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08-19 投稿


cotyledonal 中文意思翻译



cotyledonal 相似词语短语

1、cotyledons ─── n.[植]子叶(cotyledon的复数)

2、cotyledon ─── n.[植]子叶

3、cotyledonary ─── adj.子叶的

4、acotyledon ─── n.[植]无子叶植物

5、acotyledons ─── n.[植]无子叶植物

6、acotyledonous ─── adj.无子叶的

7、cotyledonous ─── adj.有子叶的

8、cotyledonoid ─── 子叶

9、complexional ─── adj.肤色的;天性的

cotyledonal 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、cotyledon embryo ─── 子叶胚

2、Part of the small vascular bundles of the atacto-stele originats from the division of the cotyledon trace, and the other comes from redifferentiation of the surrounding parenchyma cells. ─── 周围的小维管束一部分由子叶迹分裂形成,一部分由周围薄壁细胞脱分化形成。

3、Among cotyledon, petiole of cotyledon, hypocotyl, and radicle, hypocotyl has the most responsive explants to2,4- D. ─── 在子叶、叶柄、胚轴以及胚根四者当中,下胚轴对2,4-D的反应状况最好。

4、The frequency of shoot regeneration from cotyledon explants of fifty days fast vegetable and Zhejiangzaoshu No. 5 is higher. So both varieties were used as the material for transgenic experiment. ─── 子叶外植体的芽分化率以50天快菜和浙江早熟5号为高,故此以这两个品种作为转基因的试验材料。

5、The effects of different media with various hormone concentrations on tomato callus induction,adventition bud differentiation and rooting were detected in hypocotyl and cotyledon. ─── 以中蔬四号番茄子叶和下胚轴为外植体进行离体培养,研究了不同激素及不同浓度的组合对愈伤诱导、不定芽分化及生根的影响。

6、hypogenous cotyledon ─── 地下子叶

7、development of the cotyledon ─── 子叶发育期

8、In vitro plantlet regeneration of cotyledon in Suzhouqing non-heading Chinese cabbage ─── 不结球白菜苏州青子叶离体分化

9、We used cotyledon of S52 (FF) to be the explants, optimized shoot induction media and tested the PPT concentrations in rooting media. ─── 14个欧洲温室型(FF):S02,S04,S07,S17,S43,S44,S45,S46,S47,S48,S49,S51,S55,S59。

10、Hypocotyls The stem below the cotyledons, occupying the region betweem the cotyledon stalks and the point where lateral roots arise. ─── 下胚轴:是子叶以下的胚轴部分,即子叶着生点与侧根出现位点间的区域。

11、Distinguish: ovary , ovule , seed , fruit . embryo , endosperm , seed , cotyledon , coleoptile. ─── 分辨以下各词汇:卵巢、胚珠、种子、果实。胚胎、胚乳、种子、子叶、茎尖。

12、Keywords Whole cotyledon;Tofu;Gel;MTG;Lactobacillus;Response Surface Methodology(RSM);Mathematics model; ─── 全子叶;豆腐;凝胶;MTG;乳酸菌;响应曲面;数学模型;

13、Each of them had tap root, verticillate lateral root, stem,cotyledon, first pair of true leaf, and terminal bud. ─── 在显微镜下观察到花粉粒发育成为胚状体的全过程。

14、The results show that, most of varieties of the zizyphus jujuba embryo began aborting from globular or heart-shaped embryo period, and few of them could keep developing to cotyledon stage embryo. ─── 实验结果表明,大多数品种的枣胚从球形期或心形期即开始败育,只有极少数品种可发育到成熟胚。

15、cotyledon broad and flattened. ─── 子叶宽和扁平。

16、The inductive rates of adventitious buds were up to 32.52%,4.35%and 4.97%,11.55%,respectively,in cotyledon petioles or cotyledons of Zhongjiaoheiye and Aijiaoheiye. ─── 子叶(柄)和子叶切段诱导不定芽频率分别为32.52%、4.35%和4.79%、11.55%。

17、The binding of the plasma membrane preparation of cotton cotyledon with the PLPC was determined by the indirect competitive ELISA. ─── 利用竞争ELISA测定了泗棉3号幼苗子叶的质膜制剂与PLPC的结合活性。

18、Plantlet regeneration from cotyledon protoplast culture of non heading Chinese cabbage ─── 不结球白菜子叶原生质体培养再生植株

19、epigaeous cotyledon ─── 出土子叶

20、Its seedling apparently divided into three zones: epicotyl shoot zone, cotyledon node zone (CNZ) and bypocotyl root zone. ─── 其幼苗初生维管系统的解剖学研究表明,它与毛茛科其它属一样,存在一个以子叶节区为中心的两个过渡区。

21、cotyledon node zone-root transition region ─── 子叶节区-根过渡区

22、family of flowering plants having a single cotyledon (embryonic leaf) in the seed. ─── 在萌芽阶段单子叶(胚胎叶)开花植物科。

23、Effect of Photoperiod on Morphogenesis of Hypocotyl and Cotyledon of Sinapis alba ─── 光周期对白芥下胚轴和子叶形态发生的影响

24、in cross section the cotyledon ─── 子叶横切面

25、Cotyledon (seed leaf) the first leaf of the embryo of seed plants, which is usually simpler in structure than later-formed leaves. ─── 子叶:种子植物胚胎的第一片叶,在结构上通常比后来形成的叶简单。

26、Transfer cells were widely distributed in cotyledon tissue this period which a lot of substance accumulation.Transfer cells occur first in final and edgeways of vascular bundle. ─── 子叶组织中传递细胞在物质积累盛期也分布广泛,传递细胞首先发生于维管束的末端和边缘,其细胞壁内突,显极性生长。

27、Research on the Callus Culture Induction and the Secondary Culture from Cotyledon of Cuminum cyminum L. ─── 与相似的文献。

28、cotyledon node zone ─── 子叶节区

29、Embryogenic callus can produced directly from cotyledon, hypocotyle and radical, or from callus producing from explants. ─── 中棉所19的体细胞胚胎发生有两种情况:一是由外植体直接诱导获得胚性愈伤组织和体细胞胚;

30、cotyledon margin ─── 子叶边缘

31、Calli from hypocotyl and cotyledon explants were induced earlier than others,and had a faster growth rates than others.Buds differentia-ted from calli were adventitious ones. ─── 下胚轴诱导愈伤组织形成时,细胞不规则的无丝分裂少于子叶,故下胚轴离体培养得到的正常芽的比例高于子叶的;

32、Explanation of plates 1.Differentiation of pepper cotyledon in the differentiation medium;2.Buds of explants enlongation in the growth medium;3.Induce of roots of pepper shoots;4.Regenerated pepper plants were transplanted into normal soil. ─── 图版说明1.辣椒子叶在分化培养基中分化;2.外植体分化的不定芽在生长培养基中伸长;3.再生小苗不定根的诱导;4.再生苗的移栽。

33、Keywords soybean;soybean husk;cotyledon;dietary fiber;functionality;application; ─── 大豆;豆皮;子叶;膳食纤维;功能性;应用;

34、cotyledon stoma ─── 子叶气孔

35、Any of various flowering plants, such as grasses, orchids, and lilies, having a single cotyledon in the seed. ─── 单子叶植物任一种种子只含一个子叶的植物的开花植物,如草、兰花和百合花

36、cotyledon broader and longer than radicle. ─── 子叶较宽且较长于胚根。

37、epigeal cotyledon ─── 出土子叶地上子叶

38、Its cotyledon node zone is telome elongation type. ─── 它的子叶节区类型为顶枝伸长型。

39、Callus Induction and Differentiation from the Cotyledon of Capsicum annuum L. ─── 三樱椒子叶愈伤组织的诱导及分化。

40、any stage of cotyledon development ─── 子叶发育的任何一个阶段

41、cotyledon thinner and flattened, longer than radical. ─── 子叶较薄和压平,长于胚根。


43、Ultrastructure and the ATP-ase activity change in soybean cotyledon cells during seed germination ─── 大豆种子萌发过程中子叶细胞超微结构和ATP酶活性动态研究

44、cotyledon petiole ─── 子叶柄

45、At the same time, the result showed that the cotyledon and the hypocotyle which are the nearer embryo,the shorter period is the inducement and the plant regeneration rate is the b... ─── 同时还发现分区子叶和分段下胚轴都是越接近胚芽生长点的部位用作外植体,其诱导出芽的时间短,并且能很好地分化再生成苗。

46、cotyledon senescence ─── 子叶衰老


49、cotyledon with petiole ─── 子叶-子叶柄

50、 双语使用场景

51、The embryoids successively differentiated through globular-shaped,heart-shaped and cotyledon stages,which was similar to the development of zygotic embryo. ─── 体细胞胚发生不同步,经历球形胚、心形胚、子叶胚等阶段,与合子胚发育途径相似。

52、Studied on the Induction and Differentiation of Tissue Culture From Cotyledon of Atriplex Triangularis ─── 三角叶滨藜子叶愈伤组织诱导及分化的研究

53、uterine cotyledon ─── 子宫绒毛叶

54、Effects of Nitrogen Nutrition and Salicylic Acid on Floral Bud Initiation in Cucumber Cotyledon Culture ─── 低氮素和水杨酸对黄瓜子叶离体培养中花芽分化的影响

55、cotyledon primordium region ─── 子叶原基区

56、cotyledon removal ─── 子叶切除

57、Cotyledon L. ─── [医] 石莲华属,瓦松属

58、Keywords: cotton, Verticillium dahliae, cotyledon , endogenous hormone, ─── 关键词:棉花,黄萎病菌,子叶,内源激素

59、Exogenous 6- benzylaminopurine (BAP) inhibited the rooting of cotyledon top section and restrained the rooting-related changes on IAA and proteins. ─── 反之当培养基中附加BAP抑制子叶生根,也抑制了与生根相关的IAA变化和蛋白质表达。

60、an accumbent cotyledon ─── 侧倚子叶, 缘倚子叶

61、cotyledon explants ─── 子叶外植体

62、The soluble protein declined as the cotyledon development. ─── 可溶性蛋白的含量随著子叶的发育而逐步降低。

63、Transcription factors ABI3 (abscisic acid-insensitive 3), LEC2 (leafy cotyledon 2) and FUS3 (fusca3) interact with RY element and controls many events during seed development. ─── RY元件控制某些基因的种子特异性表达,与RY元件相互作用的是ABI3(abscisic acid-insensitive3)、LEC2(leafy,cotyledon2)、FUS3(fusca3)类转录因子。

64、Preculturing of immature cotyledon was beneficial for somatic embryogenesis from the cotyledons infected with Agrobacterium tumefaciens (Smith et Townsend) Conn. ─── 体细胞胚的脱水处理显著促进“中黄4号”体细胞胚的萌发。 未成熟子叶的预培养有利于根癌土壤杆菌感染子叶外植体体细胞胚的分化。

65、The report studied the effects of IOA and R-6G on mitochondria inactivation of cotyledon protoplast of non-heading Chinese cabbage 91 HQiu -21 (Aijiaohuang). ─── 以 91H秋 - 2 1(矮脚黄 )不结球白菜为试材 ,研究了碘乙酰胺 (IOA)和罗丹明 (R 6G)对子叶原生质体线粒体失活效果的影响。

66、At the same time, the result showed that the cotyledon and the hypocotyle which are the nearer embryo, the shorter period is the inducement and the plant regeneration rate is the best. ─── 同时还发现分区子叶和分段下胚轴都是越接近胚芽生长点的部位用作外植体,其诱导出芽的时间短,并且能很好地分化再生成苗。

67、The Morphology of Cotyledon Cells and Chemical Components of some Oil Raw Stuff ─── 几种油料的子叶细胞形态与主要化学成分分析

68、Fig. 5. Influence of pycnidiospore density in soil on the disease incidence of melon cotyledon caused by Didymella bryoniae. ─── 五、土壤中添加蔓枯病菌柄孢子对于香瓜子叶发病的影响。

69、Proteins expressed during rhizogenesis of walnut cotyledon were profiled with the techniques of proteomics. ─── 利用蛋白质组学技术对核桃子叶不定根发生期间表达的蛋白质进行了解析。

70、The speed of dehydrating of embryo was slower than of cotyledon of peanut seed,however,the speed of dehydrating of embryo and cotyledon was similar in soybean and mung bean seeds.It showed that... ─── 另外,花生种子的种胚脱水速率滞后于子叶的脱水速率,大豆和绿豆种子的种胚和子叶同步脱水,即种胚着生部位可能会对种子脱水产生一定影响。

71、Cotyledon segments of O.violaceus,when cultured in vitro,regenerated embryoids first and then plantlets.The frequency of embryoid production was 100%.2. ─── 1.用诸葛菜子叶切块进行离体培养,上述外植体产生胚状体,并再生小苗,胚状体的发生频率达100%;

72、(3) the foliaceous cent of foliaceous helianthus is cotyledon and true leaf. ─── (三)叶 向日葵的叶分为子叶和真叶。

73、cotyledon 2, yellow-white, You Run. ─── 子叶两片,黄白色,油润。

74、In contrast, the activity of NADH-GDH was low at first stages of cotyledon development, and then gradually increased. ─── 但是NADH-GDH呈现出相反的变化,在子叶发育的前期阶段其活性低,而后逐步升高。

75、Carbonic Anhydrase Activity and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Soybean Cotyledon ─── 大豆子叶中的碳酸酐酶活性和光合特性研究

76、Hypocotyls Cotyledon petiole Cotyledon Hypocotyls Cotyledon petiole Cotyledon ─── 下胚轴子叶柄子叶下胚轴子叶柄子叶

77、Cotyledon and cotyledon node are all good explant for cucumber transformation compared to hypocotyledonary axis. ─── 在黄瓜转化与再生过程中,选择黄瓜子叶、子叶节作为外植体优于下胚轴。

78、The functionality of natural cellulose which uses soybean husk and cotyledon from soybean as materials and its use in food and nutrient hygienical function for people were introduced. ─── 主要介绍了以大豆皮和大豆子叶为原料的膳食纤维的功能性质及其在食品中的应用,以及膳食纤维对人体的营养和保健功能。

79、A type of vascular bundle in cotyledon is different from other tissues of lotus.This vascular bundle relate to physiological function and phylogenetic evolution. ─── 子叶中维管束的结构不同于莲的其它组织中的模式,这与它的生理功能和系统演化有关。

80、Effects of Nursing Culture and Section of Cotyledon on Shoot Regeneration of Brassica juncea Coss. ─── Gemmifera Lee et Lin in vitro Culture (看护培养和子叶部位对儿菜(Brassica juncea Coss.

81、cotyledon factor ─── 子叶因子, 绒毛叶因子

82、AgNO_3 plays an important role in controlling the browning of cotyledon explants, and 6mg/L AgNO3 is recommended. ─── 6mg/L AgNO3能很好地控制外植体的褐化,促进芽分化和芽伸长。

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