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08-19 投稿


facetiously 发音

英:[[f?'si:??sl?]]  美:[[f?'si:??sl?]]

英:  美:

facetiously 中文意思翻译



facetiously 词性/词形变化,facetiously变形

副词: facetiously |名词: facetiousness |

facetiously 短语词组

1、facetiously definition ─── 开玩笑地定义

2、facetiously crossword clue ─── 有趣的纵横字谜线索

3、facetiously crossword ─── 滑稽的填字游戏

4、facetiously meaning ─── 戏谑的意思

5、facetiously you ─── 开玩笑地说

facetiously 相似词语短语

1、cautiously ─── adv.慎重地,谨慎地

2、factiously ─── adv.组织党派地

3、facetious ─── adj.诙谐的;爱开玩笑的;滑稽的;(尤指在不合适的时候)开玩笑的

4、fractiously ─── 粗暴地

5、factitiously ─── adv.人为地;虚构地;捏造地

6、captiously ─── adj.吹毛求疵的

7、licentiously ─── 放肆地

8、fictitiously ─── adv.虚构地;假地

9、flagitiously ─── 明目张胆地

facetiously 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The only words with all the vowels listed in order are facetiously and abstemiously. ─── 仅有两个字母把所有元音都按序列出,“滑稽地”和“适度地”。

2、Muskrat Castle, as the house had been facetiously named by some waggish officer(James Fenimore Cooper. ─── 马斯克拉特城堡,是一些机智幽默的军官给这所房子所起的滑稽的名字(詹姆斯费尼莫尔库珀)。

3、My dad facetiously says, "We wanted to save the world, and instead we just got rich. " ─── 我父亲开玩笑地说,“我们曾想拯救世界,相反,我们只是变得富裕。”

4、The second is to pause and ask, facetiously, "Toilet's what? " ─── 第二种是停下来,吹毛求疵地问“厕所是怎样?厕所的什么?”

5、His title, he said only half- facetiously , was "vice president of nothing. " ─── 他半开玩笑地说,有段时间他的头衔是“一个无事可做的副总裁”。

6、” I was tempted to ask, facetiously, “gone where? ─── 我企图幽默地问“它到哪里去了?”

7、I hope you took my comment as facetiously as it was meant! ─── 我希望你把我的意见当成是开玩笑吧!

8、1) A colleague once facetiously suggested that MBO stood for manipulating. ─── 一位同事跟我开玩笑说目标管理实际上就是应用目标进行操纵。

9、Muskrat Castle as the house has been facetiously named by some waggish officer- James Fenimore Cooper. ─── 马斯克拉特城堡,是一些机智幽默的军官给这所房子所起的滑稽的名字(詹姆斯 费尼莫尔 库珀)。

10、it up sort of facetiously because you know how can you be in residence in cyber space? ─── 这有点滑稽的成分在里面,因为,你知道,人怎么可能在网络世界常驻?

11、Or, to put it less facetiously, why does politics, the business of running the country, draw on so much shallower a recruitment pool than most other important enterprises in Britain? ─── 或者正经点说,政治这个经营整个国家的的行业,招募的人才资源为何要比大多数英国其他重要企业短缺得多?

12、AV: It's interesting that you say that.I'm a physician, not a surgeon, In other words I'm a thinker, not a doer. 1 say that facetiously but as a physician, it's all about diagnosis. ─── 塞尔达:你这问题很有意思,我是内科医生,不是外科医生,换句话说,我是动脑筋的人,不是动手的人,这说法有点滑稽,但说到底,作为内科医生,诊断就是主要任务。

13、The capacity to recover from removal of the cerebellum has led some researchers to propose facetiously that its function might be to compensate for its own absence. ─── 小脑移除后却可复原的能力,让某些研究人员开玩笑说,也许小脑的功能就是用来弥补本身不存在时所造成的缺陷。

14、To give a name to facetiously or playfully; nickname. ─── 起绰号取一个诙谐或好玩的名字; 给 ... 起绰号

15、He had a rub-on transfer of Spiderman on his hand, and for something to say I asked facetiously if it was a tattoo. ─── 他手上有蜘蛛人的图案,我无话找话,开玩笑地问他这是不是纹身。

16、10.To give a name to facetiously or playfully;nickname. ─── 起绰号取一个诙谐或好玩的名字;

17、"Muskrat Castle, as the house had been facetiously named by some waggish officer" (James Fenimore Cooper). ─── “马斯克拉特城堡,是一些机智幽默的军官给这所房子所起的滑稽的名字” (詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀)。

18、To give a name to facetiously or playfully;nickname. ─── 起绰号取一个诙谐或好玩的名字;

19、Muskrat Castle,as the house had been facetiously named by some waggish officer(James Fenimore Cooper. ─── 马斯克拉特城堡,是一些机智幽默的军官给这所房子所起的滑稽的名字(詹姆斯·费尼莫尔·库珀)。

20、Used facetiously to emphasize a question ─── 用以加强疑问句的诙谐语气

21、Meant or expressed ironically or facetiously. ─── 假心假意的带挖苦味道或以吹毛求疵的态度表达的;带有这种意味的

22、He said this facetiously, but there is a lot of truth to his statement. ─── 他是开玩笑说的,但他的话里面有很多真理。

23、Muskrat Castle, as the house had Been facetiously named By some waggish officer ─── 马斯克拉特城堡,是一些机智幽默的军官给这所房子所起的滑稽的名字

24、Facetiously entitled "Grinning Evil Death," the token plot of the five-minute video was the story of how a giant metallic bug from outer space invaded Earth and destroyed a city. ─── 他们开玩笑地把这部短片叫做“咧嘴笑的邪恶死神”。这部片子五分钟长,主要讲述了一只来自外太空的金属巨虫入侵地球摧毁了一座城市的故事。

25、I sometimes facetiously place the cause of it all to Charley Furuseth's credit. ─── 我有时候也曾将起因全部可笑地推在却利·福罗萨的身上。

26、I sometimes facetiously place the cause of it all to Charley Furuseth's credit ─── 我有时候也曾将起因全部可笑地推在却利?福罗萨的身上。

27、I sometimes facetiously place the cause of it all to Charley Furuseth's credit. ─── 我有时候也曾将起因全部可笑地推在却利·福罗萨的身上。

28、We are pretty confident this will not nerf pallies into the ground as I facetiously promised yesterday, but if we overdid it, we'll be happy to back off some of the changes. ─── 当然,我希望这次改变不会像膝跳反射一样,但是我肯定它会改变很多。

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