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08-19 投稿


obliterated 发音

英:[??bl?t?re?t?d]  美:[??bl?t?re?t?d]

英:  美:

obliterated 中文意思翻译



obliterated 短语词组

1、obliterated disk ─── 湮灭的磁盘

2、obliterated 75 ─── 删除75

3、obliterated define ─── 删除定义

4、obliterated bronchitus ─── 闭塞性支气管

5、obliterated data ─── [计] 擦除数据, 丢失数据

obliterated 词性/词形变化,obliterated变形

动词现在分词: obliterating |动词第三人称单数: obliterates |动词过去分词: obliterated |名词: obliteration |动词过去式: obliterated |形容词: obliterative |

obliterated 相似词语短语

1、aliterates ─── n.不爱读书者;adj.不爱读书的;不接触文字的

2、obliterative ─── adj.闭塞的

3、obliteration ─── n.闭塞;涂去,删除;消灭

4、alliterated ─── v.押头韵;用头韵体作

5、obliterate ─── vt.消灭;涂去;冲刷;忘掉

6、aliterate ─── n.不爱读书者;adj.不爱读书的;不接触文字的

7、obliterator ─── n.删除因子;混沌毁灭者

8、obliterating ─── v.毁掉;覆盖;清除;盖销(尤指邮票)(obliterate的现在分词)

9、obliterates ─── vt.消灭;涂去;冲刷;忘掉

obliterated 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He obliterated the blackboard before break. ─── 他在下课之前擦干净了黑板。

2、His huge achievements cannot be obliterated. ─── 他的伟大功绩不可磨灭。

3、The heavy rain obliterated all footprints ─── 大雨将所有的足迹都冲掉了。

4、The building was completely obliterated by the bomb. ─── 炸弹把那座建筑物彻底摧毁了。

5、They saved the quality of beauty appreciation of fiction from the degradation of cultural dissimilation.Their painstaking efforts and great contributions should not be ignored or obliterated. ─── 他们从社会异文化的沦陷中将小说的审美属性抢救回来的良苦用心和功劳,不容后人简单抹杀。

6、Aimed at Jetta steering knuckle, the technology of two forging steps in one heat was presented, which combined precision pre-forging by extrusion-belt obliterated extrusion with open finish-forging. ─── 以捷达轿车转向节为研究对象,制定了挤压带式可分凹模闭塞挤压精密预制坯和开式终锻成形相结合的“一火两锻”成形工艺。

7、No doubt in a hydrogen -bomb war great cities would be obliterated. ─── 毫无疑问,一场氢弹战将会毁灭大城市。

8、His Eternal Life, Like A Dream Was Obliterated ─── 他永恒的生命,好似一个被摸灭的梦

9、The afternoon sky had been suddenly obliterated by enormous clouds of sand, instantly turning day into night ─── 下午的天空突然被浓密的乌云遮蔽得无影无踪,白天顿时变成了黑夜。

10、In our country’s institutional revolution period, Brahms’ music’s art value was obliterated for it wasn’t directly involved in the political battle on the impact of art philistinism tendency. ─── 我国文革时期,在艺术庸俗化倾向的影响下,勃拉姆斯的音乐因没有直接参与政治斗争而被抹杀了艺术价值。

11、He completely obliterated himself as an architect. ─── 他 们把自己的建筑家的名誉完全抹煞。

12、A 14-year-old Haitian girl underwent a rare operation Wednesday to remove much of a 16-pound tumor-like growth on her face that all but obliterated her features. ─── 14岁的海地女孩马莉·卡苏斯于12月14日在美国迈阿密经历了一场极为罕见的外科手术。医生从卡苏斯脸部切除了一个重达16磅(约7.7公斤),使她脸部严重变形的肿瘤。

13、But the fires burning for three straight days obliterated vast swathes of the country and the death toll rose by 11 on Sunday to 60. ─── 但是连烧了三天的大火摧毁了这个国家大面积的森林带,死亡人数周六增加11人,达到60人。

14、But garages and cotton gins had encroached and obliterated even the august names of that neighborhood; ─── 可是汽车间和轧棉机之类的东西侵犯了这一带庄严的名字,把它们涂抹得一干二净。

15、Astronomers have long come to a similar conclusion: that the Earth will be obliterated by a giant fireball as the sun burns up and expands so that its surface touches the planet. ─── 天文学家们也得出了相似的结论:由于太阳不断燃烧和膨胀,终有一天太阳表面会与地球表面接触,我们的地球会以此而被太阳这个巨大的火球所湮没。

16、Is also re-service the Japanese military casualties, Hamamoto United almost entirely infantrybei jian , high waves obliterated Rangers also killed or injured. ─── 是役日军伤亡亦重,滨本步兵联队几乎完全被歼,高波骑兵队亦死伤殆尽。

17、The view was obliterated by the fog ─── 景色被浓雾遮住了

18、The snow had obliterated their footprints. ─── 白雪覆盖了他们的足迹。

19、While the deglutitional muscles, medial pterygoid muscles, Rosenmuller fossa and parapharyngeal space were obliterated or thickening in some of the cases after treatment. ─── 位于吞嚥肌、翼状肌、鼻咽洛氏隐窝和鼻咽旁空腔地区的肿瘤,治疗后少部份尚有肥厚不清的现象,可能是残馀肿瘤或其他反应。

20、Love children, the number of days appears Face Powder Obliterated, Simplicity Appears. ─── 儿女情史,岁月褪尽多少铅华。

21、I could see at once that it was the effect of the evening which had come within me; its shades had obliterated my self. ─── 我立刻能够看出这是夜晚在我内心的效果,它的光影把我的“自我”消灭了。

22、A little longer, and even these faint records will be obliterated, and the monument will cease to be a memorial. ─── 再过些时候,连这些残存的记录都会消失,纪念碑也将不成其为一件纪念物了。

23、This has “obliterated” the old set of relations between marketplaces, their users and their users' clients, says Benn Steil, a financial-markets expert at the Council on Foreign Relations. ─── 参议员主持外交关系的金融市场专家BennSteil认为,原来市场中的关系,如交易所用户、用户的客户之间的关系,已经不存在了。

24、By noon, all the gains of the previous year had been obliterated. ─── 到中午前,上一年的收获全都泡了汤。

25、Because of expansion or destruction or filler filler cut too short or assembly error or lubricant has been obliterated or eccentric. ─── 是因为填料膨胀或破坏或填料切得太短或装配错误或润滑剂被冲掉或偏心。

26、If he so did, so I can be sure this schoolboy does not have sense of responsibility, it is at least was obliterated by sexual impulse sense of responsibility!! ─── 如果他这么做了,那么我可以肯定这个男生没有责任感,至少是被性冲动抹杀了责任感!!

27、In 110 patients with FAP that could not be obliterated by ultrasound-guided compression, percutaneous injection achieved immediate closure in 107 (97.3%) without any complications or adverse effects. ─── 受试者包括110名FAP患者,他们曾接受超声介导压缩治疗,结果无法使血管瘤闭塞。经皮注射胶原蛋白,使107名患者的血管瘤立即关闭(97.3%),而且不伴有任何并发症或不良反应。

28、Neptune can, under certain circumstances (such as will be the case with this eclipse) bring unclear conditions, so the facts you need may be confused or obliterated. ─── 在一定环境下,海王星带来不确定的情况,所以你所需要的可能有困扰或者被消除了。

29、The Laocoon was overpainted after El Grecos death, and the second head that looks into the painting was obliterated, while the two standing frontal nudes were given loincloths. ─── 在葛雷柯死后,拉奥孔这幅画被重新的绘制。

30、American parents have already obliterated cultural borders around many names. ─── 在美国,家长们在为孩子取名字时已经不再墨守成规了。

31、The heavy rain obliterated all footprints. ─── 大雨冲掉了所有的脚印。

32、For the prevention of recurrent bleeding, 138 cases received several times of sclerotherapy.In 62 cases, all varices were obliterated. ─── 一次或多次硬化剂注射预防性治疗138例,曲张静脉62例完全消失,76例转为轻度;

33、Her contribution to art can not be obliterated. ─── 她对艺术事业的贡献是不可抹煞的!

34、Unless the image of God be obliterated from the soul, all men cherish the love of liberty. ─── 人人珍藏热爱自由之心,除非上帝的形象已在人的灵魂中抹去。

35、The entire village was obliterated by the tsunami. ─── 整个村落遭海啸摧毁。

36、He began to drink, drank himself to intoxication, till he slept obliterated. ─── 他一直喝, 喝到他快要迷糊地睡着了。

37、At least she could not be comfortable there till long years should have obliterated her keen consciousness of it. ─── 至少在漫长的岁月抹去她对这件事的敏感意识之前,她是不会在马洛特村感到心情开朗的。

38、Under low power, note that the normal architecture of the lymph node is obliterated. ─── 低倍镜下已经看不到正常的淋巴结结构。

39、never be obliterated [effaced] ─── 不可磨灭

40、At the end of two hours he declared that the hands were a failure, and he obliterated them. ─── 在两个小时的最后阶段他宣布失败了,他把它们都擦掉了。

41、He obliterated the extra letter A ─── 他把多余的字母A擦掉。

42、Consequently, if shortening will not be too great, the defect should be obliterated, and the fragments should be apposed before the grafts are applied. ─── 因此、如果短缩不是太多,在植骨前应先将骨块对位,避免出现骨缺损。

43、In this manner, the heaping up of the Parthenon, obliterated, a century ago, a portion of the vaults of Saint-Genevieve hill. ─── 一世纪以前先贤祠的下陷,就这样堵塞了圣热纳维埃夫山上一部分的沟管。

44、For two days we dodged and fought the Pursuer, and thought we'd obliterated it, but now it has found us once more. ─── 我们用了两天的时间躲避追击者并与其战斗,以为已经将其消灭了,但没想到它再次找到了我们。”

45、The court has sometimes even obliterated the distinction between law and policy. ─── 有时候,法院甚至抹煞法律与政策的区别;

46、For her last snatch attempt Liu obliterated her own two minute-old world record by heaving a massive 128kg. ─── 最后一次抓举,刘春红举起128公斤,改写了她两分钟前创下的世界记录。

47、I have obliterated him from my memory ─── 我已把他遗忘了。

48、obliterated data ─── 擦除的数据, 丢失的数据

49、perform meritorious deeds never to be obliterated ─── 建立不可磨灭的功勋

50、The view was obliterated by the fog . ─── 景色被浓雾遮住了.

51、In all men, surgical exploration revealed a dense fibroblastic response encompassing the polypropylene mesh with either trapped or obliterated vas. ─── 在所有的男性患者中,外科手术发现到密集的纤维组织母细胞反应,这些反应都发生在聚丙烯筛网或在冲刷过的输精管内;

52、Gradually, the swamp dried up and disappeared meadow, the valley was obliterated by the Gobi Desert, is the vast Han hai around. ─── 渐渐地,沼泽干涸了,草甸消失了,河谷被戈壁沙漠所湮没,周围又是茫茫瀚海。

53、Generations of ranching have led to their proliferation throughout the galaxy, so that nerfs continue to prosper on many planets even though their home world has since been obliterated. ─── 它们以古怪的脾气和刺鼻的体味闻名于世。几万年的畜牧业发展令它们得以散居在银河系各地。尽管其母星已被彻底摧毁,但纳福牛仍在许多别的星球上繁衍生息。

54、* The tidal wave obliterated several island villages. ─── *浪潮淹没几个岛屿的村庄。

55、None of the marks mentioned in the previous paragraph shall be defaced or, obliterated, except for avoidance of capture in time of war. ─── 前项标志不得毁坏、涂抹。但为战时避免捕获者,不在此限。

56、with the TO&E all but obliterated, he was a rising star, an all-around fixer. ─── 如今编制与装备表已经完全没用,他成了一颗冉冉升起的新星,一个全能维修工。

57、8.Venous hum is accentuated by deep inspiration in most patients and may be obliterated by the Valsalva maneuver or by pressure on the internal jugular vein. ─── 多数病人在深吸气时静脉嗡鸣音明显,用瓦尔萨尔瓦手法或按压颈内静脉即或消除。

58、The view was obliterated by the fog. ─── 景色被浓雾遮住了。

59、Aimed at Jetta steering knuckle,the technology of two forging steps in one heat was presented,which combined precision pre-forging by extrusion-belt obliterated extrusion with open finish-forging. ─── 以捷达轿车转向节为研究对象,制定了挤压带式可分凹模闭塞挤压精密预制坯和开式终锻成形相结合的“一火两锻”成形工艺。

60、'--any fancies, any reasons, any apprehensions, anything whatsoever, new or old, against the man she really loved--the direct responsibility thereof not lying on his head--they should all be obliterated for her sake. ─── “若是还有任何不利于她真正爱着的男性的幻想、理由或畏惧,而其直接责任并不在他,那么,为了她的缘故,无论是什么问题都应该全部抹掉。

61、A feudal royal family almost obliterated by a terrible massacre.Politicians who squabbled and stole, and let their country descend ever deeper into poverty. ─── 曾经报导非洲和阿富汗等几个国家的记者,表示未曾对一个地方的新闻如此感到悲观。

62、There is no evidence of irrigation, but such evidence could have been obliterated by repeated, catastrophic floods. ─── 没有灌溉的迹象,但一些明显的迹象可能已经被再三地冲刷去,例如是特大洪水。

63、The detour was a dirt road that led through banana fields, orange orchards and a graveyard. With that route obliterated, Tyre is isolated. ─── 这条便道是一条穿过香蕉田,橘子园和一块墓地的泥泞小路。

64、processing obliterated data ─── 丢失数据

65、because the distance between ideal and reality was obliterated in the field of political thought, and academic thoughts were narrowly understood, the political thought became ossified and doctrinaire. ─── 在政治思想领域将理想与现实之间的距离抹煞、对学术思想的理解片面,死板等因素而造成的政治思想的僵化、教条等现象等。

66、Keywords Acute myocardial infraction;Triple vessel obliterated;Expired in hospital; ─── 急性心肌梗死;主要冠状动脉3支闭塞;院内死亡;

67、Also Yan, Zhao Department Qinge obliterated forever moment, is isolated crisis intellectual defeat, death, just a last resort. ─── 且燕、赵处秦革灭殆尽之际,可谓智力孤危,战败而亡,诚不得已。

68、If the containers are repetitively used solely for the same BPC, all previous lot numbers, or the entire label, should be removed or completely obliterated. ─── 如果容器重复的使用用于相同原料药,所有先前的批号,或者完整的标签,应移去或完全檫去。

69、"The dynasty, year and country's name were, however, obliterated." ─── "然朝代年纪,地舆邦国,却反失落无考."

70、According to the modem standpoint of constitutionality, it still has magnificent value that can't be obliterated. ─── 从现代法治观点看,它仍有许多不可磨灭的历史价值。

71、Snow obliterated the tracks. ─── 大雪覆盖掉足迹

72、an inherited disorder characterized by an increase in bone density; in severe forms the bone marrow cavity may be obliterated. ─── 一种先天混乱症特征是骨头的密度增加。

73、Hardware failures that randomly damage a log file cannot be overcome because the data that was obliterated cannot be reliably reconstructed. ─── 无法克服随机损坏日志文件的硬件故障,因为无法可靠地重新构建被清除的数据。

74、To add to the loss of life, homes, churches, supermarkets and police stations have been obliterated. ─── 大火吞噬了生命,也令家园、教堂、超市和警察局化为乌有。

75、Major Carpenter was standing by; with the TO&E all but obliterated, he was a rising star, an all-around fixer. ─── 卡朋特少校站在一旁;如今编制与装备表已经完全没用,他成了一颗冉冉升起的新星,一个全能维修工。

76、No doubt in a hydrogen-bomb war great cities would be obliterated. But this is one of the minor disasters that would have to be faced. ─── 毫无疑问氢弹战争中大城市会被毁灭,但那不过是我们可能遇到的小灾难之一。

77、The entire village was obliterated by the tornado. ─── 整个村庄被龙卷风摧毁了。

78、However, much of the visible tectonic history along the fault has been obliterated[5] by landslides, and the earthquake on Monday may have occurred along a previously unknown fault, he said. ─── 他说,然而沿这个断层,许多可见的地质构造史已被山体滑坡所覆盖。因而,星期一的这次地震也许是沿着一条尚不为人知的断层发生的。

79、Many would like to have a good home to her mother, say, in all of a sudden all of this snow obliterated. ─── 有好多已经想好回家对妈妈说的话一下子全部都在这雪中抹杀了。

80、The sand-storm obliterated his footprints ─── 沙暴掩埋掉了他的脚印。

81、She was obliterated from my memory. ─── 我已把她遗忘了。

82、Deep in the earth, however, pressures are so great that open spaces of any kind are obliterated. ─── 但是在地下深部,由于压力太大,使得任何类型的孔隙都归于消失。

83、The facts of history cannot be denied [obliterated] ─── 历史的事实是抹杀不了的。

84、However, if the user realizes that he issued the wrong command and wishes to cancel the operation, he will not only want the operation to stop but will want all traces of the operation to be obliterated. ─── 但是,如果用户意识到自己调用了错误的命令并且希望取消操作,在这种情况下他不仅希望停止操作,而且还希望能消除所有的操作痕迹。

85、Everything that happened that night was obliterated from his memory. ─── 那天夜里发生的一切都从他的记忆中消失了。

86、14.For, what must be obliterated?Hate, prejudice, selfishness, backbiting, unkindness, anger, passion, and those things of the mire that are created in the activities of the sons of men. ─── 但是,需要彻底抹去的是:仇恨、偏见、自私、反击、恶意、气愤和那些由人类所创造出来的泥潭般的时情和活动。

87、Hepatic artery was also obliterated in 3:1 group and pathological assay showed that liver segment ablated with TAA was coagulatively necrotic either grossly or microscopically 1~2 weeks after HSA. ─── 1一2周后肝动脉DSA随访,3:1组灭活节段肝动脉均呈闭塞状态。

88、His works have some breakthrough and produce positive influence in literary history, thus should not be obliterated as the writing by a scribbler hired by the imperial court. ─── 其在文学史上,有某些突破、创新和积极意义,不应以“御用文人”的“御用文学”一笔抹煞。

89、"or of the crossing having been obliterated or having been added to or altered otherwise than as authorized by this Ordinance," ─── 或该划线曾被除去,或划线曾作本条例所授权以外之增添或修改

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