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08-19 投稿


interdiction 发音


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interdiction 中文意思翻译



interdiction 短语词组

1、Interdiction Reconnaissance Attack System ─── 禁止侦察攻击系统

2、interdiction fire ─── 拦阻射击

3、Interdiction Executive Board ─── 拦截执行局

4、Interdiction and Counter Fire Exercise ─── 拦截和反火演习

5、Maritime interdiction ─── 海上干扰

6、interdiction define ─── 阻断定义

7、Interdiction Reconnaissance Attack ─── 禁止侦察攻击

8、Interdiction Mission ─── 行间任务

9、interdiction of lunacy ─── [经] 因精神病而禁治产

10、declaration of interdiction ─── [法] 宣告禁治产

11、interdiction of commercial intercourse ─── [法] 禁止商务交往

12、Interdiction and Strike ─── 拦截和打击

13、Interdiction and Counter Fire Exerc ─── 拦截和反火演习

14、River Assault Interdiction Division ─── 河流袭击拦截处

15、air interdiction ─── 空中封锁

16、air interdiction mission ─── 空中拦截任务

17、Maritime Interdiction Operations ─── 海上拦截行动

18、Interdiction Data Management System ─── 行间数据管理系统

19、interdiction definition ─── 阻断定义

interdiction 词性/词形变化,interdiction变形

副词: interdictively |动词过去式: interdicted |动词第三人称单数: interdicts |形容词: interdictive |动词过去分词: interdicted |动词现在分词: interdicting |名词: interdiction |

interdiction 相似词语短语

1、interjections ─── n.[语]感叹词(interjection的复数形式)

2、interjection ─── n.感叹词;插入语;突然的发声

3、interdictive ─── 阻截

4、intermediation ─── n.调解;仲裁;调停;作中间人

5、interdicting ─── n.(法庭)禁令;(天主教)禁罚;v.阻断,封锁;禁止

6、intersection ─── n.交叉;十字路口;交集;交叉点

7、interdictor ─── n.封锁舰

8、interaction ─── n.相互作用,相互影响;交流;[数]交互作用;互动

9、interdictions ─── n.禁止,制止;封锁

interdiction 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Caption :The troops in Helmand will also seek to interdict opium shipments and persuade local farmers to plant alternative crops, such as wheat.Marines took up position inside a compound. ─── 描述:进入赫尔曼德省的美军试图阻断当地的鸦片运输线,并劝说当地农民改种粮食作物,比如小麦。图为陆战队士兵在一个院子中待命。

2、Interdict sb.from doing sth. ─── 他的行为受到限制。

3、Take effective measures to interdict the arising trend of coal mines serious incident ─── 务必采取有效措施坚决遏制煤矿重特大事故频发势头

4、The fourth chapter introduces basic legal theory, "Fraud Exception System" of "Payment Interdiction". ─── 第四章,重点介绍了“禁付令”的法律基础理论——“欺诈例外”制度。

5、interference detection and interdiction countermeasures team ─── 干扰探测与遮断防范小组

6、CBP now works at the intersection of national security (Anti-Terrorism), narcotics interdiction, and the facilitation of America's legitimate business interests. ─── 目前,CBP致力于国家安全(反恐)、禁毒以及促进美国的正当商业利益的工作。

7、A Preliminary Research on Mobile Phone Signal Intelligent Interdiction ─── 手机信号智能阻断初探

8、The armistice of June 1940 in France subjected the Vichy government to the Japanese pressure, resulting in the interdiction of goods from Vietnam to China. ─── 法国于1940年6月对德投降,维琪政权继而成立。

9、With regard to the characteristics of the very period , this article points out effective solutions of interdiction, and put forward primary objective standard for the solutions. ─── 并针对各期形成特点提出了有效阻断措施,并初步提出医疗纠纷被阻断的客观评判标准。

10、Being issued an interdiction, with the interdiction thereof not yet been revoked. ─── 受禁治产之宣告,尚未撤销者。

11、Night Attack Interdiction System ─── 夜间攻击遮断系统

12、In conclusion, this article has attempted to examine the issue of close air support and battlefield air interdiction from a variety of perspectives. ─── 总而言之,这篇文章尝试从不同的视角检讨有关近距离空中支援和战场空中遮断的话题。

13、Sensitivity Analysis of Interdiction Efficiency with Parameters of Dispenser Systems ─── 布撒器系统参数对封锁效率的灵敏度分析

14、We have no right to interdict a person does beneficence to society only because of his personal life. ─── 对此我们没有权力借口一个人的私生活进而剥夺一个人对社会的善举志愿。


16、The article also does some researches on other remedy measures, including protective measure from continental law, British Interdiction case, and preservation in litigation in China. ─── 文章还就诉讼期间的其他救济措施,包括大陆法系的保全措施命令、英国的玛利华禁令和中国的诉讼保全制度等进行了研究。

17、Maritime Interdiction Operations ─── 海上拦截行动

18、Henry decided to purge his excommunication and get the interdict on his territories withdrawn by apologising and doing penance. ─── 亨利四世决定向教皇请罪,表示诲意,以此希冀教皇解除将其逐出教门的惩罚,并撤回在其领土上的授权禁令。

19、That is to prevent esophageal cancer we try to interdict the condition and the course of esophageal cancer. ─── 二级预防的内容主要是设法消除食管癌发生的条件或是阻断癌变过程的某一阶段。

20、The Forbidden City Forbidden fruit Forbidden zone forbid, prohibit, interdict ─── 政府或私人下令以禁止

21、the market for marijuana remains vibrantdespite interdiction by the governments of most nations. ─── 大麻市场尽管由于多数政府的限制却依然很是繁荣。

22、Steroidal aromatase inhibitor can inhibit the aromatase activity, interdict the reaction, and inhibit the estrogen formation, so that it can cure the breast cancer. ─── 甾体芳香酶抑制剂能抑制芳香酶活性,阻断芳构化反应,抑制雌激素生成,从而达到治疗乳腺癌的目的。

23、But interdiction of ships and planes on high seas, in the air or on land as advocated by PSI, is regarded as lack of international law basis. ─── 但防扩散安全倡议主张的在国际公海及空中和陆地对船只和飞机等进行的拦截行动缺乏足够的国际法依据 ,引起颇多争议和有关国家的高度关注。

24、Alas, in a fast-globalising world, it is already impossible for governments to interdict the flow of nuclear goods and expertise. ─── 哎!在一个快速全球化的世界,政府已经不可能阻断核物资和核专家的流动。

25、They ordered major fleets from south China to sail north with reinforcements and supplies, and to interdict the Japanese supply routes. ─── 他们命令中国南部的强大舰队带上增援部队和给养扬帆北行、断日本人的供应线。

26、A new concept using interdiction submunition to attack airport runway was put forward and compared with conventional interdiction method. ─── 摘要提出了使用封锁型子母弹对机场跑道进行封锁的概念,并与传统封锁方法进行比较;

27、There is no more interdiction for the official to wear a wristwatch, or wristband, during the game. ─── 不再禁止裁判员在比赛中带手表或者腕带。

28、The On-the-Spot Practice of Applying the Self-Made Air Curtain to Interdict the Air-Leaking of the Mines ─── 应用自制空气幕阻断矿井漏风的现场实践


30、Nursing for patients with operation for renal stone removing by renal parenchyma section using Renal artery interdiction by Low temperature ─── 低温阻断肾动脉肾实质切开取石术围手术期的护理

31、Man-in-the-Loop Target Interdiction System ─── 人工参与目标禁止/阻断系统

32、3.Finally, the future of noise active control is proposed, that is design theory and method of sound interdict strap, active sound absorption and research of new absorption material. ─── 最后,提出噪声控制工程的未来发展方向,即:声学禁带设计理论与方法,主动吸声,新型吸声材料的研究。

33、Caption :The troops in Helmand will also seek to interdict opium shipments and persuade local farmers to plant alternative crops, such as wheat. ─── 描述:进入赫尔曼德省的美军试图阻断当地的鸦片运输线,并劝说当地农民改种粮食作物,比如小麦。

34、Keywords anticholinergic;interdiction group;link group;cation group;review; ─── 抗胆碱能;阻断基团;连接基团;阳离子头;综述;

35、He also incited Venice to attack Ferrara, then, in a turnabout, placed Venice under interdict (1483) as a rival to the Papal States. ─── 他还唆使威尼斯向费拉拉进攻,其间变节,认为威尼斯反教廷国而下禁令(1483)。

36、file access interdiction ─── 文件操作阻断

37、interdiction of commercial intercourse ─── [法] 禁止商务交往

38、interdict trafficking in drugs; ─── 严禁贩毒;

39、By October 1918 there numbers made them a highly effective piece of naval ordnance to dissuade allied air interdiction at key locations (Zeebrugge, Brugge,etc). ─── 到1918年这种非常的海军火炮已经在数量上足够威胁到协约国对主要目标的空中打击。

40、Low Level Interdiction ─── 低空封锁

41、But the Seebeck coefficient was reduced by Pd-substituted because of the interdict band width was reduced. The influence of the different substituted amount of Pd to based compounds was discussed. ─── Pd的取代也同时使ZrNiSn基化合物的禁带宽度减小,降低了体系的Seebeck系数。

42、The main function of the Interdictor however, is in the deployment of Warp Interdiction Spheres, allowing the ship to yank passing ships out of warp to face its wrath. ─── 他们可以轻松干掉中小型的舰船,并可以有效阻止大型舰船的移动。

43、Realization of Interdiction Algorithm of Aircraft ─── 某型飞机拦射攻击算法的实现

44、The bishop commanded them under pain of interdict. ─── 主教指挥他们,若不从将被停止教权。

45、Under the pressure of Japan and fearing threats to its suzerainty over the colony, the French authorities in Vietnam sometimes had to interdict the passage of such goods. ─── 法国因欧洲局势紧张,无力东顾,加以日本多次抗议,恐日本藉口侵佔越南,故曾禁止军火假道内运。

46、power to interdict ─── 制止权

47、He was threatened with a papal interdict ─── 他受到被罗马教皇草除教籍的威胁。

48、As we have demonstrated above that evodiamine can interdict Hela cells at G2 phase, we know that the expression of CyclinB1 protein has something to do with the cells interdicted at G2 phase. ─── 我们在上面已经论述了吴茱萸碱可以使Hela细胞阻滞在G2期,从而可以知道CyclinB1蛋白表达与细胞G2期阻滞存在一定关系。

49、Battlefield Interdiction Aircraft ─── 战场空中遮断飞机

50、MORE than 70 years have passed since armed aircraft first attacked troops in what would now be considered close air support (CAS) and battlefield air interdiction (BAI) missions. ─── 从武装飞机第一次攻击地面部队算起,时间已经过去超过70年了,这种攻击方式在今天被我们称之为近距离空中支援(CAS)任务或者是战场空中遮断(BAI)任务。

51、Study on the Interdiction Effectiveness of Multi-model Interdiction Submunition to Airport Runway ─── 多模式封锁弹对机场跑道封锁效能的分析

52、lay a town under an interdict ─── 停止一个城市的宗教活动

53、Termed "whole-body interdiction of lengthening of telomeres" (WILT). ─── 命名为"全身性阻止端粒延长"(简称WILT)。

54、Battlefield Air Interdiction ─── 战场空中遮断

55、River Assault Interdiction Division ─── 江河突击阻截处

56、Alpha wave interdiction ─── Alpha波阻断

57、Keywords licorice flavonoid;response face;nitrosodimethylamine;interdiction; ─── 甘草黄酮;响应面;亚硝胺;阻断;

58、Domestic Air Interdiction Coordinator Center ─── 国内大气禁止合作中心

59、Surveillance of Schistosomiasis in Guangzhou City after the Interdiction of the Disease ─── 广州市血吸虫病阻断传播后监测效果分析

60、Battlefield Air Interdiction Close Air Support ─── 战场空中遮断密合空中支援

61、Coastal Patrol Interdiction Craft ─── 沿海巡逻截阻艇

62、a barrage of interdiction ─── 封锁火力

63、The New Republic needed warships with the advanced anti-interdiction technology that the Bakurans possessed. ─── 新共和国需要巴库拉所拥有的那种配备了先进反阻绝技术的战舰。

64、interdiction probability ─── 封锁概率

65、The concept of power elaborated in this thesis is not the one that always says no through prohibition and interdiction. ─── 权力足以生产出一个模范让人们仿效,权力更有能力使人们内化这个模范并成为社会认可的正常人。

66、interdiction of a nation's lines of communication at sea by the use of naval power. ─── 通过使用海军能力的在海上一条国家的通讯的线的禁止。

67、The course of a product's sales and profits over its lifetime. It involves distinct stages: product development, interdiction, growth, maturity and decline. ─── 产品生命周期包括在整个周期内的产品的销售和利润情况,大致分为五个阶段:开发期、介绍期、成长期、成熟期和衰退期。

68、Indeed, the Interdiction created a virtual chaos among the realm's businesses. ─── 确实,禁令在商业领域造成了实质上的混乱。

69、interdiction effectiveness ─── 封锁效能

70、high-seas interdiction ─── 公海拦截

71、But battlefield air interdiction is not so crisply defined. ─── 而对于战场空中遮断的定义并不像这样容易。

72、Interdiction Sphere launchers have changed, the launch duration has been decreased to 120 seconds. ─── 泡泡发射器冷却时间降低到120秒。

73、Also, DDES can interdict the attack sources working in network edge service in the same time. ─── 同时配合网络边缘设备对攻击源实施阻断。

74、declaration of interdiction ─── [法] 宣告禁治产

75、Oh! My God! It is the electromagnetic interdiction! ─── 上帝啊!是电磁遮断!

76、They touted the incident as a "successful interdiction operation. ─── 现在已经证实一名船员死亡。

77、Officials devote substantial efforts to interdict the illegal movement of travelers through Taipei's international airport. ─── 官方做出相当大的努力,阻止在台北国际机场非法过境。

78、National Narcotics Bureau Interdiction System ─── 国家麻醉品局禁毒系统

79、interdiction fire ─── 拦阻射击

80、The fourth chapter introduces basic legal theory, "Fraud Exception System" of "Payment Interdiction" . ─── 第四章,重点介绍了“禁付令”的法律基础理论——“欺诈例外”制度。

81、The best way is to ease rather than interdiction, may wish to "send" open, as long as the open letter the Chief, who break the law will become less ─── 最好的方法莫过于疏导而非堵截,不妨将“出国考察”公开化,只要政务公开落到实处,顶风作案的人就会越来越少

82、interdiction countermeasure ─── 反干扰措施

83、NATO justified its interdiction of the Jupiter on the ground that its fuel would have been used by the army to attack civilians. ─── 北约设法证明阻止「丘比特号」卸油是合法的,理由是这些燃料可能被部队拿来使用攻击平民。

84、Interdiction fire method ─── 拦阻射击方式

85、Conclusions: Hepatic portal interdiction can aggravate the gastric mucosa damage in hepatocirrhosis rats. ─── 结论:肝硬化大鼠行肝门阻断时会加重对胃粘膜的损伤;

86、they will seek to interdict fighters and weapons being smuggled into Afghanistan and drugs being taken out of it. ─── 他们将阻止偷偷运入阿富汗的战士和武器,以及阻断药品从阿富汗偷运入巴基斯坦。

87、Based on the probablity of space interdiction and the efficiency of interdiction time, the advantage of interdiction submunition was analyzed. ─── 基于空间封锁概率和时间封锁效率,分析了使用封锁型子母弹的优势。

88、China's interior lines of communication are shorter and protected, with little chance for enemy interdiction. ─── 事实上,在外交上将软实力运用自如的不是美国,而是冉冉升起的中国。

89、interdiction bombing ─── 拦阻轰炸


interjection[英][??nt??d?ek?n][美][??nt?r?d?ek?n]n.叹词,感叹词; 复数:interjections 例句:

1.The interjection of French military force appears to have strengthened those bonds.

2.THE international interjection over, it's on to European club football next week

Ok ! I am looking forward to your intevation是什么意思?




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