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08-19 投稿


overbalance 发音

英:[?o?v?r?b?l?ns]  美:[???v??b?l?ns]

英:  美:

overbalance 中文意思翻译




overbalance 词性/词形变化,overbalance变形


overbalance 短语词组

1、overbalance pressure ─── 过平衡压力

2、overbalance synonym ─── 失衡同义词

3、overbalance definition ─── 过平衡定义

4、overbalance pressure formula ─── 过平衡压力公式

5、overbalance meaning ─── 失衡意义

6、overbalance of exports ─── [经] 出超

overbalance 相似词语短语

1、on balance ─── 总而言之,总的来说

2、off balance ─── 不平稳的,摇摆的

3、overbalanced ─── v.(使)失去平衡;(在重量或重要性方面)超过(overbalance的过去式和过去分词)

4、overglance ─── 概述

5、to overbalance ─── 失去平衡

6、overbalancing ─── v.(使)失去平衡,摔倒;(使)过重,超过;比……更重要,更有价值;n.超额,超量;不平衡

7、overbalances ─── v.(使)失去平衡,摔倒;(使)过重,超过;比……更重要,更有价值;n.超额,超量;不平衡

8、off-balance ─── 不平稳的,摇摆的

9、overreliance ─── n.过度信赖

overbalance 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Control malposition makes originally balanced interest allocates mechanism overbalance. ─── 管制错位使原本均衡的利益分配机制失去平衡。

2、Control amlposition makes originally balanced interest allocates mechanism overbalance. ─── 管制错位使原本均衡的利益分配机制失去平衡。

3、Your scale will overbalance. ─── 你的天平将会推动平衡。

4、An increase in background gas, as the mud weight overbalance gradually decreases. ─── 由于钻井液密度逐渐下降失去平衡,钻井液的含气量上升。

5、The time factor will overbalance both space and volume.When time is up, space movement will start and large volume will begin, either up or down. ─── 时间因素将失去和空间以及成交量之间的平衡,当时间到达,空间的移动将开始,并开始产生巨大的成交量,不论上涨或下跌都一样。

6、If have,fight the oxidation, antioxidant inadequacy that fights freedom radical action or lack, can make the freedom inside airframe base generation and cleared overbalance. ─── 如果具有抗氧化、抗自由基作用的抗氧化剂不足或缺乏,就会使机体内自由基的产生和清除失去平衡。

7、A recommended method of overbalance perforating in a long horizontal well ─── 在长水平井里过平衡射孔的推荐方法

8、Keywords exceed overbalance perforating;automatic increasing pressure;fracturing; ─── 超正压射孔;自增压;压裂;

9、Sit down,or you'll overbalance the boat. ─── 坐下来,否则你会使船失去平衡。

10、A change, usually an increase in rotary torque due to stress relieving as the mud weight overbalance gradually decreases. ─── 由于钻井液密度逐渐下降失去平衡,应力消除,通常会使转盘扭矩上升。

11、the overbalance of exports ─── 出超

12、Keywords acidizing;acidizing fluid;extreme overbalance perforating;abnormal high pressure gas reservoir; ─── 酸化;酸液体系;射孔;超正压射孔;异常高压气藏;

13、Reason one: agreement brings overbalance burden for economy development of USA.It can not limit economy growth space by slowing down climate change. ─── 理由之一是议定书对美国经济发展带来过重负担,减缓气候变化不能限制经济增长空间。

14、After that the users can choose pay mode to own an fixed account and enjoy stable, long term overbalance services. ─── 试用结束后,用户可选择以付费方式开设固定帐户的办法长期稳定地享受本平台所提供的超值服务。

15、to overbalance a bowl ─── 跌落一只碗

16、The acrobat pretended to overbalance and the audience held their breath. ─── 杂技演员装做失去平衡,观众屏住了呼吸。

17、If you stand up you'll overbalance the canoe ─── 要是站起来,能把独木舟弄翻.

18、If you stand up you'll overbalance the canoe. ─── 要是站起来,能把独木舟弄翻。

19、If you stand up you'll overbalance the canoe. ─── 要是站起来,能把独木舟弄翻。

20、Extreme Overbalance Perforationg (EOP) Technique and Its Application in Carbonates. ─── 超正压射孔工艺技术及在碳酸盐岩地层的应用

21、What place of the model in the graph adorns is overbalance of 100 thousand " wedding breakfast " trichromatic pearl necklace. ─── 图中模特所佩戴的就是价值超过10万的“喜宴”三色珍珠项链。

22、overbalance of exports ─── [经] 出超

23、Suddenly the boy felt himself teeter forward, beginning to overbalance. ─── 这个小男孩突然踉跄向前,开始失去平衡。

24、If conduit memory has had much gas, can cause conduit to break stream, systematic overbalance, can cause heating failure. ─── 假如管道内存有过多气体,会造成管道断流,系统失去平衡,就会造成采暖失败。

25、at the overbalance drilling well section, the pore pressure of the permeable strata calculated by SP curve, the result meet the need of reality engineering. ─── 针对过平衡钻井的井段,利用SP曲线计算了渗透性地层的孔隙压力,结果能够满足工程需要。

26、Do you want to buy overbalance hardware furniture? ─── 您需要超值家具吗?

27、Destruction of the environment, production that polluted, make the ecological environment on the earth overbalance, the problem that the human living space exists is becoming more serious. ─── 环境的破坏、污染的产生,使地球的生态环境失去了平衡,人类生存空间所存在的问题日趋严重。

28、China, Japan and Korea all lie in Northeast Asia, there is an overbalance of petroleum reservation and each of them has its own advantage in petroleum resources. ─── 中、日、韩三国同在东北亚地区,石油资源储量贫富不一,石油自身优势不尽相同。

29、Once stop sweetmeat to supply, they can feel the chemical material overbalance with irritating, anguish, medium cerebra. ─── 一旦停止甜食供应,它们就会感到痛苦、烦躁不安、大脑中的化学物质失去平衡。

30、Hyde shifted his weight and felt himself teeter forward, beginning to overbalance. ─── 海德挪了一下身子便感到自己往前晃动,开始失去平衡了。

31、What love especially is deep-felt and the youth that is lovelorn for the first time, their mentally often can be inside short time or long inside overbalance. ─── 尤其是爱的深切而又第一次失恋的年轻人,他们的心理上往往会在短时间内或长时间内失去平衡。

32、after that the users can choose pay mode to own an fixed account and enjoy stable , long term overbalance services. ─── 试用结束后,用户可选择以付费方式开设固定帐户的办法长期稳定地享受本平台所提供的超值服务。

33、Of course, Suellen would be certain to tell tales tomorrow, but if all went as Scarlett hoped, the excitement of the family over her engagement to Ashley or her elopement would more than overbalance their displeasure. ─── 当然,明天苏伦一定会向她们描述的,不过要是一切都按思嘉所希望的进行,那么她家里因她与艾希礼订婚或私奔而引起的激动,就抵消他们的不快而有余了。

34、It is the base that preserves thing existence and development evenly, aught once overbalance, can produce a disorder. ─── 平衡是维持事物存在和发展的基础,任何事物一旦失去平衡,就会发生混乱。

35、Thinking on Developing Stratagem of Coal Industry based on the Stuation that the Supply Overbalance the Demand ─── 供过于求形势下煤炭发展策略思考

36、Time factor will overbalance both Space and Volume. ─── 时间因素甚至超过空间和交易量的重要程度。

37、The gains overbalance the losses. ─── 得多于失。

38、Extreme overbalance perforating is a new perforation completion technique. ─── 超正压射孔工艺是一项射孔完井新技术。

39、Keywords extreme overbalance perforating(EOP) acidizing testing high H2S content technology; ─── 超正压射孔;酸化;测试;高含硫;工艺;

40、Overbalance with opportunity cost and doubtful accounts will influence the operation of enterprises capital and the promotion of benefit. ─── 应收账款余额过大存在机会成本和坏账风险,影响企业资金运作和效益提升。

41、Hand in hand with that, we must frankly recognize the overbalance of population in our industrial centers. ─── 在与该手牵手,我们必须坦率地承认我们的工业中心的人口失去平衡。

42、No matter insomnia and accompany a symptom how serious, popularly says, the excitement that insomnia is cerebrum only and control a function the expression of temporary overbalance. ─── 不论失眠及伴随症状多么严重,一般地说,失眠只是大脑的兴奋和抑制功能暂时失去平衡的表现。

43、If conduit memory has had much gas, can cause conduit to break stream, systematic overbalance, can cause heating failure. ─── 假如管道内存有过多气体,会造成管道断流,系统失去平衡,就会造成采暖失败。

44、The Time factor will overbalance both Space and Volume. ─── .时间因素甚至超过空间和交易量的重要程度。

45、Classmates are running move, in bouncing decline ground and mutual antagonism very easy overbalance, trip is on the ground. ─── 同学们在跑动、跳跃中落地和相互对抗中很轻易失去平衡 ,摔倒在地上。

46、Study on Combning Acidizing Technique of Extreme Overbalance Perforating and Alcohol-base Retarded Acid for Abnormal High Pressure and Ultradeep Gas Reservoir ─── 异常高压超深气藏超正压射孔与醇基缓速酸酸化联作技术研究

47、The Modelling of Wellbore Pressure Performance During Extreme Overbalance Perforation ─── 超正压射孔井筒压力动态模拟分析

48、His good qualities overbalance his shortcomings. ─── 他的优点多於缺点。

49、Although balance drilling is paid more attention to,Yitong exploration area in Jilin is still put overbalance drilling first for its unique and complex geological conditions. ─── 虽然平衡钻井越来越受到勘探工作的重视,但吉林伊通探区因独特而复杂的地质条件,仍以过平衡钻井为主。

50、It is not desirable to overbalance the budget. ─── 超出预算是不值得的。

51、The advantages overbalance the disadvantages. ─── 利大于弊。

52、Overbalance with opportunity cost and doubtful accounts will influence the operation of enterprises capital and the promotion of benefit. ─── 摘要应收账款余额过大存在机会成本和坏账风险,影响企业资金运作和效益提升。

53、overbalance oneself ─── 身子一歪


overindulgence 英['??v?r?n'd?ld??ns] 美['o?v??n'd?ld??ns] n. 过分放纵,过分任性; [例句]Economists warn that overindulgence in gold often prefigures an economic slump, however.不过经济学家警告说,对黄金的过度消费往往预示着经济萧条的到来。

over easy和over medium的区别?

over easy和over medium都是煎蛋的两种常见方式,它们之间的区别在于煎蛋的熟度程度和翻转次数。

1. over easy(熟度适中):在煎蛋一侧煎至底部成形后,蛋黄仍然是液体状的,蛋白质完全煮熟。


2. over medium(熟度中等):在煎蛋一侧煎至底部成形后,蛋黄开始变得粘稠,但仍有一定程度的流动性。




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