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09-06 投稿


gannet 发音

英:[?ɡ?n?t]  美:[?ɡ?n?t]

英:  美:

gannet 中文意思翻译




gannet 网络释义

n. 塘鹅n. (Gannet)人名;(法)加内

gannet 短语词组

1、gannet define ─── 塘鹅定义

2、gannet 24 ─── 塘鹅24

3、gannet bird ─── 塘鹅

4、gannet diving ─── 塘鹅跳水

5、gannet x ─── 塘鹅x

gannet 词性/词形变化,gannet变形


gannet 相似词语短语

1、gennet ─── 基因网络

2、gennets ─── 基因

3、ganned ─── 甘内德

4、gannetry ─── n.鲣鸟繁殖地

5、bannets ─── 横幅

6、bannet ─── 柱

7、gannets ─── n.塘鹅;n.(Gannet)人名;(法)加内

8、gantlet ─── n.长手套;夹笞刑;手腕;vt.使轨道套叠;铺设套式轨道

9、garnet ─── n.[矿物]石榴石;深红色;装货用的滑车;adj.深红色的;暗红色的;n.(Garnet)人名;(西)加内特;(罗)加尔内特

gannet 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Australian Gannet ─── n. 澳洲鲣鸟

2、The first known animal victim of the spill was a northern gannet, currently recovering. ─── 第一个已知的受漏油所害的动物是一只北方塘鹅,目前正在康复中。

3、a zoologist, attempt to capture a northern gannet affected by the oil spill. ─── 一个动物学家企图捕捉沾染漏油的北方塘鹅。

4、Coiled Tubing Drilling Improves Oil Recovery in Gannet Field, North Sea ─── 连续油管钻井技术提高了北海Gannet油田的原油采收率

5、The captain had a Russian girlfriend, and, every time we stopped, she plunged off the bridge like a gannet. ─── 船长有一位俄国女友,每次停船时她像鹅一样从船桥上扑下来。

6、Northern Gannet ─── n. 北方鲣鸟(鲣鸟科)

7、Temporal and Spatial Trends of PCB Congeners in UK Gannet Eggs ─── 英国塘鹅蛋中多氯联苯同类物的时空变化趋势

8、small tropical gannet having a bright bill or bright feet or both. ─── 嘴或(和)脚颜色亮丽的热带小型塘鹅。

9、A zoologist attempts to capture a northern gannet affected by the oil spill. ─── 一个动物学家企图捕捉沾染漏油的北方塘鹅。

10、It takes about 5, 000 trees to construct a ship like the Gannet. ─── 大约需要5000加内树木,建造一船一样。

11、Gannett, the biggest newspaper chain in the US, and the New York Times Company are also doing so. ─── 美国最大的报业连锁集团甘尼特(Gannet),以及纽约时报公司(NewYorkTimesCompany)亦有此打算。

12、Cape Gannet ─── n. 南非鲣鸟

13、Gannet - to subsist by the wings of his virtue and merit, having little land to rest upon. ─── 塘鹅-在他美德和功绩的供养下生活的人,基本不依赖于土地。

14、very large white gannet with black wing tips. ─── 具有带黑翼尖的白色羽毛的大型塘鹅。

15、The staff are really helpful and nice, they make 2 appointments for me at Gannet, one is for alcohol education and one is for health examination. ─── 虽然我没能加入这个项目,但康奈尔还有许多许多类似的项目。

16、Rescue workers carefully clean an oil-soaked northern gannet bird at a facility in Fort Jackson, Louisiana. ─── 救援人员在路易斯安娜州杰克逊堡(FortJackson)的一处救援场所仔细地清理一只浸透了油污的北塘鹅。

17、Gannet V.Depasquale--Free Press V. Fair Trial: with New Rule in Rivhmond Newspapers V. Virginia ─── 新闻自由与审判公平

18、small tropical gannet having a bright bill or bright feet or both ─── 嘴或(和)脚颜色亮丽的热带小型塘鹅

19、Gannet - To subsist by the wings of his virtue and merit, having little land to rest upon. ─── 塘鹅-以自己美德和功绩为翅膀而继续生存的人,漂泊而没有定所。

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