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08-19 投稿


capitation 发音

英:[?k?p??te??n]  美:[?k?p??te??n]

英:  美:

capitation 中文意思翻译



capitation 短语词组

1、capitation meaning in hindi ─── 印地语中按人头付费的意思

2、capitation removes the incentive to ─── 按人头付费取消了

3、capitation adjustment define ─── 按人头计算调整

4、capitation payment ─── 论人计酬制

5、capitation definition ─── 按人头付费的定义

6、capitation tax ─── [法] 人头税

7、capitation rate ─── 按人头付费率

8、capitation grant ─── 发给每个人的补助金 [经] 按人计算的补助费

9、capitation taxes ─── [经] 人头税

10、capitation fee ─── [医] 均摊费(健康保险) ─── [经] 均摊的费用

capitation 词性/词形变化,capitation变形

形容词: capitative |

capitation 相似词语短语

1、palpitation ─── n.[内科]心悸;跳动;颤动

2、crepitation ─── n.爆裂声;捻发音;劈拍声

3、captivation ─── n.魅力;着迷;迷惑

4、capitulation ─── n.(有条件的)投降;投降协定;(文件、声明等的)要点;条约

5、cavitation ─── n.[流]气穴现象;空穴作用;成穴

6、capacitation ─── n.精子获能;获得能力

7、agitation ─── n.激动;搅动;煽动;烦乱

8、capitations ─── n.人头税;按人收费;每人均摊费

9、decapitation ─── n.斩首;解雇;撤职

capitation 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Objective To investigate the effect of the application of sickbed capitation in clinical attendance. ─── 目的探讨床位包干制管理在临床护理中应用的效果。

2、hina is a developing country with a very large population.The amount of capitation resources is less.The resources problem controls the sustainable development of economy and society in China. ─── 中国是一个人口众多的发展中国家,人均资源占有量少,资源问题制约着中国经济、社会的可持续发展。

3、capitation tax ─── 人头税

4、Now capitation, ming Dynasty price is heavy. ─── 今日人头税,明朝物价沉。

5、Study suggested that the paying model of global budget and capitation will be helpful to promote health system reform. ─── 认为采取总额预算和按服务量支付方式将有助于促使医院注重内涵发展,推动“三医联动”深入进行。

6、It was just the problem of citizenship and capitation that made Philo take the diplomatic mission to Rome and produce the correlative historical works. ─── 因此,围绕着公民权和人头税的问题,斐洛出使罗马,并创作了相关的“史学作品”。

7、Research on Application of Sickbed Capitation in Clinical Attendance ─── 床位包干制管理在临床护理中应用的研究

8、In our model flat capitation causes severe market problems. ─── 在我们的模型论单位造成严重的市场问题。

9、No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid. ─── 不得征收人头税或其它直接税。

10、capitation taxes ─── [经] 人头税

11、Objective To investigate the effect of the application of sickbed capitation in clinical attendance. ─── 目的探讨床位包干制管理在临床护理中应用的效果。

12、Discussion on Application of Capitation in New Rural Cooperative Medical System ─── 按人头付费在新型农村合作医疗中的应用探讨

13、The third section introduces the practical policy experience of rationing in the UK, and the weighted capitation formula for geographical areas. ─── 第三段介绍英国在过去与近年来的医疗资源配给经验,以及英国对于医疗资源地理分布的策略内容。

14、No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken. ─── 除依本宪法前文对人口普查或统计结果规定的比例证税外,不得征收人头税或其它直接税。

15、The vast majority of secondary schools belong to the free education scheme and receive allowances and capitation grants from the State . ─── 绝大部分中学属于免费教育方案,接收国家津贴和按人头计算的补助费。

16、capitation fee ─── 均摊的费用

17、a capitation allowance ─── 按人计算的津贴.

18、The vast majority of secondary schools belong to the free education scheme and receive allowances and capitation grants from the State. ─── 绝大部分中学属于免费教育方案,接收国家津贴和按人头计算的补助费。

19、Flat capitation (uniform prospective payments) makes enrolling healthy enrollees profitable to health plans. ─── 平论(统一潜在支付)使入学注册有利可图的健康保健计划。

20、No capitation, or other direct, tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration herein before directed to be taken. ─── 除按本宪法前文对人口普查或统计结果规定的比例征税外,不得征收人头税或其他直接税。

21、Closed structure impeller: adopt excellent hydraulic mode efficient, highly resistant to capitation erosion. ─── 闭式结构叶轮:采用优秀的水力模型,效率高,抗汽蚀性能强。

22、a capitation fee for each pupil ─── 摊派到每个小学生头上的收费

23、Spain is unique in having had a PPP hospital in operation for over a decade which is funded through a capitation fee. ─── 西班牙是独一无二的曾超过十年,这是通过一个人头费资助的购买力平价医院在操作。

24、Keywords Grouping of nurse Sickbed capitation Attendant quality; ─── 护士分组;床位包干;护理质量;

25、Payment system for public health service includes global budget,fee for service,capitation,salary,performance-related pay,line budget,preventive service account and periodic health visit fee. ─── 理论上,对公共卫生的支付方式有总额预付制、按服务项目付费、按人头支付、薪金制、按照绩效支付、按条目预算、预防服务账户和定期健康就诊费用方式。

26、capitation grant ─── n. 按人头算的补助费

27、No Capitation, or other direct, Tax shall be laid, unless in Proportion to the Census or Enumeration herein before directed to be taken.7 ─── 除非按本宪法所规定的人口调查或统计之比例,不得徵收任何人口税或其他直接税。

28、With improvement of people's living standard the capitation water consumption increases constantly and the sanitary sewage becomes an important pollution sources. ─── 随着人民生活水平的提高,城市人均用水量逐年增加,伴随产生的生活污水已经成为不可忽视的污染源。

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