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08-19 投稿


burner 发音

英:[?b??rn?r]  美:[?b??n?(r)]

英:  美:

burner 中文意思翻译




burner 网络释义

n. 燃烧器;火炉;[化工] 燃烧炉;灯头n. (Burner)人名;(法)比尔内;(德)布尔纳

burner 短语词组

1、air-atomizing burner ─── [机] 空气雾化燃烧器

2、back-burner ─── 把…搁置一时

3、atomization burner ─── [化] 雾化喷嘴

4、blue flame burner ─── [医] 蓝焰灯

5、alcohol burner ─── [化] 酒精灯 ─── [医] 酒精灯

6、brimstone burner gas ─── [机] 燃硫炉气

7、alcohol blast burner ─── [化] 酒精喷灯 ─── [医] 酒精喷灯

8、air-blast gas burner ─── [机] 空气煤气嗔灯

9、air burner ─── [机] 喷灯

10、auxiliary burner ─── [化] 辅助喷嘴; 辅助燃烧器

11、atomizing burner ─── [化] 雾化燃烧气

12、blende burner ─── [机] 闪锌矿燃烧炉

13、brimstone pan burner ─── [机] 燃硫锅炉

14、acetylene burner ─── [化] 乙炔灯

15、back burner ─── 保留之物;在制作中

16、atomizer burner ─── [化] 雾化燃烧器

17、Argand burner ─── [医] 阿尔冈氏灯

18、brimstone burner ─── [机] 燃硫炉

19、blast burner ─── [化] 喷灯 ─── [医] 喷灯

burner 常用词组

gas burner ─── 煤气灯,煤气喷灯;煤气炉

back burner ─── 次要地位;多眼炉子的后炉眼

coal burner ─── 煤炭燃烧器;粉煤燃烧嘴

burner 词性/词形变化,burner变形

异体字: burnt-out |

burner 相似词语短语

1、burdener ─── n.负担;责任;船的载货量(burden的变形)

2、burned ─── adj.烧焦的;(在毒品买卖中)被骗了;v.烧伤(burn的过去式和过去分词)

3、burger ─── n.汉堡包;n.(Burger)人名;(西)布尔赫尔;(法)比尔热;(英)伯格;(德、罗、捷、塞、匈)布格尔

4、burrer ─── 笼子;

5、burners ─── n.[热]燃烧器;烧嘴;炉子(burner的复数)

6、Turner ─── n.特纳(姓氏)

7、burnet ─── n.美洲地榆;n.(Burnet)人名;(法)比尔内;(英)伯内特

8、burker ─── 伯克(英格兰人姓氏)

9、burier ─── n.埋葬者

burner 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You will hear Miss Wang give instructions on how to use a Bunsen burner. ─── 你将听到王小姐给出如何正确使用煤气灯的说明。

2、If you worry about something, try to put your worry on the back burner. ─── 假如你为某事烦恼,设法把烦恼扔在一边,暂时不理。

3、Burner block for cracking furnace of oil-chemical industry. ─── 各种工业窑炉炉门、烧嘴砖、观察孔;

4、The principles of burner design,model selection and ignition procedures as well as flame monitor are described. ─── 对燃烧器的设计原理、选用型式及其点火程序和火焰监测器做了系统阐述。

5、Conveyor belts - Fire simulation flammability testing - Part 1: propane burner tests. ─── 传送带。火灾模拟可燃性试验。第1部分:丙烷燃烧器试验。

6、A portable burner for mixing gas and oxygen to produce a very hot flame, used for soldering, welding, and glass blowing. ─── 喷灯使混合气体和氧气产生更炽热火焰的便携助燃剂,常用于接合、焊接和玻璃吹制

7、They have a project on the middle burner. ─── 他们有一个尚在酝酿中的计划。

8、A 20 mm high blue Bunsen burner flame is applied to the free end of the specimen for 30 second and then removed. ─── 一个20mm高蓝色本生灯火焰燃烧试片未固定之一端30秒钟然后移开。

9、Double flow stablized coal burner renovation mechanism applied in YG-65/3.82-M1 boiler is described in the paper. ─── 叙述了YG65/3.82-M1型锅炉采用双向稳燃煤粉燃烧器技术改造机理。

10、The result of using the control is reasonably clear: A burner will heat up when you turn a knob. ─── 使用控件的结果应该显而易见,当你旋转一个旋钮时,会点燃一个火眼。

11、AR Air Regulators in multiple burner systems, hold constant air-fuel ratio and the mixture pressure with reducing burner port area of up to 90 %. ─── ar空气调节阀用于多炉头系统,保持恒定的空气燃料比和混合气压力。

12、It is proved in practice that the burner have high burning stability, low backfire rate and low flameout rate. ─── 其燃烧稳定 ,具有极低的回火率以及离焰率 ,已成功应用于多个炼油化工装置中

13、In this paper,the design and thermal characteristics of LYS2 type burner for liquefied petroleum gas are introduced. ─── 介绍了LYS2液化石油气烧嘴的结构特点和热工特点。

14、Use the simmer burner rather than the oven to reheat food. ─── 加热食物时,应选用慢火炉头以代替焗炉。

15、Back in Great Torrington, a spokeswoman for LOCOG said: 'The flame went out due to a malfunctioning burner. ─── 让我们把目光转回大托林顿。伦敦奥组委的一位女发言人说:“火炬熄灭是由于燃烧器故障导致的。”

16、You should put that project on the back burner. ─── 你应该把那个项目放一放。

17、This paper introduces a new type gaseity burner. ─── 介绍了一种新型的低压气体燃料烧嘴。

18、The large urn ahead is an incense burner. ─── 前面的坛是香炉。

19、We are looking for suppliers of piezo-igniter with wire and burner. ─── 寻找压电点火器供应商,点火器需带线和燃烧器。

20、It's like an old charcoal burner. The coffee is heated up like charcoal. ─── 它就像一个旧的木炭燃烧器。咖啡像木炭一样被加热。

21、It only takes one mega burner to make history. ─── 只需要一个大型燃烧器,使历史。

22、To save time a contractor's fit for purpose burner (usually a propane burner) supplying large amounts of warm air at low temperature can be used. ─── 为了节省时间,可采用在低温下供应大量暖空气的承包商适用的烧嘴(通常是丙烷烧嘴)。

23、And a variety of boiler flange pair of sliding flange, you can adjust the burner into the boiler. ─── 与各种锅炉法兰配对的滑动法兰,可以调整燃烧器伸入锅炉的位置。

24、The tripod burner originates from the shape of firewood in a bonfire, with the logs leaning against each other. ─── 三脚架式的火炉起源于篝火中交错而放的圆木形状。

25、The Fed isn't the only central bank that seems to be putting inflation worries on the back burner while fighting slow growth. ─── 美联储并不是唯一一家为了对抗经济放缓而把通胀担忧置之脑后的中央银行。

26、It must be perfectly hermetic and adequately tested before the burner is general inspection. ─── 在燃烧器总体检查前,管道必须进行完全充分的密封试验。

27、But the issue seems to be on the back burner, at least for now. ─── 但是这个问题似乎暂时被搁置一旁,至少目前是这样。

28、It prevented backfire of natural gas that brings deflagration and guaranteed burner safety. ─── 为防止天然气回火造成爆燃提供安全保证依据。

29、A “flame attendant” then shuts off the burner system to the torch of the runner who is finished. ─── 一个“火焰看护员”会在火炬手跑完之后把点火系统关闭。

30、When I try to publish my movie to a CD, Windows Movie Maker says that a CD burner is not detected. ─── 尝试将电影发布到CD时,Windows Movie Maker提示未检测到CD刻录机。

31、ELECT deals in Gas burner, Heating systems as well as in Heat generation plants. ─── 在不同的、量的产品供应中,elect是一家成熟的制造商和服务商,例如气体燃烧器,供暖系统,供热设备。

32、She says she has put all her other projects on the back burner for a while until she finishes writing her new novel. ─── 她说,在她的新长篇小说脱稿之前,她把其他的一切事情都束之高阁了。

33、It would be complicated but not prohibitively difficult to blend one or the other of these effects into the sandwich burner model. ─── 在夹层燃烧模型中加入一个或另一个影响因素,自然便使问题复杂化了,但还不是过于繁难的。

34、What's wrong? Did she find your CD burner? ─── 出什么事了?她发现你的CD刻录机了?

35、DVD's not OTP that you can make with every day DVD-ROM burner. ─── 不是平常(普通)的刻录机可以做到的。

36、The SW Sidewinder Flat Flame burner is a nozzle mix excess air burner designed for radiation heating. ─── SW平焰燃烧器是一款内混式过量空气烧嘴,通过辐射加热工件。

37、Vessels : bell glass, flume, airer, alcohol burner, reagent bottles etc. ─── 器皿类:钟罩、水槽、干燥器、酒精灯和各种规格试剂瓶。

38、Dozens of cases were put on the back burner. ─── 大量的案件被搁置起来。

39、Figure 11-11: A stovetop with poor physical mapping of controls. Does the knob on the far-left control the left-front or left-rear burner? ─── 图11-11 炉顶控件的物理映射很不自然,最左边的旋钮控制前端左边还是后端左边的火眼?

40、Anything that keeps education on the front burner is good. ─── 任何重视教育的事都是好事。

41、Applied to end rings of rotary kiln,coal drst burner pipe and grate cooler. ─── 主要用于水泥窑前后窑口,喷煤管,篦式冷却机。

42、Perfectly hermetic and adequately tested before the burner is general inspection. ─── 在燃烧器总体检查前,管道必须进行完全充分的密封试验。

43、The reheating steam temperature is adjusted by a swinging burner for the 600 MW power station boiler. ─── 600 MW电站锅炉利用摆动燃烧器来调节再热汽温。

44、If, after pressing reset button, valve does not stay open allowing gas to flow to the burner, insufficient cooling of the water is the probable cause. ─── 如果按下重置按钮后,阀门不能够停留在开启的位置让燃气流向燃烧头,可能就是因为水温降得还不够低造成的。

45、If you don't have a CD burner or you have limited or expensive bandwidth, we can send you pressed copies of the'Install CD'free of charge. ─── 如果你没有光盘刻录机或你的带宽有限或你的带宽的价格非常昂贵,我们可以免费把压缩的安装光盘寄送给你。

46、The work was moved to the front burner in order to meet deadlines. ─── 工作被提到了最重要的位置,以满足最终期限的要求。

47、If your Bunsen burner ignites, your biogas generator is a success! ─── 如果您的本生灯燃烧,产生的沼气是一种成功!

48、The best part is that the process can power itself—plutonium releases energy as it destroyed by fission, and that energy can power the burner. ─── 最棒的是这一过程能够自我供能——钚被裂变破坏时释放能量,这一能量可以供给燃烧炉。

49、Unemployment, being the knottiest issue of all, has been relegated for now to the back burner. ─── 失业是最棘手的问题,暂时已搁置起来,以后再议。

50、Unlike a woodfired heatsource the Babington burner is controllable and will go outas soon as the oil supply is stopped. ─── 不同木材发射的巴宾顿heatsource可控燃烧器,并会尽快走出去的石油供应已经停止。

51、Be about to cistern, gas burner, freezer (glacial ark) as became repeatedly at 3 o'clock, form a triangle. ─── 即将水槽、煤气灶、电冰箱(冰柜)作为三点连成一片,形成一个三角形。

52、COMBO drive as a substitute for on a DVD, CDROM and burner, and the price of the ordinary than your burner is not much. ─── 因为一台COMBO光驱就代替了DVD、CDROM和刻录机,而且价格也比普通的刻录机贵不了多少。

53、Read carefully the instructions before starting the burner and service it . ─── 在开始(安装)和服务(检修)燃烧器前,仔细阅读这本说服书。

54、My grandmother puts the incense coil in the burner outside the hall at the request of the abbot. ─── 奶奶按照住持的要求,把香火贡奉在殿外的香坛里。

55、electric field pushes a flame away from a burner in a recent Harvard experiment. ─── 在哈佛的一项近期实验中,一个电场把火焰从燃烧器上推开。

56、The monk burned a stick of incense in the incense burner. ─── 和尚在香炉里焚上一柱香。

57、There were so many other things going on that this whole thing was sort of put on the back burner. ─── 其他正在进行的事太多,于是这件事几乎整个被搁置。

58、Besides, the hydrokinetics mechanism of the inner burner flow is analyzed. ─── 同时文章分析了燃烧器内部流动的流体动力学机理。

59、With folding legs, you can carry this burner with you and use it anywhere. ─── 因为其支架具有可折叠性,可以将此燃具随身携带并且在任意地点使用.

60、Turn “Light Oil Pump Run” switcher to “ON” position and make sure the ignition burner is lit. ─── 将“轻油泵运行”转换开关转到“运行”,并确认点火燃烧器已点着。

61、Blowtorch: a portable burner for mixing gas and oxygen to produce a very hot flame, used for soldering, welding, and glass blowing. ─── 喷灯:使混合气体和氧气产生更炽热火焰的便携助燃剂,常用于接合、焊接和玻璃吹制。

62、Other features include a 12.1-inch LCD display, DVD DL burner, WiFi 802.11a/g/n, and a 5-in-1 card reader. ─── 其他特色还包括12.1寸LCD显示器,DVD DL 刻录机,WiFi 802.11a/g/n和五合一读卡器。

63、They had to remove the ashes from the burner first . ─── 他们得先把炉内的灰清除掉。

64、To stop operation, take off the threaded cap of the catalytic burner and replace with a cap. ─── 将如需暂停使用,请将密封盖盖住催化蕊头,待其自然熄灭。

65、QR-35 Burner is particularly suitable for preheating screed at construction site. ─── QR-35型燃烧器特别适用于野外施工时对熨平板进行预热。

66、As the body burner talks, two hapries appear and drop a body in the fire. ─── 就在焚尸人说着的时候,两个鸟身女妖出现并且丢下了一具尸体,丢到了火堆上。

67、Hydrogen chloride burner that designed by mixing cross flow and multiorifice plate were introduced. ─── 介绍了利用横喷射流与多孔板混合模型,选用合适的理论模型设计氯化氢灯头装置。

68、She upset the oil burner and the whole room was soon in a blaze. ─── 她弄翻了燃油炉,整房间马上就着火了。

69、DELIVERY VAPOURISING BLEND 3 drops Bergamot 2 drops Lavender 1 drop Clary Sage Vapourise in electric oil burner in delivery room. ─── 分娩时可用的精油3滴佛手柑2滴熏衣草1滴快乐鼠尾草在产房里点个电油灯,让其慢慢挥发。

70、It may even hit when your treatment is over, when you're trying to catch up with everything you had to put on the back burner. ─── 甚至在治疗过程结束后,仍然会感到非常累,因为在你奋力前追的时候,肯定会把身体的备用能量全部用上。

71、Design of volute burner for natural gas and its application in rotary kiln are introduced. ─── 介绍天然气蜗壳烧嘴的设计及其在回转窑升温中的应用,用天然气升温比燃油每年节省几十万元。

72、Kratos speaks with the body burner one last time. ─── 克瑞托斯最后一次和焚尸人谈话。

73、On top was an 18-ft diameter, twin-bladed rotor carrying a 10-lb ramjet burner at each of the tips. ─── 上方是一个18英尺长,直径双转子叶片进行了10磅冲压发动机燃烧在每个秘诀。

74、Interns can pitch in to support projects that might otherwise languish on a back burner. ─── 实习生们可以投入那些原本可能会被搁置一旁的项目。

75、He believed that one should never learn from a book what one could learn from a beaker, flask, or Bunsen burner. ─── 他相信,学生从书本上是无法学习到那些在操作烧杯、烧瓶和煤气灯中学到的内容。

76、It is not a long time ago that CD burner could be rarely seen in the market, but now many people have installed the hardware into their computers. ─── 不久以前刻录机在市场上还很少见,但是现在很多人已经把这种硬件装在自己的电脑上了。

77、Title: Thechnical and Economic Analysis for pulverized coal burner with small oil nozzle in ZhangQiu Power Plant. ─── 关键词:锅炉;技术改造;小油枪煤粉燃烧器;节油

78、Automatic burner switch off at pre-set time, perfect for steaming, boiling, stewing and simmering. ─── 只须预先设定时间,到时候就自动熄火,特别适合蒸、煮、炆、炖精美菜肴。

79、Practice shows that the burner is characterized by high burning stability, low backfire rate and flameout rate. ─── 实践证明,该燃烧器燃烧稳定,具有极低的回火率以及离焰率。

80、It is to reduce operating costs, conserve energy, minimize environmental impacts and improve burner efficiencies. ─── 它可以减少操作费用,降低能耗,减少环境污染,提高燃烧炉效力。

81、Guangshun Five-year (952) carved stone incense burner made, placeddian qian Buddha. ─── 五代广顺二年(952)刻造石香炉,置于大佛殿前。

82、Burner units of e. G. 2,0 kW arranged in close proximity to each other ensure a uniform heating of the glass feeder. ─── 2,0千瓦燃烧炉各个单位紧密排列确保玻璃进料器均衡加热。

83、Kratos speaks with the body burner before he leaves. ─── 在他离开之前,克瑞托斯和焚尸人谈话。

84、The committee has put consideration of that question on the front burner. ─── 委员会已把那个问题放在首位

85、However after a few hours (once the oil burner was out) it was obvious that there was also a damp problem in this part of the hotel. ─── 可是没过几个小时后(在烧油炉熄灭之后),又出现潮湿的问题,显然酒店这一翼都存在这一问题。

86、You should put the plan on the back burner. ─── 你应该把这个计划先放一放。

87、At a certain angle of the air jet, there are two vortexes at both sides of the burner. ─── 在一定的气流喷射角度下,喷嘴口两侧有气流旋涡产生;

88、If you like to make a "statement" you do it by making a burner graff piece - not by crossing someone out with bullshit. ─── 如果您想作“说明”你这样做,使燃烧器格拉夫片-而不是由别人穿越了废话。

89、Renovation of mutil-channel coal burner of calciner. ─── 分解炉的多通道煤燃烧器的革新。

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