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08-19 投稿


curfew 发音

英:[?k??rfju?]  美:[?k??fju?]

英:  美:

curfew 中文意思翻译



curfew 短语词组

1、curfew violations ─── 违反宵禁

2、curfew order ─── [法] 宵禁令

3、berlin bar curfew ─── 柏林酒吧宵禁

4、curfew meaning ─── 宵禁的含义

5、curfew definition ─── 宵禁定义

6、curfew paris ─── 巴黎宵禁

7、curfew cast ─── 宵禁

8、life a curfew ─── [法] 撤销宵禁

9、curfew times in philadelphia ─── 费城的宵禁时间

10、curfew violation ─── 违反宵禁

11、lift a curfew ─── 撤消宵禁

12、curfew restrictions ─── 宵禁限制

13、curfew california ─── 加州宵禁

14、impose a curfew ─── 实行宵禁

curfew 词性/词形变化,curfew变形


curfew 相似词语短语

1、curlews ─── n.麻鹬(一种鸟)

2、cured ─── adj.熏制的,风干的;v.治愈(人或动物);治好(疾病);解决(问题);矫正(不良行为);加工处理(薰、腌鱼、肉等);(通过硫化等化学方法)使(橡胶等)硬化(cure的过去式和过去分词)

3、curfews ─── n.宵禁(curfew的复数形式)

4、curer ─── n.治疗器;医疗者

5、curded ─── 凝乳

6、curlew ─── n.麻鹬(一种鸟)

7、cures ─── n.治愈;治疗法(cure的复数形式);v.[临床]治疗;消除;改正(cure的第三人称单数)

8、curber ─── 路缘石

9、curbed ─── adj.约束的;v.抑制(curb的过去分词);约束

curfew 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A curfew imposed ahead of the judgment remains in place. ─── 在审判前执行的全国宵禁令仍没有取消。

2、place(some area)under curfew ─── 宣布宵禁

3、The military government clamped a curfew onto the capital. ─── 军事政府强力执行宵禁令。

4、He said the Taliban did not prevent people from leaving during the suspended curfew. ─── 他说,在暂停戒严期间,塔利班没有阻止人们离开。

5、I warn you that you will be quiet--When the curfew of fear and the gibbet of unemployment make you obedient ─── 如果恐惧的宵禁和失业的绞架使你们俯首帖耳,我警告你们:你们将噤若寒蝉。

6、A spokeswoman for recently elected Andalusian regionalparty Mayor Javier Checa says the curfew is an attempt to encourage the men to stay at home and do the chores. ─── 一名安达芦西亚地区选举的女发言人还帮市长。

7、Elite commandos: Officials on Sunday said elite commando troops had been dropped into parts of Mingora for advance combat as the army lifted a curfew to allow thousands of civilians to flee. ─── 先遣部队:政府官员周日称突击不对已经部分进驻明戈拉,作为前期战斗,他们下了宵禁令让居民撤离。

8、The Government lifted an overnight traffic curfew on Wednesday, and a strengthened military force, aided by helicopters clattering overhead, kept streets largely calm. ─── 周三,政府解除了夜间交通戒严,一支全副装备的军队在上空盘旋的直升机的协助下,维持着街道的基本平静。

9、impose a curfew ─── v. 实行宵禁

10、"stubborn unlaid ghost/That breaks his magic chains at curfew time" (John Milton) ─── “坚持不眠的幽灵/在宵禁时分解除了他的魔法链”(约翰·米尔顿)

11、B: Okay, how about a midnight curfew? And I'll let you know where I am. ─── 好吧,12点怎么样?更何况我会让你知道我在什么地方的。

12、In Williamsville's town square, the area where its citizens were once most outraged at the high crime rate, not a single crime has been reported since the curfew was introduced. ─── 她很关心地跟在后面问什么原因呢,我笑着对她说时间太紧了。她又问有没有怪题,我安慰她说还好,没有遇到很怪的题。

13、Several hours before curfew time and tied herself to bell's huge clapper. ─── 他的未婚妻爬进钟塔,在宵禁的钟声响起前几个小时,就将自己捆在了大钟巨大的钟锤上。

14、I warn you that you will be quiet--When the curfew of fear and the gibbet of unemployment make you obedient. ─── 如果恐惧的宵禁和失业的绞架使你们俯首帖耳,我警告你们:你们将噤若寒蝉。

15、Dog owners who violate the curfew will face a fine, he said. ─── 违反宵禁条例的狗主人将面临罚款。

16、The rumors turned out to be false, but the idea of trying to make Payton agree to a 10:30 curfew almost makes you wish the rumors were true. ─── 外面流传的谣言是如此的不真实,只有让佩顿同意每天晚上10:30休息,这才可能成真。

17、nature hath taught her too immoderate sleep is rust to the soul: she rises therefore with Chanti-cleer, the dame's cock, and at night makes the lamb her curfew. ─── 大自然已使她懂得:无节制的睡眠只会锈蚀灵魂。 因此她清晨与女主人的公鸡同起,夜晚与归栏的羊群同息。

18、My curfew for school nights is 9 o'clock. ─── 上课期间我的宵禁时间是9点。

19、A woman ventures on to the streets of Srinagar in Indian-administered Kashmir during an unofficial curfew. ─── 一个女人在印控克什米尔地区一个非官方的宵禁的斯利那加街头。

20、No passing during the night of curfew ─── 夜间禁止通行

21、But Ms Figueroa says the curfew is unfair as she needs to work late to catch up on paperwork because her days are filled with meetings. ─── 不过费格罗亚女士说,这项宵禁令不公平,因为她一整天时间都排满了会议,需要工作到这麽晚赶上文件工作进度。

22、A curfew is in place in Afghanistan after rioting ripped through the streets. ─── 在阿富汗暴力运动席卷了大街小巷后实行了禁宵令。

23、They were also banned from owning radios, and were subject to a curfew. ─── 他们还被禁止拥有收音机,并且受到宵禁的约束。

24、Israeli troops enforcing a curfew clashed with dozens of young Palestinian stone-throwers Saturday, and a 14-year-old was killed by army fire, doctors said. ─── 医生说:星期六以色列军队闯入非军事区,与数十名手持石块的巴勒斯坦青年发生冲突,并且?谋幸幻?4岁的少年。

25、Campaigners believe the marines on Okinawa will soon revert to their old ways once the curfew is lifted. ─── 参加抗议活动的人们 认为,一旦宵禁取消,冲绳岛上的美国海军们又会重蹈覆辙。

26、curfew order ─── [法] 宵禁令

27、Participants are not allowed to go out after the 11:00PM curfew, or stay in any room with the people of opposite sex. ─── 团员于晚间11晚点名后,不得逗留于异性房间内或外出。

28、The army is now on patrol in Srinagar and a curfew has been imposed. ─── 军队现在在斯利那加巡逻,宵禁也已实行。

29、People began heading home as the hour of curfew approached. ─── 到了宵禁时间,老百姓开始回到各自的家。

30、At curfew time, when only muted sounds came out of the bell tower, Cromwell demanded to know why the bell was not ringing. ─── 宵禁时间到了,钟塔里只传出来几声低沉得几乎无法听到的声音。行刑官很纳闷,好好的怎么钟不响了。

31、You must get home before curfew. ─── 你必须在实行宵禁以前回到家中。

32、Security forces have orders to shoot anyone trying to enter the curfew zone. ─── 安全部队接到命令,可以对任何进入戒严区的人开枪。

33、The din had woken the city; and though the Emperor's guards were riding back and forth, attempting to enforce an on-the-spot curfew, nobody was attending to them. ─── 喧闹的声音把整个城市的人都吵醒了;尽管国王的侍卫们骑着马横冲直撞,试图强制实施宵禁令,却没有人理睬他们。

34、Variety of nightlife available within walking distance of the hostel, no curfew here,but don't drink too much and miss yourself! ─── 周边在步行距离之内有很多夜生活哦,这里没有宵禁,但是可别喝多了,把自己给丢了!

35、The army imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew. ─── 军队强制实行黄昏至黎明的宵禁。

36、The spokeswoman said that before the bus attack the Israeli military had got intelligence about the attack and then renewed a curfew in the nearby Palestinian town of Qalqilya. ─── 女发言人表示,在这起巴士攻击案发生前,以色列军方曾接获可能会发生攻击的情报,而对附近的巴勒斯坦城镇卡奇里亚重启宵禁措施。

37、Make the curfew and miss the curfew you are grounded. ─── 你被禁足。

38、Officials ordered a curfew,to no avail. ─── 官员下令宵禁,但无效。

39、If I don't go home soon, my parents will chew me out for missing my curfew. ─── 如果不快点回家,我爸妈就会因为我超过回家时间而骂我。

40、Heavily armed foreign troops and a night curfew have brought calm to Honiara, but many Chinese remain homeless and scared. ─── 全副武装的外国军队和宵禁给霍尼亚拉市带来了平静,但许多华人还是无家可归和感到恐惧。

41、But it reached a new depth of deadness two weeks ago when a curfew forced people to stay home at night. ─── 但两个星期前,政府颁布的一条禁止居民夜行的宵禁令更是让马塞卢处于一种闻所未闻的死寂之中。

42、The girl and her father had recently quarreled because he revoked her privileges for missing curfew. ─── 女孩和她父亲近来曾有争吵因为他取消了她的赶不上晚上关门时间的特权。

43、Although the German surrender had been signed, a curfew was still technically in effect, and my grandfather had violated it. ─── 德国签署了投降书,但当时的宵禁令在法律上仍然。

44、Authorities in Najaf imposed a curfew. ─── 一些权威人士在纳贾夫已经实行宵禁。

45、On Wednesday the authoritiesannounced a two-month night-time curfew and troops surrounded monasteries inthe city. ─── 周三,当局宣布实行60天的宵禁,军队被派至仰光的佛寺周围。

46、And displayed on the wall are car keys confiscated from Palestinian drivers caught breaking curfew. ─── 墙上还展出了从违反宵禁令的巴勒斯坦司机手中没收的汽车钥匙。

47、The village was placed under curfew. ─── 该村处于宵禁之中。

48、He says he believes Iraq's security situation is under control. "I do not think we need to declare a curfew," he insisted. ─── 他表示,自己相信伊拉克的安全局势仍在掌控之中。他坚持说:“我认为我们不需要宣布宵禁政策。”

49、The army clamped a curfew on five towns. ─── 军队对五座城镇实行宵禁。

50、a 10p.m. curfew for all residents. ─── 在晚间 十时起对所有居民实行的宵禁

51、But by the time darkness fell and a curfew was in place, fewer than 500 had managed to get into the city. ─── 但是当夜幕降临,加之又是宵禁之际,仅有不到500人成功到达城里。

52、a signal (usually a bell) announcing the start of curfew restrictions ─── 宣布宵禁开始的信号(通常是钟声)

53、In Gladstone, Australia, from July 1, 1994, no household was allowed to keep more than two cats, and from January 1, 1995, cats were under a night curfew. ─── 1994年7月1日起,澳大利亚的格莱斯顿市规定每户养猫不得超过2只; 从1995年1月1日起,对猫实行宵禁。

54、Officials order a curfew to know avail. ─── 官员们命令宵禁来取得有利的方面。

55、nighttime curfew ─── 宵禁

56、Notified the citizens of the curfew by posting signs. ─── 以邮寄标志来通知市民们宵禁了

57、They might impose a curfew along their western sea coast. ─── 他们可能在西海岸实行宵禁。

58、Nature hath taught her too immoderate sleep is rust to the soul: she rises therefore with Chanti-cleer,the dame's cock,and at night makes the lamb her curfew. ─── 大自然已使她懂得:无节制的睡眠只会锈蚀灵魂。因此她清晨与女主人的公鸡同起,夜晚与归栏的羊群同息。

59、stubborn unlaid ghost / That breaks his magic chains at curfew time(bJohn Milton) ─── 坚持不眠的幽灵/在宵禁时分解除了他的魔法链(b约翰 米尔顿)

60、lift a curfew ─── v. 撤消宵禁

61、But the curfew was widely flouted. ─── 但宵禁令却被普遍嘲弄。

62、Are supplier employees free to enter or leave the housing provided at any time (except possibly during a nighttime curfew)? ─── 供应商雇员任意是进入或事假住房任何时候提供了(除了可能在夜间宵禁期间)?

63、stubborn unlaid ghost / That breaks his magic chains at curfew time(John Milton) ─── 坚持不眠的幽灵/在宵禁时分解除了他的魔法链(约翰 米尔顿)

64、Nancy: The curfew for our children is at 11p.m. ─── 南茜:我孩子的宵禁令是晚上11点。

65、Most were walled, closed their gates at night, and imposed some form of curfew. ─── 大部分的城镇外有城墙环抱,入夜即关上城门并实行某种形式的宵禁。

66、stuBBorn unlaid ghost/That Breaks his magic chains at curfew time ─── 坚持不眠的幽灵/在宵禁时分解除了他的魔法链

67、an 11 o'clock curfew ─── 从11点钟起宵禁

68、Bedding, linen, towel will be prepared.It is an ideal location in the central part of Tokyo for budget stayers.There is no curfew, you can come back any time.Room size: 6 tatami size. ─── 包含床铺, 床单, 毛巾, 网路连线, 公共设施. 是适合预算有限的旅客在东京中心的住宿. 无宵禁时间, 可自由随时进出. 客房面积: 6个榻榻米大小左右的面积.

69、American parents allow their daughters or sons to go out with their boy or girlfriends as long as they come home at the certain curfew. ─── 只要能在熄灯前回家,美国的父母是允许他们的子女出去和他们的男(女)朋友约会的。

70、If you get good grades, your parents let you do things -- a car when you get a license, a later curfew, says Kelsey Darch, who has gotten both. ─── “我知道父母想让我开心,他们想让我多些户外活动,”他说,“不过这么多事情要做,我没办法像他们期望的那样多花些时间出去玩。”

71、Several workers were using emergency water drainage, traffic police have been on both sides of the bridge in the middle of a set curfew logo. ─── 几名工人正在紧急用水泵排水,交警已经在桥两边中间位置设置了禁止通行标识。

72、Say your child comes home past his curfew. ─── 例如,你的孩子在规定时间后回家。

73、East Timor has declared a two-day state of emergency. Under the decree, police have additional powers, public gatherings are banned and a nighttime curfew is in place. ─── 东帝汶宣布进入为期两天的紧急状态。在紧急状态令下,警方享有更大权力,禁止公众集会,并实施宵禁。

74、a signal (usually a bell) announcing the start of curfew restrictions. ─── 宣布宵禁开始的信号(通常是钟声)。

75、Councillors in California have passed a curfew on their own mayor because they don't like her working late at night. ─── 加州的市议员已经通过对他们的市长宵禁令,因为议员不喜欢她工作到半夜。

76、Iraq says it will close borders, extend curfew hours and ban travel as part of stringent security measures to protect voters during this week's parliamentary elections. ─── 伊拉克表示将会关闭边界,延长宵禁时间,禁止旅游,来作为严格的安全措施中的一部分,以保证在本周议会选举中投票人的安全

77、The nightly curfew in the Iraqi capital and a vehicle curfew are to be eased during Ramadan to help families break fast together. ─── 这个伊拉克首都的宵禁和交通禁令在斋月期间将会减轻,以便让家庭能共进晚餐。

78、He says he believes Iraqi Iraq's security situation is under controll, control." I do not think we need to declare a few curfew, " he insisted. ─── 他说他相信伊拉克的安全状况已经在控制之中,“我不认为我们需要戒严”他坚持说。

79、If yes, what time is your curfew during the week? on weekends? ─── 如果”是”,你平時應該幾點前回家?週末時應該幾點前回家?

80、life a curfew ─── [法] 撤销宵禁

81、a 10 p.m. curfew for all residents. ─── 在晚间十时起对所有居民实行的宵禁

82、The lovestruck alien Krelman tried to woo her on the night the Empire enacted a curfew on the spaceport city due to suspected subversive activities on the planet. ─── 一天夜里,痴情的异星人克雷尔曼想追求阿克梅娜,可帝国却在那时对这个太空港实行了宵禁,因为怀疑这颗星球存在颠覆活动。

83、Even provinces such as Suzhou, Yangzhou and Chuzhou where courtesan pavilions and drinking houses were in great abundance were subject to the curfew, so there were no night markets. ─── 士人狎妓饮宴,只限坊内;不论苏州、扬州、楚州,皆为歌楼酒肆极盛之地,亦施宵禁,并无夜市。

84、Quintus developed a self-imposed curfew;none strayed out later than early evening. ─── 城市开始了自动的宵禁,因为没有一个人敢于在外面呆到黄昏时刻。

85、We mustn't go out during curfew. ─── 在宵禁时间里我们不能出去。

86、Almost always, they would come home way past their curfew. ─── 几乎总是过了宵禁时间她们才回到家。

87、But the security forces hope a continuing curfew would give them time to get greater control of the areas of the capital where there are still clashes. ─── 但安全部队希望延长宵禁能够给他们时间来对首都仍然在发生冲突的地方加强控制。

88、The army imposed a dusk-to-dawn curfew. ─── 军队强制实行黄昏至黎明的宵禁。

89、impose [ lift ] a curfew ─── 实行[撤消]宵禁

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