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09-10 投稿


brevetcy 中文意思翻译



brevetcy 相似词语短语

1、brevete ─── 信

2、breveted ─── 酿造的

3、breveté ─── 专利权人

4、brevetted ─── n.(无提薪的)名誉晋升令;v.予以名誉晋升;n.(Brevet)(法、美、荷)布勒韦(人名)

5、breveting ─── 酿造

6、brevets ─── n.(Brevets)人名;(法)布勒韦

7、baronetcy ─── n.从男爵爵位

8、brevity ─── n.简洁,简短;短暂,短促

9、brevet ─── n.(无提薪的)名誉晋升令;v.予以名誉晋升;n.(Brevet)(法、美、荷)布勒韦(人名)

brevetcy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the man whom all still called, at that moment, M.Madeleine, had advanced towards the witnesses Cochepaille, Brevet, and Chenildieu. ─── 大家在这时还称为马德兰先生的这个人,已走到证人布莱卫、戈什巴依和舍尼杰的面前了。

2、brevet dropped his eyes ─── 布莱卫把眼睛低下去。

3、Brevet gave a start of surprise, and surveyed him from head to foot with a frightened air. ─── 布莱卫骇然大吃一惊,把他从头一直打量到脚。

4、Article 3 : To participate in a brevet a rider must complete a registration form and pay a registration fee set by the event organizer. ─── 第三条:所有参加的挑战者须填写报名表格,并缴交报名费用至主办单位;

5、16 Brevet candidates at the Intercontinental Course will be ranked for the cycle by aspect of judging A, C, D, E. ─── 参加洲际裁判员学班的晋级者要依据裁判评价的A,C,D,E.来进行周期排名。

6、brevet gave a start of surprise, and surveyed him from head to foot with a frightened air ─── 布莱卫骇然大吃一惊,把他从头一直打量

7、Blacas, let it be your care to see that the brevet is made out and sent to M. de Villefort." ─── 勃拉卡斯,您记得把荣誉勋位证书发给维尔福先生。”

8、brevet was a person sixty years of age, who had a sort of business man's face, and the air of a rascal,the two sometimes go together ─── 布莱卫是个六十左右的人,面目象个企业主,神气象流氓,有时是会有那种巧合的。

9、The usher, accompanied by a gendarme ready to lend him armed assistance, introduced the convict Brevet. ─── 在一个警卫的保护下,执达吏把犯人布莱卫带来了。

10、The list of active Brevet judges, with their Categories, is available from the FIG Secretariat and the TC ACRO Secretary. ─── 关于这些资料可以到国际体联技术委员会秘书处获取。

11、Javert, and three of his former companions in infamy, the convicts Brevet, Chenildieu, and Cochepaille,what does he offer in opposition to this overwhelming unanimity? ─── 他们一致出来作证,他用什么来对付这种雷霆万钧之力呢?

12、The conditions for obtaining a Brevet Category for a cycle and the competitions at which the judge is eligible to officiate are detailed below. Examination requirements are listed hereafter. ─── 一个周期内裁判员等级的条件和比赛对裁判员等级资格的要求列表如下:即考试要求列表。

13、Each rider is responsible for seeing that his brevet card is properly completed at each checkpoint. ─── 挑战者有责任妥为保管资格卡并确认盖妥各检查站章戳。

14、In this prison at Arras there is an ex-convict named Brevet, who is detained for I know not what, and who has been appointed turnkey of the house, because of good behavior. ─── 在阿拉斯的监狱里,有个叫布莱卫的老苦役犯,他为什么坐牢,我不知道,因为他的表现好,便派了他做那间狱室的看守。

15、Article 8 : At the start, each rider will receive a brevet card and a cue sheet indicating the route and the location of the checkpoints.Riders must stay on the route. ─── 第七条:所有的挑战者必须靠自己的力量来完成赛事,比赛期间严禁任何车辆或支援人力随行,人力支援限于检查站内,凡违背规定的参赛者,将立即丧失参赛资格。

16、They are selected, by draw, from the Category I Brevet Judges of good standing. ─── 裁判长是从优秀的一级裁判员中抽签产生。

17、The President addressed him in nearly the same words which he had used to Brevet. ─── 庭长向他说的话和他刚才向布莱卫说过的那些话,大致相同。

18、Marine Corps Brevet Medal ─── 陆战队名誉奖章

19、brevet looked at the prisoner, then turned towards the court ─── 布莱卫望了望被告,又转向法庭说

20、that Javert would indeed be there;and that Brevet, that Chenildieu, that Cochepaille, old convicts who had known him;but they certainly would not recognize him; ─── “沙威当然会在那里,还有那些老苦役犯布莱卫、舍尼杰、戈什巴依,从前虽然认识他,但现在决不会认出他”;

21、I have never regretted my decision to assign Torres the brevet rank of lieutenant or make her my chief engineer. ─── 我从未后悔我晋升朵芮丝为上尉与让她担任我的轮机长的决定。

22、 双语使用场景

23、A brevet colonel ─── 名誉晋升的上校

24、The organizers must obligatorily use the brevet card of their own geographical area. ─── 主办单位仅得使用该区域的资格卡。

25、The FIG Secretariat informs each national federation of the brevet awards of its candidates within 6 weeks of the conclusion of the exam. ─── 国际体操联合会秘书处在考试6周内将考试结果通知参加考试的裁判员。

26、3 Judges with an international brevet are integral to the development of Acrobatic Gymnastics. ─── 国际裁判员要全身心地为发展技巧运动服务。

27、Brevet, take a good look at the accused, recall your souvenirs, and tell us on your soul and conscience, if you persist in recognizing this man as your former companion in the galleys, Jean Valjean? ─── 布莱卫,好好地望着这被告,回想您从前的事情,再凭您的灵魂和良心告诉我们,您是否确实认为这个人就是您从前监狱里的朋友冉阿让。”

28、When the rider mails a postcard, the rider should mark his brevet card in the space provided for the checkpoint: PC, with the time and date the postcard was sent. ─── 主办单位得自行决定哪个检查站采用什麽方法来检验通过检查站的作法。

29、The President invited him to reflection, and asked him as he had asked Brevet, if he persisted in recognition of the prisoner. ─── 庭长教他集中思想,象先头问布莱卫一样,问他是否还认识被告。

30、The ex-convict Brevet wore the black and gray waistcoat of the central prisons. ─── 老犯人布莱卫穿件中央监狱的灰黑色褂子。

31、Brevet is a form of military commission formerly used in US armies. ─── 名誉晋升是美军曾用的一种军衔。

32、By brevet ─── 依名誉晋升令

33、17 The general principles relating to brevet cards and Log Books are located in the FIG General Judging Rules and the Code of Points. ─── 一般依据FIG裁判员规则总则和技巧评分规则发放裁判员晋级卡和裁判员证书。

34、To promote by brevet. ─── 名誉晋级

35、promote somebody by brevet, in the military. ─── 在军队中通过加军衔提升某人。

37、The district-attorney concluded by insisting, that in default of Javert, the three witnesses Brevet, Chenildieu, and Cochepaille should be heard once more and solemnly interrogated. ─── 检察官念完以后,又坚请(沙威虽已不在)再次认真传讯布莱卫、舍尼杰和戈什巴依三个证人。

38、These times are noted on the brevet card with the information for the checkpoints. ─── 在资格卡上注明预设的地标或检查站标志,并记录通过的日期、时间。

39、The ACP, other organizers, ACP representative and his/her association cannot and do not accept responsibility for any accidents that may occur during the course of a brevet. ─── 主办单位、ACP代表及其所属组织对资格赛期间发生任何意外事故,概不负责。

40、22 Judges must have the qualification to judge at the particular competition, evidenced by their current Log Book entries and Brevet Card. ─── 裁判员必须具有裁判比赛组别的资格。其资格可以依据其有效的裁判员晋级卡和裁判员证书来确认。

41、A brevet rank ─── 名誉阶级

42、institut inernational des brevet ─── [法] 国际专利研究所

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