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08-19 投稿


cardiograph 发音


英:  美:

cardiograph 中文意思翻译



cardiograph 网络释义

n. 心电图;[内科] 心动描记器

cardiograph 短语词组

1、cardiograph cost ─── 心电图机费用

2、cardiograph define ─── 心电图机定义

3、vector cardiograph ─── [电] 向量测心仪

4、cardiograph test ─── 心电图检查

5、electro-cardiograph n. ─── [内科] 心电图仪, ─── [内科] 心电图描记器

6、echo cardiograph ─── [电] 回音测心仪

7、cardiograph ge ─── 心电图机

8、cardiograph def ─── 心电图def

9、cardiograph app ─── 心电图应用程序

cardiograph 词性/词形变化,cardiograph变形

名词: cardiography |

cardiograph 相似词语短语

1、cardiography ─── n.[内科]心动描记法

2、radiograph ─── n.射线照片;X光照片;vt.[核]拍射线照片

3、audiograph ─── n.声波图,闻阈图

4、cartograph ─── n.制图仪;地图

5、cardiographic ─── 心动描记的

6、cardiographs ─── n.心电图;[内科]心动描记器

7、cardiograms ─── n.心电图

8、cardiographer ─── 心脏记录仪

9、cardiogram ─── n.心电图

cardiograph 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、displacement cardiograph ─── 心脏位移记录器

2、Research on small PACS management system for ultrasonic cardiograph report ─── 超声心动图报告的小型PACS模式管理系统的研制

3、The cardiograph records the heartbeat. ─── 心电图仪能记录心脏的搏动。

4、A cardiograph records the heartbeat. ─── 心电图上标明心跳次数。

5、A line drawn by a recording instrument, such as a cardiograph. ─── 由一记录仪器,如心电图仪所画的线

6、Methods Ultrasonic Dopple cardiograph was used to detect some indice reflecting the function of left ventricle. ─── 方法利用多普勒超声心动图,选择反映左心室功能的部分指标进行无创性检测。

7、Research of the effect of fluoxetine and amitriptyline on cardiograph of depressive symptoms ─── 氟西汀与阿米替林治疗抑郁症对心电图影响的研究

8、The curve traced by a cardiograph, used in the diagnosis of heart disorders. ─── 心电图,心动电流图电图仪描记心动情况的曲线,用于心脏疾病的诊断

9、The Present Research Situation of Cause of Formation of Impedance Cardiograph Waveform ─── 胸腔心阻抗血流图波形成因的研究现状

10、Conclusion: The effect of fluoxetine on cardiograph was lower than that of amitriptyline. ─── 结论氟西汀对心电图影响显著低于阿米替林。

11、The application of a digital filter and trap to cardiograph signal detection ─── 数字滤波及陷波器在心电图信号检测中的应用

12、Methods Of 44 cases with chronic coronary artery disease affirmed by clinical symptoms and electrocardio gram,32 cases had abnormal ventricular motion shown by ultrasonic cardiograph. ─── 方法对临床症状和心电图检查确认有慢性冠状动脉供血不足者44例,行超声心动图检查显示心室壁运动异常者32例,对其进行血流动力学检验。综合上述资料观察、对比、分析。

13、a line drawn by a recording instrument,such as a cardiograph ─── 由一记录仪器,如心电图仪所画的线

14、dynamic cardiograph analysis system ─── 动态心电图分析系统

15、Keywords Qualitative Mapping;Property Cardiograph;the Property Theory;Cardiograph; ─── 关键词定性映射;属性心电图;属性论;心电图;

16、ultrasound cardiograph ─── 超声心动仪

17、impedance cardiograph ─── 阻抗心动描记器

18、A graphic record made by a recording instrument, such as a cardiograph or seismograph. ─── 自动仪表描记图象由记录仪器,如心电图仪或地震仪得出的图表记录

19、A graphic record made by a recording instrument,such as a cardiograph or seismograph. ─── 自动仪表描记图象由记录仪器,如心电图仪或地震仪得出的图表记录。

20、cardiograph detection ─── 心电监测

21、black wax type cardiograph recording paper ─── 黑底蜡型心电图纸

22、Method The two- dimensional and Doppler echocardio-graphy examined diastolic function of left ventricular and the surface electro cardiograph examined QT dispersion of renal failure patients. ─── 方法 对57例肾功能衰竭患者通过二维超声及多普勒心脏检查,同时测定体表心电图QT离散度(QTcd),观察左室舒张功能、左室内径及QT间期离散度及其它临床指标.

23、Objective To find out the cardiograph change of patientswho Underwent thoracotomy and analyze the result.That provides endence for clinical prevention and treatment. ─── 目的:了解开胸术后患者的心电图变化并对其分析,为临床防治提供依据。

24、apex cardiograph ─── 心尖搏动描记器

25、phono cardiograph ─── 心音记录器

26、Serial Observation on Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in AMI by Mechanical Cardiograph ─── 心机械图对急性心肌梗塞时左室舒张功能动态变化评定的初步观察

27、recording the activity of the heart electronically with a cardiograph (and producing a cardiogram). ─── 用电流图来记录心脏的活动(或者是做一个电流图)。

28、Ultrasonic cardiograph observations of the age-related changes in cardiac structure and function ─── 心脏结构和功能随增龄变化的超声心动图观察

29、Research of the effect of fluoxetine and amitriptyline on cardiograph of depressive symptoms ─── 氟西汀与阿米替林治疗抑郁症对心电图影响的研究

30、A line drawn by a recording instrument, such as a cardiograph. ─── 描记线由一记录仪器,如心电图仪所画的线

31、electro cardiograph ─── 心电描记器

32、A cardiograph records the heartbeat. ─── 心动描记器上标明心跳次数。

33、vector cardiograph ─── 矢量心电图示仪

34、fetal ultrasound cardiograph ─── 胎儿超声心动图仪

35、The Present Research Situation of Cause of Formation of Impedance Cardiograph Waveform ─── 胸腔心阻抗血流图波形成因的研究现状

36、Research on small PACS management system for ultrasonic cardiograph report ─── 超声心动图报告的小型PACS模式管理系统的研制

37、echo cardiograph ─── [电] 回音测心仪

38、The cardiograph records the heartbeat. ─── 心电图仪能记录心脏的搏动。

39、Methods To observe and analyze the cardiograph change between before and after operation in 256 cases in 2005. ─── 方法:对2005年126例开胸手术患者术前、术后进行心电图观察分析。

40、recording the activity of the heart electronically with a cardiograph (and producing a cardiogram) ─── 用电流图来记录心脏的活动(或者是做一个电流图)

41、The application of a digital filter and trap to cardiograph signal detection ─── 数字滤波及陷波器在心电图信号检测中的应用

42、Cardiograph parameters ─── 心电图指标

43、of or relating to a cardiograph. ─── 属于或关于心电图仪。

44、fetal ultrasonic cardiograph ─── 胎儿超声心动仪

45、thermal type cardiograph recording paper ─── 热显型心电图纸

46、ultrasonic cardiograph ─── 超声心动描记器超声心动图仪

47、Keywords Thoracotomy;Cardiograph;Analyze;Clinical significance; ─── 开胸术;心电图;分析;临床意义;

48、In has been applied to theoretical study of modeling of 3-dimentional finite element of impedance cardiograph successfully. ─── 该算法已成功地应用于心阻抗血流图三维有限元建模的理论研究中。

49、alternating current cardiograph ─── 交流心电记录仪

50、Keywords multi lead electro cardiograph;embedded system;real time computer processing; ─── 多道心电;嵌入系统;计算机实时处理;

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