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08-19 投稿


hippocampus 发音

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hippocampus 中文意思翻译



hippocampus 网络释义

n. [解剖][脊椎] 海马;马头鱼尾怪兽(神话中的一个形象)

hippocampus 词性/词形变化,hippocampus变形


hippocampus 短语词组

1、in the hippocampus ─── 在海马体中

2、genus Hippocampus ─── [网络] 海马;海马属

3、hippocampus minor ─── [医]禽距

hippocampus 相似词语短语

1、hippophagous ─── adj.食马肉习惯的

2、hippodamists ─── 半身人

3、hippocampi ─── 海马

4、hippocampal ─── adj.海马的;海马趾的

5、hippopotamus ─── n.[脊椎]河马

6、hippodamous ─── 河马

7、hippocampal gyrus ─── [解剖]海马回

8、hippocras ─── n.希波克拉斯酒(欧洲中世纪的甜药酒)

9、hippodames ─── 河马

hippocampus 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、No DND was found in the hippocampus of the rats subjected to sham operation and CIP, in which 3 min cerebral ischemic preconditioning was performed. ─── Sham组和3min CIP组海马未见DND。

2、As neurons out in the cortex receive sensory information, they relay it to the hippocampus. ─── 当皮层的神经细胞接受到感觉信息,他们就传递给海马状块。

3、They were compared with a control group of ten men who had no injury to their hippocampus. ─── 他们是与十名海马体都没有损伤的对照组相比较的。

4、Ischemia for 6 min resulted in an apparent delayed neuron death (DND) in the hippocampus, while ischemia for 3 min did not cause DND. ─── 发现缺血 6min即可导致海马组织明显的神经元延迟性死亡 (de layedneurondeath ,DND) ,缺血 3min不足以引起海马组织明显的DND ;

5、The hippocampus contributes to conscious memory. ─── 海马体帮助我们形成有意识的记忆。

6、Second, I exercise is "the pineal gland," "pituitary" and "brain hippocampus" near the muscles. ─── 二是我锻炼的是“松果体”、“脑垂体”和“大脑海马”附近的肌群。

7、BK injection into Atreated rats hippocampus produce obviously memory lesion and drastic neuronal loss . ─── BK注人Ap所致AD大鼠海马,可引起比Ap单独注人更加明显的行为学改变,神经元损害不仅见于注射部位及其周围,而且见于远离注射区的顶叶皮层。

8、Liu Qian, Supervisor: Wang Huai-jing. Title: Effect of CUZHIFANG on Ethology and Synaptic Plasticity in hippocampus of aged learning and memory impaired rate. ─── 刘谦,导师:王怀经教授。论文题目:“促智方对老年学习记忆减退大鼠行为学及海马突触可塑性的实验研究”。2001-2004。

9、Cell bodies and fibers in the hippocampus labelled by NF in Guilingji-treated group were Significantly more than those in the control group. ─── 喂药鼠海马结构内神经丝蛋白标记的胞体和纤维均明显多于对照鼠。

10、The expression of Fyn protein and the level of Fyn mRNA are also increased in the rat hippocampus respectively. ─── Fyn在海马中的表达和Fyn mRNA转录水平均增加。

11、The effective site of anterograde amnesia of midazolam is not located at cortical but at the hippocampus and thalamus. ─── 其顺行性遗忘的产生可能不是作用于皮质,而是在海马丘脑部位,属轴性遗忘。

12、of normal aging, the hippocampus shrinks. ─── 正常衰老的同时,海马体也会收缩。

13、After pretreated with TPM, the TPM group employed intraperitoneal administration of KA (10 mg/kg) to make SE models. The hippocampus was taken out 6, 24 and 48 h after SE. ─── 先将TPM组大鼠用TPM预处理,然后采用KA(10mg/kg)腹膜腔注射制作SE模型,在痫性发作终止后6、24和48h取海马进行研究。

14、Northernblot analysis showed that SPARC mRNA was upregulated in a transient manner in thedeafferented mouse hippocampus. ─── Northern杂交结果显示SPARC mRNA在去内嗅皮层支配的海马瞬时性上调。

15、In those experiments, they gathered the best eidence yet of dialogue between the hippocampus and neocortex during sleep. ─── 在那些实验中,他们收集了睡眠时海马和新皮层之间联系的有力证据。

16、As of last Friday's close, hippocampus shares once again stand on the stock price by 3.6 yuan / share. ─── 截至上周五收盘,海马股份的股价又重新站上了3.6元/股。

17、Method Using immunohistochemical methol, the expression change of AMPA receptors GluR2 subunit was observed in the hippocampus of rats with seizure induced by kainic acid (KA). ─── 方法 本研究用免疫组织化学方法观察了海仁酸致痫大鼠海马组织AMPA GluR2受体的表达变化。

18、Focal ischemia also could raise the neurogenesis in hippocampus dentate gyrus. ─── 局灶性脑缺血后亦可增加海马齿状回内神经发生。

19、They found that new neurons help move older memories out of the hippocampus and into long-term storage in the neocortex. ─── 他们发现,新的神经元细胞将旧的记忆从海马状突起中挪出来放入大脑皮层下长期存储起来。

20、Objective To observe the effect of vitamin E(VE) supplementation on antioxidation capacity and hippocampus neuron apoptosis in senile female rats. ─── 摘要目的探讨维生素E(VE)对老年雌性大鼠抗氧化作用和海马神经元凋亡调节作用。

21、Exposure to stress hormones can significantly change the shape of the largest neurons in the hippocampus and can even kill them. ─── 压力激素进入海马之后,可显著改变其中最大型神经元的形状,甚至还可能将其杀死。

22、The findings could show that the hippocampus has more to do with imagination and memories than scientists may have ever imagined. ─── 发现表明海马体在想象力和记忆力方面的作用远比科学家原来以为的多。

23、After bilateral injection of CT and T into the Hippocampus (iH: AP_2L_2H_4 andAP_4L_3H_5), different effects were observed on the conditioned reflex of DBA memorymodel (CR_(DBA)). ─── 实验结果表明,双侧海马内注射(AP_2L_2H_4与AP_4L_3H_5)胰凝乳蛋白酶与胰蛋白酶后,对暗箱廻避(dba)模式记忆有不同的影响。

24、DHK caused DND of pyramidal neurons in the CA1 hippocampus in a dose-dependent manner. ─── 不同剂量谷氨酸转运体GLT1抑制剂DHK引起海马CA1区锥体神经元迟发性死亡,且呈剂量依赖性。

25、After a stroke, neurogenesis commences in the hippocampus in an apparent attempt to produce new neurons to heal such damaged brain tissue. ─── 中风之后,海马会出现神经新生,显然是想产生新的神经元来修复受损的脑组织。更详细。

26、Munc18 antibody could also induce loss of neurons and strong expression of c-FOS or c-JUN in hippocampus area. ─── 同时,它还可诱导海马区神经细胞数量的减少,以及c-FOS蛋白和c-JUN蛋白的强烈表达;

27、At low doses, Ritalin primarily affected the prefrontal cortex, jacking up its sensitivity to signals coming in from the hippocampus. ─── 低剂量时,利他林主要影响额叶前部皮层,使皮层对来自海马区的信号更敏感。

28、But the researchers also found a greater volume of grey matter in the hippocampus of older adults who used spatial strategies. ─── 研究人员还发现,使用空间策略的老年人其海马体灰质的体积更大。

29、Such shuffling, they think, may free up space in the hippocampus and increase its capacity for taking in something new. ─── 他们认为,这种“洗牌”可能会释放海马状突起的空间并提高其接受新事物的能力。

30、Hippocampus was isolated from new-born SD rats and dispersedly cultured in the B27 medium. ─── 取新生SD大鼠海马,用B27无血清培养基培养神经元;

31、PubMed abstract: Patients with panic disorders show a deficit of GABAA receptors in the hippocampus, parahippocampus and orbitofrontal cortex. ─── PubMed摘要:恐慌症的病患表现出在海马回、副海马回和前额脑区底部中GABAA受体的缺失。

32、MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES:Active avoidance reaction(AAR); LTP detection; ultramicro observation of CA1 region of hippocampus. ─── 主要观察指标:主动回避反应(AAR)、LTP检测,海马CA1区超微观察。

33、The spongy degeneration and lipofuscin in the hippocampus, and serum lipids were also evaluated. ─── 另外,观察脑部海棉样变性及脂褐质堆积情形。

34、Tour 1 : Next/Previous/Start: On this slice, the atrophic hippocampus and amygdala can be seen. ─── 回顾1 :下一页/上一页/起始页: 在此层面,可以看到萎缩的海马和杏仁核。

35、And in the above-mentioned trading days, the total equity stake in the hippocampus increased 730.6228 million shares. ─── 两者相比,在上述交易日内,海马股份的总股本增加730.6228万股。

36、The expressions of PSA-NCAM in cerebral cortex and hippocampus of the PNE offsprings were higher than the control group while the expressions of NCAM-180,140 and 120 weaker. ─── 与对照组相比,妊娠期暴露尼古丁小鼠的后代大脑皮层和海马中,PSA-NCAM表达升高,而NCAM-180、140和120的表达减弱。

37、The distribution of Cx32 in cortex, hippocampus and amygdaloid nucleus increased in PTZ-induced epileptic rats, but Cx32 decreased in CBX+PTZ group. ─── Cx32在PTZ引起的癫痫大鼠的大脑皮层、海马和杏仁核内是增加的,而CBX预处理后的癫痫模型中Cx32却降低了。

38、But don't bother trying to kill off old habits; once those ruts of procedure are worn into the hippocampus, they're there to stay. ─── 但是不要打扰尝试消灭旧的习惯,一旦这些习惯形成就像是老鼠穿过,他们就真实的存在于那。

39、"In order to hae iid constructions of the past, the future, or of imaginary eents, you always need the hippocampus," he says. ─── “为了对过去、未来或想象事情有一栩栩如生的画面,你永远需要海马。”他说道。

40、When glucocorticoid binds to its receptor in the hippocampus, that activates the expression of genes which dampen further synthesis of the hormone. ─── 但过多的糖皮质激素是有害的,所以就有一个停止这种激素分泌的途径。

41、He found the hippocampus lit up with activity after participants had a sweetened drink and they were able to recall 17 per cent more than without a drink. ─── 他发现,当志愿者们喝下甜饮料后,其海马状突起活性增强,与没喝饮料时相比,他们能多记住17%的东西。

42、Objective To investigate the effects of maltol on astrocyte proliferation in hippocampus after focal cerebral ischemia reperfusion in rats. ─── 摘要目的通过麦芽醇对脑缺血-再灌注后星形胶质细胞增殖进行干预,以探讨其对胶质增生的影响。

43、His research centers on synaptic transmission in the central nervous system especially in the basal ganglia, hippocampus and cerebellum. ─── 他的研究领域是中央神经体系统,神经生理尤其在基底神经节,海马和小脑方面。

44、The neuroanatomical abnormalities common to both Down's syndrome and fragile X syndrome are in the hippocampus and cerebellum. ─── 唐氏症和X染色体脆折症的神经解剖结构异常之处同是位于海马回和小脑。

45、This also decreased neurogenesis in the hippocampus. ─── 这样之后,海马体的神经形成也减少了。

46、Perfect retention may sound like a godsend, but when the hippocampus gets overly permissive, the results can be devastating. ─── 十全十美地保留一切信息听上去像是天赐的,然而当海马状块过分随意地收取信息时,后果将不堪设想。

47、The expression of Fyn protein and the level of Fyn mRNA in the hippocampus of rats were detected by immunohistochemical method and RT-PCR technique respectively. ─── 同时采用免疫组织化学、RT-PCR方法检测Fyn在海马CA3区的表达变化以及海马Fyn mRNA水平的变化。

48、The website offers information about: astrocytes, axons, dendrites, hippocampus, organelles, synapses, 3D reconstruction, tissue preparation. ─── 中文简介:神经突触网提供了脑解剖学和3D重建神经组织的免费软件。

49、He focused on an area of the brain known as the hippocampus, which creates new memories but declines with the onset of dementia. ─── 他的研究重点是人脑中一个名为海马回的区域。它可以使人产生新的记忆,但是当痴呆症发作时,其功能就会受到影响并减退。

50、Objective To explore the relationship between arachnoid cyst at hippocampus and epilepsy. ─── 探讨海马蛛网膜囊肿与癫痫的关系。

51、Brain scans of the city's cabdrivers show that the part of the hippocampus associated with navigational skills is larger than in the average Londoner. ─── 伦敦出租车司机脑扫描显示,他们的大脑负责驾驶技能的海马区比一般的伦敦市民要大。

52、Swelling of the left cerebral hemisphere has produced a shift with herniation of the uncus of the hippocampus through the tentorium, leading to the groove seen at the white arrow. ─── 左大脑半球肿胀通过小脑幕形成海马钩回疝和正中线偏移,从而出现此处白色箭头所示的沟。

53、Ultrathin sections were obtained from the stratum radiatum of CA1 area in the hippocampus and were observed under electron microscope. ─── 取海马CA1区辐射层作超薄切片,电镜观察,并定量研究单位切片面积内的突触数。

54、They found that in young rats, the hippocampus contained 50,000 stem cells -- and, significantly, this number did not diminish with aging. ─── 他们发现年轻组大鼠海马区有50,000个干细胞,并且最重要的是:这个数目并没有随着年龄的增长而减少。

55、These results suggested that the changes of 5 HT 1A R in hippocampus and 5 HT 2A R in cerebral cortex may play a role in the pathogenesis of depressive disorder. ─── 提示 :海马 5 HT1A受体结合下降、大脑皮层 5 HT2A 受体结合增加可能与抑郁症病因有关 ;

56、Without a hippocampus, we would be unable to form new memories; we'd only be able to remember the old ones. ─── 没有海马体,我们就无法记住新的事情;我们只能记住以前的事情。

57、The expression of Bax and AIF could be increased in the hippocampus of D|gal mice. ─── 促进凋亡的Bax、AIF在D 半乳糖小鼠海马表达增加 ;

58、Those engineered to overproduce a mutant form of the human amyloid precursor protein, for instance, have fewer than normal neurons in the hippocampus. ─── 例如,被改造成会产生过量突变形式的类淀粉前驱蛋白(amyloidprecursorprotein)的小鼠,其海马神经元数目会比正常小鼠来得少。

59、The majority of AMPA receptor is a GluR2-containing heterotetramer in hippocampus. ─── 在海马中大部分AMPA受体是以含GluR2的异四聚体的形式存在。

60、Increased NOS activity in the hippocampus may be to improve learning and memory capacity, reducing the role of lead neurotoxicity mechanisms. ─── 升高海马NOS活性可能是其改善学习记忆能力,减轻铅神经毒性的作用机制之一。

61、Applying intracellular recording method, the excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSP) were extracted from the rat hippocampus CA1 pyramidal neurons in vitro. ─── 摘要采用细胞内记录方法提取了离体大鼠海马脑片CA1区锥体神经元兴奋性突触后电位(EPSP);

62、Implicit and spatial memory as well as long-term potentiation in hippocampus were unchanged. ─── 内隐和空间的记忆以及海马回上的长期增益现象则并未改变。

63、AIM To investigate the effect of cyclooxygenase 2(COX-2) inhibitors on COX-2 expression of nerve degeneration in rat hippocampus. ─── 摘要 目的 探讨环氧化酶2(COX-2)抑制剂对神经元退变大鼠海马COX-2表达的影响。

64、The results of the scans show that the mid-posterior hippocampus of all the cabbies was bigger and that they had more grey matter than the bus drivers. ─── 救护车司机说,他们只是依照全球卫星定位系统指点的路径行驶,错不在他们。

65、Behavioral changes in rats after stress were observed by open-field test,and neurogranin level of hippocampus and forebrain were determined by Western blotting. ─── 以旷场行为任务来评定大鼠应激后的行为变化,W estern b lotting方法测定海马和前脑皮层中的ng含量。

66、Moreover, the cells in the primordial piriform area were more closely distributed than those in the primordial hippocampus or the primordial pallium. ─── 原始梨状区的细胞分布与原始大脑皮层细胞和原始海马 细胞相比,更为密集。

67、They find decreased dendritic branching in the hippocampus in first-time dams at the time of weaning and more dendritic spines in second-time moms. ─── 他们发现第一次产仔的大鼠在断奶的时候,海马体中的树突有所减少,而在第二次产仔的大鼠中则有所增加。

68、In August, another research team described LTP in the hippocampus of rats that had learned to aoid an area where they'd preiously receied a shock. ─── 八月份,另一研究组描述了鼠的海马回LTP,这些鼠已经学会了避开以前受惊吓的区域。

69、Objective: To study the MRI volume of the hippocampus and pathological characteristics in rats with depression. ─── 摘要目的:探讨大鼠抑郁症模型海马容积改变的特点及其病理特征。

70、DPCPX can increase BDNF protein expression in the granular cells of rat hippocampus,and induce function enhancement of ER in rat hippocampus neurons. ─── DPCPX可促进大鼠海马颗粒细胞内BDNF蛋白表达和诱导海马神经元内质网功能增强。

71、Conclusion:The effect of the CLD`s anti-aging dementia have the association with the hippocampus nerve cell's improved morph. ─── 提示菖龙丹抗老年性痴呆的作用与其改善海马区神经元形态结构有关。

72、When you are in a familiar location, cells in an area called the hippocampus respond. ─── “换一种说法来说就是,这些细胞的形状就如同你在导航时使用的地图一样。”

73、And, yes, the study's long-in-love marrieds said they had plenty of sex, or at least enough to set off a glow in the posterior hippocampus. ─── 的确是这样,研究中那些长期充满爱的夫妻的性活动很多,至少足够让他们容光焕发。

74、In the cerebrum, the primordial hippocampus is more developed than the primordial piriform. ─── 大脑半球内原始海马较原始梨状区发达;

75、One is that it should be possible to obsere LTP in the hippocampus when an animal learns something. ─── 其中之一是在动物学习某事物时在海马回观察到LTP应该是可能的。

76、Postoperative Impairment of Cognitive Function in Rats: A Possible Role for Cytokine-mediated Inflammation in the Hippocampus. ─── 大鼠术后认知功能受损:也许是细胞因子介导的海马炎症反应作用。

77、The hippocampus is one of the first brain areas to be affected by Alzheimer's disease, causing problems with memory and spatial orientation. ─── 海马体是大脑中第一个受到阿尔茨海默氏症影响的区域,因此会导致记忆和空间定位的困难。

78、BDNF in the hippocampus maybe involves in operant conditioned reflex of rats. ─── 2. 海马部位的BDNF可能与操作性条件反射的训练有关。

79、After a stroke, neurogenesis commences in the hippocampus in an apparent attempt to produce new neurons to heal such damaged brain tissue. ─── 中风之后,海马会出现神经新生,显然是想产生新的神经元来修复受损的脑组织。

80、But the most important function of the humble hippocampus is the treatment of impotence. ─── 但海马的最重要功能是治疗阳痿。

81、The above findings suggest that CNTF promotes the survival of neurons in the hippocampus by preventing NO mediated neurotoxicity. ─── 上述结果表明, CNTF能抑制NO引起海马神经元的损伤。

82、As long as we maintain the "pituitary," "brain hippocampus" near the muscles and their young, no exceptional circumstances we will obtain eternal life! ─── 我们只要保持住“脑垂体”、“大脑海马”和它们附近的肌群的年轻,没有特殊情况下我们就会获得永生!

83、Compared with VD group, the rats of NST group and NZN group had significantly improvements of correct rate of AAR, latency of P300, and damage of neurons in hippocampus. ─── VD大鼠经脑伤泰与脑震宁治疗后,可明显改善AAR正确率、P300波潜伏期缩短、神经元超微结构损害改善明显,脑伤泰作用强于脑震宁。

84、Brain scans of the city’s cabdrivers show that the part of the hippocampus associated with navigational skills is larger than in the average Londoner. ─── 对市区中出租司机的大脑扫描显示他们的在大脑中起着定向作用的海马区,明显比普通的伦敦市民要大。

85、STRESS ALSO ACTS ON the hippocampus, and this activity may bring about some of the hallmarks of depression: difficulty learning and remembering. ─── 同时,压力也会作用在海马;影响所及,就可能造成了抑郁症的一些显著特徵,好比学习障碍及记忆困难。

86、Immunohistochemistry methods were used to detectGFAP immunoreactive positive cells in hippocampus and temporal lobe. ─── 并测定其细胞数、面积、周长、积分光密度。

87、Objective: To investigate the effects of acupuncture on astrocyte proliferation in hippocampus after focal cerebral ischemia reperfusion in rats. ─── 摘要目的:通过针刺对脑缺血后星形胶质细胞增殖进行十预,以探讨其对胶质增生的影响。

88、As discussed, the hippocampus plays a key role in declarative memory. ─── 如前所述,海马在宣示型记忆上扮演重要的角色;

89、But long-term administration of antidepressants appears to spur neurogenesis: rodents that were administered such drugs for months had new neurons sprouting in their hippocampus. ─── 但长期投予抗抑郁药物似乎会促进神经新生:对?齿动物给予这类药物数月之后,海马会出现正在成长的新生神经元。

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