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09-10 投稿


chowder 发音

英:['t?a?d?]  美:['t?a?d?]

英:  美:

chowder 中文意思翻译



chowder 网络释义

n. (美)杂脍;海鲜杂烩浓汤

chowder 词性/词形变化,chowder变形

动词过去分词: chowed |动词第三人称单数: chows |动词过去式: chowed |动词现在分词: chowing |

chowder 短语词组

1、clam chowder ─── 传统文蛤周打汤

2、Manhattan clam chowder ─── [网络] 曼哈顿蛤蜊巧达汤;曼哈顿蛤蜊巧达浓汤;曼哈顿蛤汤

3、chowder shnitzel ─── 什尼采尔杂烩

4、chowder fireman ─── 乔德消防员

5、haddock chowder ─── 黑线鳕杂烩

6、scallop chowder ─── 扇贝杂烩

7、clam chowder recipe ─── 蛤蜊杂烩食谱

8、chowder watch cartoon online ─── 杂烩在线观看卡通

9、New England clam chowder ─── [网络] 新英格兰蛤蜊浓汤;新英格兰蛤蜊巧达浓汤;新英格兰蛤蛎巧达浓汤

10、chowder characters ─── 杂烩人物

11、fish chowder ─── 奶油鱼片汤

12、chowder recipes ─── 杂烩食谱

13、conch chowder recipe ─── 海螺杂烩食谱

14、corn chowder ─── [网络] 玉米浓汤;玉米巧达汤;玉米蔬菜浓汤

15、chowder definition ─── 杂烩的定义

16、chowder theme song ─── 杂烩主题曲

17、chowder poultrygeist ─── 杂烩

chowder 相似词语短语

1、chobdar ─── 软骨

2、choker ─── n.宽领带;窒息物;短项链;被窒息的人

3、choicer ─── 选择器

4、clowder ─── n.一群

5、clowders ─── n.一群

6、chowders ─── n.(美)杂脍;海鲜杂烩浓汤

7、crowder ─── n.[水利]沟渠扫污机;n.(Crowder)人名;(英)克劳德

8、chokier ─── 巧克力

9、chocker ─── n.节流门;挂木索

chowder 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Born in Tianshui, serofluid Tianshui, Tianshui box lard, steamed Rot Ma Qin, Qin Dusi snacks such as soup, there are even more popular chowder Tianshui. ─── 在天水呱呱、天水浆水、天水猪油盒、秦安麻腐馍、秦安肚丝汤等小吃之外,还有更受欢迎的天水杂烩。

2、and tomato and clam chowder to go with it. ─── 配菜是蕃茄烩汤。?

3、The Lakers answered with New England clam chowder dripping off their faces. ─── 湖人队员们却只是给出了只言片语。

4、The cup is brimming over with chowder. ─── 杯子里盛的羹汤溢出来了

5、Chicken vegetable or clam chowder. ─── 鸡汤,蛤肉浓汤。

6、fish chowder ─── 鱼羹

7、It is uncannily similar in taste and looks to New England clam chowder served in bread bowls. ─── 它的口味和外观与新英格兰的蛤杂烩惊人地相似,都放在面包碗中。

8、Today we have chicken noodle,tomato and clam chowder. ─── 女招待: 今天有鸡面、蕃茄、杂烩汤。

9、a thick chowder made with clams and potatoes and onions and salt pork and milk. ─── 蛤、番茄、洋葱、咸猪肉和牛奶做成的稠杂烩汤。

10、fish chowder soup ─── 鱼烩汤

11、Some aspects of American food culture that might not be immediately described as cuisine include baked beans, barbecue, and clam chowder, as well as many of the American-style candy bars and fast-food items popular around the world. ─── 美国烹饪文化的某些方面不能立即被认为是料理,包括,烤豆,烧烤,蛤肉杂烩,还有一些美国他特色的糖果条,还有受世界欢迎的快餐食品.

12、I was waiting tables at an exclusive country club when an elegantly dressed woman spilled Manhattan clam chowder all over her white linen skirt. ─── 我在一家奢华的乡村俱乐部等位置的时候,看到一个穿着高雅的妇人把曼哈顿海鲜杂烩羹泼洒在她的白色亚麻裙上。

13、She would make clam chowder every Sunday night, clam chowder and combread. ─── 她每个星期天都做蛤肉杂烩,蛤肉杂烩和玉米饼。

14、you like chowder or chicken noodle? ─── 你喜欢杂脍,还是鸡肉面汤?

15、Manhattan clam chowder ─── 曼哈顿蛤肉杂烩浓汤

16、O.K. It's all right , Also give me clam chowder and a cup of coffee with milk . ─── 行,就点这菜吧。另外,再给我周打蚬汤和一杯加牛奶的咖啡。

17、Daughter : We can buy both. I also want clam chowder. ─── 女儿:我们都可以买到。我也想蛤蜊杂烩。

18、A hearty chowder. ─── 营养丰富的杂烩

19、One day, DJ's friend Chowder accidentally throws his basketball over on the man's lawn. ─── 有一天,DJ的朋友巧达无意间把他的篮球丢到那个老头的草坪上。

20、Sorry to have kept you waiting. Consomme, and New England clam chowder. Some crackers, please. ─── 抱歉让你久等了,清汤、新英格兰肉羹和一些饼干。

21、Later, in order to miss the King of Chu's deeds, "burning chowder" in civil quickly spread, has been spread today. ─── 后来,人们为了怀念楚霸王的事迹,“烧杂烩”便在民间很快流传开来,一直烧到今天。

22、I know you like Clam Chowder, because you like Pina Colada. They look like pretty much the same. ─── 我知道你喜欢海鲜蛤蜊汤,因为你喜欢‘椰林飘香’。他们看上去很像。

23、I recommend the north shore chowder, chockablock with pieces of seasonal fish(Charles Monaghan) ─── 我推荐里面全是时令鱼鱼片的北岸海鲜杂烩浓汤(查尔斯 莫纳汉)

24、hamburger chowder ─── 面包肉

25、Also give me clam chowder and a cup of coffee with milk. ─── 再给我蚶汤和一杯加牛奶的咖啡。

26、Clam chowder, sounds good. ─── 就来杂烩汤吧。

27、corn chowder. ─── 玉米杂烩汤

28、"I recommend the north shore chowder, chockablock with pieces of seasonal fish" (Charles Monaghan) ─── “我推荐里面全是时令鱼鱼片的北岸海鲜杂烩浓汤”(查尔斯·莫纳汉)

29、2. I always use a recipe but my grandmother never did. She was a great cook. She would make clam chowder every? Sunday night, clam chowder and cornbread. ─── 我做菜就是看菜谱做的,可我祖母从来不,她是做菜的一把好手,她每个星期天都做蛤肉杂烩,蛤肉杂烩和玉米饼。收藏指正

30、a chowder made with clams and tomatoes and other vegetables and seasonings. ─── 蛤、番茄、其它蔬菜和调料做成的杂烩汤。

31、Heat but do not boil, simmering the chowder for about five minutes. Add the pepper, hot pepper sauce and salt (if using). ─── 调大火势,但不煮沸,慢煮这外锅杂烩约五分钟,加入辣椒,辣椒酱,盐等(如果使用)。

32、Did cheerful Charlie choose a cheesy chowder? ─── 快活的查里选干酪海鲜汤吗?

33、Bright acidity and a nice balance of oak and body make it the perfect partner with rich seafood, such as chowder or grilled salmon. ─── 酸甜亮丽,橡木与酒体的美妙平衡使其最适合与香浓海鲜菜肴佐配如海鲜浓汤和烤三文鱼。

34、Tomatoes may not be used in the production of clam chowder. ─── 不可用蕃茄来制作蛤蜊海鲜浓汤。

35、Ian: Well, when was the last time that you made clam chowder? Cajun chicken? Or even home-fries? ─── 伊安:那妳上次做巧达汤、纽奥良炸鸡,或自己炸薯条又是什麽时候呢?

36、Fuzhou on the character of the Chowder possession of the pot, cooking, and calls mg.kg, pork, thread noodles all the "food", They have a common characteristic, that is, "Paste. ─── 福州的性格就藏在这杂烩火锅、佛跳墙、荔枝肉和芋泥、肉松、线面等种种"食"中,它们有一个共同的特点,那就是"糊"。

37、EASY SOUP THICKENER: To thicken clam, corn, or any kind of chowder I use instant garlic mashed potatoes. Great taste and less calories. ─── 怎样让汤变浓:要想使蛤蜊、米或其它海鲜杂烩汤更加浓郁,加些蒜味土豆泥进去,这样不但味道鲜美还可以降低热量。

38、Especially when I put bread in the chowder, and I press it down with a spoon. ─── 尤其是把面包放入汤里,在用汤匙压面包,让汤吸进去。

39、C:Yes,we are ready.She takes consomme,I take New England clam chowder,and jumbo burger for her,minute steak and rolls for me.What comes with my steak? ─── 是的,我们准备点了,她要清汤,我要新英格兰哈肉羹,她要大的肉饼,我要小排和圆形小面包,我的牛排什么时间来呢?

40、I always use a recipe but my grandmother never did. She was a great cook. She would make clam chowder every Sunday night, clam chowder and cornbread. ─── 我经常用菜谱.但我祖母却从来不.她是一名高超的厨师.她每个周日晚上都要做蛤蜊杂烩.还有玉米面包.

41、Just a little steak , uh . Snack ? A bowl of clam chowder ? ─── 只要一小块牛排,嗯……零食?一碗哈蛎浓汤?。

42、B: I always use a recipe but my grandmother never did. She was a great cook. She would make clam chowder every Sunday night, clam chowder and cornbread. ─── 乙:我做菜就是看菜谱做的,可我母亲从来不,她是做菜的一把好手,她每星期天的晚饭都做蛤肉杂烩,蛤肉杂烩和玉米饼。

43、Heat but do not boil, simmering the chowder for about five minutes.Add the pepper, hot pepper sauce and salt (if using). ─── 调大火势,但不煮沸,慢煮这外锅杂烩约五分钟,加入辣椒,辣椒酱,盐等(如果使用)。

44、You continue to go forward with the junction to the left, there are food stalls, the chaotic Benguela dumplings, noodles boiled rice chowder, please, Mr.Zibian. ─── 你继续往前走,见了路口向左拐,那边都是小吃摊,混沌水饺格拉条,米饭杂烩水煮面,先生请自便。

45、Chow . chow chow . chow mein. chowchow . chowder . chowder head.Chr. chrematistic. chresard ... ─── chowder 海鲜杂烩浓汤. 欢迎免费下载Dr. eye关键字服务 ...

46、2. Today we have chicken noodle, tomato and clam chowder. ─── 今天有鸡面、番茄、杂烩汤。

47、Among many French soup, the bouillon, French onion soup, vegetable, butter soup and chowder are the most famous ones. ─── 法国的汤分为很多种最著名的有牛肉清汤,法式局洋葱汤,蔬菜浓汤,奶油汤,海鲜汤。

48、He decides to go there with Chowder and Jenny, a smart girl. ─── 他决定跟巧达还有一个聪明的女孩珍妮,一起去那边。

49、Ok My friend asked me if I know any restaurant in Taipei that has good New England clam chowder! Anybody know? ─── 我朋友问我在台北那里有好吃的新英格兰蛤蜊浓汤,有人知道吗?

50、Chowder, the house is still alive and you're gonna wuss out? ─── |巧德,它还活着 你就要打退堂鼓了?

51、New England Clam Chowder。 ─── 虽然很香但是超奶。

52、Now I'm in here every evening serving chowder and iced tea. ─── 现在我每晚都在这里送上浓汤与冰红茶.

53、Yes, sir. Clam chowder, fried fillet of sole and coffee with milk . ─── 好,先生,周打蚬汤、煎抄鲨鱼片和牛奶咖啡。

54、chunky chowder ─── 巧达汤

55、West Lake Chowder Minced beef, crabmeat, egg drop and Chinese parsley ─── 西湖牛肉羹

56、Since then, his cooks optional life, each dish must be chowder. ─── 从此,手下厨师悉听尊命,每菜必是杂烩。

57、corn chowder ─── 玉米菜汤

58、Chowder: Oh. So it's a *girl* house. ─── 查德:哦。这么说来这栋房子是女的。

59、clam chowder soup ─── 蛤肉汤

60、Speaking of clam chowder, I had two bowls of it last Friday night! My goodness! It was delicious BUT the cholesterol content was also very high. ─── 讲到蛤蜊海鲜浓汤,上星期五晚上我喝了两碗.天啊!真是美味极了,但是所含的胆固醇可是高的吓人.

61、In the northern Jiangsu area, whether it is unusual people, or star-level hotels in Jiu Yan, there is an indispensable dish, that is, burning chowder. ─── 在苏北一带,无论是寻常人家,还是星级宾馆,在酒筵上,有一道菜不可缺少,那就是烧杂烩。

62、such as skunk, chowder, and squash. ─── 如“skunk”,“chowder”和“squash”。

63、The hair is shorter and the shorts are longer, but the story lines remain as spicy as salsa, as thick as chowder, and as enduring as the hundreds of bad regional analogies that will surely follow. ─── 头发变得比较短了,裤子变长了,但是故事情节还是和细辛花番薯一样辛辣,和大杂脍一样浓厚,和成百上千不好区域的相似性一样持久地被讨论。

64、clam chowder ─── 蛤肉羹

65、Restaurateurs got in the habit of adding flour to make chowder thicker, and now this is what consumers have come to expect constitutes a bowl of clam chowder. ─── 食客们养成了往汤里加面粉的习惯,让杂烩变得更稠,以至于当他们想要一碗蛤蜊杂烩时,他们心里面想的就是这样一碗稠稠的汤。

66、Chowder and began shooting indiscriminately at large ─── 杂烩大乱射

67、Chicken and cream corn chowder. ─── 鸡茸玉米羹。

68、B: Yes, sir. Clam chowder, fried fillet of sole and coffee with milk. ─── 乙:好,先生,蚶汤、煎鲽鱼片和牛奶咖啡。

69、55. Cookie, fat-cakes and chowder are words referring to food. ─── 竹在中国文化中是谦虚、刚直不阿、顽强不屈的象征。

70、Chowder is a good dish for a cold winter evening. ─── 羹汤是寒冷的冬天晚餐时的美味佳肴

71、chowder fireman ─── 退役消防队员

72、beef & vegetable chowder ─── 牛肉什锦菜汤

73、Piping hot and creamy clam chowder served in a crusty golden-brown home made bread. ─── 自制特色面包与香滑蛤蜊浓汤的完美结合。

74、a brimful cup; I am brimful of chowder; a child brimming over with curiosity; eyes brimming with tears . ─── 满满一杯;我是个大傻瓜;充满了好奇心的孩子;热泪盈眶。

75、EASY SOUP THICKENER : To thicken clam , corn, or any kind of chowder I use instant garlic mashed potatoes. Great taste and less calories . ─── 怎样让汤变浓:要想使蛤蜊、玉米或其它海鲜杂烩汤更加浓郁,加些蒜味土豆泥进去,这样不但味道鲜美还可以降低热量。

76、Would you like chowder or chicken noodle? ─── 你喜欢杂脍,还是鸡肉面汤?

77、I also want clam chowder. ─── 我也想蛤蜊杂烩。

78、And i was born in the boredom and the chowder ─── 我在讨厌的海鲜中出生

79、a chowder made with clams and tomatoes and other vegetables and seasonings ─── 蛤、番茄、其它蔬菜和调料做成的杂烩汤

80、2.I always use a recipe but my grandmother never did.She was a great cook.She would make clam chowder every?Sunday night, clam chowder and cornbread. ─── 我做菜就是看菜谱做的,可我祖母从来不,她是做菜的一把好手,她每个星期天都做蛤肉杂烩,蛤肉杂烩和玉米饼。

81、Seafood Chowder ─── 海鲜周打汤

82、"In that case, sir, " our waiter says, "may I advise against the lady, here, eating the clam chowder. " ─── “这样的话,阁下”我们的服务生说“我个人建议这位女士不要在这里点蛤肉杂碎羹。”

83、chowder head ─── 呆子, 傻瓜

84、We both choose corn chowder as a starter. ─── 我们俩都选了玉米浓汤作为头菜。

85、Cheerful Charlie chose a cheesy chowder. ─── 快活的查里选择干酪海鲜汤。

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