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08-19 投稿


swath 发音

英:[swɑ?θ]  美:[sw?θ]

英:  美:

swath 中文意思翻译



swath 词性/词形变化,swath变形

异体字: swathe |

swath 短语词组

1、swath stick socket ( ─── 割草机的)拨草杆窝座

2、cut a wide swath v. ─── 炫耀

3、swath adjustment ─── 线束调整

4、swath or swathe ─── 板条还是 ─── 板条

5、swath distributor ─── 草条撒散机

6、swath synonym ─── 线束同义词

swath 相似词语短语

1、swash ─── n.虚张声势;泼水声;吓唬;vi.飞溅;恐吓;vt.冲洗;泼;n.(Swash)人名;(英)斯沃什

2、swathe ─── n.(割了庄稼的)一长条田地;一长条;绷带,包装物;v.包,裹;紧绑

3、swatch ─── n.样本,样品

4、swathy ─── 斯瓦蒂

5、swat ─── n.用劲打击;重拍;全垒打;vt.重拍;猛击;用力击出(远距离球)

6、snath ─── n.大镰刀刀柄

7、swaths ─── n.细长的列;收割的刈痕;收割的宽度

8、swarth ─── n.草地(等于sward)

9、scath ─── 斯卡思

swath 习惯用语

1、cut a swath ─── 炫耀; 招摇过市; 出风头; 惹人注目 ─── 严重摧残; 大肆破坏

swath 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、I see this affecting a wide swath of companies. ─── 我认为,这影响到范围相当广的一批公司。


3、Equally formidable is Microsoft, cutting its impressive swath through the software world ─── 另一个巨人是微软,它是软件业的霸主。

4、2"(5.1 Cm) wide cleaning blast swath - ideal for general degreasing and industrial clean-ups. ─── 2英寸(5.1厘米)宽清洁喷射幅区-最适合一般除油和工业清理。

5、Numerical study of the motion response prediction of SWATH ship in waves ─── 小水线面双体船在波浪中的运动响应预报

6、As they stared at a computer, three shots of the same swath of sky, made a few minutes apart, cycled onto the screen. ─── 他们盯着电脑屏幕时,间隔了几分钟的、面对天空中同一条细痕的三帧图片引起了他们的注意。

7、Finite element method based structural optimization for SWATH ─── 基于有限元法的小水线面双体船结构优化

8、spraying swath ─── 喷幅

9、A simple method to generating mold line of SWATH ─── 一种生成小水线面双体船型线的简单方法

10、"For Marr!"He charged into the fray and swung his blade back and forth, cutting a swath into the ogre battle line. ─── 他冲入激战中的人群,来回挥舞着他的宝剑,在巨魔的战线上杀出了一个缺口。

11、Agricultural machinery - Tedders and swath rakes with powered tools - Safety. ─── 农用机械。动力摊草机和搂草机。安全。

12、China, long a land of big potential, has become increasingly vital to growth and profitability for a wide swath of companies, especially as the U.S. economy has sagged. ─── 奥运官员表示,由于实行交通管制,一些要人将不得不放弃通常的豪华汽车,改乘巴士了(当然是豪华巴士)。

13、"He cut a bold and even sacrificial swath across American politics" (Gail Sheehy) ─── “他以大胆勇猛甚至牺牲精神而在美国政界出尽风头”(盖尔·希伊)

14、swath width ─── 地带宽度

15、SWATH is a new kind of ship types due to its excellent powering and seakeeping performances as well as stability. ─── 小水线面双体船(SWATH)由于具有良好的船舶快速性、耐波性、稳性和效率高等特点,已经成为新船型的代表。

16、In each case only a vertical swath of the face within the outer corners of the eyes is analyzed, in order to minimize the effects of head rotation. ─── 为了尽量减少头部旋转效果,只对包含外眼角的人脸垂直扫描图进行分析。

17、But among a huge swath of Chinese, the Games have taken on a meaning both more benign and more complex. ─── 但对相当一部分中国人来说,奥运会承载的意义更善意,也更为复杂。

18、Multi-beam swath bathymetric technologies ─── 多波束条带测深技术

19、This primary rainbow is the brightest color swath in the above image. ─── 在上面这张影像中,最主要的彩虹颜色最亮。

20、widen swath ─── 加宽割幅

21、the surprising 17th Arrondissement, which cuts a generous swath across northwest Paris(bJean Rafferty) ─── 占据巴黎西北大片地区的令人惊讶的第十七区(b简 拉夫尔蒂)

22、Tourists, astronomers and residents across a swath of Asia turned their eyes to the heavens today as the longest eclipse of the 21st century arrived. ─── 今天,在21世纪持续时间最长的月食过程中,亚洲一带的旅行者、天文学家以及当地居民仰望苍穹观看这一奇观。

23、And at your feet is a swath of ants bearing triangular bits of green leaf. ─── 在脚下,则有一长列蚂蚁背负着三角形的绿叶碎片。

24、Research on the 120 Type Widen Swath of Self Paddy Rice Harvester ─── 120型自走水稻收割机加宽割幅的研究

25、Uthorin gestured to the rear of the Ark.Perhaps a dozen more of the floating fortresses followed behind, spread across a great swath of ocean. ─── 乌索林指向方舟的后面,有十多个浮游城堡跟随在后,队列就像把海洋狠狠的割开。

26、Therefore strengthens to the SWATH ship control method research has the vital significance. ─── 不但可以充实小水线面双体船减摇方面的研究材料;

27、At night, when the pupil dilates dramatically to allow maximum light to enter, your eye is using a much larger swath of its lens to see. ─── 夜间瞳孔扩大,以便让更多光线进入眼球,在这种情况下,眼睛看到的物体所呈的像落在晶状体后面。

28、"the surprising 17th Arrondissement, which cuts a generous swath across northwest Paris" (Jean Rafferty) ─── “占据巴黎西北大片地区的令人惊讶的第十七区”(简·拉夫尔蒂)

29、Research on Method of SWATH Ship Form Desgin ─── 小水线面双体船型线设计方法研究

30、But across a swath of the US, it's turning out to be a white Easter. ─── 但是从美国横带地区看,却呈现出一个白色复活节。

31、double struts SWATH ─── 双支柱SWATH

32、In a hectic, confusing world, it helps to step out into a quiet, clear swath of moonlight, to seek out the fundamentals and eschew the incidentals. ─── 在一个喧嚣、混乱的世界上,走进一片宁静、清新的月光,去寻循事物的根本,避开不期而至的变故,那可真是大有裨益。

33、At night, when the pupil dilates dramatically to allow maximum light to enter, your eye is using a much larger swath of its lens to see. ─── 夜间瞳孔扩大,以便让更多光线进入眼球,在这种情况下,眼睛看到的物体所呈的像落在晶状体后面。

34、With his powerful build and the swath of silver in his midnight dark hair, Matthias was more than magnificent. ─── 体格魁武强壮、黑发上有道银丝的麦修怎是一个帅字所能形容?

35、On Jan. 10, blizzards started to pummel a huge swath of central and southern China. ─── 到了1月10日,暴风雪开始席卷华中和华南地区。

36、Wide swath imaging ─── 大测绘带成像

37、swath loader ─── 叉式装载机

38、Their failure, which is now a present danger, could produce more financial contagion and reduce credit to a swath of the real economy. ─── 它们倒闭的危险已经迫在眉睫,如果任其发生,可能带来更大的金融冲击,将信贷缩减至实体经济的一小部分。

39、After pillaging a broad swath of cities in his path, he was near obtaining the surrender of Orleans when the combined Roman and Visigoth armies arrived and forced Attila's retreat to the northeast. ─── 他对途径的大片城市进行掠夺。就在奥尔良快要向他投降的时候,罗马和四哥特人的联合部队到来了,迫使阿堤拉向东北撤退。

40、The twister was part of a storms system that devastated a swath of northwestern Alabama and southeastern Georgia in March 2007. ─── 2007年三月,西北阿拉巴马州到东南乔治亚州的被龙卷风大肆破坏。龙卷风是风暴的一部分。

41、I'm shelving my much loved shadow priest until they work this swath of problems out, and give us something not just practical but fun as an end talent. ─── 如果你想让你的车看起来总像是赢得车展大奖归来,可能就需要选用优质车蜡,并加大抛光和打蜡的频率。

42、cut a wide swath ─── v. 炫耀, 引起注意

43、And it is in the midst of a strong seismic zone that stretches in a broad swath from Turkey to the Arabian Sea near India. ─── 而且,他还处在强震带中心,这条地震带宽而长,一直从土耳其延伸到印度边上的阿拉伯海。

44、Seen in silhouette against a bright bulge of stars, the swath of cosmic dust lanes lends a hat-like appearance to the galaxy in optical images suggesting the more popular moniker, The Sombrero Galaxy. ─── 在鼓胀星系核心的明亮恒星之衬托下,可见光影像里的这道尘埃带,具有墨西哥草帽的外观,也因此让它获得草帽星系的昵称。

45、Wide swath ─── 宽测绘带

46、Opposite, the "Fragrance at Eventide" building rose chastely in the moonlight; before it spread a swath of white flowers. ─── 对面的晚香楼冷清清地耸立在银光下面,楼前是一片雪白的花朵。

47、Distributed small satellite SAR can overcome the traditional contradiction of swath and azimuth resolution. ─── 分布式小卫星SAR能够打破传统单星SAR测绘带宽和方位分辨率的矛盾。

48、An early example is the well-known attempt in the late 1970s to examine the collapse of the Classic Maya civilization, which dominated a vast swath of Mexico and Central America from A. ─── 1970年代末,这个方法刚发展不久,就有个非常有名的应用例子:古典马雅文明的崩溃过程。

49、Hydrodynamic Force Calculation of SWATH in Wave ─── 小水线面双体船在波浪中的水动力计算

50、Therefore the fuzzy control with self-tuning algorithm developed here can be regarded as an efficient tool for analyzing the performance of control fins of the SWATH ship in irregular waves. ─── 因此,本文所发展之自调式模糊控制逻辑,可视为小水面双体船控制翼在不规则波中操控运动性能的一项有效分析工具。

51、Analysis of spatial and temporal stability of airborne laser swath mapping data in feature space ─── 在特征空间中机载激光幅图像资料时空稳定性的分析

52、the surprising 17th Arrondissement, which cuts a generous swath across northwest Paris(Jean Rafferty) ─── 占据巴黎西北大片地区的令人惊讶的第十七区(简 拉夫尔蒂)

53、cut a swath ─── vi. 割草开中(炫耀)

54、She's part of an interdenominational prayer circle that covers a great swath of western Washington. ─── 她们的圈子很广,分布在整个华盛顿州的西部。

55、The temblor rattled a large swath of Southern California but caused little damage. ─── 地震遁辞了南加州大部分地区,不过造成的损失较小。

56、Development of the swath profile tool based on ArcView GIS and its application in morphometric analysis ─── 基于ArcView的带状剖面工具开发及在地貌分析中的应用

57、The blast swath width determines the ice distribution onto the cleaning surface. ─── 喷射幅区的宽度决定干冰在清洁表面上的分布。

58、The international Disaster Monitoring Constellation (DMC) was designed by SSTL to provide wide swath multispectral imaging of any part of the world every day. ─── 国际灾难监测卫星(DMC)是英国萨里卫星技术有限公司(SSTL)所设计的,可以每天提供世界任何地方的宽覆盖多光谱成像。

59、Floridians line up for water, gas, ice and generators outside the few stores open after Hurricane Wilma cuts a costly deadly swath across the peninsula. ─── 在威尔玛飓风横扫整个佛罗里达半岛过后,佛罗里达居民在少数几个还营业的商店外排队购买饮用水,汽油,冰块和发电机。

60、Cut a swath: To extend in distinctive physical length and width ─── 在特殊的自然长度和宽度内延伸

61、The eight minute trek left a swath of damage in his Palm Beach Gardens neighborhood Friday.The boy smashed mailboxes, hit parked cars and signposts.He was unhurt. ─── 周五,他这八分钟的“跋涉”给棕榈滩花园附近地区造成了大片的破坏,撞坏邮箱,路标和停在路边的汽车,但他本人安然无恙。

62、the surprising 17th Arrondissement,which cuts a generous swath across northwest Paris(Jean Rafferty) ─── 占据巴黎西北大片地区的令人惊讶的第十七区(简·拉夫尔蒂)

63、And if you believe the Ameri-can who is farming it, this incongru-ous swath of green has the potential to feed the world, fuel our vehicles and slow global warming. ─── 如果你相信负责耕种这种作物的美国人,这一长条突兀的绿色作物,有潜力可以供应全世界粮食,提供汽车燃料,并减缓全球暖化。

64、The earthquake devastated a huge swath of Sichuan. ─── 地震摧毁了四川的一大片带状区域。

65、Multibeam Echosounder System can provide a swath bathymetric survey, the ray will bend because of the inhomogeneities of the sea water. ─── 多波束测深技术是近几年比较流行的海洋勘测手段之一,其具有全覆盖、遗漏、精度和高效率等特点。

66、the surprising 17th Arrondissement,which cuts a generous swath across northwest Paris(bJean Rafferty) ─── 占据巴黎西北大片地区的令人惊讶的第十七区(b简·拉夫尔蒂)

67、Usually I would see the track first, a vivid black line standing out against the lesser blackness, like the swath of a bulldozer. ─── 通常我会先看看它们的踪迹,一条从浅黑中显示鲜明的黑线,像推土机划过后留下的刈痕。

68、But the Polish zloty's depreciation suddenly threatened a swath of the party's voters who had taken out euro-denominated loans, analysts said. ─── 但分析家说,有不少支持该党的选民背负以欧元计价的贷款,他们因波币兹罗提贬值骤遭威胁。

69、Swath after swath fell to his sickle, and sheaf after sheaf piled up. ─── 一行接一行的庄稼倒在了他的镰刀下,一捆捆的庄稼堆了起来。

70、So, it has most important significance to research the motions and the stabilizing fin of the SWATH ship. ─── 加强对小水线面双体船纵向运动和稳定性的研究,具有重要而深远的影响。

71、Swath (n.): the space or width covered with one cut of a scythe or other mowing device ─── 刈幅(挥动镰刀所及的面积)

72、small-waterplane-area twin-hull ships(SWATH) ─── SWATH

73、Acadia National Park, Maine Long Caption: Sunlight filters through a fog-shrouded swath of Acadia National Park, Maine. ─── 国家公园图片画廊。阿卡迪亚国家公园,缅因州长的标题:日光渗透越过一层雾覆盖的足迹在阿卡迪亚国家公园,缅因州。

74、He cut a bold and even sacrificial swath across American politics(Gail Sheehy) ─── 他以大胆勇猛甚至牺牲精神而在美国政界出尽风头(盖尔 希伊)

75、Transformed in Piraeus, Greece in 2005, Asia Star is equipped with SWATH technology and state-of-the-art navigation, which provides passenger extra stable at sea. ─── 亚洲之星在2005年于希腊的比雷艾夫斯改造成全球独有的双体式设计,并配备先进的导航系统,务求为乘客提供更豪华、更稳定舒适、安全可靠的海上旅程。

76、Lash wasn't sure. If the Spartans had been here, he'd expect there to be a swath of destruction. "Planetary energy sources? " he asked Yang. ─── 拉稀不知道。如果斯巴达到过这儿,他期望这已经被炸烂了。“检查行星能量发射?”他问杨。

77、That singer cut a swath on the stage in the small town. ─── 那个歌手在这个小镇的舞台上出尽了风头。

78、Wally gardens along one of Kinshasa's main arteries, in what used to be a vast, abandoned swath of weeds. ─── Wally的种植园是在金沙萨一条主干道的沿线,那里曾是一大片荒地,野草丛生。

79、The performance superiority of SWATH ship and its application ─── 小水线面双体船的性能优势及其应用概况

80、Or a swath of unbroken, unblemished skin? ─── 还是一片没有破损、没有污点的皮肤?

81、Surf spreads a foamy swath over a black beach in Gomera in Spain's Canary Islands. ─── 在西班牙的加那利群岛,有被海浪冲刷出泡沫似的黑沙滩。

82、A respond to moving SWATH ship with vertical pole in sea wave ─── 垂直支柱小水线面双体船在波浪中的动态响应

83、That result would seem to rule out a large swath of possible masses and interaction strengths, including the values seen by PVLAS. ─── 这项结果于是排除了某个大范围的轴子可能质量,以及其作用力强度,包括从PVLAS所观测到的数值。

84、swath harvesting ─── 分段收割

85、Small Water-Plane Area Twin Hull(SWATH) ─── 小水线面双体船

86、Yu leapt out of the car to take photos of a pair of bulldozers that looked tiny against the vast swath of empty land where they were mounding up dirt. ─── 在官员的视线范围之外,俞教授把他的镜头对准了一个白杨树上的鸟窝,树的旁边是准备给人工湖泊供水的地下泉水。

87、Multi-beam swath bathymeter is a seafloor mapping equipment which has high efficiency of measuring, high precision of measuring, high resolution of measuring.It fits for wide sweep mapping especially. ─── 多波束条带测深仪是一种具有高测量效率、高测量精度、高分辨率的海底地形测量设备,特别适合于大面积的扫海测量作业。

88、cut a (wide) swath ─── 夸耀,炫耀

89、Keywords multi-beam Swath Bathymeter;digital chart;mosaic technique;data post-processing technique; ─── 多波束测深;数字海图;拼图技术;后置处理;

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