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08-19 投稿


crocking 发音

英:[[krɑk??]]  美:[[krɑk??]]

英:  美:

crocking 中文意思翻译



crocking 短语词组

1、crocking def ─── 破碎def

2、crocking define ─── 摩擦定义

3、crocking meter ─── [化] 沾色试验仪

4、crocking cloths ─── 抹布

5、crocking test ─── 摩擦测试

6、crocking denim ─── 粗斜纹棉布

7、crocking issue ─── 摩擦问题

8、crocking resistance ─── 抗摩擦性

9、crocking chairs ─── 摇椅

crocking 词性/词形变化,crocking变形


crocking 相似词语短语

1、cricking ─── n.肌肉痛性痉挛;(方言)小溪;v.引起痉挛或扭伤;n.(Crick)(美、英、加、澳、法)克里克(人名)

2、rocking ─── adj.摇摆的,摇动的;(非正式)极好的;v.摇摆;振动;使震惊;(非正式)跳摇滚舞;很好(rock的现在分词)

3、frocking ─── n.做男礼服用的衣料;v.穿上礼服大衣;批准(frock的ing形式)

4、crooking ─── n.骗子,坏蛋;弯处,弯曲部分;钩状物;vt.使弯曲;欺骗,诈骗;vi.弯曲,成钩形;n.(Crook)人名;(英)克鲁克

5、cocking ─── n.斜拉版;击发;v.竖起;扣上扳机(cock的ing形式);n.(Cocking)人名;(英)科金

6、clocking ─── v.为……计时(clock的现在分词)

7、croaking ─── v.哇哇叫(croak的现在分词)

8、chocking ─── v.塞满;用楔子挡住(chock的现在分词)

9、cracking ─── n.裂纹,裂缝;爆裂声,噼啪声;分馏;adj.出色的,极好的;快而令人兴奋的;adv.非常,极其;v.破裂;发爆裂声;打开;重击;变声(crack的现在分词)

crocking 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The dyeing process with reactive dyes can save energy sources,will not bring heavy metal.The fastness to crocking,the soaping fastness and the strength of wool are all better. ─── 实验结果表明,较之媒介染料,毛用活性染料染色工艺时间短,节约能源,不产生重金属铬离子,有利于环保,同时能提高羊毛的皂洗牢度、摩擦牢度及羊毛的强力。

2、Again, this would contribute to the judgment of the health provider that the victim was a 'crock,' meaning that it was all some form of psychosomatic neurosis. ─── 再一次,这将有助于健康专家的判断,受害人是个“坛子”,意味着这是受心理影响神经症状。(应该是人造心理影响+人造神经症状)

3、Several new measures for improving the wet crocking color fastness are put forward base on summarize some references. ─── 在综合前人的基础上尝试地提出了几种较新的方法和措施。

4、The dyeing process with reactive dyes can save energy sources, will not bring heavy metal.The fastness to crocking, the soaping fastness and the strength of wool are all better. ─── 实验结果表明,较之媒介染料,毛用活性染料染色工艺时间短,节约能源,不产生重金属铬离子,有利于环保,同时能提高羊毛的皂洗牢度、摩擦牢度及羊毛的强力。

5、Is crocking colorfastness tested per protocol - records? ─── 摩擦色牢度按客户协议测试并保有记录吗?。

6、What do a young girl like you want with an old crock like me. ─── 像你这样一个年轻的姑娘要我这样一个老朽做什麽呢。

7、The person that likes use bath crock need not abandon to save a space to comfortable pursuit, should choose only proper, also can add in be apt to of space of certain level admiral use. ─── 喜欢使用浴缸的人不必为节省空间而放弃对于舒适的追求,只要选择得当,也可以在一定程度上将空间善加利用。

8、I'm beginning to suffer from rheumatism, and at times I feel like a right old crock. ─── 我开始患风湿病了,常感觉似乎真象一名老朽了。

9、I find the boss is crocking up now,he looks so tired. ─── 我发现老板现在精力不行了,看上去一付疲惫不堪的样子。

10、But see this blueness spends big porcelain crock to be used as tub, the person is in a hydrosphere is dense in sit, total meeting lets person understanding laugh. ─── 但是看到这个青花大瓷缸被用作浴盆,人在一片水气氤氲中坐进去,总会让人会心一笑。

11、What a crock of bull! I saw you at a night club dancing with your girlfriend. ─── 一派胡言!我在夜总会看到你和女友跳舞。

12、After use water larynx, do not forget 记 puts out water to make, lest regular drop water and bring about bath crock seeper. ─── 使用水喉后,不要忘记关掉水制,以免经常性滴水而导致浴缸积水。

13、leather - tests for colour fastness - colour fastness to crocking ─── 皮革.色牢度试验.耐磨擦色牢度

14、Simple analysis of crock up syndrome in piglets ─── 仔猪衰竭综合症浅析

15、While the dyeing behavior of the products were better, and crocking and soaping fastness reached more than 3 grade. ─── 其染品性能良好,摩擦、皂洗牢度均达三级以上。

16、The sewage of eduction of double crock washing machine, average every milliliter has 24 mould spore. ─── 双缸洗衣机排出的污水,平均每毫升有24个霉菌孢子。

17、Rice wine contained in big crock has too much foam which lasts for a long time when sold in open.It is easily mistaken for quality problem and influences the distribution. ─── 大坛黄酒直接开坛零售时易出现泡沫较多、持续时间较长的现象,被误认为质量问题而影响销售。

18、Additional, do not use strong acid dip to brush, lest bath crock surface becomes coarse, lose luster. ─── 另外,勿用镪水浸刷,以免浴缸表面变得粗糙,失去光泽。

19、Family expenses defends bath product to have 3 kinds roughly: Commode, implement, bath crock. ─── 家用卫浴产品大致有三种:洗脸台、便器、浴缸。

20、I find the boss is crocking up now; he looks too tired. ─── 我发现老板现在精力不行了,看上去一付疲惫不堪的样子。

21、Kang Xi year hind, develop as china technology, the hammer of curium mend with cramps of this kind of gigantic crock made a jar inside, but bright generation is to be outside cylinder body. ─── 康熙年间后,随着瓷器技术发展,这种巨缸的锔钉打到了缸内,但明代都是在缸体外。

22、Put the bath crock of full hot water only, essence oil falls, besprent rose valve, surround acoustics is leaving. ─── 一只放满热水的浴缸,有香精油倒入,撒满了玫瑰花瓣,环绕音响正开着。

23、I cannot afford to crock up; there is much to be done in our commune. ─── 我可不能垮;我们公社里要做的事情还多着呢。

24、On the design of contemporary bath crock, pedate is designed and basically independence sets the pattern on the ground two kinds. ─── 和成卫浴熊科长说:淋浴房与浴缸并不冲突,现在很多人习惯在浴缸外面再加一间淋浴房,二和一的功能可以满足不同时候的需求。

25、Using tech of oil extraction and test with intermission and constant production to low percolation reservoir can prevent energy near borehole from crocking up quickly. ─── 对于低渗透储层采用间歇定产试采,可以防止井筒附近能量衰竭过快。

26、Do not keep metallic goods inside Yu Yu crock, they can make bath crock rusty and flyblown surface. ─── 不要留下金属物品于浴缸内,它们会令浴缸生锈并弄脏表面。

27、Do not leave 内 of crock of metallic article Yu Yu, they can make bath crock rusty reach flyblown surface. ─── 不要留下金属物品于浴缸内,它们会令浴缸生锈及弄脏表面。

28、He says, he already was used to green tea is drunk with violet arenaceous crock afternoon, like to take Hunan course most at ordinary times. ─── 他说,他已习惯在下午用紫砂壶喝绿茶,平时最喜欢吃湘菜。

29、Ejaculation canal is the continuance after abdomen of seminiferous duct crock and spermatic canal are confluent. ─── 射精管是输精管壶腹与精囊管汇合之后的延续。

30、But the pronoun that the bath crock that nowhere is absent is romance not just, also can become news head likewise. ─── 但无处不在的浴缸不仅仅是浪漫的代名词,同样也可以成为新闻头条。

31、Do not pass or ask strongly to be in the toilet that has become small, mount bibcock of a shower, she sees she is impossible knowledgeably beforehand every day high bubble is in bath crock. ─── 不过还是强烈要求在已经变得小小的卫生间里,装上一个淋浴龙头,她聪明地预见到自己不可能天天奢侈地泡在浴缸里。

32、But the malady that lacks change makes its are washed out, at present crock of this kind of bath already cannot satisfy the change of domestic door structure more and more. ─── 但缺少变化的弊病使其被淘汰,目前这种浴缸已越来越不能满足家庭户型结构的变化了。

33、But, used falsely to the toilet of installation bath crock. ─── 但是,对安装浴缸的卫生间来说就不实用了。

34、In in relief bright fawn on afternoon, lie in comfortable massage bath crock, let sunshine be aspersed on the body through white gauze, enjoy a kind another warm. ─── 在阳光明媚的下午,躺在舒适的按摩浴缸中,让阳光透过白纱洒在身上,享受一种别样的暖和。

35、Come to building materials market today, specific the face pot that sees toilet, bath crock, closestool buys specifications of which kinds of design after all. ─── 今天来到建材市场,具体看看卫生间的面盆,浴缸,马桶到底买哪种款式规格。

36、Association of crock of what international snuff, seminar is waited a moment, make ammunition of the wind that get wind. ─── 什么国际鼻烟壶协会、研究会等等,闹得风风火火。

37、The bath crock installation of the edge that take skirt is handier, should include skirt edge, bracket and enter the water. ─── 带裙边的浴缸安装比较简便,要包含裙边、支架和下水。

38、By the character of reactive dyeing,and the fators which affect wet crocking color fastness. ─── 从活性染料的染色特点及其影响因素出发,分析影响湿摩擦牢度的因素及其可能的解决方法和措施。

39、Two side crock center to Table distance ─── 两侧缸中心线距工作台距离

40、Pack meat in a clean stone crock or stainless steel tub, and cover it with the pickle. ─── 将牛肉装进干净的瓦罐或不锈钢桶中,用腌汁淹没。

41、If there is bath crock in the home, now and then bubble bath, put two spoon saleratus, you can discover dripping wet of him kubla khah after 10 minutes, it is a poisonous tweak. ─── 假如家里有浴缸,偶然泡一次澡,放两勺小苏打,10分钟后你就会发现自己大汗淋漓,是排毒的好办法。

42、There are five big fish in the crock. ─── 在瓦罐里有五条大鱼。

43、He is crocking up. ─── 他的身体日趋衰弱。

44、Advocate effect of defended metope is likewise contemporary and rich adornment, asperse in bath crock of white full rose valve. ─── 主卫的墙面同样现代而富有装饰效果,白色的浴缸中洒满了玫瑰花瓣。

45、People divides exhaustion for solution, now and then also meet hubble-bubble bath, so bath crock is indispensable. ─── 人们为了解除疲惫,偶然也会泡泡澡,所以浴缸是必不可少的。

46、Then, we " chooses " mark a price for 5800 yuan Yakeli surf massages bath crock. ─── 于是,我们又"挑选"了一款标价为5800元的亚克力冲浪按摩浴缸。"

47、She used the crock to put out the fire, and helped the old lady escape. ─── 她用坛子把火扑灭了,并且帮助老奶奶逃离。

48、On half crocks of water is put in bath crock, change a swimsuit to the child, give the child again a few but the toy of dabble, can let the child be to the top of one's bent in toilet paddle. ─── 在浴缸中放上半缸水,给孩子换上泳装,再给孩子一些可玩水的玩具,就可以让孩子尽情地在卫生间里戏水了。

49、Box of homebred aquatic animals has clear advantage on the price, norms is 2600 yuan only for 1.5 meters bosseyed crock quote. ─── 国产水族箱在价格上具有明显的优势,规格为1.5米的单面缸报价仅为2600元。

50、What a crock of lies! But it's a clever ploy. Accusing us was the best thing the killer could come up with to succeed in his sinister mission. ─── 一箩筐的谎言!伎俩颇为高明。指控我们是杀手实施邪恶计划成功的最佳步骤。

51、The position of lamps and lanterns of toilet should avoid installation to be in implement or of bath crock above reach its backside. ─── 卫生间的灯具位置应避免安装在便器或浴缸的上面及其背后。

52、The color fastness to crocking of the four kinds of dyes was good. ─── 5.各类染料染色的摩擦牢度均很好。

53、It is will divide from use function, have bath crock bibcock, face basin bibcock, kitchen bibcock roughly 3 kinds, a general designation " three-piece suit " , have unified style and form commonly. ─── 一是从使用功能上来分,大体有浴缸龙头、面盆龙头、厨房龙头三种,统称“三件套”,一般都有统一的风格和形式。

54、He is crocking up. ─── 他的身体日趋衰弱。

55、The person has sloth.Will transmute slowly in the good environment, crock up, die.This is very dangerous, is also the most sorrow. ─── 人是有惰性的.在良好的环境中会慢慢的蜕变,衰竭,死亡.这是很危险的,也是最悲哀的.

56、But The Daily Star reports that he had recovered enough to link up with specialist fitness coach John Green and fellow crock Duff for a private workout at Mottram Hall, near Manchester yesterday. ─── 但是,每日星报称欧文有足够的时间恢复,因为昨天他在曼城附近的MottramHall接受了健身专家JohnGreen的一次特殊恢复疗程。

57、Compared with the conventional steam cure,micro wave radiation strengthens the color fastness to crocking of silk paint printing and saves lots of energy. Meanwhile there exists non heat effect. ─── 实验表明,与常规蒸汽焙烘工艺相比,人丝织物涂料印花采用微波辐射处理可提高其摩擦牢度,节能效果显著,同时也存在明显的非热效应

58、The dried fruits are soaked in rum and kept in a crock anywhere from two weeks to six months. ─── 制作蛋糕的干果要在朗姆酒中浸泡并在瓦罐中保存两个星期至6个月。

59、Keywords pigment dyeing;built-up agent;levelness;fastness to crocking; ─── 匀染性;:涂料染色;增深剂;染色牢度;

60、The proposal is used but as graininess as water compound cleaner comes cleanness massages bath crock, avoid to use the cleaner that is used at ceramic tile or enamel surface. ─── 建议使用可与水混合的粒状清洁剂来清洁按摩浴缸,避免使用用于瓷砖或搪瓷表面的清洁剂。

61、If had been the toilet that white fastens, might as well cup of crock of the sponge that chooses a few pink, bright yellow, black, gargle, likewise OK the warmth that foil gives toilet. ─── 假如已经是白色系的卫生间,不妨选取一些粉红、明黄色的海绵、皂缸、漱口杯等,同样可以烘托出卫生间的温馨。

62、We are cast oneself ' goldfish crock ' in, be in what the public accepts in every link that officeholder takes an exam as far as possible to supervise. ─── 我们是把自己投到‘金鱼缸’里,尽可能地在公务员考试的每个环节中接受公众的监督。”

63、Jill: That's the biggest crock I've ever heard. ─── 吉尔:我认为这纯粹是胡说八道。

64、Won't defend installation bath crock in the guest commonly, a concise and agile head poppyhead is aspersed or hold a flower to asperse, can make advocate the guest is convenient. ─── 一般不会在客卫安装浴缸,一个简洁利落的头顶花洒或者手持花洒,会使主客都方便。

65、What does a young girl like you want with an old crock like me? ─── 像你这样一个年轻的姑娘要我这样一个老朽做什麽呢?

66、Of course, support environmental protection to wanting to put an end to waste already, should face prices overgrowth again for us, milk crock of replete and whole bath is a bit highbrow really. ─── 当然,对于既要杜绝浪费支持环保,又要面对物价疯长的我们来说,把牛奶装满整个浴缸的确有点不切实际。

67、What he said was nothing but a crock. ─── 他简直是胡说八道。

68、Since there were no patients waiting tobe seen at the time, I came back tothe nurses' station for a cup of hot cider from the crock pot someone had broughtinforChristmas. ─── 刚出来到候诊室里打扫,那时候诊室里无人等候,我就回到护士台,从罐子里倒了一杯苹果酒,这酒是有人为庆祝圣诞特别带来的。

69、Decorate in what defend bath space, in adornment, the choice that basin of bath crock, face, bibcock and flower asperse showed master individual character and grade. ─── 在卫浴空间的装修、装饰中,浴缸、面盆、龙头和花洒的选择显示了主人的个性和品位。

70、It also has bath crock face plate likewise, go up in the foundation of shower face plate much a powerful person of a changeover, will adjust through this valve a water. ─── 它同样也有浴缸面板,在淋浴面板的基础上又多了一个转换阀,通过这个阀门来调节出水。

71、On Guangzhou market, bath crock market has Yakeli rate is older, material surface is Yakeli get together fat of third acerbity armour, the reverse side uses colophony gesso to add fibre glass. ─── 在广州市场上,亚克力浴缸市场占有率较大,亚克力材料表面为聚丙酸甲脂,背面采用树脂石膏加玻璃纤维。

72、The afforest in siheyun is very exquisite also, in each compound, configure pool of crock of tree of flowers and plants, lotus, goldfish and miniascape wait. ─── 四合院里的绿化也很讲究,各层院落中,都配置有花草树木、荷花缸、金鱼池和盆景等。

73、Another kind is bath crock go up. ─── 另一种是浴缸上的。

74、To the one side wall in besmear becomes nacarat, outside bath crock build closing is blue mosaic, the table is yellow. ─── 向里的一面墙壁涂成桔红色,浴缸外面的筑合是蓝色马赛克,桌子是黄色。

75、Improvement in colorfastness properties to dry crocking must be made by proper dye selection. ─── 必须选择合适的染料进行干燥耐摩擦测试提高色牢度。

76、As a young man he was very athletic, but by his middle fifties he was just an old crock. ─── 年轻时他体格健壮,但到了五十五岁左右,身体就逐渐差了。

77、Figure ground says Braun, "Me this farmer gets " good king " Wen Che is pulled this courteous reception, he collected a few useless wood, light hind boiled one crock boiled water to me. ─── 布朗形象地说,“我这个农民受到“好国王”温彻拉斯的礼遇,他收集了一些废木头,点着后给我煮了一壶开水。”

78、Printing process is complete, you can have a gilding effect of pulp bronzing printing, and imitating the gilded pulp printing with resisfance and crocking sex ratio bronzing pulp printing. ─── 印花工艺达成后,即可有烫金浆烫金印花的成果,而且仿烫金浆印花具有的耐水性与耐磨擦性比烫金浆印花良好。

79、Include: Bath crock, implement, toilet of wash basin, box is plastic and wholesome clean provides an external form beautiful, surface is flowing, be able to bear or endure scrub, fight corrode. ─── 包括:浴缸、便器、洗面器、盒子卫生间塑料卫生洁具外形美观、表面平滑、耐刷洗、抗腐蚀。

80、Go turning on the market, your meeting discovery is current of crock of the bath on the market, exceeded envisage. ─── 去市场上转一下,你会发现目前市场上浴缸之多,超出了想像。

81、Thirdly, the carton on the gravure printing ink pre-printing process requirements with the performance of the heat-resistant crocking. ─── 第三,纸箱不凸版预印工艺请求油墨具有耐寒耐磨擦的本能机能。

82、Teach you crock of bath of cleanness of a few action and the little skill that maintain bath crock burnish here. ─── 在这里教您几招清洁浴缸及保持浴缸光泽的小技巧。

83、Also have a shower mast the circular arc between bath crock and metope or orthogonal formative, reduce lunt to diffuse to whole bathroom. ─── 也有把淋浴门架在浴缸与墙面间的圆弧或直角造型的,减少水汽向整间浴室弥漫。

84、Busied one day, in returning the home, what they need most is the place that a body that can make his tired out loosens, because the toilet of this one crock that take bath is a woman,need most. ─── 忙碌了一天,回到家中,她们最需要的是一个可以让自己疲惫的身躯放松的地方,因此一个带浴缸的卫生间是女人最需要的。

85、Also some slanting Yu Yanli, make its have free from vulgarity, showily interest, for example white ceramic tile, weak green or bath crock of blue, weak pink or weak yellow metope. ─── 也有的偏于艳丽,使其有脱俗、华贵的意味,例如白色的瓷砖,淡绿或蓝色的浴缸,淡粉或淡黄的墙面。

86、Crocking upof renal function ─── 慢性肾衰竭

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