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08-19 投稿


clambering 发音

英:[?kl?mb?r??]  美:[?kl?mb?r??]

英:  美:

clambering 中文意思翻译




clambering 词性/词形变化,clambering变形

名词: clamberer |动词第三人称单数: clambers |动词现在分词: clambering |动词过去式: clambered |动词过去分词: clambered |

clambering 短语词组

1、clambering define ─── 攀爬定义

2、clambering definition ─── 攀爬定义

3、clambering plant ─── 攀缘植物

4、clambering meaning ─── 攀爬的意义

5、clambering up ─── 爬上攀登

6、clambering defined ─── 攀爬定义

clambering 相似词语短语

1、chambering ─── n.炮眼扩孔;内腔加工;v.放在枪膛内;关在室内(chamber的ing形式)

2、cambering ─── n.辊型设计;中凹度磨削;弧线,弧形化;v.成弧形;起拱(camber的ing形式)

3、clappering ─── 拍手

4、clavering ─── n.闲话;闲谈;n.(Claver)人名;(英)克拉弗;(西、法)克拉韦尔

5、blabbering ─── v.(非正式)胡扯,瞎说,喋喋不休;n.胡言乱语;胡扯的人

6、clabbering ─── n.浓而变酸的牛奶;vt.使变酸;使凝结;vi.变酸;凝结

7、clamouring ─── v.吵闹;强烈要求,大声地要求;强烈抗议;n.喧闹,吵闹声;(民众的)强烈要求

8、clamoring ─── n.喧闹,叫嚷;大声的要求;vi.喧嚷,发喧嚣声;持续地喊声;vt.喧嚷着说出

9、clattering ─── n.哗啦声;嘈杂的谈笑声;咔嗒声;vi.发出哗啦声;喧闹的谈笑;vt.使卡搭卡搭的响

clambering 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、After clambering out of her jump suit, she said that she survived World War Two and wasn't afraid, so what's there to be afraid of now. ─── 老奶奶爬出降落伞之后说:连二战都经历了,还有什么可怕的。

2、To clamber ─── 梯上华山

3、It was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk. ─── 他攀上这扭曲的树干,倒还容易。

4、clamber up ─── 攀登; 爬上

5、To clamber up the pecking order, some people slave away nights and weekends at the office. ─── 为了攀爬上更高的等级,一些人晚上和周末也在办公室苦干。

6、A garland of grey hair on his comminated head see him me clambering down to the footpce (descende), clutching a monstrance, basiliskeyed ─── 他那有受神惩之虞的头上,围着一圈儿花环般的灰发,我看见他往下爬,爬到祭台脚下(下来吧!),手执圣体发,眼睛像是蛇怪。

7、Shrubs, sometimes small trees, ascending or clambering, evergreen or deciduous, glabrous, rarely pubescent. ─── 灌木,有时小乔木,上升的或攀援,常绿的或落叶的,无毛,很少短柔毛。

8、Sailor as he was, it was easy enough for him to clamber up the gnarled trunk ─── 他虽说是个水手,攀上这扭曲的树干,倒还容易。

9、front smoke clamber ─── 前烟道室

10、I stepped on it, and the plank bent and gave way, and I began clambering on the fence, which I just managed to get hold of with my hands. ─── 我花了很大的劲才挪动身子,爬越围墙,把两只脚悬在围墙的一边,把躯干悬在围墙的另一边。

11、UFO experts have been clambering to verify the sighting and are hoping to speak to more witnesses and views of the eerie episode. ─── UFO专家已在核实这一目击事件,并希望与更多的目击者进行交谈。

12、The troopers from the US 1st Cavalry's Ironhorse Brigade had packed their kitbags and were clambering into armoured vehicles and being driven off. ─── 美国第一骑兵旅的士兵们打起了他们的背囊,爬上装甲车,陆续离开。

13、And as we clamber back down the hillside, I realise something else: it's been one of the most utterly different experiences of my life. ─── 当我们爬下山坡返回时,我意识到另外一点:这是我一生中最最别致的一种经历。

14、Unlike virtually every other species, the hominids could not rely on speed, flight, strength, arboreal clambering, burrowing or ferocity to evade predators. ─── 与几乎其他任何一个物种不同,猿类不能够依靠速度、飞行、力量、爬树、掘洞或者是残忍的躲避捕食者等等这些能力。

15、Tell the children to stop clambering over my new furniture. ─── 告诉孩子们不要在我的新家具上爬上爬下了。

16、Feel that mountain is very high when one was young, I am not to dare clamber crawling to the mountaintop , that mountain is my land of happiness in the infanthood , much memory has my Mo here but. ─── 小时候觉得那山很高,我是不敢攀爬到山顶的,但那山是我儿时的乐土,这里有着我莫多的回忆。

17、To look at this large house, with its smooth lawn and well-grown trees, its vines clambering about the pillars of the veranda and interlacing themselves into a transparent veil of green; ─── 看看这巨大的房屋,这平整的草地,这婆娑的树木,这攀附在柱子上和阑杆上织成一种透明绿幕的藤萝;

18、1. Stop clambering over my new furniture. ─── 别在我的新家具上爬来爬去。

19、UFO experts have been clambering to verify the sighting and are hoping to speak to more witnesses and views of the eerie episode. ─── UFO专家已在核实目击事件,并希望与更多的目击者交谈。

20、The 19 escaped from the center by climbing out of a toilet window and then clambering over the wall of the compound, the police said. ─── 警方称,这19人当天从戒毒所的卫生间气窗爬出后,越过围墙出逃。

21、The others will be abandoned, just as those inside a lifeboat would try to keep too many others from clambering aboard lest the boat be swamped. ─── 正如救生船里的人极力不让更多的人爬上船来,以免使整个船都沉下去。

22、Despite a tough start, they have notched together five straight wins to clamber into third place - still 11 points short of rivals Roma. ─── 尽管有着一个不走运的开始,但是他们新近取得了五连胜,并且艰难地爬升到了第三的位置----仍然落后同城的罗马队11分。

23、I recovered my strength by clambering about the rocks of the Clifton Gorge and making sketches of the environs. ─── 我攀登克利夫顿峡湾的岩石,对周围环境写生,渐渐恢复了体力。

24、grounding to clamber up ─── 基础攀登

25、” By appealing so hard to their respective political bases in the first-round contest, both Mr Sarkozy and Ms Royal would face a tough clamber back towards the centre. ─── ”在第一轮竞争中都如此努力地坚持各自政治观点的萨科齐先生和罗纳尔女士两人,都将面对一个更加艰难地回到中心的旅程。

26、Whenever he went dodging about the village, he was surrounded by a troop of them, hanging on his skirts, clambering on his back, and playing a thousand tricks on him with impunity; ─── 不管他去到哪儿,他身边总是围着一群小孩,扯着他的裙子,爬上他的后背,肆无忌惮地耍弄他。

27、Clambering to hang, an envious sliver broke; ─── 垂悬的枝干上,她攀爬著,

28、3. It was difficult to clamber the mountain. ─── 爬上那座大山是困难的。

29、They clamber over ruins with shovels, digging for the dead and then clearing the rubble away. ─── 他们拿着铲子爬上废墟,挖掘死难者,再把瓦砾清理掉。

30、By limiting prestige to those few rungs high up on the ladder, it tempts every employee, even the most self-aware, to try clamber onto next rung. ─── 它通过限制具有吸引力的高职位的数量来诱惑每一名员工,甚至是最有自知之明的员工也会为之动心,想方设法地得到提升。

31、Have displayed exuberant be eager to make progress actively , indomitable go all out , rise in great vigor , brave in clambering entire teacher and student peak fighting spirit. ─── 展现了全体师生积极进取、顽强拼搏、奋发向上、勇攀高峰的旺盛斗志。

32、Will you clamber up, and pluck it to show to papa? ─── 你要不要爬上去,把它摘下来给爸爸看?”

33、In a few minutes he had reached the beanstalk and was clambering down, the hen tucked safely under his arm ─── 不久来到豆茎旁,他把母鸡牢牢夹在腋下向下爬去。

34、Two of them had been uncorded, and on to one of these the wounded officer was clambering with the assistance of his orderly. ─── 其中有二辆已经打散,一个勤务兵托着他的军官正往车上爬。

35、Everything is in an awful mess. You shouldn't have allowed the children to clamber about in the room. ─── 你不该让孩子们在房间里爬上爬下的,把房间弄得乱七八糟。

36、(1) but he had barely hit the floor when Harry was clambering over him and running down the darkened staircase. ─── 但是他还没着地,哈利就已经越过了他,朝着漆黑的楼梯跑了下去。(但是他刚一着地,哈利就越过了他,朝着漆黑的楼梯跑了下去。)

37、You cannot move the recipient horizontally, but the recipient could clamber along the face of a cliff, for example, or push against a ceiling to move laterally (generally at half its base speed). ─── 你无法控制目标物水平移动,但受术者可以攀上悬崖或贴着天花板慢慢挪动(速度为基本速度的一半)。

38、Beijing Zhong-Ke Clamber Electronic Technology Co., Ltd ─── 北京中科可来博电子技术有限公司

39、And as we clamber back down the hillside, I realise something else: it's been one of the most utterly different experiences of my life ─── 当我们爬下山坡返回时,我意识到另外一点:这是我一生中最最别致的一种经历。

40、To now, I still did not clamber climb that hill , that mountain once gave me inspiration when but he stands tall and upright right away in my unit front, whenever I am bewildered,; ─── 到现在,我还是没有攀爬上那座小山,但他就矗立在我单位的前方,每当我困惑时,那山曾给我灵感;

41、Culms erect, pendulous, or clambering, straight or slightly flexuose; ─── 秆直立,下垂,或攀援,直的或稍之字形;

42、But when he had crossed the lines he had trouble clambering up the other side. ─── 可是他穿过铁道,要爬上那边月台,就不容易了。

43、In the final hour when Shepelev cracked open the sealed door to clamber out, his colleagues were bowled over by the revolting stench in his cabin. ─── 在最后一刻,当塞甫利物打破密封门爬出来的时候,他的同事们都被他的小屋里的那令人反胃的恶臭惊呆了。

44、Is clambering the Man Zhenghong colorful morning glory of fill on the bamboo fence when being homesick ; ─── 想家时是篱笆上爬满争红斗艳的喇叭花;

45、What makes Stephen even more resentful is the fact that in just three years at Manhattan Securities Wang Xiao-Ye has managed to clamber up the corporate ladder and attain the same rank as Stephen. ─── 更令斯蒂芬不平的是,王晓野在曼哈顿证券工作了三年就混上了和他一样的级别。

46、Culms straight, pendulous, or occasionally clambering; ─── 秆直,下垂,或偶有攀援;

47、This survey will explore the diverging paths of rich and poor, and the prospects for the city if the developing world can one day clamber out of poverty. ─── 此次调查将探究富裕和贫穷两条分岔路,并对发展中国家日后摆脱贫困之后的城市前景做出展望。

48、Whenever he went dodging about the village, he was surrounded by a troop of children, hanging on his skirts, clambering on his back, and playing a thousand tricks on him with impunity. ─── 每逢他在村子里闲步的时候,总有一大群孩子围着他,有的拉住他的衣服下摆,有的爬在他背上,有的大胆地百般作弄他。

49、Ideal for growing over low fences or scrambling over rocks and old stumps, clambering through shrubs and trees. ─── 理想的情况是覆盖在低矮的篱笆上或者不规则的覆盖在岩石和树桩上,抑或是攀爬在灌木和乔木上。

50、Like others clambering on the Jaffna bus this week, Mr Chandran was happy that mobility between the mainly Sinhalese south and the mostly Tamil north is increasing. ─── 像本周其他爬上开往贾夫纳的汽车的人一样,程德先生对于连接南部僧伽罗和北部泰米尔的联系正在加强而感到高兴。

51、They are usually seen breathlessly clambering a nearby ridge or cruising past in very slow-moving car. ─── 接下来困难的是如何发现那些派遣监视我们的一些人。

52、While individual housing loans balance that our country commercial bank gives out increases by rapidly, infringement rate also begins to clamber rising. ─── 在我国商业银行发放的个人住房贷款余额快速增长的同时,违约率也开始攀升。

53、But he had barely hit the floor when Harry was clambering over him and running down the darkened staircase. ─── 但是他还没着地,哈利就已经越过了他,朝着漆黑的楼梯跑了下去。

54、Herbs, clambering subshrubs, shrubs, or lianas. ─── 草本,攀援亚灌木,灌木或者藤本植物。

55、Most consumers lack the expertise and could not lift drilling, clambering down water pipes to measure the actual pool, only eat Yabakui. ─── 而消费者多半缺乏有关专业知识,也不可能钻电梯、爬下水管道来测量实际公摊,只能是吃哑巴亏。

56、Herbs erect or scandent, or clambering shrubs. ─── 草本直立或者攀缘,或攀援的灌木。

57、clamber up a lofty cliff ─── 攀登高耸的山崖

58、Over the staircase to the dining room, a painted scroll features a tiny figure clambering up a mountain. ─── 在通往餐厅的楼梯旁,挂着一幅卷轴画,上面画着一个渺小的人物在艰难爬山。

59、If you are not sure whether you can clamber over the wall, don’t run the risk. ─── 如果你对翻过这堵墙没有把握,别去冒那个险。

60、Here and there they should clamber over wave-wet rock, leaping across clear pools that the tide had left ─── 他们要不时地爬过被海浪打湿的岩石,跳过海水退后留下的清澈的小水潭。

61、The kids play along the bank, clambering over a tree that spans the water. ─── 孩子们在河岸上嬉耍,爬上一棵斜伸到水面上的树。

62、to climb; to clamber ─── 攀

63、I started, shocked, clambering backwards. ─── 我吓了一大跳,匍匐后退。

64、Yet always when I look at death in the face, When I clamber to the heights of sleep, Or when I grow excited with wine Suddenly I meet your face. ─── 但每每,在我面前对死神的时候,在我睡到最酣的时候,在我纵酒狂欢的时候,总会突然遇到你的脸。

65、The Long March of Clinical Medicine Pyramid and Grounding to Clamber Up ─── 临床医学金字塔上的长征及基础攀登

66、The Spies performed prodigies of activity in clambering over the rooftops and cutting the streamers that fluttered from the chimneys. ─── 少年侦察队的表现特别精采,他们爬上了屋顶,把挂在烟囱上的横幅剪断。

67、Teenage boys clamber down mine shafts 30 to 50 meters deep. ─── 孩子们沿着杆子爬到深30到50米的矿井里。

68、Some people like to maximize their energy by sports such as clambering and parachuting. ─── 有些人喜欢通过类似攀岩和跳伞这样的运动将自己推向体能的极限。

69、"Clambering breathlessly down from the ridge we were herded towards our next briefing.In a week that has seen a lot of pointless briefings, this one broke new ground," wrote Jonah Fisher. ─── 很明显,采取这样的行动是因为北京的要求,他们已经禁止了卫星照片、视频录像和无线电的非权威使用。

70、Di Carlo’s side have revived their giant killing reputation in the process of clambering out of the relegation zone, holding Juventus to a draw in Turin and thrashing Lazio 3-0 in Rome. ─── 切沃在爬出降级圈的一系列战斗中,充分显示了巨人杀手的本色:客场平尤文,客场3-0横扫拉齐奥。

71、Stop clambering over my new furniture. ─── 别在我的新家具上爬来爬去。

72、Mounted to bead lock-style wheels, the Mini Rock Crawler can clamber and climb nearly any obstacle with ease. ─── 安装在珠锁式轮毂,小型履带式岩石可以爬上攀登几乎任何障碍,操作非常简便。

73、Astronaut Zhai Zhigang became the first Chinese man to walk in space on Saturday, clambering out of China's Shenzhou VII spacecraft in a technological feat that Beijing wants the world to marvel at. ─── 航天员翟志刚在星期六成为了第一名太空行走的中国人,攀出中国的神舟七号飞行器,展示出了北京想要让世界惊叹的技术。

74、The cliff is very steep. You'll have to clamber with both hands and feet to get to its top. ─── 山崖陡峭, 要手足并用, 才爬得上去。

75、。"Nien " all the year round deep Chu seabed,Every to new year's eve then clamber bank,Stoke livestock detriment human life. ─── 年"长年深居海底,每到除夕才爬上岸,吞食牲畜伤害人命。

76、Everything is in an awful mess. You shouldn' t have allowed the children to clamber about in the room. ─── 你不该让孩子们在房间里爬上爬下的,把房间弄得乱七八糟。

77、the bank, clambering over a tree that spans the water. ─── 孩子们在河岸上嬉耍,爬上一棵斜伸到水面上的树。

78、clamber up terrible crags ─── 登上险峻的峭壁

79、Tell the children to stop clambering over my new furniture. ─── 告诉孩子们不要在我的新家具上爬上爬下了。

80、The pain lingers, but so too does the pride - that a nation bowled over by war was able to clamber back to its feet. ─── 如今,战争的阴霾还没有完全消散,但与此同时,他们扔然拥有那份自豪--一个在战争中被击败的国家仍然能够重新站立的自豪。

81、Reaching the crest was a real clamber. ─── 到达顶端才是真正的攀登。

82、Clambering out apologetically, he explains that German experts visited this area last year and declared that the freshwater being pumped to local villages “wasn’t fit for a dog to drink”. ─── 他一边道歉一边爬上来,并且解释说,德国专家曾在去年到访过这一地区,他们宣称输送到当地村镇的淡水“ 连狗都没法饮用”。

83、The 19 escaped from the center by climbing out of a toilet window and then clambering over the wall of the compound, the police said. ─── 警方称,这19人当天从戒毒所的卫生间气窗爬出后,越过围墙出逃。

84、Clamber nv. ─── 爬上;

85、In a few minutes he had reached the beanstalk and was clambering down, the hen tucked safely under his arm. ─── 不久来到豆茎旁,他把母鸡牢牢夹在腋下向下爬去。

86、Walking by the Haagen Dazs near the security line made me think of my kids, clambering for ice cream every time we were rushing to catch a flight.And that made me miss my family terribly; ─── 从安检线旁边的哈根达斯店前经过时,我想起了我的孩子,每次我们急急忙忙赶飞机时他们都吵着闹着要吃冰淇淋。

87、clamber down the slope ─── 爬下陡坡

88、Those less fearful were happily leaden-footed; they were too slow in clambering aboard the Ship of Fools. ─── 幸好那些不怎么害怕的机构步履沉重;它们在攀爬上“愚人船”(ShipofFools)时行动过于迟缓。

89、When the season of Pashanhu blooming comes,Pashanhu clamber with the wall of dormitory,and there're blue veins hidden in the thick green leaves. ─── 到了看爬山虎落花的时节,爬山虎牢牢地攀着宿舍楼墙,密布的绿叶下隐着突起的青筋。

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