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08-19 投稿


Charybdis 发音

英:[k??r?bd?s]  美:[k??r?bd?s]

英:  美:

Charybdis 中文意思翻译



Charybdis 网络释义

n. 卡律布迪斯(希腊神话中该亚与波塞冬的女儿,荷马史诗中的女妖)

Charybdis 短语词组

1、charybdis odyssey ─── 查理奥德赛

2、scylla and charybdis ( ─── 前面与between连用)进退两难n.( ─── 前面与between连用)腹背受敌,进退两难

3、charybdis picture charybdis ─── 图片

4、charybdis pronunciation ─── 发音charybdis

5、charybdis ix ─── 查理九世

6、Charybdis Glacier Charybdis ─── 冰川

7、scylla & charybdis n. ─── 绵枣儿

8、charybdis and scylla ─── 墨鱼和锡拉

9、between Scylla and Charybdis ─── 腹背受敌, 进退两难

10、charybdis in percy jackson 《 ─── 珀西·杰克逊》中的charybdis

Charybdis 相似词语短语

1、charabancs ─── n.大游览车

2、charpais ─── 查尔帕斯

3、charladies ─── n.零佣的女性,打杂女佣(等于charwoman)

4、Charybdis ─── n.卡律布迪斯(希腊神话中该亚与波塞冬的女儿,荷马史诗中的女妖)

5、charades ─── n.用动作等表演的字谜游戏(charade的复数)

6、chards ─── n.可供食用的甜菜;n.(Chard)人名;(英)查德

7、char-broil ─── v.碳烤(食物,尤指肉类)

8、charbroils ─── v.碳烤(食物,尤指肉类)

9、Charybdian ─── 查理比人。

Charybdis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The boy was between Scylla and Charybdis; he had to go home and be whipped or stayed in town all night and be picked up by the police. ─── (那孩子真是进退两难,不是回家挨打就是留在镇上过夜被警察带走。)

2、they were between Scylla and Charybdis. ─── 他们已是身陷绝境中。

3、A Preliminary Study of Mitochondrial DNA 12S rRNA Gene Sequence of Charybdis japonica and Thalamita prymna ─── 日本?和底栖短桨蟹线粒体DNA 12S rRNA基因序列的初步研究

4、The acute toxicity of bleaching powder to Charybdis japonica was determined, and its safety concentration was 0. ─── 根据急性毒性试验确定了漂白粉对日本的安全质量浓度为0。

5、while that of Charybdis feriatus is more complicate. Their nutrient levels are 2.38,2.59 and 2.60 respectively, which are in the third nutrition layer(lower carnivores). ─── 其混合饵料的营养级分别为2.38、2.59和2.60,均处于第三营养层次(低级肉食性动物).

6、between Scylla and Charybdis: In a position where avoidance of one danger exposes one to another danger. ─── 原来是指坐牢是一个危险,答应这个任务也是危险。感谢楼主的英文解释,学了不少。

7、(Greek mythology) a sea nymph transformed into a sea monster who lived on one side of a narrow strait; drowned and devoured sailors who tried to escape Charybdis (a whirlpool) on the other side of the strait. ─── (希腊神话)被变为海怪的仙女:相传住在海湾的一边,另一边是淹死或被旋涡吞没的水手。

8、The vicious bandits had to put up a desperate struggle and be killed or to give up and be executed,they were between Scylla and Charybdis. ─── 这伙凶残的匪徒已别无选择,他们要么负隅顽抗而身亡,要么投降而受正法,他们已是身陷绝境中。


10、Preliminary Studies on the Artificial Seed Breeding of Coral Crab Charybdis feriatus ─── 锈斑蟳人工育苗技术的初步研究

11、He would have preferred to be on good terms with both his wife and his mother, but the effort of pleasing one without offending the other was like steering between Scylla and Charybdis. ─── 他本愿和妻子与母亲都处好关系,但要讨好一方而不得罪另一方简直如同驾船在斯库拉和卡瑞布狄斯间航行,左右为难。

12、He between Scylla and Charybdis, for his company had betrayed him. ─── 他的同伴背叛了他,至使他腹背受敌。

13、One falls into Scylla in seeking to avoid Charybdis. ─── 为避虎穴,又入狼窝。

14、The quantity distribution and biological property of Charybdis japonica in the East China Sea ─── 东海日本?的数量分布和生物学特性

15、Keywords chitin;shell of Charybdis japonica;technology; ─── 甲壳素;日本蟹壳;工艺;


17、Keywords Charybdis japonica;protective system;copper sulfate;accumulation; ─── 日本蟳;保护酶;硫酸铜;蓄积;

18、Effects of Accumulated Bleaching Powder on Ultrastructure of four Tissues in Charybdis japonica ─── 漂白粉蓄积对日本?4种组织超微结构的影响

19、Histochemical study on the digestive system of Charybdis japonica Milne-Edwards ─── 日本?消化系统的组织化学研究

20、One falls into Scylia in seeking to avoid Charybdis. ─── 为避虎穴,落入狼窝.

21、One doctor tells me that only an operation can survive my life, while another says that my heart will never stand the chloroform, so I am between Scylla and Charybdis, and don; ─── 一位医生对我说,只有动一次手术才能挽救我的生命,而另一位医生却说,我的心脏受不了麻醉剂。

22、(Greek mythology) a sea nymph transformed into a sea monster who lived on one side of a narrow strait; drowned and devoured sailors who tried to escape Charybdis (a whirlpool) on the other side of the strait ─── (希腊神话)被变为海怪的仙女:相传住在海湾的一边,另一边是淹死或被旋涡吞没的水手

23、When the man's wife and her mother got together, he was betweenScylla and Charybdis. ─── 太太和岳母娘俱在时,做丈夫的真是两面受敌。

24、The vicious bandits had to put up a desperate struggle and be killed or to give up and be executed; they were between Scylla and Charybdis. ─── 这伙凶残的匪徒已别无选择,他们要么负隅顽抗而身亡,要么投降而受正法;他们已是身陷绝境中。

25、The histology of reproductive system in female crab Charybdis feriatus (Linnaeus) was studied. ─── 摘要试验结果表明,锈斑蟳雌性生殖系统由卵巢、输卵管、生殖孔和受精囊组成。

26、Indeed, it is hard to reconcile simultaneous fears about the Scylla of overcapacity and the Charybdis of inflation. ─── 的确很难消除同时存在的过剩产能担忧与通胀担忧。

27、Effects of Heavy Metal Ions on Toxicity of Charybdis Japonica ─── 重金属离子对日本(虫寻)毒理学效应的研究

28、Effects of three kinds of heavy metal ions on MT concentration in the gills and hepatopancreas of Charybdis japonica during 15 days were studied using using mercury saturation assay method and AAS. ─── 结果显示:日本虫寻鳃丝、肝胰脏MT含量在3d时均显著升高,之后随着离子浓度的升高和作用时间的延长变化显著(P

29、In the end, pure lectin of Charybdis feriatus was gained and its molecular weight is 40.8kD. The amino acid composition of the lectin was analysed. ─── 血清凝集素纯品,测得其分子量为40.8kD,并对其进行氨基酸组成分析。

30、The pirates had to fight and be killed or give up and be hanged; they were between Scylla and Charybdis. ─── (海盗们要么搏斗、被击毙,要么投降、被绞死,反正他们是濒临绝境了。)

31、The organization of the Ers-MIH 1 gene is iden t ical to that of the molt-inhibiting hormone gene of Charybdis feriatus and Cancer pagurus. ─── 中华绒螯蟹MIH 1基因的组织方式与斑纹?和食用黄道蟹的MIH基因相同。

32、The thermostability and freeze denaturation of ATPase activity, total-SH and actomyosin(AM) from Charybdis japonica were studied. ─── 研究了日本鲟肌动球蛋白经变性和冷冻后ATPase活性、总流基数和不饱和巯基数及蛋白质浓度的变化。

33、Beautiful water fountain, titled Charybdis, designed by William Pye. ─── 美丽的喷泉,名为蟳,设计的威廉派。

34、This is very apt, except in one respect: Scylla and Charybdis mark the entrance to the dangerous waters of the Strait of Messina and are in Italy"." ─── 这非常地贴切,除了这一点:斯库拉与卡律布狄斯标志着墨西拿海峡危险水域的出口,而那却是在意大利”。

35、Charybdis riversandersoni ─── 光掌蟳

36、In this paper,firstly,the acute toxicity of triazopnios with different density on Charybdis japonica was determined,and the safety concentration was 0. ─── 首先根据急性毒性试验确定了三唑磷对日本??的安全浓度为0。

37、He was between Scylla and Charybdis, for his company had betrayed him. ─── 他的同伴背叛了他,至使他腹背受敌。

38、4.Pete would have preferred to be on good terms with both his wife and his mother, but the effort of pleasing one without offending the other was like steering between Scylla and Charybdis . ─── 彼得何尝不想跟妻子和母亲都和睦相处呢,可是他试图讨得一方欢心而不致触怒另一方的努力就像在拉岩石礁和卡律布狄斯大旋涡之间行舟一样,进退两难。

39、Preliminary Studies on the Embryonic Development of Charybdis japonica ─── 日本?胚胎发育的初步观察

40、One doctor tells me that only an operation can save my life, shile another says that my heart will never stand the chloroform, so I am between Scylla and Charybdis, and don't know what to do. ─── 一位医生对我说,只有动一次手术才能挽救我的生命;而另一位医生则说,我的心脏承受不了麻醉剂。我举棋不定,不知如何是好。

41、Trying to avoid the jealousy of Mary while keeping on good terms with Jane was like going between Scylla and Charybdis. ─── 既要跟珍妮要好,又要不惹得玛丽妨忌,这真如腹背受敌,叫人进退两难。

42、Study on feeding habit and nutrient level of Portunus argentatus, P.sanguinolentus and Charybdis feriatu in Fujian sea area ─── 福建海区拥剑梭子蟹、红星梭子蟹和锈斑?的食性与营养级研究

43、Studies on the technology of producing good quality chitin from the shell of Charybdis japonica ─── 用日本蟹壳生产优质甲壳素的工艺研究

44、Scylla and Charybdis ─── n. (前面与between连用)腹背受敌; 进退两难

45、This paper deals with the PCR amplification and sequencing of mitoch-ondrial DNA 12S rRNA gene of Charybdis japonica and Thalamita prymna. ─── 以相应引物对日本?和底栖短桨蟹的线粒体 DNA1 2 S r RNA基因片段进行了 PCR扩增和序列测定 ,分析比较了 2种间序列差异。

46、Between Charybdis japonica and Thalamita prymna, there were three deletions/insertions and 38bp different sites, the ratio of transition and transversion was approximately 2.17. ─── 2种间共出现了 3个碱基的缺失 /插入和 38bp的序列差异 ,其碱基转换与碱基颠换比约为 2 .1 7。

47、Purification of Hemocyanin from Charybdis Japonica and Biochemical Properties of Hemocyanin Derived Phenoloxidase-Like Enzyme ─── 日本(虫寻)(Charybdis japonica)血蓝蛋白的分离纯化及其酚氧化酶样生物化学性质的研究

48、PCR cloning and expression of the molt-inhibiting hormone gene for the crab (Charybdis feriatus).Gene. 1998; ─── 弓形虫主要表面抗原基因的克隆.第一军医大学学报1994;

49、The Quantitative Distribution and Population Structure of Charybdis riversandersoni in South East China Sea ─── 东海南部光掌蟳数量分布及其群体组成

50、The Amount Distribution and Biological Characteristics of Charybdis feriatus in the Southern Part of East China Sea ─── 东海南部锈斑蟳数量分布及生物学特点

51、CFL(lectin from crab Charybdis feriatus) ─── 斑纹鲟凝集素(CFL)

52、"between the Scylla and Charybdis of Aye and No" (John Henry Newman) ─── “在赞成和反对的之间进退两难”(约翰·亨利·纽曼)

53、Fishery Biology and Quantity Distribution of Charybdis feriatus in the Middle South of East China Sea ─── 东海中南部海域锈斑蟳渔业生物学和数量分布

54、Charybdis feriatus ─── 锈斑蟳

55、1.Pete would have preferred to be on good terms with both his wife and his mother, but the effort of pleasing one without offending the other was like steering between Scylla and Charybdis. ─── 彼得何尝不想跟妻子和母亲都和睦相处呢,可是他试图讨得一方欢心而不致触怒另一方的努力就像在拉岩石礁和卡律布狄斯大旋涡之间行舟一样,真是左也不得,右也不行。

56、Charybdis japonica ─── 日本蟳

57、between scylla and charybdis ─── n. 前有岩礁(妖魔, 后有旋涡, 腹背受敌, 进退两难)

58、Markets will have a tricky time navigating between this Scylla and Charybdis in 2010. ─── 不管则样,市场将会在腹背受敌的情况下挣扎求生。

59、The rank of toxicity to the antioxidant enzyme(SOD and GPx) of the haemolymph of Charybdis japonica was Hg~(2+)>Cd~(2+)>Cu~(2+)>Pb~(2+). ─── 4种重金属离子对日本血淋巴SOD,GPx活力的毒性大小为:Hg2+>Cd2+>Cu2+>Pb2+。

60、31 crustacean species are caught, and the main species are Trachypenaeus curvirostris, Palaemon gravieri, Alpheus japonicus, Alpheus heterocarpus and charybdis bimaculata. ─── 共捕获甲壳类31种,主要以鹰爪虾、葛氏长臂虾、日本鼓虾、鲜明鼓虾和双斑蝠为主,共捕获头足类5种,主要以短蛸、长蛸为主。

61、Charybdis feriata ─── 锈斑蜉


63、In all bands,2 bands were shared by all crabs,13 shared by Charybdis japonica , C. acuta and C. feriatus ,16 shared by Portunus sanguinolentus and P.trituberculatus . ─── 在 12 3条扩增片段中 ,6种蟹共享的片段有 2条 ,3种?有13条 ,2种梭子蟹有 16条 ;

64、Histological study on the digestive system of Charybdis japonica Milne-Edwards ─── 日本?消化系统的组织学研究

65、Between Scylla And Charybdis... ─── 没有做不到,只有不想做.

66、Effects of accumulated copper sulfate on protective system of Charybdis japonica ─── 硫酸铜蓄积对日本蟳体内保护酶系统的影响

67、The Amount Distribution and Biological Characteristics of Charybdis feriatus in the Southern Part of East China Sea ─── 东海南部锈斑蟳数量分布及生物学特点

68、He was between Scylla and Charybdis, for his company had betrayed him. ─── 他的同伴背叛了他,致使他腹背受敌。

69、Analysis of Nutrients Composition of Charybdis japonica ─── 日本蟳的营养成分组成分析

70、The acute toxicity of various concentrations of copper sulfate to Charybdis japonica was determined,and the safety concentration was 0.50 mg/L. ─── 首先根据急性毒性试验确定了硫酸铜对日本?Charybdis japonica的安全浓度为0.50 mg/L,然后进行了硫酸铜蓄积对日本?体内5种组织保护酶系统的影响试验。

71、Effects of three kinds of heavy metal ions on SOD, CAT and GPx activities in the gills and hepatopancreas of Charybdis japonica during 30 days were studied by ─── 日本虫寻鳃丝、肝胰脏中CAT、GPx活力大小为:肝胰脏>鳃丝,而SOD活力大小为:鳃丝>肝胰脏; 在同浓度同时间作用下3种离子对SOD、CAT、GPx活力的抑制程度均为:Hg~(2+)>Cd~(2+)>Cu~(2+)。

72、7.He would have preferred to be on good term with both his wife and his mother, but the effort of pleasing one without offending the other was like steering between Scylla and Charybdis. ─── (他本愿和妻子与母亲都处好关系,但要讨好一方而不得罪另一方简直就如同驾船在斯库拉和卡律布狄斯之间航行,两面为难。)

73、This example demonstrates the two main dangers, the Scylla and Charybdis . Between which we must steer to gain innovations for art. ─── 这个例子表露了俩大主要危害,在这进退俩难的处境中我们必须掌舵创新艺术。

74、Effects of Heavy Metal Ions on the Antioxidant Enzymes of the Haemolymph of Crab Charybdis japonica ─── 重金属离子对日本?血淋巴抗氧化酶(SOD,CAT,GPx)活力的影响

75、Effects of temperature and body weight on the oxygen consumption rate, ammonia excretion rate and carbon dioxide excretion rate of Japanese stone crab (Charybdis japonica) were studied under artificial conditions in lab oratory. ─── 在室内实验条件下,测定了温度和体重对日本?耗氧率、排氨率和二氧化碳排泄率的影响。

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