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08-19 投稿


muskmelon 发音

英:  美:

muskmelon 中文意思翻译



muskmelon 词性/词形变化,muskmelon变形

形容词最高级: muskiest |名词: muskiness |形容词比较级: muskier |

muskmelon 短语词组

1、muskmelon crop ─── 甜瓜作物

2、muskmelon vs cantaloupe ─── 甜瓜vs哈密瓜

3、muskmelon pdf ─── 甜瓜pdf

4、muskmelon ripe ─── 甜瓜熟了

5、muskmelon jam ─── 甜瓜酱

6、muskmelon leaf ─── [医]甜瓜叶

7、muskmelon pics ─── 甜瓜图片

muskmelon 相似词语短语

1、Askelon ─── 步骤

2、mamelon ─── n.圆丘;[生物]乳头状物

3、musk plant ─── 麝香沟酸浆

4、musquetoon ─── 穆斯基通

5、muskmelons ─── n.甜瓜

6、musk mallow ─── n.麝香锦葵

7、muskallonge ─── 马斯卡隆

8、musketoon ─── 麝香

9、musketoons ─── 麝香

muskmelon 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、the fruit of a variety of muskmelon vine; a melon with netlike markings and deep green flesh. ─── 一种甜瓜蔓生植物的果实;瓜皮网状、果肉深绿色的瓜。

2、Effect of alternate partial root-zone drip irrigation under plastic film on plant growth and water use efficiency of muskmelon in greenhouse ─── 大棚内膜下根系分区交替滴灌不同灌溉下限对甜瓜生长及水分利用效率的影响

3、Results indicate an obvious increase in yield and nutrient utilization rate of muskmelon. ─── 结果表明:适量施用化肥可显著提高甜瓜果实产量,提高有机基质养分和化肥利用率;

4、Breeding and Utilization of Unisexual Flower Bali Muskmelon ─── 单性花白梨薄皮甜瓜的选育及其利用研究简报

5、High Yield Cultivation Techniques of Pachydermatous Muskmelon in Dry Sandy Field ─── 旱砂田籽瓜整蔓丰产栽培技术

6、Accumulation and components of sugars were affected evidently by AI and NI in muskmelon fruit, but the action of SS was weak. Sucrose accumulation accorded with the increase of SPS activity in sarcocarp of Elizabeth during ripe stage. ─── AI、NI的活性变化对2种甜瓜果实中糖的积累和构成具有重要影响,SS对2种甜瓜果实中糖积累的作用较小,SPS活性升高与成熟期伊丽莎白果实中蔗糖的积累相一致。

7、Muskmelon was sprayed by sucrose-based polymers with concentration of 0.3% to study the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), peroxidase (POD) and catalase (CAT) in the leaves. ─── 摘要以网纹甜瓜为研究对象,通过叶面喷施蔗糖基聚合物,探讨其对网纹甜瓜叶片的超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性的影响。

8、The adaptative characters, fruit quality and quantity properties of 6 muskmelon cultivars were tested under plastic tunnel cultivation. ─── 对6个厚皮甜瓜品种在拱棚栽培条件下的适应性和产量、品质表现进行了比较研究。

9、Caulis et Folium Melo Muskmelon Stem and Leaf ─── 带叶藤茎

10、Thinking sufficing fertilization to muskmelon growth, humus and sandy soil by 1:1 volume ratio was on optimal substrare, in next were 0.75:1, 0.5:1 and 0.25:1. ─── 从满足甜瓜生长过程中营养需求的角度综合考虑,以混合腐熟物与沙化土体积1:1配比最佳,其次为0.75:1,0.5:1和0.25:1。

11、It pulls Ha Lisha desert in burning hot card, contend for with the mankind feeding watermelon and muskmelon. ─── 它在炎热的卡拉哈里沙漠上,与人类争食着西瓜和甜瓜。

12、Two quick gas chromatographic methods for the determiantion of azoxystronbin (AZX) residue in apple and muskmelon were developed. ─── 建立了甜瓜和苹果中嘧菌酯残留量的两种气相色谱快速分析方法。

13、Fusarium clamydosporum and Fusarium sambucinum were the first report on muskmelon. ─── 但由于其极不耐储运,采后病害相当严重。

14、a variety of muskmelon vine having fruit with a tan rind and orange flesh. ─── 有棕红色皮和橘红色果肉的甜瓜藤蔓植物。

15、The adaptative characters,fruit quality and quantity properties of 6 muskmelon cultivars were tested under plastic tunnel cultivation. ─── 对6个厚皮甜瓜品种在拱棚栽培条件下的适应性和产量、品质表现进行了比较研究。

16、The pattern of sucrose accumulation was similar between Shengzhen/Dingfeng and own-root muskmelon, but different to ShiJixing/Dingfeng. ─── 圣砧/顶峰与自根网纹甜瓜蔗糖积累模式基本一致,但世纪星/顶峰蔗糖积累模式与自根网纹甜瓜不同。

17、Effects of different fresh-keeping agents on muskmelon storage under normal atmospheric temperature ─── 常温下不同保鲜剂对甜瓜贮藏性状的影响

18、Fungicide Screening and Control of Hami Muskmelon Fruit Rot at Growth Stage in Xinjiang ─── 哈密瓜生长期果实腐烂病药剂筛选及其防治

19、The light intensity is the main limitative factor of greenhouse production in muskmelon. ─── 光照强度是甜瓜反季节生产的主要限制因子。

20、Study on macronutrient absorption of soilless medium cultivated muskmelon ─── 基质栽培甜瓜矿质营养吸收规律的研究

21、3. was shown to have distinct properties butclose to MMV.Owing to its rather restricted host range among cucurbits,it was possibly adistinct strain of the Muskmelon Virus. ─── 丝瓜花叶病的分离物类似甜瓜花叶病毒,但寄主范围远较狭隘,很可能是一个甜瓜花叶病毒的新株系。

22、Han Jia, I ate your muskmelon. ─── 哎,韩佳,你把香瓜给我吃了。

23、Studies on selective breeding of monoecious muskmelon and analysis of heredity regular ─── 厚皮甜瓜单性花系的选育及其遗传分析

24、Effects of fungicides against Muskmelon fusarium Welt ─── 杀菌剂防治甜瓜枯萎病药效试验

25、Cultivating technology of thick-rind muskmelon in the protective field in Tianjin ─── 天津地区厚皮甜瓜保护地栽培技术

26、any of a variety of muskmelon vines having fruit with a smooth white rind and white or greenish flesh that does not have a musky smell. ─── 果实的表皮是白色光滑的、果肉是白色或绿色的,不带麝香味的任何甜瓜藤蔓植物。

27、Outbreak of muskmelon root knot nematode disease in protected land and its integrated control ─── 保护地甜瓜根结线虫病的发生与综合防治

28、Breed a cauliflower, Chinese cabbage, cucumber, bean, tomato, chili, wild cabbage, aubergine, on the west muskmelon, celery ten breed of kinds of big more than 70 admirable vegetable. ─── 培育出菜花、白菜、黄瓜、菜豆、番茄、辣椒、甘蓝、茄子、西甜瓜、芹菜等十几个大类七十多个优良蔬菜品种。

29、Management measures of thick skin muskmelon before autumn storage ─── 厚皮甜瓜秋季贮藏前的几项管理措施

30、The reasons of blossom and fruit drop of muskmelon in protected fields ─── 保护地甜瓜落花落果原因及防治

31、The fruit of a variety of muskmelon vine,a melon with netlike markings and deep green flesh. ─── 一种甜瓜蔓生植物的果实,瓜皮网状、果肉深绿色的瓜。

32、Perli minary Identification of causal organisms of muskmelon pastharvest fruit rot disease ─── 厚皮甜瓜郁金香采后腐烂病害的病原分离鉴定

33、Changes of ACC Content,EFE Activity in Muskmelon Ethylene Production and Preliminary Discussion on Limit Ethylene Production ─── ACC含量、EFE活性在甜瓜乙烯生成中的变化与乙烯生成限速的初探

34、How to keep and hang thick-skinned muskmelon in the Spring canopy ─── 春季大棚厚皮甜瓜怎样留瓜和吊瓜


36、Effects of chilling stress on chill-resistance physiological and biochemical indexes of muskmelon seedlings ─── 低温胁迫对厚皮甜瓜幼苗抗寒性生理生化指标的影响

37、High Yield and High Efficient Cultivation Techniques of Thin Skinned Muskmelon in Plastic Greenhouse ─── 塑料大棚薄皮甜瓜高产高效栽培技术

38、In conclusion, application of bio-organic fertilizers in field conditions could effectively control damages caused by RKN to muskmelon. ─── 综上所述,施用生物有机肥能有效防治田间条件下根结线虫对甜瓜的危害。

39、High-profit and Ripen-early Techniques for Muskmelon Covered with Double Film in Greenhouse ─── 大棚薄皮甜瓜双膜覆盖早熟高效栽培技术

40、Studies on the resistance induced by BTH and SA against Erysiphe cucurbitacearum in muskmelon[J].Journal of Fruit Science,2006,23 (5):736-739. ─── BTH和水杨酸(SA)对甜瓜抗白粉病的诱导作用[J].果树学报,2006,23(5):736-739.

41、Fig. 4. Pycnidia and ascomata of Didymella bryoniae produced on diseased tissue of muskmelon in the field at Chiayi from Sep., 1991 to Aug., 1992. ─── 图四、嘉义洋香瓜田中,罹蔓枯病的组织上柄子壳及子囊果产生情形。

42、any of a variety of muskmelon vines having fruit with a smooth white rind and white or greenish flesh that does not have a musky smell. ─── 果实的表皮是白色光滑的、果肉是白色或绿色的,不带麝香味的任何甜瓜藤蔓植物。

43、Transferring Monoecious Lines of Different Ecotypes in Muskmelon ─── 不同生态类型厚皮甜瓜雌雄异花同株系的转育

44、High-yielding cultivation technology of thick skin netted muskmelon harvested in extended autumn ─── 厚皮网纹甜瓜秋延后高产栽培技术

45、In 1980s, the Director of our farm, Mr.Lin, Hu Chi promoted to plant the muskmelon in Fong-Ron Farm, Yunlin County.Most Taiwanese people loved it very much. ─── 1980年代,本场林岵屺先生于云林丰荣积极推广洋香瓜栽种,深受国人喜爱。

46、, but muskmelon cultivation during winter must be carried out under thermal insulating conditions in order to get higher economic effect compared to corn or hot pepper cultivation. ─── 在此基础上,栽培厚皮甜瓜可以获得比玉米、辣椒更高的经济效益。

47、Effects of Grafting on Development, Carbohydrate Content and Sucrose-metabolizing Enzymes Activities of Muskmelon Fruit ─── 嫁接对网纹甜瓜果实发育、糖含量及蔗糖代谢相关酶活性的影响

48、Comprehensive Techniques of Jiashi Muskmelon Fresh-keeping in Mini Cold Storage Room ─── 伽师瓜微型冷库综合保鲜技术

49、Abstract: The adaptative characters,fruit quality and quantity properties of 6 muskmelon cultivars were tested under plastic tunnel cultivation. ─── 摘 要: 对6个厚皮甜瓜品种在拱棚栽培条件下的适应性和产量、品质表现进行了比较研究。

50、Muskmelon (Cucumis melo L. ) ─── 厚皮甜瓜

51、Effects of Grafting on the Photosynthetic Characteristics, Growth Situation and Yield of Netted Muskmelon ─── 嫁接对网纹甜瓜光合特性、生长状况及产量的影响

52、Producing Pycinidia and Varidty Susceptibility of Guy Stem Bight Fungus of Muskmelon ─── 哈密瓜蔓枯病菌分生孢子器诱发及室内品种抗病性测定

53、Effect of Grafting on'Jiashi' Muskmelon Yield and Its Resistance to Melon Fusarium Wilt ─── 嫁接栽培伽师甜瓜抗枯萎病能力及其增产效应

54、xinjiang jiashi muskmelon ─── 伽师瓜

55、Grafted muskmelon ─── 嫁接伽师甜瓜

56、, the compound substrate T5 and T4 can be used to produce the seedling of muskmelon, while T1, T2, T3, T6, T7, T8 and T9 are worse than CK,so they should not be used as the substrate of muskmelon seedling. ─── T1、T2、T3、T6、T7、T8和T9的育苗效果均不及对照,不宜作为厚皮甜瓜的育苗基质。

57、Growth Analysis of Muskmelon under Different Substrate Water Content Conditions ─── 不同基质含水量条件下网纹甜瓜的生长分析

58、Muskmelon, soillessly cultured with organic substrate was used to study fertilization effect on yield, nutrient absorption and distribution, and utilization rates of N P and K. ─── 摘要研究了不同化肥施用量对日光温室有机基质型无土栽培甜瓜产量及N、P和K吸收量、吸收比例和利用率的影响。

59、'There are also nangua(pumpkin in English), xianggua(muskmelon in English) that taste very well. ─── '“还有南瓜、香瓜,味道好极了。”

60、Effect of fertilizer application quantity on the yield and the quantity of nitrate of muskmelon cultivated in organic medium ─── 施肥量对有机基质栽培厚皮甜瓜产量及硝酸盐含量的影响

61、Experiments were conducted to establish the quality indices of muskmelon for the judgment of harvest maturity in I-Lan area, Taiwan. ─── 摘要本研究之目的在于建立各种纲纹洋香瓜品质指标,以订定兰阳地区秋香纲纹洋香瓜最适之采收成熟度及简易之判定方法。

62、The chlorophyll and root activity of muskmelon seedling in T4 and T5 substrates were significantly superior to CK . ─── T5和T4上栽培的甜瓜幼苗叶绿素、根系活力值均极显著大于对照。

63、Abstract : Effects of different pumpkin stocks on physiological index in leaves of grafted muskmelon were studied by field trial and physiological determination. ─── 摘要 : 采用田间试验、植株生理生化测定方法,研究了不同南瓜砧木对嫁接薄皮甜瓜叶片生理指标的影响。

64、Cultivation Techniques and Meteorological Index for Muskmelon "Andil" ─── "安迪尔"牌甜瓜栽培技术与气象服务指标

65、Plant Physiology Characteristics of Muskmelon during Late Period of Fruit Development in Solar Greenhouse ─── 日光温室厚皮甜瓜果实发育中后期植株生理特性

66、Breeding and Using of New Muskmelon Strains Which is Good in Quality and Powdery Mildew Resistant ─── 优质抗白粉病网纹甜瓜新品系的选育及利用

67、Commercial Production of Muskmelon under Vinyl House Cultivation and Open Cultivation Conditions ─── 厚皮甜瓜品种大棚与露地栽培商品化生产比较研究

68、Changes of Phenylalanine Ammonialyase and Chlorophyllin Muskmelon Plants Infected by WMV-2 Xinjiang Isolate ─── WMV-2感染引起甜瓜植株苯丙氨酸解氨酶和叶绿素的变化

69、The improvement of the new variety of canopied web muskmelon and the highly efficient key cultivation technology ─── 大棚网纹甜瓜新品种育成与高效栽培关键技术

70、The aim of this study was to probe into the relationship between vigorous muskmelon seedling index and environmental temperature and radiation. ─── 探讨甜瓜幼苗壮苗指数与环境温度、光辐射的关系。

71、Fig. 1. GC chromatography of volatiles of fruits of muskmelon using different extractive methods. ─── 图一不同萃取法萃取洋香瓜果实中挥发性化合物之气相层析图。

72、Way of soil less culture of muskmelon in plastic shed ─── 大棚甜瓜无土栽培技术

73、HaMi muskmelon ─── 哈密瓜

74、Comparative field trials of thick rind muskmelon varieties ─── 厚皮甜瓜品种比较试验

75、Non-pollution Soilless Cultivation Techniques of Muskmelon in Solar Lean-to Greenhouse ─── 哈密市日光温室哈密瓜无公害无土栽培技术

76、Effects of grafting on development and sugar content of muskmelon fruit in solar-greenhouse were studied. ─── 摘要研究了嫁接对日光温室网纹甜瓜果实发育、糖含量的影响。

77、Effects of Cold Acclimation on Anti-oxidative Enzyme Activities and Plasmmembrane Permeability of Muskmelon Seedlings under Cold Stress ─── 低温锻炼对冷胁迫下甜瓜幼苗抗氧化酶活性与质膜透性的影响

78、The thin-skin muskmelon inbred lines were used to study the effects of explants, seedling age, and hormones on plant in vitro regeneration. ─── 以甜瓜薄皮自交系为材料,研究了外植体、苗龄、激素等因素对甜瓜离体再生的影响。

79、Muskmelon seedlings have the adaptability under 0-100mmol/L NaCl stress condition. ─── 在0-100mmol/L 浓度以内,甜瓜幼苗对NaCl胁迫有缓冲、调节和适应能力。

80、organic content in the cattle manure prescriptions was remarkably correlated linearly with muskmelon yield. ─── 牛粪配方中有机质含量与甜瓜产量呈显著的线性相关。

81、The common technique in cultivating the thick-skinned muskmelon in the open ─── 厚皮甜瓜露地栽培常用整枝方式

82、Comparison of some physiological determinations with different volume and density of rockwool in the culture of muskmelon seedlings ─── 不同规格岩棉培育厚皮甜瓜苗的若干生理指标比较

83、In fruit mature period, muskmelon had higher biomass in organic production system, but there was no significant difference on market yield in both systems. ─── 果实成熟期,甜瓜在有机生产体系中生物量较高,但两种体系的市场产量差异不显著。

84、Muskmelon Andil ─── “安迪尔”牌甜瓜

85、Under the condition of bag production system in perlite media in modem greenhouse, the uptake abstraction characteristic of nutrient solution and phosphorus, potassium, calcium and magnesium by muskmelon was researched. ─── 摘要在珍珠岩基质袋培条件下,研究不同生长时期内,网纹甜瓜对钾、钙、镁、磷及对营养液的吸收变化规律。

86、Effects of grafting on development and sugar content of muskmelon fruit in solar-greenhouse were studied. ─── 研究了嫁接对日光温室网纹甜瓜果实发育、糖含量的影响。

87、The improved equations are therefore practical in quick estimation of the 2 physical parameters of muskmelon fruits. ─── 修正公式可用以快速而准确地估算厚皮甜瓜果实的体积与表面积。

88、Effects of fertilizer level on plant growth, development and yield of muskmelon in spring and autumn were studied under organic and conventional production systems. ─── 摘要在有机和常规两种生产系统中,研究了不同施肥水平对春秋两季甜瓜生长发育和产量的影响。

89、the fruit of a variety of muskmelon vine; ─── 一种甜瓜蔓生植物的果实;






1.He visited me twice that fall and called me on the telephone often.那年秋天他来看过我两次,而且经常给我打电话。

2.He has designed to go to Australia for a trip in the fall.他已经打算秋天去澳大利亚旅行。

3.The weather in Budapest is among the best in europe, with marvelous spring and fall seasons.布达佩斯拥有全欧洲最棒的气候,春天和秋天尤佳。

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