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08-19 投稿


browed 发音

英:[bra?d]  美:[bra?d]

英:  美:

browed 中文意思翻译



browed 短语词组

1、Tawny-browed Owl ─── 愤怒的猫头鹰

2、define beetle browed ─── 甲虫眉

3、black-browed a. ─── 愁眉苦脸的, 绷着脸的

4、browed kauai ─── 皱眉奶牛

5、low-browed a. ─── 额头低的, 陡峭的, 文化修养低级的

6、furrow browed ─── 皱眉的

7、beetle browed examples ─── 甲虫浏览的例子

8、browed beaten ─── 皱眉挨打

9、browed scrabble ─── 略带眉毛的拼字游戏

10、beetle-browed idiom meaning ─── 甲虫眉头的成语意思

11、beetle-browed scarlet letter ─── 红字眉甲虫

12、browed definition ─── 浏览定义

13、beetle-browed a. ─── 眉毛粗的, 浓 ─── 眉的, 皱 ─── 眉头的

14、browed oc ─── 你的名字

15、high-browed a. ─── 高额头的, 自以为有教养的

16、browed x ─── 断开的x


18、dark-browed a. ─── 眉毛浓的

19、browed motmot ─── 棕色计数器

browed 相似词语短语

1、crowed ─── 公鸡啼鸣;报晓;欢呼(crow的过去式和过去分词)

2、browned ─── 棕色的

3、rowed ─── v.划船,划桨(row的过去式)

4、-browed ─── 眉毛的

5、trowed ─── v.相信;认为;n.(Trow)(美)特罗(人名)

6、blowed ─── 吹奏(blow的过去式或过去分词);吹(blow的过去式或过去分词)

7、bowed ─── adj.有弓的;弯如弓的

8、browsed ─── 浏览

9、growed ─── growed

browed 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Her black hair was looser now than either of them had ever seen it before, and surrounded her brow like a forest. ─── 她的黑头发,比他们两个从前无论哪个时候所看见过的都更蓬松,好像丛林一般,复在她的额上。

2、To gather or contract(the lips or brow) into wrinkles or folds; pucker. ─── 使皱起,噘起聚拢或皱起(嘴唇或眉毛)从而形成皱纹或褶;使皱起

3、He wiped the sweat away from his brow with the back of his hand. ─── 他用手背擦去额上的汗水。

4、Using the skull of the ancient human, experts have reconstructed his face, to reveal our flatter-headed, beetle-browed predecessor. ─── 利用这个古人的头骨,科学家们重塑了他的面部,来展现我们头部平滑、眉骨粗大的祖先。

5、His brow glistened with perspiration.= Perspiration glistened on his brow. ─── 他的前额因汗水而发亮;汗水在他的前额上发亮。

6、He became a success entirely by the sweat of his own brow. ─── 他是完全靠自己的辛勤劳动取得成功的。

7、Kate used a handkerchief to wipe sweat off her brow and dry her hands. ─── 凯特用手帕擦掉额头上的汗并把手擦干。

8、The sweat stood upon Daniel Webster's brow, but his voice was clear. ─── 丹尼尔·韦伯斯特的额头上尽是汗珠,可是他的话声很清楚。

9、Courfeyrac untied his cravat and with it bandaged Marius' brow. ─── 公白飞解下他的领带包扎马吕斯的额头。

10、His brow clouded with anger. ─── 他眉宇之间怒气横生。

11、He turned and showed the astonished Hurons the noble brow, fine person, and eagle eye of a young warrior. ─── 他转过身来,一个仪表堂堂,目光炯炯和生着高贵额头的年轻勇士出现在惊呆了的休伦人面前。

12、Any of the long,stiff hairs that project from the snout or brow of most mammals,as the whiskers of a cat. ─── 他认为他的新微型电视机妙极了,因而他总是挂在嘴上。

13、His brow beetled, "You're being silly. ─── " / 他的眉毛悄悄溜掉," 你是愚蠢".

14、He earns his living by the sweat of his brow. ─── 他靠自己辛勤劳动谋生。

15、She wished she could smooth away the wrinkles from his corrugated brow. ─── 她希望将皱纹从额头上除掉。

16、He wrinkled his brow in concentration. ─── 他全神贯注地锁紧眉头。

17、Her brow wrinkled with outrage. ─── 她愤慨得皱起了眉。

18、Caderousse wiped away the large beads of perspiration that gathered on his brow. ─── 卡德鲁斯抹了一下额头上聚结起来的大滴汗珠。

19、Gloom hung upon his father's brow at whiles. ─── 他父亲时常愁眉不展。

20、If she had been a man, she would have slapped her brow. ─── 假如她是个男子,她一定会猛拍一下自己的额头。

21、Prince is on his brow, and ruler in his bearing. ─── 他眉宇之间有帝王威仪,举止象个君王。

22、Perspiration started out on his brow. ─── 他额上沁出了汗珠。

23、She has an amazing outstretching voice that reaches far into the vast expanses of the world's middle- brow. ─── 她的拉长地嗓音可以触及世界眉心间的广阔区域。

24、"Bring in--" began Melly, her brow wrinkling, and then she broke into a delighted smile. ─── "运进来----"媚兰开始时皱起眉头,但随即露出欢快的微笑。

25、Any of the long, stiff hairs that project from the snout or brow of most mammals, as the whiskers of a cat. ─── 刚毛大多数哺乳动物的长且刚直的鼻口毛或眉毛,比如猫的胡子

26、He furrowed his brow in thought. ─── 他皱起眉头思考。

27、Her brow furrowed in concentration. ─── 她眉头紧锁全神贯注。

28、Sir Daniel opened the packet, and as he read his brow darkened. ─── 但尼尔爵士拆开信封,念着,念着,脸色马上阴沉了下来。

29、He wrinkled his brow, confused and worried by the strange event. ─── 他皱著眉头,觉得这些怪事莫名其妙又十分担心。

30、Mr. Xia seemed to understand, for he sat down again, put up his hand to his brow. ─── 夏先生的心头似乎还清楚,他重新坐下,把一只手按在额角上。

31、One dark brow rose in surprise. ─── 一道乌黑的眉毛惊奇地挑起。

32、The least wrinkle crept into his brow as he remembered that this was February 2d, the time the man always called. ─── 他记起今天是2月2号,收房租的人总是这个时候来,于是稍稍皱起了眉头。

33、Double eye expands, double-fold eyelid figuration, rectify beautiful brow, how many money to want probably? ─── 双眼扩大,双眼皮成形,整漂亮的眉毛,大概要多少钱啊?

34、Her brow was broad and strong, the eyes kind and forgiving. ─── 她的眉毛宽大浓密,眼睛里温和慈祥。

35、Fierce-browed, I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers; headbowed, like a willing ox I serve the children. ─── 横眉冷对千夫指, 俯首甘为孺子牛。

36、His shaggy grey hair fell loosely across his brow. ─── 他凌乱的白发蓬松地搭在额头。

37、His brow corrugated with the effort of thinking. ─── 他皱着眉头用心地思考。

38、Another witness testified that Kenny hated Brow because she had helped send him to reform school after he was caught breaking into her house at age 10. ─── 另一名证人也证实了肯尼对布劳怀恨在心,因为他在十岁时私闯布劳的房子被逮住,继而在布劳的协同下,他被送进了改造学校。

39、"On the brow," added Tholomyes. ─── “亲额,”多罗米埃加上一句。

40、I stayed in bed too long, Mr Groc panted, mopping his brow. ─── “我起来晚了。”鳄鱼先生紧皱着眉头,气喘吁吁地说。

41、He wrinkled his brow to show his confusion. ─── 他皺起眉頭來表示他的困惑。

42、Chou Chung-wei drew a deep breath, mopped his perspiring brow, and gulped down a mouthful of tea. ─── 周仲伟松一口气,抹了抹额角上的汗,拿起茶来喝了一口。

43、She looked down over the brow of the hill. ─── 她从山顶上望下去。

44、His eyes darkened and his brow wrinkled. ─── 他的眼睛阴沉起来,眉头也皱起来了。

45、The bread you eat is obtained by the sweat of your father's brow. ─── 你们吃的面包是他们的父亲用血汗换来的。

46、He met the survey of Apacides with a steady eye, and a brow of serene and open candour. ─── 他用坚定的目光和安祥坦率的神情回报了阿帕喀得斯的注视。

47、In the bible, God said to Adam: By the sweat of your brow you shall eat bread, till you return to the ground. ─── 圣经中曾描述上帝对亚当说:在这一片土地上,你必须流泪流汗,才能够填饱肚子。

48、On May 21, 1980, Katharian Brow, 48, had been found murdered in the home that she shared with her husband, Charles. ─── 1980年5月21日,48岁的卡塔琳娜·布劳在与其丈夫查尔斯共有的家里被发现遭到了谋杀。

49、Whom would they discern there, with the red eastern light upon his brow? ─── 他们会依稀看到那里站着一个人,额上映着东方的红光,那会是谁呢?

50、This flying beauty seemed to him imprinted on her brow, her hair, her lips, and in her eyes. ─── 在他看来,好象在她的额上、发上、唇上和眼睛里全刻划着这种缥缈的美。

51、Not daring to rub himself, he lay there in a daze, huge drops of sweat running off his brow. ─── 他几乎不敢去摸自己,心中空空的,头上流下大汗珠来。

52、She mopped his fevered brow. ─── 她擦了他那发烧的前额。

53、Molly Wingate, middle-aged, portly, dark browed and strong, stood at the door of the rude tent which for the time made her home. ─── 莫莉温盖特,中年,肥胖,黑眉和强有力的,站在帐篷的粗鲁的时间使她的家门口。

54、What difficulties have I not surmounted to crown your brow with laurels? ─── 为了使你登上王位,我什么困难没有克服过

55、He carries a viper in his right hand and wears a tarnished crown upon his brow. ─── 他瘸行的翅膀呈现肮脏的灰色,他的眼睛泛黄。

56、As a rule his hands were below his back, his brow bent in meditation. ─── 下午,他要出去散散步,或是到热闹的市中心走走,或是沿丘耶火加河岸或湖边漫步一回。

57、I have sewed sackcloth over my skin and buried my brow in the dust. ─── 16我的脸、因哭泣发紫、在我的眼皮上有死荫。

58、Make a statement with one dramatic shade, lash to brow. ─── 发表一项声明,一个巨大的阴影,睫毛,额头。

59、He furrowed his brow, took hold of his nose, held it a while in his large hand with the yellow hair. ─── 他皱起额头,用长着黄毛的大手捂住鼻子,捂了好一会儿。

60、You shall gain your bread by the sweat of your brow until you return to the ground. ─── 一直到你入土,你都得用汗水来换取饭食。

61、But before Wyeth could wipe the sweat from its brow, the jury deliberated for a third time, on Oct. 15. ─── 但是,在惠氏还没来得及松口气时,陪审团于10月15号进行了第三次审查。

62、Care sat heavily on his brow. ─── 他心事重重,眉头紧锁。

63、At this defiant heresy, Mammy's brow lowered with indignation. ─── 听了这番不伦不类的犟话,嬷嬷烦恼得皱紧了眉头。

64、The conventionary passed his hand across his brow, as though to sweep away a cloud. ─── 国民公会代表把一只手举上额头,好象要拨开一阵云雾。

65、Meet him and stand by him in toil and in sweat of thy brow. ─── 去迎接他,在劳动里,流汗里,和他站在一起罢。

66、His brow furrowed as he read the bank statement. ─── 他在看银行的报告单时眉头皱了起来。

67、Its length from occiput to muzzle is greater than the width at the brow. ─── 从枕骨部到吻部的长度大于额头的宽度。

68、Paul saw drops of sweat fall from his father's brow. ─── 保罗看见父亲额头汗珠涔涔。

69、Black-browed Zhao said with affection and consideration, "It's midnight, take care not to catch cold." ─── 白眼”温存而体贴地说:“半夜露重,当心着凉。”

70、When a big stone blocks the way, the brow look on it as a stepping stone, the weak as an obstacle. ─── 大石拦路,勇者视为前进的阶梯,弱者视为前进的障碍。

71、Any of the long, stiff hairs that project from the snoutor brow of most mammals, as the whiskers of a cat. ─── 刚毛大多数哺乳动物的长且刚直的鼻口毛或眉毛,比如猫的胡子。

72、I gather up my polyunsaturated cooking oil and my recycled paper towels and head with furrowed brow to the checkout counter. ─── 于是,我拿起一桶多未饱和烹饪油和一捆再生纸巾,皱着眉头走向收款台。

73、And the person with the quizzical brow? ─── - 那个眉毛很滑稽的人是谁?

74、He was very like his son in face, only his brow was lower and narrower, and his mouth rather wider. ─── 他的面貌很象他的儿子,只是他的前额低一些,窄一些,他的嘴稍微阔一些。

75、She massaged the brow, closing her eyes to recall him better. ─── 她按了按额头,闭上眼睛,以便能更好地回忆他。

76、There was a deep frown on his brow. ─── 他紧皱眉头。

77、I have longe brow hair.You don't have red hair. ─── 例如:那个年轻女孩的头发不是短发。

78、The temple is the symbolic architecture of this significant historic event of annihilation of the red-browed peasant insurrection. ─── 该庙是降伏赤眉军这一重大历史事件的标志性建筑。

79、He took out a handkerchief to mop his brow(= to remove the sweat). ─── 他拿出手绢来擦额头上的汗水。

80、Great drops of perspiration trickled down from his brow. ─── 大颗大颗的汗水从他的额头上淌下来。

81、Repeat along the upper eyelids to the brow bone. ─── 在从上眼皮一直到眉骨的位置重复这一步骤。

82、The perspiration poured forth upon the young man's brow, and he felt as if he should faint. ─── 一闻到这种人肉被烧焦的气味,年轻人的额头便冒出了冷汗他觉得自己快要昏过去了。

83、He wiped the sweat from his brow with his hands. ─── 他用手擦去了额头上的汗。

84、There was the same refinement of brow and nostril in both. ─── 两人的额头和鼻梁同样细嫩。

85、Be below sunshine how is beetle-browed meeting has a headache to return a responsibility? ─── 在阳光底下皱眉头会头痛是怎么回事呀?。

86、Black-browed Zhao said with affection and consideration, "It's midnight, take care not to catch cold. " ─── “招白眼”温存而体贴地说:“半夜露重,当心着凉。”

87、Trembling, his hair erect, his brow bathed with perspiration, he counted the seconds by the beating of his heart. ─── 他浑身发抖,毛发直竖,额头上凝着冷汗,他用自己的心跳来计算时间。


横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛 成语解释 横眉:怒目而视;千夫指:众人都指责;孺子牛:甘为为人服务的人。指对待敌人决不屈服,对人民大众甘愿服务 常用程度 常用 感情色彩 中性词 成语结构 复句式 语法用法 作宾语、定语、分句;用于处世产生年代 现代 典故出处 鲁迅《自嘲》诗:“横眉冷对千夫指,俯首甘为孺子牛。” 英文翻译 Fierce-browed,I coolly defy a thousand pointing fingers,head bowed,like a willing ox I serve the children.

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