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08-19 投稿


compensates 发音

英:[?k?mpense?ts]  美:[?kɑ?mpense?ts]

英:  美:

compensates 中文意思翻译



compensates 短语词组

1、compensates crossword ─── 补偿纵横字谜

2、compensates synonym ─── 补偿同义词

3、compensates means ─── 补偿手段

4、compensates nyt ─── 补偿nyt

5、compensates for ─── 赔偿,补偿

6、compensates meaning ─── 补偿意义

7、compensates clue ─── 补偿线索

8、compensates def ─── 补偿def

compensates 词性/词形变化,compensates变形

动词过去式: compensated |名词: compensator |动词第三人称单数: compensates |动词过去分词: compensated |动词现在分词: compensating |形容词: compensative |

compensates 常用词组

compensate for ─── 赔偿,补偿

compensates 相似词语短语

1、compensate ─── vi.补偿,赔偿;抵消;vt.补偿,赔偿;付报酬

2、condensates ─── n.冷凝物;固化物(condensate的复数)

3、compensators ─── n.[电][自]补偿器(compensator的复数);补偿装置

4、compensations ─── 补偿;[会计]补偿金

5、compensator ─── n.[电][自]补偿器;自耦变压器;赔偿者;补偿物

6、compensated ─── v.补偿(compensate的过去式);偿还

7、commentates ─── vt.评论;解说;注释;vi.评论时事;实况报道

8、decompensates ─── v.代谢失调

9、decompensated ─── v.代偿失调(decompensate的过去式和过去分词)

compensates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、compensates for land taken ─── 征用补偿

2、Unions prefer a return to a universal General Schedule system, which compensates employees based on time served. ─── 各工会更愿意回到大众化的“综合计划”系统,这样可按工作时间进行补偿。

3、cutting tool compensates ─── 刀具补偿

4、because the sweetness of his sympathy more than compensates the bitterness of that sorrow, which, in order to excite this sympathy, they had thus enlivened and renewed. ─── 因为他的同情中的甜极大地弥补了同情中的苦。因为要刺激出这种同情,他们需要提高和恢复这种苦。

5、Keywords cold-rolled sheet;second-flow at roll gap;second-flow for tension;tolerance of thickness;compen sation value; ─── 冷轧板;辊缝秒流量;张力秒流量;厚度偏差;补偿值;

6、“Support compensates, underpins, retrofits, translates, spackles, patches and reinforces” (Computerworld). ─── “支持可以补偿、巩固、翻新、转化、填补、修补和加强”(计算机世界)。

7、The company compensates workers for extra work. ─── 公司因工人的额外工作而给他们报酬。

8、Angle back some, and the machine compensates at once. ─── 将身体回正些,机器也会立刻随之调整减速。

9、Analysis on risks of early compensates in the securitization of lodgings mortgage-backed loan ─── 住房抵押贷款证券化中的早偿分析

10、Orrin the Buss e-520 interior integration image stable system, compensates through the migration image sensor to the camera vibration, may result in the biggest 4 ev step compensation effect. ─── 奥林巴斯e-520内部集成图像稳定系统,通过移动图像传感器对相机抖动加以补偿,可得最大4 ev步的补偿效果。

11、The variation in urine and methane production compensates partly for the plane of nutrition effect. ─── 尿液和甲烷气体的变化部分地代偿了营养水平的影响。

12、If Gay’s doctors are correct in diagnosing his injury as a first-degree strain, his challenge will be in how he compensates for the injury and any loss of timing. ─── 如果盖伊的医生正确地诊断出他的伤势是一级拉伤,他面临的挑战将是他将如何补偿受伤带来的时间损失。

13、After leaving hospital, li Mou compensates for matters concerned with inn square bargaining. ─── 出院后,李某就和店方交涉赔偿事宜。

14、photo source compensates ─── 光源补偿

15、It is not only control the position and track of the falchion, but also has the function of change the falchion automatically and compensates; ─── 不仅对刀具的位置或轨迹进行控制,而且还具有自动换刀和补偿功能,具有很高的强度,刚度和抗震性。

16、This also compensates for the fact that your stop is further away. ─── 如果猎人进场了,你也可以补偿你的止损距离太远的损失。

17、Thermodynamically speaking, this molecular ordering lowers the system's entropy, so the system compensates by heating up as a consequence of energy conservation. ─── 从热力学上说来,这种分子排序会使系统的熵降低,因此系统会发热做为补偿,以保持能量守恒。

18、compensate handler only compensates the completed scope. ─── 补偿事件处理程序只补偿了完整的范围。

19、What you learn about others and, more importantly, yourself more than compensates for the effort required. ─── 其实从他人所学到的,更重要的是从自己身上反省出来的东西,往往比应获得的等价报酬更具价值。

20、They've achieved this by espousing an openhearted, socially aware brand of rock that compensates for its occasional ham-fistedness with endearing sincerity. ─── 他们也因为真诚与执着成为了香港的著名乐队,深深打动了乐迷的心。

21、The price may not be cheap, if you let the ball damage it, deducted money from yours wages compensates. ─── 价钱可不便宜,你要是让球把它撞坏了,就得从你的工资里扣钱赔。

22、The industrial harvest compensates for the hard toil of the peasants for the year. ─── 大丰收补偿了农民一年来的辛勤劳动。

23、Eccentricity Compensates ─── 偏心补偿

24、So-called pure insurance cost, be with life watch mortality statistic is a foundation and calculative, the average share that i.e. death compensates for is worth. ─── 所谓纯保费,是以生命表死亡率统计为基础而计算的,亦即死亡赔偿的平均分摊值。

25、Conclusion:The main causes of the disease might be of the retrogressive metamorphosis,compens... ─── 保留脊柱后结构的髓核摘除、椎管扩大减压的手术效果是满意的。

26、And he compensates for some of Mr Obama's weaknesses. ─── 而且他还可以弥补奥巴马的一些弱点。

27、Thinking about that Administration Compensates Some Problem ─── 关于行政补偿相关问题的思考

28、The Application of the Cutting Tool Radius Compensates in the CAM System ─── 刀具半径补偿在CAM系统中的应用

29、Diode compensates distortion in amplifier stage ─── 使用二极管减少放大器失真

30、Land requisition, to a government, is the requirement of public interests.The government compulsorily collects collective land and compensates the individuals according to legal formalities. ─── 摘要土地征收是指为了公共利益的需要,由国家将集体土地强制性征归国有并按法定程序给予被征地集体或个人一定补偿的行为。

31、The charger automatically compensates for low AC line voltage or extension cord use. ─── 充电器自动补偿低交流线路电压或延长线使用。

32、The paper puts forward a hybrid magnetic circuit multi couple electric machine that compensates for the uneven air gap magnetic field of the hybrid stepping motor. ─── 提出了一种混合磁路多边耦合电机,对混合式步进电机永磁体产生的气隙磁场沿轴向分布不均匀的问题进行了补偿。

33、I can't find anything about my wife that compensates for her lack of consideration for our children. ─── 我在我妻子身上找不到任何东西来弥补她对我们的孩子甚少的关爱。

34、homogeneity compensates ─── 同质赔偿


36、Puts for ward the modified Kalman filter in polar coordinates,and compensates the affect of the pseudo-acceleration,the maneuvering acceleration and its variance are under adaptive control. ─── 提出了极坐标系下的修正卡尔曼滤波器,并对伪加速度的影响进行了补偿,对机动加速度及其方差进行了自适应控制。

37、Dynamic focusing technology considerably improves fringe resolution of the CRT and compensates the difference between the focusing at the center and around the edges of the screen. ─── 动态聚焦技术是为了改善显象管或投影管的边缘聚焦质量,动态的对屏幕中央及四周的聚焦差异进行补偿,从而达到提高整体分辨率的目的。

38、The way forward is a framework that compensates developing countries for the costs they bear, but also encourages the most efficient possible use of energy resources. ─── 下一步是达成一个框架,不仅要对发展中国家承担的成本进行补偿,还要鼓励尽可能高效率地利用能源资源。

39、In case of life insurance, the company compensates the insured or the designated beneficiary for the death, injury, medical treatment or superannuation of the insured. ─── 人身保险中当被保险人发生死亡,伤残,医疗,年老等事故时,保险公司对受益人或被保险人给付保险金。

40、Live-loading automatically compensates for the transient loads which cause bonnet movement by maintaining a positive load on the pressure seal gasket as the pressure reduces. ─── 动负载自动补偿波动转换中的变化,在压力减少时,阀帽会产生运动,维持压力密封垫圈上的正向负载。

41、The factory compensates the workers for working overtime. ─── 工厂发加班费给加班的工人。

42、The land of commandeer farmland compensates cost, for this farmland by before commandeer 3 years of average annual produce 6 to decuple. ─── 征用耕地的土地补偿费,为该耕地被征用前三年平均年产值的六至十倍。

43、In teaching the Intensive Reading of English, the task-based teaching exposes the learner to more use of the language and compensates for the lack of real situation in classroom. ─── 摘要在精读课的教学中,任务型教学由于可以使学习者有更多的使用语言的机会,能补偿课堂教学缺少真实场景的不足。

44、Compensates the principle completely ─── 全部赔偿原则

45、industry compensates agriculture ─── 工业反哺农业

46、If a person gets low on fluid, the body compensates by bringing fluid back out of the kidneys and by slowing the loss of water through the skin, Valtin said. ─── 他称,如果人体摄入的水分较少,身体会通过从流出肾脏的液体中回收部分水分和降低皮肤散失水分的速度,使身体的水分保持在平衡水平上。

47、In such kind of trade, the foreign partner usually supplies machinery and technology, and the home partner then compensates the foreign partner with products made with the machinery and technology. ─── 在这种贸易里,外国伙伴一般提供机器和技术,本国伙伴则用这些机器和技术造出产品来补偿外国伙伴。

48、In essence, XDS acts as a type of transverse differential lock that compensates for the understeering that is typical on FWD vehicles when driving fast through corners. ─── 从本质上说,XDS行为作为一种横向差速锁的补偿不足是典型的前进时,驾驶的车辆快速通过弯道.

49、We express our deep applogy for your suffering loss, and agree to compensates you 500 dollars. ─── 我们对你方遭受的损失深表歉意,同意向你们赔偿500美元。

50、FUNCTION it compensates water to dialyzed skin in an all-round and deep way and moistens the cell ; ─── 功效对经过透析的皮肤进行全面的深层补水,滋润细胞;

51、Compares with the strength index, the snai main victory wins with the guest has certain promotion, compensates evenly suffers presses. ─── 与实力指数相比,snai主胜和客胜均有一定提升,平赔遭下压。

52、Compared to bulky macroscopic devices, microspectrometer has inferior spectral resolution but its small size and low cost more than compensates for this limitation in many applications. ─── 和传统光谱仪相比,微型光谱仪的分辨率较低,但由于它体较小、价格便宜等优点广泛应用于许多测量、控制领域。

53、THE world owes much of its beauty to cloudland.The unchanging blue of the Italian sky hardly compensates for the changefulness and glory of the clouds. ─── 云彩点缀了世界的美丽,天上如果永远蔚蓝一片,缺少了变幻多端的云彩的美景。

54、The company compensates her for extra work. ─── 公司因她的额外工作而给她报酬。

55、GMPTE compensates operators for the provision of transport services within the terms of the gross-cost contracts. ─── GMPTE以大花费的契约形式来补偿经营者提供运输服务.

56、The maturity premium compensates investors for the increased sensitivity of the market value of debt to a change in market interest rates as maturity is extended ,in general (holding all else equal). ─── 成熟保险费对债务的市场价值的增加的敏感性补偿投资者对在市场利率上的一个变化,当成熟是延长的,一般藏品所有(均等)。

57、Latter mediates after the court management, the both parties reach the following agreement voluntarily: Disposable compensates Ms. Jiang by the hospital each loss total 5000 Yuan. ─── 后经法院主持调解,双方当事人自愿达成如下协议:由医院一次性赔偿姜女士各项损失共计5000元。

58、Her intelligence more than compensates for her lack of experience. ─── 她的聪颖足够弥补她的经验不足。

59、Our country's administration compensates system should be consummated according to this localization. ─── 我国的行政补偿制度应该在这种价值定位下,予以完善。

60、The effect of the turbulence of the fan convection field and the position of the wind compen... ─── 在进行机械排烟时还应考虑风机对流场的扰动、补风口位置的影响。

61、Hostility toward elephants among local farmers has also been a problem, and the government now compensates farmers when their crops are damaged by elephants. ─── 当地的农民对野象的敌意也是个问题,但现在已得到解决,当庄稼遭到野象的破坏时,政府都会给予农民相应的赔偿。

62、According to requirement of aim temperature to implement compen... ─── 按目标温度要求,进行补偿措施,有效地控制钢水温度。

63、After very little has students comes across the setback, through other thing the loss which, because the setback brings, compensates from the innermost feelings experience behavior. ─── 很少有同学遇到挫折以后,通过别的事物把因挫折带来的损失,从内心体验一直到行为一一补偿过来。

64、What he lacks in courage he compensates for in Bravado ─── 他用虚张声势来弥补自己勇气的匮乏。

65、We report a low power ASK IF receiver for short-range wireless systems, which includes an AGC loop that compensates the channel attenuation and an ASK detector. ─── 摘要实现了一个适用于短距离无线系统的低功耗ASK中频接收机电路。该接收机包括一个用于补偿信道衰减的自动增益控制环和一个ASK检波器。

66、The application of information diffusion and the simulation technology compensates the incompleteness of the sample data; ─── 信息扩散和模拟技术的应用弥补了样本数据的不足;

67、Now an altogether more sinister explanation occurs to me: perhaps I look older, and am enjoying the dividend in respect with which Asia compensates the drawbacks of ageing. ─── 今天,我想到一个不吉利多的解释:也许,我是看上去老了,所以在受用那份对我额外的尊敬。这也是亚洲人对衰老提供一种的补偿。

68、Love, is not too hungry, is too full; It is not compensates, is all wins. ─── 爱情,不是太饿便是太饱;不是赔尽便是全赢。

69、Fully automatic frequency control loop (AFC)compensates for lower tolerance crystals ─── 完整的自动频率控制环路(AFC)可补偿低容忍度晶体

70、Because the heavy entity light procedure thought, our country administration compensates the procedure law system not to be extremely imperfect, existence many questions; ─── 摘要由于重实体轻程序的思想,我国行政补偿程序法律制度极不完善,存在不少问题;

71、She compensates by seeking to control her domain but, like Iran, alienates those who love her and pushes them away. ─── 作为弥补,她试图控制自己身边的人,然而,正如伊朗一样,她疏远那些爱她的人,将他们拒之门外。

72、Below the setting of avian flu indulge in wilful persecution, the country that author unfeignedly publishs for the government compensates policy to acclaim. ─── 在禽流感肆虐的背景下,笔者由衷地为政府出台的国家补偿政策喝彩。

73、Diligence compensates for lack of experience. ─── 勤勉能弥补经验的不足。

74、This talent more than compensates for any deficiencies in our peer review process. ─── 我们在同行评审过程中的缺陷来说,这一才能更为显著。

75、At least in the case of Tony Blair, the stubborn idealism compensates for and even redeems the annoyances. ─── 至少在布莱尔身上,他倔强的理想主义掩盖、甚至弥补了他令人不快的品性。

76、Industry sometimes compensates for lack of ability. ─── 勤勉有时可以弥补能力之不足。

77、"It is Cameron's narrative choice, " he continued, "as he is aware of the fact that the visual aspect widely compensates for this lack. " ─── “这是Cameron’s的叙事风格”,他继续说道,“这样可以弥补小说视觉上无法表达的缺陷。”

78、Digital Delay Compensates for Differences in Link Paths. ─── 为不同链接路径提供数字延时补偿。

79、Series Active Power Filter Compensates Current Harmonics and Source Voltage Unbalance Simultaneously ─── 可同时补偿电压不平衡的串联型有源电力滤波器

80、Thread Cut parameter that compensates for patterns punched for machines without automatic thread trimmers. ─── 切线参数,用于补充没有自动切线功能的机器所绣的花样。

81、The Principle of Reasonable Compensates to Original Facility in Small Hydropower Construction ─── 小水电建设对原有设施的合理补偿原则

82、If deliberately destroys, steals, besides legally deals with severely, and according to the set price compensates enjoys. ─── 如蓄意破坏,盗取本设备者,除依法严办外,并照价赔赏.

83、I can't find anything about my wife that compensates for her lack of consideration for our children. ─── 我在我妻子身上找不到任何东西来弥补她对我们的孩子甚少的关爱。

84、Anshan Simulation Idle Work Electric Power Market Compensates Which Based on the Optimization ─── 基于优化补偿的鞍山模拟无功电力市场

85、SPGA algorithm compensates the envelope and phase of the echo signal which has not be corrected range migration. ─── SPGA算法利用估计得到的侧摆对距离徙动校正前的回波数据进行包络和相位补偿。

86、William Hill compensates evenly discretely, makes up “1” is steadier. ─── 威廉希尔平赔谨慎,补“1”更稳。

87、Her intelligence more than compensates for her lack of experience. ─── 她的聪颖足够弥补她的经验不足。

88、The pleasure I take in your gain compensates the pain of my loss. ─── 我为你赢钱感到高兴,这就抵消了我输钱的痛苦。

89、14.Hostility toward elephants among local farmers has also been a problem, and the government now compensates farmers when their crops are damaged by elephants. ─── 当地的农民对大象的不友善始终是一个问题,现在政府已经出台了措施对那些被大象破坏农作物进行补偿.

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