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08-18 投稿


bloodthirstiness 发音

英:[[b'l?dθ?:st?n?s]]  美:[[b'l?dθ?:st?n?s]]

英:  美:

bloodthirstiness 中文意思翻译



bloodthirstiness 短语词组

1、bloodthirstiness synonym ─── 嗜血同义词

bloodthirstiness 词性/词形变化,bloodthirstiness变形

名词: bloodthirstiness |副词: bloodthirstily |

bloodthirstiness 相似词语短语

1、bloodthirstily ─── 嗜血

2、bloodthirstiest ─── 最嗜血的

3、bloodthirstier ─── 嗜血者

4、blood-guiltiness ─── 杀人罪

5、blood sisters ─── 血亲姐妹

6、bloodiness ─── n.残忍,残酷;血腥;血污

7、bloodguiltiness ─── 流血罪

8、bloodthirsty ─── adj.嗜杀的;残忍的

9、thirstiness ─── 口渴;渴望

bloodthirstiness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、They had come to hate Sonny for his bloodthirstiness, which they considered barbaric. Also not good business sense. Nobody wanted the old days back again with all its turmoil and trouble. ─── 他们开始痛恨桑儿那种嗜血成性的作风,认为这种作风实在野蛮,而且还缺乏生意人的敏锐的嗅觉,谁也不愿意再出现那种兵荒马乱的局面了。

2、But the Taliban have ever since been feared for their bloodthirstiness. ─── 但是一直以来塔利班由于他们的嗜血而为人们所恐惧。

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