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formulary 发音

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formulary 中文意思翻译



formulary 网络释义

n. 公式集;处方一览表;套话adj. 规定的;公式的;药方的

formulary 短语词组

1、formulary 55 ─── 处方集55

2、National Formulary ─── [医] 美国国家药品集

3、formulary meaning ─── 公式意义

4、formulary drugs 2021 ─── 处方药2021

5、formulary exceptions ─── 公式例外

6、formulary drugs ─── 处方药

formulary 词性/词形变化,formulary变形

名词复数: formularies |

formulary 相似词语短语

1、formular ─── adj.公式的

2、formicary ─── n.蚁窝

3、formulate ─── vt.规划;用公式表示;明确地表达

4、formulaic ─── adj.公式化的;刻板的;套话堆砌的

5、formulars ─── 形式

6、formularies ─── n.公式集;处方一览表;套话;adj.规定的;公式的;药方的

7、formulae ─── n.公式(formula的复数)

8、formulas ─── n.[数]公式;配方;规则(formula的复数)

9、formula ─── n.[数]公式,准则;配方;婴儿食品

formulary 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Add list of international Monetary Fund " formulary " , its core content also is practice constrictive sex " decelerate plans " , because of.. ─── 加上国际货币基金组织开列的“药方”,其核心内容也是实行紧缩性的“减速计划”,因...

2、Our country " insurance law " the legal form that formulary insurance company is management organization of commercial insurance business. ─── 我国《保险法》规定的保险公司是商业保险业务经营组织的法定形式。

3、the design formulary and the notice of small slot. ─── 小槽孔的设计公式以及钻孔的注意事项。

4、To complete these plans, guangdong province stipulated corresponding policy tilts, advance in order to conduct the market, business to formulary target. ─── 为完成这些计划,广东省规定了相应的政策倾斜,以引导市场、企业向规定的目标前进。

5、According to standard GB/T18102-2000 lowest of wear-resisting of surface of floor of formulary aggrandizement wood asks to be 6000 turn. ─── 根据标准GB/T18102-2000规定强化木地板表面耐磨最低要求为6000转。

6、Our country Sichuan saves Chinese traditional medicine natural resources is very substantial, formulary in development mask has advantaged advantage. ─── 我国四川省中药资源极为丰富,在发展中药方面具有得天独厚的优势。

7、MorpheusPatient of limitative therapeutics requirement is in every morning formulary time gets up, although nightlyMorpheusBad, also want to get up on time, do not want siesta midday. ─── 睡眠限制疗法要求病人每天早上在规定时间起床,即使夜间睡眠不好,也要按时起床,中午不要午睡。

8、Australian Pharmaceutical Formulary ─── 澳大利亚药品处方书

9、The effect of an antimicrobial formulary change on hospital resistance patterns ─── 抗菌药物策略性更换对医院耐药模式的影响

10、Economic mode is with economy development is core, be based on the opposite formulary that the economy that certain ambient conditions forms with culture tradition runs. ─── 经济模式是以经济发展为核心,基于一定的环境条件和文化传统而形成的经济运行的相对定式。

11、HA releases Drug Formulary Review report ─── 医院管理局发布药物名册检讨报告

12、Pharmaceutical Economics and its Application in Pricing and Drug Formulary ─── 医药经济学在价格决定与医药保险目录决策的应用

13、thinking formulary ─── 思维定式

14、The Formulary Calculation of the Electromagnetic Field's Distribution in Domestic Microwave Oven's Cavity ─── 家用微波炉炉腔内电磁场分布的解析计算

15、Determination of Coptis Chinesis in Formulary Chinese Medicine ─── 中成药中黄连成分的测定

16、Maintain hospital drug formulary control ─── 维护医院药品管制规定

17、National War Formulary ─── 国家军事药典

18、He is the key factor that decides whether the company's formulary plan can be finally implemented. ─── 他是决定的关键系数公司的公式计划是否可以最后被实施。

19、Match content is bilateral who can finish formulary job inside shorter time, if HP scanner was defeated, challenge just can gain a value thousands of yuan HP scanner. ─── 比赛内容是双方谁能在更短的时间内完成规定任务,假如惠普扫描仪输了,则挑战方可以赢得一台价值几千元的惠普扫描仪。

20、The new standards deal with four types of information: formulary and benefits, medication history, fill-status notification, and identification of individual health care providers. ─── 新标准处理四种类型的信息:处方集与利益、用药史、存储状态通知与个人医疗保健提供者确认。

21、Fund ought to be in China of formulary time introversion via what manage happening changes association of negotiable securities trade applies for to register change. ─── 基金经理发生变动的应当在规定时间内向中国证券业协会申请注册变更。

22、Almost all experts leave those who go out " formulary " it is " transfer bow, need inside mining " . ─── 几乎所有的专家开出的“药方”都是“调转船头,挖掘内需”。

23、To the enterprise according to IT the influence of competitive advantage gives out the value computation that IT invests is formulary. ─── 根据信息技术对企业竞争优势的影响给出信息技术投资的价值计算公式。

24、I was helping write a pharmacy application that had to be able to show every drug in a complex formulary. ─── 当时,我正在帮助编写一个药学应用程序,该程序必须能够将每种药物显示在复杂的处方中。

25、"Press formulary rate drive a vehicle, encounter abrupt case, can handle in time. ─── “按规定速度行车,碰到忽然的情况,就能够及时处理。

26、formulary of peaceful benevolent dispensary ─── 太平惠民和剂局方

27、The article made analytic assessment to groovy design method, gave out more reasonable consideration is formulary. ─── 本文对常规设计方法作了分析评价,并给出了更为合理的计算公式。

28、medical formulary ─── 方书

29、of the party to hold to a party already, broke through the thinking formulary of " of party of " the whole people again, make the property theory of the party obtained qualitative saltant; ─── 既坚持了党的阶级性原则,又突破了"全民党"的思维定式,使党的性质理论获得了质的飞跃;

30、Basis of one party party afore-mentioned (2) , (3) , (4) formulary requirement is changed or remove of the contract, ought to inform each other in time. ─── 一方当事人根据上述第(二)、(三)、(四)项的规定要求变更或者解除合同的,应当及时通知对方。

31、Begin from January 2002, our country begins to implement standard of decathlon building materials, product of formulary building materials enters the market must hold acceptance label. ─── 从2002年1月开始,我国开始实施十项建材标准,规定建材产品进入市场必须持有检验合格证。

32、Pay expenses fixed number of year is to show enterprise and worker individual press pay of formulary full specified amount jointly the accumulative total fixed number of year that primary endowment insurance expends. ─── 缴费年限是指企业和职工个人共同按规定足额缴纳基本养老保险费的累计年限。

33、Without a federal formulary, the government "would lack the leverage to obtain significant discounts" through negotiations, the CBO said. ─── 国会预算办公室称“离开了联邦处方药物一览表,政府将少了一个获得明显折扣的杠杆。”

34、After partner of the 76th natural person dies, its are lawful heir can accede partner qualification; But, company rules has formulary except additionally. ─── 第七十六条自然人股东死亡后,其合法继续人可以继续股东资格;但是,公司章程另有规定的除外。

35、From value creation says, sayi is Trinitarian formulary very absurd; ─── 从价值创造说,萨伊三位一体公式十分荒谬;

36、Chinese medical formulary ─── 方药

37、According to Mechanics theory the formulary of flexural rigidity,axial rigidity,shearing rigidity are deduced. ─── 根据连续力学原理推导了结构抗弯刚度、轴向刚度、抗剪刚度公式。

38、National Formulary, NF ─── 美国国家处文集

39、The formulary " problem to his analysis about Chinese farmer problem and revolution of alleged " countryman, should try to be evaluated objectively below specific historical requirement. ─── 对于他关于中国农民问题的分析和所谓"国民革命的公式"问题,应该在具体的历史条件下加以客观的评价。

40、Contemplating current medical formulary research ─── 方剂研究的一些思考

41、Examine through each, data is achieved and exceeded formulary level. ─── 经过各项检验,数据达到和超过了规定标准。

42、Maturity is how many days, if exceed formulary day,number should pay tax of how many accrual. ─── 到期日是多少天,假如超过规定的天数要交多少利息税。

43、formulary taxes ─── 按公式计征的税收

44、If you already have a Loyalty Card, but want to ask us a question or let us have your comments, please fill the following formulary. ─── 如果你有会员卡,但是又想咨询我们或者提意见,请把下面的表填一下。

45、Put forward acutely " the syndrome of science of market economy macro-control " , analysed a harm, open those who gave cure " formulary " . ─── 尖锐地提出了“市场经济宏观控制科学的综合症”,剖析了危害,开出了医治的“药方”。

46、Payer and provider data (e.g., formulary information) are at different levels of detail, making use of payer formulary information at the time of prescribing difficult (the lack of which leads to consumer and patient dissatisfaction). ─── 交费数据和收费数据(比如:医嘱信息)的细化程度不同,利用下医嘱时的医嘱缴费信息是困难的(缺陷是招致消费者,患者的不满)。

47、Keywords Rifapentine powder injection;Formulary selection;Determination;Safety test;Toxicity test; ─── 利福喷丁粉针剂;处方筛选;含量测定;安全性试验;毒理试验;

48、The National Formulary ─── 美国药品集

49、United States Pharmacopoeia-National Formulary ─── 美国药典-国家药方集

50、of the party to hold to a party already, broke through again " party of the whole people " thinking formulary, make the property theory of the party obtained qualitative saltant; ─── 既坚持了党的阶级性原则,又突破了“全民党”的思维定式,使党的性质理论获得了质的飞跃;

51、According to formulary requirement, of nursery school large-scale decorate, rebuild need interval 5 years or so, miniature local decorate, rebuild unfavorable repeat undertake. ─── 按照规定要求,幼儿园的大规模装修、改建需间隔5年左右,小规模局部装修、改建不宜重复进行。

52、Formulary is a guide on how to make effective use of the medicines on the WHO Model List of Essential Medicines. ─── 处方集》用以指导如何有效使用《世卫组织基本药物标准清单》所列药物。

53、Also can choose the tuber of pinellia to add tuckahoe Tonga to decrease the formulary agent and acupuncture, physiotherapy method in waiting to cooperate cure. ─── 也可选用半夏加茯苓汤加减等中药方剂和针灸、理疗等方法配合治疗。

54、formulary. Although nurse prescribing is still in its infancy, nurses with prescription pads may soon become the norm. ─── 虽然护士处方仍处于初级阶段,护士与处方垫可能很快就会成为规范。

55、Taking a place less is reallyMacrobianone post is formulary, look at everybody the health for oneself, for oneselfMacrobian, take a place less. ─── 少吃点确实是长寿的一帖药方,望大家为了自己的健康,为了自己的长寿,少吃点吧。

56、formulary production ─── 公式生成

57、Namely the worker should reach emeritus age only, government or business management branch, deal with emeritus formalities for its inside formulary time, beardless oneself apply for, had formed a kind of system. ─── 即职工只要达到退休年龄,政府或企业治理部门,就在规定的时间内为其办理退休手续,无须本人申请,已经形成一种制度。

58、National Essential Medicare Formulary ─── 国家基本医疗保险

59、The theory of guiding medicinals,based on channel tropism theories and closely related to formulary theories,have a wider scope than that of the general theories of channel tropism of medicinals. ─── 引经理论建立在中药归经理论基础上并与方剂理论相结合,其讨论范围也比一般药物归经理论的范围要广。

60、The arithmetical average in be like average index and the definition that move peace to all count H are basic and formulary like can considering as. ─── 如平均指标中的算术平均数与调和平均数H的定义基本公式可认为是一样的。

61、Quale J, Landman D, Saurina G, et al. Manipulation of a hospital antimicrobial formulary to control an outbreak of vancomycin resistant enterococci[J]. Clin Infect Dis, 1996, 23: 1020. ─── 张凤凯,金少鸿,吴铨,等.北京地区部分医院细菌对常用抗生素耐药性现状及变迁[J].中华医学杂志,1997,77:327-331.

62、Want to should be inspected in craft of the construction inside formulary limits only reasonable with the standard. ─── 只要在规定的范围内施工工艺都应视作合理和规范的。

63、Contest phase inscribes a form for the choice first, intermediary heat phase is essay question form, the player answers sb's question formulary problem number can enter a match below one round. ─── 初赛阶段为选择题形式,复赛阶段为问答题形式,选手答对规定题数即可进入下一轮赛事。

64、United States Pharmacopeial Convention, INC. 12601 Twinbrook Parkway, Rockville, MD 20852 The United States Pharmacopeia, The National Formulary (I) [S] .January 1,2000:494. ─── 国家药典委员会.中华人民共和国药典[S].化学工业出版社2000年版二部:415.

65、Formulary system ─── 处方集系统

66、The two types of formulary embody the sense of splendor stage in the Song dynasty from various viewpoints. ─── 这两类方书从不同角度展示了宋代方书辉煌时期的风貌。

67、hospital formulary ─── 医院处方集

68、psychological formulary ─── 心理定式

69、Form those who disobey action of public security government, according to public security administers the formulary punishment that sanctions a method; ─── 构成违反治安管理行为的,依照治安管理处罚法的规定处罚;

70、But, company rules has formulary except additionally. ─── 但是,公司章程另有规定的除外。

71、Seek treatment is chronic keratitis formulary? ? ─── 求治疗慢性角膜炎药方??

72、1. Without a federal formulary, the government "would lack the leverage to obtain significant discounts" through negotiations, the CBO said. ─── 国会预算办公室称“离开了联邦处方药物一览表,政府将少了一个获得明显折扣的杠杆。”收藏指正

73、Canadian Formulary ─── 加拿大处方集

74、Management sex collects fees should press formulary collection. ─── 经营性收费要按规定收取。

75、Inside the thinking formulary of average person, adjust the only method of the sunshine in the home is a curtain, do not use up actually like that. ─── 在一般人的思维定式里面,调节家里阳光的惟一方法就是窗帘,其实并不尽然。

76、simplification formulary; ─── 简化公式;

77、The characteristics of official and personal formulary in the Song dynasty ─── 宋代官刊方书和个人方书特点探讨

78、If unit of choose and employ persons did not press formulary pay cost, encroach social insurance rights and interests of the worker, the worker has authority to inform against, or submit to to be handled about the branch. ─── 假如用人单位未按规定缴费,侵犯职工的社会保险权益,职工有权举报,或提请有关部门处理。

79、According to Section 501 of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act, assays and specifications in monographs of the United States Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary constitute legal standards. ─── 根据联邦食品,药品,和化妆品法案501章,美国药典和国家处方集中的专论的含量和质量标准有合理的标准。

80、In netizen opinion, have two kinds of pressure that increase him, hope to capture good luck to accelerate Guangxi to develop, 2 was to raise a lot of proposals, left a lot of " formulary " . ─── 网友意见中,有两类增大他的压力,一是希望抓住机遇加快广西发展的,二是提了很多建议、开了很多“药方”的。

81、He said that it was part of his grandfather's secret formulary. ─── 因为他说这些配方是他祖父传下来的秘密药典的一部分。

82、An education programme in a validated university is now operating for nurses who wish to become extended formulary nurse prescribers. ─── 教育方案,在一个经审定的大学目前正在运作的护士谁希望成为扩大处方护士处方。

83、On Formulary Apportionment Method: A New Method for International Tax Coordination ─── 公式分配法:国际税收协调新方式

84、I was helping write a pharmacy application that had to be able to show every drug in a complex formulary. ─── 当时,我正在帮助编写一个药学应用程序,该程序必须能够将每种药物显示在复杂的处方中。

85、The agency, which treated more than 5 million military veterans last year, removed the drug from its "formulary," or list of approved drugs, on October 5 the paper said. ─── 10月5日的报刊登载,去年用文迪雅治疗500多万军队老兵的一个机构,从他的“处方列表”或批准使用的药物清单中,取消这种药物。

86、Physician's Formulary ─── 内科医师处方集

87、National Formulary ─── [医] 美国国家药品集

88、“People who make formulary decisions should look at their data and see how it plays out in their world. ─── “药典编纂人员应该注意他们手头上的数据并对这两种药孰优孰劣作出自己的判断。”

89、alleged, seek hegemony without formulary, wisdom just is kingcraft! ─── 正所谓,称霸无定式,智慧才是王道!

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