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08-19 投稿


cabalistic 发音

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cabalistic 中文意思翻译



cabalistic 网络释义

adj. 神秘的;犹太神秘哲学的

cabalistic 词性/词形变化,cabalistic变形

副词: cabalistically |

cabalistic 短语词组

1、cabalistic magic ─── 神秘魔法

2、cabalistic tree ─── 神秘树

3、cabalistic means ─── 阴谋手段

4、cabalistic angels ─── 神秘天使

5、cabalistic def ─── 阴谋论的定义

cabalistic 相似词语短语

1、cabalistical ─── 阴谋论的

2、Nabalitic ─── 纳巴利特

3、qabalistic ─── 尺子

4、Baalistic ─── 基本列表

5、fabulistic ─── 寓言的

6、kabalistic ─── 卡巴利斯特的

7、cabbalistic ─── adj.神秘信仰的

8、cabalist ─── n.秘术家;犹太神秘哲学者

9、kabbalistic ─── 卡巴利主义

cabalistic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Kabbala, also spelled KABALA, KABBALAH, CABALA, CABBALA, OR CABBALAH, is an esoteric Jewish mysticism as it appeared in the 12th and following centuries. ─── 卡巴拉也可拼写为KABALA,KABBALAH,CABALA,CABBALA或CABBALAH,是深奥的犹太神秘主义,那时它出现在第十二世纪和后来的世纪里。

2、She wrote on the birthday card, “Kid is such a cabalistic gift from God. Everyday I learnt, was moved and grateful. “ ─── 在生日卡片上写。孩子是上帝所赐的如此神妙的礼物。每天我都学习、感动、感谢。

3、She wrote on the birthday card, "Kid is such a cabalistic gift from God. Everyday I learnt, was moved and grateful. " ─── 在生日卡片上写。孩子是上帝所赐的如此神妙的礼物。每天我都学习、感动、感谢。

4、Out came Meg, with gray horsehair hanging about her face, a red and black robe, a staff, and cabalistic signs upon her cloak. ─── 梅格出来,脸上挂着灰色马鬃,身穿黑红二色长袍,手持拐杖,大衣上画着神秘符号。

5、When selected, the cabalistic silicon chip breathes form into a book's virtual self to awaken the text onto the screen. ─── 当被选中时,神奇的硅芯片就给一本书的虚拟本体注入了具形,从而召唤这个文本出现在屏幕上。

6、cabalistic symbols engraved in stone. ─── 石头上刻有一些神秘的符号。

7、- Is this you and Madonna?- We go to the same cabala class. ─── |-这是你和玛丹娜的合照?

8、Some Cabalist designs feature longer bits of cloth, but we currently have no cloaks, capes or robes planned for day one. ─── 目前密法的形象还是在设计中,至于给他穿上斗篷或者披风的设计,我们还是在考虑中。

9、The tangle sparked mysterious, almost cabalistic, "currents of meanings" along the threads. ─── 缠结闪耀着神奇,近乎神秘,沿线传递着“有意义的思潮”。

10、DNA - the ancient cabalistic Tree Of Life portrayed in the Biblical Torah, is now coming to be viewed as a live vibrating structure, rather than a fixed tape recording. ─── 圣经律法里描绘的古代卡巴拉生命树,现在正在来临,被认为是活着的振动结构,而不是固定的录音带。

11、Sometime she uses unexpected Chinese words, such as “cabalistic”, but I know the connotation is accurate and special. ─── 她有时会用一些意料之外的中文词。但意义却精到特别。

12、When selected, the cabalistic silicon chip breathes form into a book's virtual self to awaken the text onto the screen. ─── 当被选中时,神奇的硅芯片就给一本书的虚拟本体注入了具形,从而召唤这个文本出现在屏幕上。

13、symbols engraved in stone; cryptic writings; thoroughly sibylline in most of his pronouncements-john Gunther. ─── 石头上雕刻的神秘符号;神秘的作品;他的大部分发音完全都是神秘的——约翰·巩特尔。

14、Singling out a healthy foe,the Cabalist drains away its life to add to his or her own. ─── 锁定一个生命值高的敌人,秘法师可以把怪物的生命值吸干.

15、Does the transformation skill for the Cabalist (if it is still in) really change their looks, or does it simply give them special abilities from demons? ─── 密法师的变形技能是真的改变他们的外貌还是只是赋予他们恶魔的能力而已?

16、These spells and skills allow the Cabalist to capture, control, and even train the minions of Hell. ─── 这些法术和技能使得秘法师可以征服、控制甚至是训练地狱的努臣。

17、Shortly before the expulsion of the Jews from Spain in 1492 Pico della Mirandola in Florence conceived a Christian version of the Cabala. ─── 在1492年,犹太教徒被从西班牙逐出前不久,佛罗伦萨的皮科·戴勒·米兰多拉创立了一种喀巴拉的基督教版本。

18、He associated the Cabalistic truths with those of Greek Hermeticism. ─── 他将喀巴拉的真理与希腊的赫耳墨斯主义相结合。

19、Cabalist studies in the Hebrew scriptures developed in a theosophical mystique and sometimes in a sort of unintended religious magic. ─── 对希伯来经文中喀巴拉的研究发展成一种见神论的秘法,有时是一种无意识的宗教魔法。

20、Abilities Cabalist skills and spells fall into three schools ─── 秘法师的技能和法术分为以下三种学派

21、A new Templar, new Cabalist, etc. ─── 比如新的圣堂武士,新的法师。

22、I'm not going to go into specifics, but the new classes will fit into the faction structure.A new Templar, new Cabalist, etc. ─── 我暂时还没法给你更多的确切消息,但是新的职业肯定将很好的和现有的结构相融合,一个新的圣堂武士,新的法师,等等。

23、This school of learning allows the Cabalist to temporarily take on aspects of the demons and use the power they convey. ─── 这种学习的学派使得秘法师可以暂时变成恶魔的外貌,并且使用他们拥有的力量。

24、When selected, the cabalistic silicon chip breathes form into a book 's virtual awaken the text onto the screen. ─── 当被选中时,神奇的硅芯片就给一本书的虚拟本体注入了具形,从而召唤这个文本出现在屏幕上。

25、Sometime she USES unexpected Chinese words, such as "cabalistic", but I know the connotation is accurate and special. ─── 她有时会用一些意料之外的中文词。但意义却精到特别。

26、cabalistic symbols engraved in stone; ─── 石头上雕刻的神秘符号;

27、Cabalistic symbols engraved in stone. ─── 石头上刻有一些神秘的符号。

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