅是一种维持经济扩张的愿望。

24、The damage form and aseismic behavior and deformation capacity of cavil walls are studied by pseudo-static low cyclic load test whose sample includes three cavity walls. ─── 通过3片不同拉接筋间距的空心砖复合夹心墙及1片空心砖实体墙的低周期反复荷载试验,研究夹心墙体的破坏形态、抗震性能及变形能力。

25、Rising above such cavilling and paying up would be a small step in itself. ─── 超越这种挑剔并拿出支付行动本身只是一小步。

26、cavil ax ─── 尖斧锤

27、carp and cavil;Order(others)about with wild gestures ─── 指手画脚

28、cavil at sb.'s choice of words; quibble ─── 挑字眼儿

29、Though the teacher liked the way he wrote, she was always cavilling at his spelling and handwriting. ─── 女老师喜欢他的写作手法,但却总是对他的讲写和书法找岔子。

30、While the teacher liked the way he wrote, she was always cavilling at his spelling and handwriting. ─── to cavil at 鸡蛋里挑骨头 这位女老师喜欢他写作的手法,但又老是就其拼写和字迹鸡蛋里挑骨头。

31、cavil v. ─── 吹毛求疵;

32、you are to take up the cross as your chosen badge and burden, and not to stand cavilling at it. ─── 切勿因激怒而踢它、勿因骄傲而践踏它、勿因失望而在它下面跌倒、更勿因害怕而逃避它。像耶稣的真实跟随者一样背起它来!

33、A carper will cavil at anything. ─── 爱挑剔的人对什么都挑剔。

34、Synonyms: carp, cavil , Synonyms ARGUE 2, argufy, bicker, dispute, hassle, ─── 吹毛求疵者:吹毛求疵::传道者:布道::同上(人及其正面动作

35、In The Hub, what action does D'Anna take with Cavil? ─── 在中转站中,狄安娜对于卡维尔采取了什么行动 ?

36、Rising above such cavilling and paying up would be a small step in itself.But it would be a sign that the Middle Kingdom has understood what it is to be a great power. ─── 超越这种挑剔的心态以及支付份额费用本身只是一个小小的进步,但这将显示出中国已经理解了成为大国意味着什么。

37、The loving you girl put you in her heart whether cavil. ─── 不论在嘴上怎么挑剔,在她心里还是最爱你。

38、and if we have been at all given to cavilling, let us now turn our critical abilities to a service so much more profitable. ─── 这些问题常是你思想的主题吗?是你生活中努力的目标吗?

39、Attempts to understand or imagine her inner life tend to be a bit stilted, perhaps because the author is a historian, not a novelist.But this is a small cavil. ─── 可能因为作者是名历史学家而非小说家,所以在尝试理解或想像她的内在生活时有点呆板,但是这是吹毛求疵。

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