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08-19 投稿


predominating 发音

英:[pr??d?m?ne?t??]  美:[pr??dɑ?m?ne?t??]

英:  美:

predominating 中文意思翻译



predominating 词性/词形变化,predominating变形

动词过去式: predominated |动词过去分词: predominated |名词: predomination |副词: predominately |动词现在分词: predominating |动词第三人称单数: predominates |

predominating 短语词组

1、predominating synonym ─── 主要同义词

2、predominating define ─── 主导定义

3、predominating definition ─── 主导定义

4、predominating organisms ─── 优势生物

5、predominating antonym ─── 反义词占优势

6、predominating meaning definition ─── 主导意义定义

7、predominating mean ─── 主导均值

8、predominating meaning ─── 主导意义

predominating 相似词语短语

1、predesignating ─── 预先指示

2、predomination ─── n.优势;卓越;支配

3、dominating ─── adj.主要的;独裁的;专横的;有影响力的;v.支配;统治;在……中具有最重要(或明显)的特色;俯视;(在比赛中)占有优势;高耸于(dominate的现在分词)

4、brominating ─── v.用溴处理,溴化

5、prenominating ─── 预先提到;预先命名

6、predestinating ─── adj.命中注定的;vt.注定

7、renominating ─── vt.再任命;再提名

8、denominating ─── vt.为…命名;把…称作…;adj.有特定名称的

9、prenominations ─── 名称

predominating 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、You are named after what is the predominating quality in the sight of God, which will one day be the only principle remaining. ─── 在上帝的眼光中,你根据佔优势的品格被命名,它有一日也将成为唯一存留的品格。

2、For example dioxins can be controlled effectively by some methods such as predominating the incineration condition,disposing exhaust,adsorbing dioxin a... ─── 灰渣可采用固化稳定化和酸或其他溶剂提出法处置。

3、Filamentous microorganisms predominating and resulting in a large flocs size with two peak size distribution at lower pH have been observed by SEM images. ─── 此外,在酸性条件下,丝状菌大量生长,导致污泥絮体的平均粒径增大,并且呈现双峰粒径分布,絮体分形维数较低,结构松散;

4、your comments involved with lots of useful information which now impluse me to predominating one phrase after another. ─── 你的评论里面包含着很多的知识点,促使着我掌握了一个又一个的单词与词组.

5、Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating. ─── 这就使一种精神上的感慨油然而生,认为人生是由啜泣、抽咽和微笑组成的,其中抽咽占主导地位。

6、Life is made up of sobs, sniffles and smiles with sniffs predominating. ─── 人生是由呜咽、抽泣和微笑组成的,而在三者之中,抽泣处于支配地位。

7、Predominating how to use mainstream Fire Wall and VPN install technique under the complete network environment of actual application. ─── 掌握主流防火墙和VPN服务安装技术及在完整网络环境下的实际应用。

8、having a mixture of serious with the comic with comic predominating. ─── 具有严肃和诙谐的混合形式,其中诙谐占主要。

9、Only comparatively recently has the predominating influence of association with fellow beings in the formation of mental and moral disposition been perceived. ─── 只是到了最近人们才认识到人类的联合生活对形成智力的和道德的倾向具有居支配地位的影响。

10、So Della did it. Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles, with sniffles predominating. ─── 德拉这样作了,可精神上的感慨油然而生,生活就是哭泣、抽噎和微笑,尤以抽噎占统治地位。

11、predominating factor ─── 起支配作用的因素

12、magnesium-aluminium-zinc alloy (magnesium predominating), wrought ─── 镁铝锌合金(镁是其中主要成分),经锻

13、over predominating constituent ─── 主要成分

14、Lifted and aromatic, this wine shows typical cabernet characters with mint, black olives and berries predominating, and subtle mocha oak on the finish. ─── 此酒芬芳四溢,体现出加本力的典型特质,薄荷、黑橄榄与浆果味道尤为突出,回味中蕴含橡木带来的摩卡咖啡的曼妙香气。

15、Large, ill-defined lung nodules are isible, predominating in relation to the peribronchoascular interstitium. Nodules also inole the supleural region, and lymph node enlargement is present. ─── 边缘模糊的大结节,以支气管血管周围间质为主。胸膜下区亦可见结节,并有淋巴结肿大。

16、The pathological study showed diffuse muscle fiber atrophy predominating in PM and perimysium atrophy in DM. ─── PM的病理改变主要表现为散在肌纤维萎缩;DM以束周萎缩多见。

17、Fibrocartilage, with wispy, broad collagenic fibers predominating in the matrix. ─── 纤维软骨,基质中大量的胶原纤维。

18、The Study of Microecology between Spleen-Stomach Damp-Heat Syndrome and Spleen Deficiency Syndrome of Irritable Bowel Syndrome of Diarrhea Predominating ─── 腹泻型肠易激综合征脾胃湿热证与脾气虚证肠道微生态初步研究

19、Predominating the design system does the work that production need cures to have, and draw to design the spare parts diagram, processing the diagram, assembling diagram. ─── 主导设计制做生产所需工治具,并绘制设计零件图,加工图,组装图。

20、8、life is made up of sobs , sniffles and smiles , with sniffles predominating . ─── 生活是由哭泣、抽噎和微笑所组成,其中大部分是抽噎。

21、The color design of packaging is one of the factors predominating consumer's behavior and affecting the circulating of merchandised directly. ─── 因此商品外包装的色彩设计是主导消费者行为的因素之一,包装的色彩设计直接影响了商品的流通。

22、rather fast waves predominating for the first few minutes. ─── 睡眠是人每天日常活动循环的一部分。

23、ceiling or wall lath with a predominating portion of concrete ─── 板条,天花板或墙壁用,混凝土占绝大部分

24、The pathological study showed diffuse muscle fiber atrophy predominating in PM and perimysium atrophy in DM. ─── PM的病理改变主要表现为散在肌纤维萎缩;DM以束周萎缩多见。

25、predominating of antibody population ─── 同质抗体群

26、predominating path ─── 主要路径

27、The coal-bearing strata comprise clastic-carbonate mixed shore zone sediments, delta sediments and fluvial sediments, with fluvial sediments predominating. ─── 该区的含煤地层虽包括碎屑-碳酸盐混合滨岸沉积、三角洲沉积及河流沉积三大类,但以河流沉积为主。

28、physique predominating qi ─── 形胜气

29、Life is made up of sob, sniffle, and smile, with sniffle predominating . ─── 人生是以哭、泣、笑三者构成的,尤以泣为最。

30、mixed astigmatism with myopia predominating ─── 近视为主混合性散光

31、Today physicists find that light has the characteristics of both waves and particles with one aspect sometimes predominating and sometimes the other. ─── 物理学家现在发现,光具有波粒二重性,有时波动性起主要作用,有时粒子性起主要作用。

32、Notice that each center is vibrantly multi-colored with no shade predominating. ─── 注意每个中心是多颜色振动毫无遮蔽控制。

33、All colors are lost in the predominating grey. ─── 灰色主宰着一切,把其他颜色都淹没了。

34、The leg colour of Mongolian Gull varies from pink through to yellow (with apparently no colour predominating). ─── 蒙古银鸥脚的颜色,由粉红到黄色之间的变化都有可能(并没有明显以那种为颜色主)。

35、The data of ionic and carbonaceous species showed a peak value for K ion and organic carbon, indicating a fine particle predominating pollution episode. ─── 离子物种和碳质组分的分析数据表明钾离子和有机碳同时出现峰值,提示一个细粒子主导的生物质燃烧污染事件;

36、Some call it an art, others a science, but really it is a combination of both, with science predominating. ─── 有人把它叫做一种艺术,有人说是科学,实际上它是两者的一个组合,科学在其中占主导地位。

37、indium alloy (indium predominating), malleable wrought ─── 铟合金(铟是其中主要成分)有展性的,锻造的

38、Amh mixed astigmatism with myopia predominating ─── 近视为主混合散光

39、You are named after what is the predominating quality in the sight of God, which will one day be the only principle remaining. ─── 在上帝的眼光中,你根据佔优势的品格被命名,它有一日也将成为唯一存留的品格。

40、Predominating Student's Psychological Characteristics, having a Definite Object in view to do Mental Work ─── 掌握学生心理特征,有的放矢地做好思想工作

41、In contrast to the "bleak cold colours" of the Yorkshire moors outside, "the room looked the perfection of warmth, snugness and comfort, crimson predominating in the furniture". ─── 于此产生强烈对比的是外面是暗淡的冷色调的约克郡荒原。她还这样形容道:“绯红色调的家具让整个房间看上去非常的暖和,干净,舒服。”

42、gallium alloy (gallium predominating), malleable, unwrought ─── 镓合金(镓为主要万分)有展性未经锻造

43、a dramatic composition involving elements of both tragedy and comedy usually with the tragic predominating. ─── 既有悲剧成分又有喜剧成分的戏剧作品,通常悲剧成分占主体。

44、In Filling moment,basins of predominating fluvial facies consists of alluvial fan sets,flood plain sets and lakeshore plain-delta sets. ─── 在以河流沉积为主的盆地充填阶段主要由洪(冲)积扇组合、洪泛平原组合和湖岸平原-三角洲组合三种组合模式构成。

45、Small and large, ill-defined lung nodules are isible, predominating in relation to the peribronchoascular interstitium and in a centrilobular location.Interlobular septal thickening is also isible. ─── 本例可见大小不一、边界不清的多发性结节,以支气管血管周围间质及小叶中心区为主,亦可见小叶间隔增厚。

46、Localised amyloidosis is a rare lesion of the upper aero-digestive tract, predominating in the larynx. ─── 本地化的淀粉样变性是一种罕见的病变上呼吸消化道,主要的在喉。

47、AZONA is predominating at the forefront within the fashion world. ─── AZONA站稳在时装世界之最前线。

48、Light has a predominating influence in setting the clock. ─── 在设置时钟时,光起着主导作用。

49、cobalt-iron-chromium alloy (cobalt predominating), malleable, unwrought ─── 可锻钴铁铬合金(钴为主要成分),未经锻造的

50、your comments involved with lots of useful information which now impluse me to predominating one phrase after another. ─── 你的评论里面包含着很多的知识点,促使着我掌握了一个又一个的单词与词组。

51、In general, elephants eat a higher percentage of grass during the wet season, with foliage, roots and bark predominating in the dry months. ─── 总的说来,在雨季大象会食用更多的草类,而在旱季更多的则是树叶,树根和树皮。

52、Ferrous metals clad with another ferrous metal are to be classified as products of the ferrous metal predominating by weight. ─── 用一种黑色金属包覆不同种类的黑色金属,应按其中重量最大的材料归类。

53、In all well-organized brains, the predominating idea and there always is one is sure to be the last thought before sleeping, and the first upon waking in the morning. ─── 凡是条理清晰的头脑里,晚上临睡前的最后一个念头和早晨醒来时的第一个念头总是相同的。

54、They own functions of predominating and infiltrating. ─── 主流价值和文化观念具有统摄和渗透功能。

55、Which instigates the moral reflection that life is made up of sobs, sniffles(=snuffle), and smiles, with sniffles predominating. ─── 继而产生一种精神上的感慨:人生就是由啜泣、抽噎和微笑构成的啊,而最主要的是抽噎。

56、Life is made up of sobs, sniffles, and smiles with sniffles predominating. ─── 人生是由呜咽、抽泣和微笑组成的,而在三者之中,抽泣处于支配地位。

57、Your brain waves slow down a bit too, with the alpha rhythm of rather fast waves predominating for the first few minutes. ─── 除了开始几分钟比较快的节奏外,脑电波也稍有减缓。

58、indium alloy (indium predominating), malleable unwrought ─── 铟合金(铟是其中主要成分)有展性的,未锻造的

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