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08-19 投稿


conservancy 发音

英:[k?n?s??rv?nsi]  美:[k?n?s??v?nsi]

英:  美:

conservancy 中文意思翻译



conservancy 短语词组

1、conservancy engineering ─── 水利工程

2、dry conservancy ─── 旱地保护

3、conservancy of southwest florida ─── 佛罗里达州西南部保护协会

4、soil conservancy ─── 土壤保护

5、conservancy pointe apartments ─── 保护角公寓

6、forest conservancy ─── 森林保护

7、conservancy place ─── 保护地

8、water conservancy ─── 水利(工程),蓄 ─── 水(工程)

9、conservancy charges ─── 水利费

10、conservancy district ─── 水利区

11、conservancy pa ─── 宾夕法尼亚州水利局

12、conservancy place deforest wi ─── 森林保护区

conservancy 同义词

preserve | go easy on | maintain | retain | reserve | keep | be careful with | economise | guard | withhold | protect | economize | store | safeguard | conserves | keep up | preserves | husband | marmalade | jam | save

conservancy 词性/词形变化,conservancy变形


conservancy 常用词组

water conservancy ─── 水利;水资源保护

conservancy 反义词


conservancy 相似词语短语

1、connivancy ─── n.纵容,默许

2、conservancies ─── n.管理;保护;保存

3、conversancy ─── n.精通;熟练;亲近

4、conservator ─── n.保护者;管理员

5、observancy ─── 观察

6、concernancy ─── 涉及

7、conservatory ─── n.温室;音乐学校;adj.有保存力的;保存性的

8、conservable ─── 守恒的

9、conservant ─── 保存剂

conservancy 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In the arrangement for the construct ion project, the position and border should be followed as approved by the water conservancy administrative department. ─── 前款规定的工程设施竣工验收时,应当有水行政主管部门参加。

2、In 1958 he was put in charge of water conservancy construction. ─── 1958年,领导上让他负责水利建设工程。

3、Abstract: At the system reforming process of farmland water conservancy, there are three irrigation models at the village, i.e. collectivization, familization and marketization. ─── 内容提要 在农田水利体制转型的过程中,村庄水利呈现集体化、家庭化、市场化并存的局面。

4、Guide: Uh, Lord Dargis, uh, please meet the tour group from the Royal Animal Conservancy. ─── 导游:嗯,达吉斯公爵,呃,请见见来自皇家动物保护协会的旅行团。

5、The inscribed tablets along Wujiang River were erected owing to the construction of bridges, wharfs and roads or the management of water conservancy. ─── 它们有的是官立,有的是民竖,内容涉及政治、军事、文化教育、宗教信仰、民间记事等诸多方面。

6、XIE Yu-lin.The measurement and treatment of painting and calligraphy exhibition environment in shanghai museum[J].Sci Conserv Archaeol,2002,14(suppl):204 -217. ─── [4]解玉林.上海博物馆书画陈列馆环境监测与治理[J].文物保护与考古科学,2002,14(增刊):204-217.

7、Nature Conservancy scientists are melding high-tech science and traditional indigenous knowledge to create "ethno-maps" of the Amazon. ─── 大自然保护协会的科学家都倾注高科技科学及传统土著人的知识创造"民族-地图"亚马逊。

8、In the municipal engineering industrial hospital construction restaurant water conservancy construction in all walks of life play a very important role. ─── 在市政工程、工业、医院、建筑、饭店、水利建设等各行各业中起着十分重要的作用。

9、The utility model provides an air-pressure water pump and pertains to water conservancy machinery technology. ─── 本实用新型为一种气压扬水机,属于水利机械领域。

10、Honored by the Africa Rainforest Conservancy for his contributions to the environment. ─── 因对环保做出的贡献获得非洲雨林保护会给与的荣誉。

11、While attention is paid to farmland water conservancy construction, a forest shelter network is being built to protect farmland from being eroded by sandstorms. ─── 在搞好农田水利基本建设的同时,推广农田林网化,降低风沙对土壤的侵蚀。

12、I scarf down my breakfast/lunch as a flack from the Nature Conservancy explains how everything works. ─── 在自然保护协会(NatureConservancy)播放大会宣传片讲解我们要做些什么的时候,我一道把我的早午饭都吃了。

13、It is of great significance to water conservancy talents training and hydropower exploiting and development of the regions. ─── 围绕实践与创新能力的培养,提出了培养西部水利人才实践与创新能力的对策。

14、In the arrangement for the construct ion project,the position and border should be followed as approved by the water conservancy administrative department. ─── 安排施工时,应当按照水行政主管部门审查批准的位置和界限进行。

15、Summarized developmental experience on farmland and water conservancy and propose development plan from now on... ─── 并总结了近年来管理区农田水利发展的经验,提出了今后的发展规划。

16、The place with conditional every, infrastructure of best union irrigation and water conservancy repairs channel to dig canal introduce water the village. ─── 凡有条件的地方,最好结合农田水利基本建设修沟挖渠将水引入村寨。

17、Measures are introduced for the control and exploitation of the resources, ihe protection of lake resource and water conservancy. ─── 从保护湖泊资源和水利功能的角度探讨开发治理的对策。

18、According to the water conservancy contact among reservoirs, an algorithm frame is designed base on RAGA and an idea of water supply strategy interval is put forward. ─── 以库群间的水利联系为线索,设计了相应的算法框架,并提出了供水策略区间的概念。

19、Believe that this system will be further accelerated development in the water conservancy. ─── 系统的应用将大大促进水文信息建设的现代化,加速山西水利建设进程。

20、Different periods has different population quantity region of land reclamation and cultivation distribute and water conservancy. ─── 不同时期,人口数量、农垦的地域分布和水利事业发展均有所不同。

21、Accordingly, investment compensation, emigrant compensation and accrual share the basic intention that made interest of water conservancy project coordinate. ─── 因此,投资补偿、移民补偿与收益分享构成了水利工程利益协调的基本内涵。

22、In January the CTGPC signed a memorandum of understanding with the Nature Conservancy allowing that organization to consult on species protection and river health in the dam area. ─── 一月,中国长江三峡工程开发总公司和美国大自然保护协会就允许该组织在大坝地区就物种保护和河流健康状况进行检查签署了谅解备忘录。

23、Premier Yu directs the head of the Provincial Water Conservancy Bureau to repair the dike in Chiayi. ─── 俞院长指示省府水利局长洪炳麟要尽速修建嘉义县中埔乡石村的河堤。

24、The acceptance of engineering structures mentioned in the preceding paragraph upon completion should be taken part in by the water conservancy administrative department. ─── 前款规定的工程设施竣工验收时,应当有水行政主管部门参加。

25、Responsibilities: Responsible for agriculture, rural economy, water conservancy, poverty alleviation, and oceanic industry. ─── 分管工作:分管农业农村经济、水利、林业、粮食、扶贫、海洋方面工作。

26、In charge of rural, agriculture, forestry, water conservancy, meteorology, flood control and drought relief and assistance to counterparts. ─── 分管农村、农业、林业、水利、气象、防汛抗旱和对口帮扶工作。

27、Dadi Water Conservancy Foundation Engineering Co. ─── 大地水利地基工程公司。


29、Liz: Jon, I have incredible news. Guess who's going to be speaking at this year's fund-raiser for the royal Animal Conservancy. ─── 丽兹:乔恩,我有难以置信的消息。猜猜谁将会在今年的皇家动物保护协会的筹款会上讲话?

30、Females account for more than half of all workers in agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries and water conservancy. ─── 在农、林、牧、渔、水利业劳动者中,女性劳力占半数以上; %$

31、The advanced and reliable characters are sufficient proved in transmission network for telecom, electric power, water conservancy, oil field, traffic, telecast and broadcast, etc. ─── 产品的先进性与可靠性已在遍及全国二十多个省的电信、电力、水利、油田、交通、广电等传输网络中得到了充分的验证。

32、Basic price include water conservancy project charge 0.03yuan per ton. ─── 基本水价中含水利工程水费每吨0.

33、At the beginning of the year, the State decided to issue 25 billion Yuan for infrastructure and 25 billion Yuan for agriculture, forestry and water conservancy construction bond. ─── 年初,国家决定发行用于基础设施和农林水利建设债券各250亿元。

34、Chinese began by degrees to recognize how improtant to protect the entironment, in vastness country , to strat construction water conservancy is in the ascendant . ─── 中国人民已逐渐认识到保护生态环境的重要性,在广大农村地区,兴修水利的活动正方兴未艾。

35、SDJ 161-85,Design and technology regulations of power system[S].Beijing:Water Conservancy and Electric Power Press,1985. ─── [6]SDJ161-85,电力系统设计技术规程(试行)[S].北京:水利电力出版社,1985.

36、Abstract: Considering the decrease of water area nowadays, artificial lakes are getting more and more important as a water conservancy which can help improve human environment. ─── 人工湖泊作为改善人居环境的一项水利工程设施,在水域面积不断缩小的今天,显得越来越重要。

37、Cui S B.A research on issues of water demand for ecological environment[J].China Water Conservancy, 2001, ( 1 ): 71 - 74. ─── [2]崔树彬.关于生态环境需水量若干问题的探讨[J].中国水利,2001, (1) :71 -74.

38、Convertible way through the controlling shareholder of the combined absorption Gezhouba Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering Group, the achievement of the overall market. ─── 公司通过换股方式吸收合并控股股东葛洲坝水利水电工程集团,实现整体上市。

39、Land for building energy,communications and water conservancy and other infrastructure projects supported by the State. ─── 国家重点扶持的能源、交通、水利等基础设施用地。

40、Construction of farmland irrigation and water conservancy was enhanced. ─── 农田水利建设得到加强。

41、The water conservancy project end wavelet is typical social commonweal project, study its investment reclaims have all in all real sense. ─── 小浪底水利工程是典型的社会公益型项目,研究其投资回收具有极其重要的现实意义。

42、County water conservancy department to ensure that water, water. ─── 取水县水利部门保证取水、用水。

43、He specializes in water conservancy and I in computer. ─── 他学水利的,我学计算机的。

44、The monthly water balance model for calculating runoff on loess plateau has been used in analyzing the benefits of water reduction by soil and water conserv ation. ─── 借助适合于黄土高原降雨-产流特性的月水量平衡改进模型,计算天然状态下降雨应有的产流量与同期实测径流量求得减水效果。

45、Females account for more than half of all workers in agriculture,forestry,animal husbandry,fisheries and water conservancy. ─── 在农、林、牧、渔、水利业劳动者中,女性劳动力占半数以上。

46、This paper summarizes several years of experience in water conservancy construction, quality control problems are talked about. ─── 本文总结几年来水利工程施工经验,谈谈水利工程施工质量的控制问题。

47、ZHANG Hua.Various factors affecting quasi-preconsolidation pressure in soft clay[J].Journal of Nanchang College of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power, 1998,17(1) :28-31. ─── [2]张华.软黏土中影响准前期固结应力的各种因素[J].南昌水专学报,1998,17(1):28-31.

48、On the basis of index system of PSR theory model,combined with five-year plan of conservancy development of Nantong city,environmental influence evaluation is discussed. ─── 基于PSR理论模型构建水利规划环境影响评价的指标体系;结合南通市水利发展"十一五"规划进行实证研究。

49、Responsibilities: Responsible for agriculture and rural economy, water resources and conservancy, food, supply and marketing, meteorology. ─── 分管工作:负责农业和农村经济、水利水务、粮食、供销、气象方面工作。

50、Fourthly, the lifeblood such as traffic, electric power, telecommunication and conservancy infrastructures were severely damaged. ─── 四是交通、电力、通讯、水利等生命线工程遭受严重破坏。

51、In modern society, water conservancy not only is the agricultural vitals but also the prerequisite for industrial development and civic prosperity. ─── 在现代社会,水利不仅是农业的命脉,而且是工业发展和城市繁荣的前提。

52、We built water conservancy projects on a scale larger than any other time since the founding of New China. ─── 进行了新中国成立以来规模最大的水利建设。

53、Has analyzed in our country water conservancy facility domain use "a generation of organicity" the pattern necessit... ─── 分析了在我国水利建设领域采用“代建制”模式的必要性和可行性,提出了大中型水利工程建设推行“代建制”模式的一些建议。

54、By forging partnerships with people like Francis Altemose, the Conservancy has been able to protect more than 14,000 acres of environmentally important land in the area. ─── 通过与弗朗西斯·阿尔特莫斯(Francis Altemose)等人联合,大自然保护协会已经能够对该地区超过1.4万英亩的环境重要土地进行保护。

55、Two years ago Francis worked with the Conservancy to include his farm in a county farmland protection program. ─── 两年前,弗朗西斯与环境保护组织合作,将他的农场纳入了县农田保护项目之中。

56、Fengtai District Water Conservancy Engineering Co. ─── 丰台水利工程公司。

57、To protect the Poconos' natural beauty from irresponsible development.The Nature Conservancy named the area one of America's “Last Great Places”. ─── 为保护泊科勒山的自然风光免受不负责任的开发之害,大自然保护协会将此处命名为美国的“最后胜地”。

58、DFP optimum method and its application to displacement back analysis[J].Journal of North China Institute of Water Conservancy and Hydroelectric Power,2003,23(1):1-3. ─── DFP优化法及其在位移反分析中的应用[J].华北水利水电学院学报,2003,23(1):1-3.

59、The fact shows that it is necessary and beneficial to take the risk analysis and management into decision-making process about water conservancy project. ─── 实践证明,在水利工程决策过程中引进风险分析和风险管理是必要和有益的。

60、Water conservancy hubs of Sichuan Zipingpu and Ningxia Shapotou of the Yellow river. ─── 四川紫坪铺和宁夏黄河沙坡头水利枢纽。

61、To engage in farmland water conservancy capital construction projects or such operations as stamping, drilling and digging. ─── 在架空电力线路保护区内进行农田水利基本建设工程及打桩、钻探、开挖等作业;

62、As a building of transporting water spanning rivers, large-scale aqueduct plays an important role in this water conservancy works. ─── 大型渡槽结构是跨越河流等的输水建筑物在南水北调水利工程中有着重要地位。

63、Geng Y, Wang K Y.The olaquindox should be used with care in aquiculture[J].Water Conservancy and Fisheries, 1999, 19(6): 25-26. ─── [5]耿毅, 汪开毓. 喹乙醇在水产养殖上应慎用[J]. 水利渔业, 1999, 19(6): 25-26.

64、Seepage exists widely in earth-rockfill dams in water conservancy projects. ─── 在水利工程中,渗流广泛存在于土石坝之中。

65、A number of key water conservancy projects were launched or completed. ─── 一批重大水利设施项目相继开工和竣工。

66、Municipal engineering, industrial, hospitals, construction, hotels, construction of water conservancy projects in various sectors such as water plays a very important role. ─── 在市政工程、工业、医院、建筑、饭店、水利建设等各行各业中水泵起着十分重要的作用。

67、He installed them with loans from the bank and grants from The Nature Conservancy, becoming in 2003 the first in his village to adopt alternative energy. ─── 他通过从银行的贷款和环保基金会的担保,将上述设备予以安装,在2003年成为了该村第一个使用替代能源的人。

68、The state provides large sums of money for water conservancy projects. ─── 国家提供了大量资金来兴修水利。

69、During my studies towards a Master's degree I completed all the degree courses and took a lot of optional courses on water conservancy and management. ─── 在攻读硕士学位期间,我完成了学位课程学习,并选修了水利和管理方面的大量课程

70、What would you say if I were to donate one of my priceless oil paintings to your conservancy? ─── 我想把我一幅无价的油画捐给你们保护协会,你觉得怎么样?

71、Slope stability has been a very significant problem in construction of water conservancy and hydropower project. ─── 边坡稳定性一直是水利水电工程建设中十分重要的问题。

72、Land for building energy, communications and water conservancy and other infrastructure projects supported by the State. ─── 国家重点扶持的能源、交通、水利等基础设施用地;

73、We will improve water conservancy, forestry and grasslands and promote restoration of the ecosystems. ─── 加强水利、林业、草原建设,促进生态修复。

74、College of Water Conservancy and Hydropower Engineering. ─── 其实我们水电院向来都叫。

75、We should improve productivity in the countryside by building water conservancy projects and promoting wider applications of agriculture-related science and technology. ─── 加强以农田水利设施和农业科技推广为主要内容的农村生产力建设。

76、They spent months of toil on the water conservancy project. ─── 他们为这项水利工程辛辛苦苦地干了几个月。

77、Journal of north china institute of water conservancy and hydroelec. ─── 华北水利水电学院学报。

78、Irrigation and water conservancy irrigation and improved pear dam, drains Maying so acres of fertile farmland to be irrigated. ─── 兴修农田水利,改善了梨树坝、马营水渠,使千亩良田得到灌溉。

79、They decided that their water conservancy project this winter was to bank up the river. ─── 他们决定了今年冬天兴修的水利项目是修筑河堤。

80、So has a Japanese environmental organization, Elsa Nature Conservancy. ─── 于是就有了一个日本环保组织-艾尔莎自然保护协会(Elsa Nature Conservancy)。

81、This paper thinks that in the Song Dynasty the agricultural booming was closely related with population, reclaiming wasteland and water conservancy facilities. ─── 宋代农业经济的繁荣与人口、垦荒和农田水利有着十分密切的关系。

82、Apply to sieve brokenly in the homework in such trades as the metallurgy , water conservancy , electricity , building materials , coal ,etc. extensively. ─── 广泛应用于冶金、水利、电力、建材、煤炭等行业破碎筛分作业中。

83、Conservancy Association Centre for Heritage, Annex Block, 36A Western Street, Sai Ying Pun, Hong Kong. ─── 地址:西营盘西边街36号A后座(西区社区中心)。

84、Altemose's family has farmed in the Pocono area for generations.Two years ago Francis worked with the Conservancy to include his farm in a county farmland protection program. ─── 在宾夕法尼亚长湖的百年老校的教室里,大自然保护协会的搭档库克正与当地民众和商界领袖商讨如何协调经济增长和环境保护二者的关系。

85、An overall plan should be made for the construction of water conservancy projects. ─── 兴修水利,应当全面规划。

86、Hydraulic,water transportation,water conservancy construction consulting,design,construction. ─── 四、水工、水运、水利、港工建筑工程咨询、设计、施工。

87、In agriculture, we should solve the problems of fertilizer, pesticides and water conservancy in particular, including the drainage of flooded fields. ─── 农业除开化肥、农药以外,要着重解决水利问题,包括排涝在内。

88、Ye Qingchao, You Lianyuan, Xu Tongxin, et al. Development Tendency and Environmental Aftereffect. Zhengzhou: Yellow River Conservancy Press,1997. ─── 叶青超,尤联元,许炯心,等。黄河下游地上河发展趋势与环境后效。郑州:黄河水利出版社,1997。

89、Visual C++ program profound guide [M].Beijing: Press of China Water Conservancy and Hydroelec tricity, 2002: 694-696. ─── Visual C++编程深入引导[M].北京:中国水利水电出版社,2002:694-696.

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